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IJORER : International Journal of Recent Educational Research
ISSN : 2721852X     EISSN : 27217965     DOI :
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IJORER is an international journal (double-blind peer review) that focuses on Recent Educational Research. The journal concerns in Recent Educational Research accepts articles in the field of Education: instruction, learning, teaching, curriculum development, learning environments, teacher education, educational technology, and educational developments. IJORER is an internationally recognized journal in the field of education and is published four times a year (in January, April, July & October). Studies may relate to any age level - from infants to adults. IJORER, being an international journal, our editorial advisory board members are from various countries around the world. All manuscripts sent to IJORER will be read and reviewed with a confidential identity (double-blind peer review) by at least 2 peer reviewers who are experts in their fields. Depending on the evaluation reports of the members of the Editorial Advisory Board and peer reviewer, articles are published or not. The authors are responsible for the errors, if any, in their published articles. The articles need to be not published elsewhere previously.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 271 Documents
Development of OCIPSE Learning Model to Increase Students’ Scientific Creativity in Natural Science Learning Rizqi; Prabowo; Tjandra Kirana
IJORER : International Journal of Recent Educational Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46245/ijorer.v1i1.10


This Research & Development (R & D) has the main goal to develop and produce OCIPSE learning model. The main product of this research is the OCIPSE learning model with five phases, they are 1) Orient and organize the students for study; 2) Collaborative Investigation; 3) Presentation and discussion; 4) Strengthening of scientific creativity; and 5) Evaluate and provide recognition. The OCIPSE learning model’ quality data is obtained through an expert validation process by using the OCIPSE learning model Qualification Assessment Instrument. The OCIPSE learning model quality analysis used an average validity score, single measures ICC, and Cronbach's coefficient alpha. The result of the research shows OCIPSE learning model with average content validity (3.69), construct validity (3.69), with the validity of each aspect statistically in (rα = .92) and reliability in (α = .87). The results of this study indicate that the developed OCIPSE learning model was declared qualified by experts. The research implication is that a qualified OCIPSE learning model can be used to enhance the scientific creativity of junior high school students in natural science learning.
Meeting Standards through Integrated Curriculum: Point of View by Sussan M. Drake and Rebecca C. Bruns Taseman; Wilujeng Asih Purwani; Safaruddin; Nasrul Fuad Erfansyah; Ratna Pangastuti; Abdul Malik Dachlan; Nukh Khozain
IJORER : International Journal of Recent Educational Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46245/ijorer.v1i1.11


Through an integrated curriculum, it is expected that the fulfillment of a maximum standard of learning for students' problems while learning, the integrated curriculum will determine the content, processes, materials, and learning materials that teachers do to students in the classroom. Students who have problems are expected to be able to overcome the problem both those who lack achievement and are left behind, the evaluation carried out is also expected to be able to measure the ability of students to improve learning that has been done, besides it can be compared between one school to another with an evaluation. So we need a standard-based approach and an integrated curriculum, the second offers several strategies in developing an integrated curriculum that has been proven in its implementation, thirdly to validate an integrated curriculum by offering examples of integrated curricula that have proven to be successful.
Blended Formula Four Di (4D) with Actor Network Theory to Increases the Outcome of Literacy Culture Tri Wahyu Liswati
IJORER : International Journal of Recent Educational Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46245/ijorer.v1i1.12


The purpose of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Blended Formula Four Di (4D) with Actor Network Theory in increasing the outcome of literacy culture is a case study that involves all school members. The obtained data were analysed by using qualitative descriptive methods. The analysis results inform that the Blended Formula Four Di (4D) with Actor Network Theory has proven to be effective in improving the outcome of literacy culture in schools. The application of "Blended Formula Four Di (4D) with Actor Network Theory to Increases The Outcome of Literacy Culture" is also able to improve literacy culture in SMAN 1 Ngimbang with indicators (1) increasing the number of visitors and borrowers in the library, (2) increasing the writing of the school residents, and (3) becoming the winner of the library competition.
CCDSR Learning Model: Innovation in Physics Learning Iqbal Limatahu; Husni Mubarok
IJORER : International Journal of Recent Educational Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46245/ijorer.v1i1.13


The purpose of this research is to analyze the validity of the CCDSR learning model. The CCDSR learning model that was developed was validated by 3 experts in a discussion forum commonly called Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The results of the validator assessment indicate that the content and construct validity of the CCDSR learning model are very valid criteria. The valid CCDSR learning model means having several characteristics, namely meeting the need (need), state (the state of the art), having a strong theoretical and empirical foundation, and there is consistency between the components of the model. The CCDSR learning model is included in the criteria of validity, both content and construct so that it can be used as a guide in preparing plans to improve science process skills (SPS) and SPS learning for students of prospective physics teachers.
Study on Implementation of Integrated Curriculum in Indonesia Erwin Akib; Muhammad Erwinto Imran; Saiyidah Mahtari; Muhammad Rifqi Mahmud; Anggy Giri Prawiyogy; Irfan Supriatna; MT. Hartono Ikhsan
IJORER : International Journal of Recent Educational Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46245/ijorer.v1i1.24


An integrated curriculum is an educational approach that prepares students to face lifelong learning. In curriculum integration, schools must view education as a process of developing the abilities needed in life, especially in facing 21st-century life challenges, not discrete subjects that are divided into different fields. Integrated learning will provide the opportunity for students to understand the complex problems that exist in the surrounding environment with a complete view. With this integrated learning, students are expected to have the ability to identify, gather, assess, and use information that is around them meaningfully. This can be obtained not only through the provision of new knowledge to students but also through the opportunity to strengthen and apply it in a variety of increasingly diverse new situations. The main focus of this article is to analyze the implementation of integrated learning in the curriculum in Indonesia. The integrated curriculum developed by Robin Fogarty has many advantages that can be adapted in the development of education in Indonesia, including the revised Curriculum 2013. Academics and practitioners must comprehensively understand the nature of the ten curriculum models (Robin Fogarty) and Curriculum 2013 before making tools and implementing them in learning.
Philosophical Reflections: Critical Analysis of Learning Strategies for Science Practicum During the COVID-19 Pandemic Budiyono Saputro; Muh Saerozi; Fadhil Ardhiansyah
IJORER : International Journal of Recent Educational Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): July
Publisher : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46245/ijorer.v1i2.26


The purpose of this study is to obtain a critical description of the learning strategy for science practicum during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research method was a qualitative descriptive study. The respondents of this study were lecturers and students of the Natural Sciences within the Indonesia Natural Sciences Tadris Association. The research instruments were in the form of questionnaires and a list of questions related to the learning of science practicum during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results showed the highest percentage of each learning strategy indicator for science practicum used by lecturers as follows: (1) 68.75% for the student center approach, (2) 50% for problem-based learning strategy, (3) 31.25% for self-practicum technique, (4) 31.25% for WhatsApp media, (5) 31.25% for self-assignment evaluation, (6) 93.75% for the indicator of the success of self-practicum, (7) 68.75% social media and signal supporting factors, (8) 31.25% for internet network obstacle, (9) 68.75% for the method to discover the practicum skills by playing the video of student’s results of practicum at home. The recommendation of this study should be carried out independently in each student's home by utilizing tools and materials around their environment and evaluation of learning is done through self-assignments or practicum videos sent to lecturers.
Psychomotor Skills of Pre-service Teachers of Natural Science on Melde’s Experiment in Guided Inquiry Learning Septi Budi Sartika; Noly Shofiyah
IJORER : International Journal of Recent Educational Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): July
Publisher : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46245/ijorer.v1i2.32


This research aimed to describe the psychomotor skills of pre-service teachers of natural science on Melde’s Experiment through guided inquiry learning. Psychomotor skills were assessed by observation during students conduct the Melde’ s experiment. This research method used was descriptive quantitative in which the authors described the research variables from the collected data. The study was conducted on a pre-service natural science teacher who learns the Optic and Geometry Course. The data analysis uses descriptive statistical. The results showed that the psychomotor skills of pre-service teachers of natural science are categorized as very good in manipulation, good in precision and articulation; fair in imitation and naturalization domain. The lowest category of psychomotor indicators is naturalization. Naturalization is doing related activities according to the skills that are owned, a sample designing experiment with different variables. Different variables with the module make the prospective teacher’s students think hard to create the experimental draft, consequently, the experimental design and findings are not equal to the theory. Further research is expected to have a learning model that is capable of training better psychomotor skills.
Implementation of Integrated Science Model With Audiovisual Teaching Materials To Improve Students’ Learning Outcomes and Science Process Skills Emilia Candrawati; Sumpono; Agus Sundaryono; Mellyta Uliyadari
IJORER : International Journal of Recent Educational Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): July
Publisher : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46245/ijorer.v1i2.34


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the integrated science learning type connected to achieving basic competencies and improving science process skills. This study uses a 4-D development model that is defined, design, develop, and disseminate with one-group posttest design implemented in 5th-semester students of Chemistry Education, University of Bengkulu. The research instrument is a posttest question to measure learning outcomes and observation sheets to measure science process skills. The teaching materials used are sourced from part of the process and the results of the activity test of palm oil endophytic bacteria ethyl acetate extract against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. by TLC-bioautography is packaged in the form of learning videos. The results showed that the Integrated Science type of Connected model was used effectively to improve student learning outcomes and science process skills.
Development of an Inquiry-Based Science Learning Material Using Flash Card to Reduce Misconception of Elementary School Students Intan Ika Ashhabul Maimanah; Suryanti; Nadi Suprapto
IJORER : International Journal of Recent Educational Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): July
Publisher : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46245/ijorer.v1i2.35


This study is development research with the aim the knowing of validity, effectiveness, and practicality of inquiry-based learning tools assisted by flashcard media to reduce misconceptions of elementary school students on light concept. Before and after the learning materials implemented, the pretest and posttest were carried out. Identification of students' misconceptions was utilized by using the three-tiers diagnostic test. The data analysis technique used quantitative descriptive. The results of the study showed: (1) The validity of the learning materials was declared to be very valid by the validator, (2) The practicality of the materials developed was declared practical by the observer in terms of aspects of the device's implementation and student activities in learning which were categorized very well, and (3) the effectiveness of the learning materials being developed was declared effective in terms of the application of the materials which had an impact on reducing students' misconceptions which initially amounted to 57.33% down to 17.33%. An Inquiry-based science learning device assisted with flashcard media that has been developed, was feasible with valid, practical, and effective criteria, and also can be used to reduce science misconceptions on elementary students on light material.
Improved Learning Outcomes of Sociology Subject of Social Interaction (Advertising) in Class X Students of State Senior High School 3 Sungguminasa Gowa Sulvahrul Amin; Maria Ulviani
IJORER : International Journal of Recent Educational Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): July
Publisher : Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46245/ijorer.v1i2.36


The main problem in this research is how to improve the results of the sociology learning subject of social interaction (advertising) through a type of Jigsaw cooperative learning model in class X students at State Senior High School 3 Sungguminasa Gowa. This study aimed to improve the results of the sociology learning subject of social interaction (advertising) in class X students at State Senior High School 3 Sungguminasa Gowa. This type of research was a classroom action research consists of two cycles that conducted four times. Research procedures include planning, implementing actions, observing, and reflecting. The results showed that in the first cycle that was done, it has not been fulfilled because the average value obtained is 65.78. Whereas in the second cycle, from 27 students, there were 24 students or 88.89 had met the KKM and had been fulfilled the average value is 78.9 or in the high category, while the KKM standard was 70. Based on the findings of the research above it can be concluded the learning outcomes of class X sociology students at State Senior High School 3 Sungguminasa Gowa increased.

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