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Jurnal Abdimas ADPI Sosial Dan Humaniora
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Peraturan Menteri Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia Nomor 44 Tahun 2015 menjelaskan bahwa Standar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi disamping terkait dengan Standar Nasional Pendidikan dan Standar Nasional Penelitian, juga mensyaratkan adanya Standar Nasional Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM). Dimana Standar Nasional Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat adalah kriteria minimal tentang sistem pengabdian kepada masyarakat pada Perguruan Tinggi yang berlaku di seluruh wilayah hukum Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia ADPI Memfasilitasi Penerbitan Artikel ilmiah dalam ruang lingkup Sosial Humaniora
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Implementasi PHBS dengan Dukungan Budaya 5R dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan Bersih dan Sehat di Pondok Pesantren Fany Apriliani; Henny Endah Anggraeni; Ika Resmeiliana; Yudith Vega Paramitadevi
Jurnal Abdimas Adpi Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 3 No. 4 (2022): Jurnal Abdimas ADPI Sosial dan Humaniora
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47841/jsoshum.v3i4.250


Islamic boarding schools are national education providers based on the Islamic curriculum and general education. Education and health must move in tandem so that students can study and do activities well. Problems that often occur in Islamic boarding schools are related to the application of clean and healthy living behavior (CHLB) and 5R culture. The purpose is to know the implementation of CHLB and 5R culture in women's boarding school Thoyyibah Al Islami, Bogor. The methods are training, questionnaires, observation, and designing guide booklets. The results show that the student’s understanding of the 5R culture and PHBS reached 89.5% and 98.3%, respectively. In its implementation, all students stated that they always use the toilet to bathe and defecate, use clean water, and do not smoke or consume drugs. Furthermore, 84.8% of students stated that they always clean their bedrooms and the environment regularly. They always wash their hands with soap and running water reaching 72.7%, and always dispose of garbage in the proper place reaching 69.7%. Meanwhile, students who always consume nutritious food and eradicate mosquitoes are relatively low, at 51.5% and 42.4%, respectively. The guide booklet is designed to increase participation in sustainably managing a clean and healthy environment.
Penulisan Abstrak Berbahasa Inggris untuk Karya Tulis Ilmiah Mike Sari; Pretty Elisa Ayu Ningsih; Tri Saswandi; Rodiyal Ihsan
Jurnal Abdimas Adpi Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 3 No. 4 (2022): Jurnal Abdimas ADPI Sosial dan Humaniora
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47841/jsoshum.v3i4.252


In composing a scientific paper, unique is one of the foremost critical parts. Abstacrt is portion of logical paper that contained data around the paper itself. Theoretical is composed briefly, concisely, and conclusively. Be that as it may, STKIP Muhammadiyah Sungai Penuh understudies still faound challenges in composing a unique one. This movement pointed to socialize almost methods in composing an English theoretical for the logical composing to the understudies. the strategy utilized in this movement was socialization and address by the speaker who were the PkM group. This group was comprised of 4 English Think about Program speakers of STKIP Muhammadiyah Sungai Penuh. The result of this movement appeared that the understudies were able to (1) know what theoretical is (2) know the function of theoretical within the logical composing (3) utilize the fitting tenses in writing English theoretical. The victory of this action can be seen from the assessment did by the PkM group amid this movement handle and it might moreover be seen from the assessment did by the PkM group amid this movement handle, the process of oral test, questions and answer session, and it seem too be seen from the criticism given by the understudies at the conclusion of this action.
Pelatihan dalam Meningkatkan Pengetahuan dan Keterampilan Karyawan dalam Menganyam Rotan Adie Irwan Kusumah; Nunung Nurnilasari
Jurnal Abdimas Adpi Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 3 No. 4 (2022): Jurnal Abdimas ADPI Sosial dan Humaniora
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47841/jsoshum.v3i4.253


The training was carried out for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME’s), especially in the medium business category, namely at PT. Prunabon Global Supplies Indonesia which is in Cirebon Regency for 4 (four) days, namely on 17 – 20 October 2022. The factor of a lack of human resources who are less skilled in rattan weaving and the demand for production results is not balanced, will have an impact on how the training method work according to the needs in increasing knowledge and skills. The purpose of the training is to improve capabilities in terms of knowledge and skills of employees so that employees are better and can achieve optimal work results. The method used is the hall method and the demonstration method. The results show that through training, employees improve in terms of knowledge and skills in weaving rattan handicrafts.   Abstrak Pelatihan dilaksanakan pada Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) terkhusus pada kategori usaha menengah yaitu PT. Prunabon Global Supplies Indonesia yang berada di Kabupaten Cirebon selama 4 (empat) hari yakni pada tanggal 17 – 20 Oktober 2022. Faktor minimnya sumber daya manusia dalam perihal keterampilan pada hal penganyaman rotan juga permintaan daripada hasil produksi tidak seimbang, akan berdampak pada bagaimana metode pelatihan kerja yang disesuaikan dengan keperluan dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan serta keterampilan. Tujuan dari pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kemamampuan dalam hal pengetahuan dan keterampilan karyawan sehingga karyawan lebih baik dan bisa mencapai hasil kerja yang optimal. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode aula/balai dan metode demonstrasi. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa melalui pelatihan, karyawan peningkatan dalam aspek pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam menganyam kerajian rotan.
Edukasi 5S di Lingkungan SMK Plus Trimitsa Bersama Dosen dan Mahasiswa JGU Ayu Nurul Haryudiniarti; Sinta Restuasih; Brainvendra Widi Dionova; Mohamad Zaenudin; Yasya Khalif Perdana Saleh
Jurnal Abdimas Adpi Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 3 No. 4 (2022): Jurnal Abdimas ADPI Sosial dan Humaniora
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47841/jsoshum.v3i4.255


5S is a work culture from Japan that is easy to apply in daily activities, the 5S concept is simple so that it is easy for anyone to understand and understand. The introduction of 5S to Trimitsa Plus Vocational High School students was preceded by introducing what S consists of five parts, namely Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke. The implementation of community service activities for SMK Plus Trimitsa students is a form of the JGU campus' contribution to the surrounding environment. This activity involved JGU campus students and lecturers who served as material presenters, escorted educational games about 5S and also helped implement 5S in the SMK Plus Trimitsa workshop. Students of SMK Plus Trimitsa are given the opportunity to ask questions and answers about 5S so that they can have the same understanding as the presenter of the material and games related to 5S, namely the game of arranging numbers and letters from boxes containing scattered numbers and letters. The aim is for students to be able to understand that there is a difference between messy and tidy working conditions where if a messy work environment will make it difficult for us to work.
Teknik Pengemasan dan Labeling Produk Olahan Makanan Ringan di Desa Pematang Gajah Sophia; Epit Erwandri; Firna Varina
Jurnal Abdimas Adpi Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 3 No. 4 (2022): Jurnal Abdimas ADPI Sosial dan Humaniora
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47841/jsoshum.v3i4.256


Good and attractive product packaging and labeling techniques are needed to support a food product. Not all food business actors such as Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) can apply modern packaging techniques. Until now, product packaging techniques are still a problem for food businesses, especially Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. Problems regarding product packaging and labels become obstacles for the development or progress of a business. The problem that occurs in snack business actors in Pematang Gajah Village is that business actors do not know how to package products in an attractive way so that buyers can easily recognize them. The purpose of community service activities is to transfer packaging knowledge and technology so that production is easy to market. This community service activity takes the form of mentoring, counseling and training for micro-entrepreneurs processing snacks, such as sweet potato chips, banana chips, peanut brittle and fish crackers in Pematang Gajah Village, Jambi Outer City District, Muaro Jambi Regency. Product packaging functions as a means of protecting the product and increasing the attractiveness of the product in the market, while labeling functions as the identity of a product so that consumers can choose the right product.
Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah Bereputasi Bagi Guru Sekolah Dasar Kota Padang Erpidawat; Susi Yuliastanty; Hazlif Nazif
Jurnal Abdimas Adpi Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 3 No. 4 (2022): Jurnal Abdimas ADPI Sosial dan Humaniora
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47841/jsoshum.v3i4.258


Requirements for teacher rank, especially in Group IVa to IVb, require special requirements, namely one journal published with ISSN both nationally and locally, in this case there are still many teachers who do not understand how to write an article taken from an existing PTK. The purpose of this service is to provide training to elementary school teachers in Padang City in writing reputable scientific articles. Until now there are still many Padang City elementary school teachers who have remained in group IVa and even for years now there are mandatory requirements that must be met for credit scores from the sub-element of scientific publications and/or elements of innovative work. The results obtained from this workshop are increasing teachers' understanding of writing reputable scientific papers and producing scientific papers from teachers.
Sosialisasi Hukum Konstitusi Tentang Karakter Mulia Arlis
Jurnal Abdimas Adpi Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 3 No. 4 (2022): Jurnal Abdimas ADPI Sosial dan Humaniora
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47841/jsoshum.v3i4.259


The main issues of this study are about socializing constitutional law on noble character. The research is aimed at determining students' understanding of constitutional law on noble character. The method used is empirical legal research with an approach to the integration of science and legal intensity. The results showed that after socialization, students understood the constitutional law on noble character. The understanding in question includes noble character in the context of Divine Constitutional Law, Prophetic Constitutional Law, Indonesian Constitutional Law, and Andalasian Character. The classification of noble character is very diverse whose essence is the Qur'an character. The character figure of the Qur'an is the Prophet Muhammad SAW inherited by the ulama. The character of the Qur'an became the best and highest standard of character to improve the morale of the nation. Students understand that the mainstay character is a noble character that is coherent with the character of the Qur'an. Students' understanding is important to be followed up with the application of constitutional law with all laws and regulations and implementing regulations All regulations on character are formulated, determined, and applied imbued with a noble character, namely the Qur’an character.
Pelatihan Kreasi Pembelajaran Tari Bagi Guru Seni Budaya di Bandar Lampung Goesthy Ayu Mariana Devi Lestari; Agung Kurniawan; Ricky Marwan Putra
Jurnal Abdimas Adpi Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 3 No. 4 (2022): Jurnal Abdimas ADPI Sosial dan Humaniora
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47841/jsoshum.v3i4.260


The Covid 19 pandemic period presented challenges to all areas of life, including the education sector. The learning process in Indonesia had to be incidentally diverted towards online learning. Constraints and challenges are faced especially for practical learning characteristics, such as arts and culture subjects with main topics such as dance. To get around this, it is necessary to motivate the creativity of arts and culture teachers through training in the creation of art learning, especially dance learning. This activity instills knowledge and skills for teachers to be creative in developing dance learning in arts and culture subjects. This is present as a joint solution in seeking to keep the arts and culture learning process running and the final competence of students can be achieved as expected. The training method is carried out using lecture techniques, discussions and online practice. Through this training, 60% of the participants are confident in designing Blended Learning art and culture learning with more interesting learning media. This activity can help these teachers to design creative and informative learning media with an average achievement of 84.85 which is classified as "very good".  This is a positive indication of the teacher's ability to develop creations in learning arts and culture subjects in schools online.
Penyuluhan Komunikasi Non Verbal Pada Himpunan Pramuwisata Indonesia (HPI) Kabupaten Bogor Imani Satriani; Qoute Nuraini Cahyaningrum
Jurnal Abdimas Adpi Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 3 No. 4 (2022): Jurnal Abdimas ADPI Sosial dan Humaniora
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47841/jsoshum.v3i4.263


Tourism in Bogor Regency always has its own charm for tourists. Tourism activities in Bogor close related with tourguide. Himpunan Pramuwisata Indonesia  (HPI) Bogor is an organization who cope tour  guides in Bogor Districts. Tour guide must have communication ability besides knowledge of tourist destination.  Communication divided into verbal and non verbal communication. Verbal communication like oral and written communication. Non verbal communication like facial expression, gesture, dialect, etc. This Non Verbal Communication counseling is a part of community serices activity with title Public Speaking and Non Verbal Communication for Tourist Guide. This activity aims to optimize tour guide’s knowledge about nonverbal communication and to optimize tour guide’s knowledge about nonverbal communication and it impelementations in tourism activities. Methodes of this PKM implementation are lecture method, disscused and feedback collection method. The results of this community service activities including that HPI members become knowledgeable about non verbal communication in general. HPI members also become knowledeable about non verbal communication for tourism activities.
Pengembangan Desa Surau Sebagai Desa Wisata Berkelanjutan Sri Handayani Hanum; Nurhayati Darubekti; Hajar G. Pramudyasmono; Panji Suminar; Sumarto Widiono
Jurnal Abdimas Adpi Sosial dan Humaniora Vol. 3 No. 4 (2022): Jurnal Abdimas ADPI Sosial dan Humaniora
Publisher : Asosiasi Dosen Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47841/jsoshum.v3i4.265


Indonesia has 74,093 villages and as many as 1,073 villages have the potential to be developed into tourist villages. Surau Village, Bengkulu Province, is one of the villages that has the potential to be developed into a tourist village. The results of mapping the natural potential that can be developed into leading tourist destinations have been carried out and it is agreed that there are six locations that can be developed into tourist destinations, namely Blue Lake, Silver Bridge, White Napal Hill, Geothermal Springs, Waterfalls, Lubuk Vi. Pioneering efforts towards a tourist village have been carried out by the local village government since 2020, but its development has encountered various challenges. Results of PKM activities: implementation of social preparations and agreements on the development of Surau Village as a tourist village, the implementation of grants for physical facilities/facilities that support the attraction of tourism objects, the implementation of mutual cooperation in the construction of physical facilities/facilities in the Rindu Hati River border area and Lubuk Vi, and an increase in the performance and capability of the management and organization of Pokdarwis Widesu. Further assistance is needed from academics as one of the tourisms pentahelix, the media that play a role in forming positive public opinion and information dissemination, and the community that plays a role in realizing Sapta Pesona.

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