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International Journal of Education and Humanities (IJEH) is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers in all areas of education. As an important academic exchange platform, scientists and researchers can know the most up-to-date academic trends and seek valuable primary sources for reference. International Journal of Education and Humanities (IJEH) Research is an open-access journal established to disseminate state-of-the-art knowledge in all areas of education. Papers for publication in the International Journal of Education and Humanities (IJEH) are selected through precise peer-review to ensure quality, originality, appropriateness, significance, and readability. Authors are solicited to contribute to this journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, original surveys, and case studies that describe significant advances in education, training, e-learning, etc. The authors are invited to submit papers to this journal through the ONLINE submission system. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated by the International Journal of Education and Humanities (IJEH). Manuscripts published in the International Journal of Education and Humanities (IJEH) primarily constitute original research, methodologies, methods, and theoretical perspectives relevant to an international audience. The journal includes a particular interest in research toward scholarly analyses of issues and trends that inform educational practice(s) within and/or across sectors. Please make sure to read the instructions for authors before submitting your manuscript. The journal is published online four times a year. Encourage and publish research on the following topics: Education Learning and Teaching Training Humanities Social Science Interdisiinterdisciplinary research
Articles 65 Documents
A Portrait of Teaching and Learning Speaking Strategy at Eighth Grade of English Extracurricular Ririn Alfiyah; Ahmad Zaeni
International Journal of Education and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): International Journal of Education and Humanities (IJEH)
Publisher : Zenius Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (206.075 KB) | DOI: 10.58557/ijeh.v1i1.1


Toddlers have behavioral styles or temperaments that affect sensory and motor interactions. This The aim of this research is to know teaching and learning speaking process in English extracurricular in (Sekolah Menengah Pertama/Junior High School). The method which used in this research is qualitative research. The techniques of collecting data that the researcher used are in depth observation and in dept interview to know about teaching and learning speaking in The EAST class as English extracurricular program. The result of this  research  shows  that  teaching  and  learning  speaking  process  in  English extracurricular program is good, because it does with appropirate approach, method, and technique that the tutors used are suitable to the students needed. Therefor, the students have good progress in learning speaking English. The researcher recommend this extracurricular program to be followed by other schools. Because the researcher saw, in common, people have an assumption that a person who master in foreign language is a person who can speak its language. Speaking is interpreted  as  a  fundamental  subject  for  students  develop  a  successful communication  in  language  itself,  which  is  often  the  main  aim  of  learning  any foreign language.  It takes place that teaching  speaking  has a fundamental position to  teacher  helps  students  in  learning  speaking  English.  Therefor,  teaching  and learning speaking has became important for teachers and students to get the aims of speaking, those are to communicate and interact to others.
Effect of compiling LEGO Play on sensory and motor skills in Toddlers Eqlima Elfira; Bina Melvia Girsang; Indrawati
International Journal of Education and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): International Journal of Education and Humanities (IJEH)
Publisher : Zenius Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (509.866 KB) | DOI: 10.58557/ijeh.v1i1.2


Toddlers have behavioral styles or temperaments that affect sensory and motor interactions. This research effectively deals with children's emotions in providing education by honing their fine and gross motor skills. The research aimed to determine the effect of composing lego on the sensory and motor skills of toddlers. The method in this research is pre-experiment with one intervention group on 10 toddlers. This study used a questionnaire and observation for 2 months given with playing techniques in the open. Of the 10 toddlers, Eight toddlers were found to have creativity in arranging legos according to their imagination, and two toddlers helped the process of compiling legos with happiness and enjoyment. Lego not only trains sensory and motor skills but helps develop toddlers' creativity
Android-Based Learning Media Development Strategies During Pandemic Times To Improve Student Science Literature Kevin William Andri Siahaan; Hisar Marulitua Manurung; Mungkap Mangapul Siahaan
International Journal of Education and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): International Journal of Education and Humanities (IJEH)
Publisher : Zenius Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (265.751 KB) | DOI: 10.58557/ijeh.v1i1.4


This study aims to develop appropriate android-based learning media to improve students' scientific literacy. This study uses the Four D model procedure. In addition to developing android-based media, this research also develops a syllabus, lesson plans, and scientific literacy instruments. This research was conducted in one of the Surya Private Junior High Schools in Pematangsiantar City. The validation of android-based learning media was carried out by three validators of media experts and material experts. Expert validation data analysis was carried out using the Pearson validation formula. The feasibility study of android-based learning products shows validity of 85% with very valid criteria. The results of the media feasibility study obtained an average score of 90%. The syllabus obtained an average score of 84%, lesson plans obtained an average score of 84%, and scientific literacy instruments obtained an average score of 85%. In conclusion, android-based media products on natural science material are feasible to be implemented in learning, especially during the covid-19 pandemic.
Initiating Educational Policies for Older Adults: Analysis of the Implementation of Lifelong Learning Concepts Suryadi Suryadi; Nana Priajana
International Journal of Education and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): International Journal of Education and Humanities (IJEH)
Publisher : Zenius Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (356.279 KB) | DOI: 10.58557/ijeh.v1i1.7


This study aims to identify several comparisons of lifelong learning concepts and models for older adults to remain active and productive. The method employed in this study is a literature review investigating research articles from the internet using the Science Direct, Google Scholar, and Research gate sites. Details of the search strategy for article eligibility using the PRISMA format (Identification, Screening, Eligibility, Included). The analysis of selected research articles' reveals that older adults' education concepts and models in developed countries are more well established and concerned. The model of older adults' education in demand has religious, spiritual, and spiritual dimensions. The appropriate model is entirely rational due to closely related to the local wisdom of the Indonesian people. The majority of studies conducted show the need for support from stakeholder policies. The support from the community and family is still quite dominant, so that the potential of the elderly population who are still productive, independent, and contributive to society is necessary
Teaching-Material of Elementary Social Studies; Constructing a Powerful Approach to Local Wisdom in Indonesia Aris Suherman; Widodo Winarso
International Journal of Education and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): International Journal of Education and Humanities (IJEH)
Publisher : Zenius Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (200.664 KB) | DOI: 10.58557/ijeh.v1i1.12


Learning is a process of active behavior, interactive and constructive. The learning process is used as a social context that needs attention. Social studies learning must be able to become and strengthen the values of local wisdom as a symbol of the character's identity of students. Then there needs to be an analysis of the development pattern of social science learning material materials based on local wisdom to shape student character. This study aims to describe the development of social science teaching materials based on local wisdom. The resulting teaching material products are developed by following Borg & Gall's. Product feasibility is measured through product validity, product practicality, and product effectiveness. The data collection techniques of this research were interviews, questionnaires, observations, tests, and documentation. The research results show that the development of social science learning materials based on local wisdom can help teachers in their efforts to understand students and connect learning material with the potential of the region. The development of social studies learning material based on local wisdom can help students understand their area's potential. This is based on the average pre-test score of 33,70 to 55,80. The average post-test score increased by an average score of 0.35, in the moderate category
The Needs of Developing English Teacher’s Professional Competence In the 21st Century Farouk Imam Arrasyid; Istiqomah
International Journal of Education and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): International Journal of Education and Humanities (IJEH)
Publisher : Zenius Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.86 KB) | DOI: 10.58557/ijeh.v1i2.16


The teacher's professional competence in the 21st century is required a great deal of knowledge, master the material critically, adapt to any changes in curriculum, master the technology, and solve problems encountered during the teaching process. Many researchers have already analyzed English teacher's needs toward professional competence in the 21st century. Here, there are presently several needs to develop an English teacher's professional competence into successful teaching and adjust the 21st century in more detail. This research strives to find the needs of developing English teacher's professional competence in the 21st century. The researcher employs a qualitative approach. The data were obtained through an interview with five professional English teachers’ competence. Then, the data were analyzed, interpreted, and presented using a narrative form. The result of interview analysis revealed that English teachers at Junior High School have indicated eighteen needs of developing professional competence in the 21st century, it required for the successful in teaching and learning. So, it can conclude that these needs greatly develop the professional quality of English teacher’s competence in teaching and carrying out the profession as English teachers
A Development of Teaching resources: Based on West Java Ethnomathematics for Grade 7 Middle School students Syifa Fauziah; Sirojudin Wahid
International Journal of Education and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): International Journal of Education and Humanities (IJEH)
Publisher : Zenius Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (416.542 KB) | DOI: 10.58557/ijeh.v1i2.17


This study aims to develop teaching resources based on West Java ethnomathematics, while the teaching resources developed are learning modules. The method used in this study is R&D method using the ADDIE development steps (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). The finished product is validated by 2 experts. each expert is given an assessment sheet regarding the learning module. The first expert assesses the suitability of the material used in the module, while the second expert assesses the feasibility of the module from the appearance aspect. The results of the validation by the first expert stated that the module was included in the "Very good" criteria with a percentage of 91%. Similar results by the second expert stated that the module was included in the "Very good" criteria with a percentage of 88.86%. After the module is declared valid, the learning module is used by the teacher in learning activities. Tests are given to students at the beginning and the end of learning activities to assess their learning achievement. ased on the results of the Independent Sample T-test with a confidence level of 95% and = 5%, the t-value is 3.172 and the t-table is 2.00324. These results indicate that the value of t> t-table, it means that the increase in learning achievement of the experimental class is higher than the control class. Finally, it can be concluded that the use of the teaching resources is effective in improving student achievement.
A Qualitative Study on Mindfulness and Teacher’s Well Being Rizwana Muneer .; Rida Batool Batool
International Journal of Education and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): International Journal of Education and Humanities (IJEH)
Publisher : Zenius Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (553.008 KB) | DOI: 10.58557/ijeh.v1i2.19


Teaching is one of the most stressful occupation. Especially the teachers who have recently started their career are the one’s who suffer from stress the most. Copping up with the stress should be taught to them by making them aware of the concept of mindfulness. The study is conducted to see the effect of mindfulness practices on the stress level of the teachers. The study is descriptive and purely qualitative in nature. Population of the study is private school teachers and the sample size is based on 2 primary school teachers who have recently started teaching and facing difficulties in coping up with the stress. The sampling technique used in the study is Purposive non- random sampling. The data collection tool for study is Interview and analyzed by thematic analysis. The overall results of the conducted study is that Mindfulness activities  like Mindfulness breathing ,Body scan, Mindfulness through nature, Japanese method to relax in 5 minutes can help a lot to reduce teacher’s stress
The Effect of Use of Geogebra Media on Student Learning Result in Trigonometry Function Material in Class X Senior High School 8 Cirebon Syafadol Zikri; Darwan Darwan; Sirojudin Wahid
International Journal of Education and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): International Journal of Education and Humanities (IJEH)
Publisher : Zenius Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (256.197 KB) | DOI: 10.58557/ijeh.v1i2.22


One of the causes of the unattractiveness of learning mathematics for high school is the complexity factor of learning media that is in harmony with complex material. Therefore, learning media need a form of presentation that is simple but attractive. Efforts to increase student interest, which require media to support learning mathematics. One of them is by using Geogebra learning media. This study aims to determine the influence of the use of learning media based on the Geogebra application on student learning outcomes at Senior High School 8 Cirebon. The research method used is a quasi-experimental design, which is a research method that has a control group, but cannot function fully to control external variables that affect the implementation of the experiment. The results of the study obtained the value of F-count > Ftable or 26,358 > 4,13. And the correlation (r) = 0.661 then it is included in the medium category. The coefficient of determination (r2) = 0.437 or 43.7%, then the learning media has an effect on student learning outcomes on the subject of trigonometric functions. Based on the results of the Independent T-test analysis, the t-count value of 11,037 using a significance level of 5% obtained t-table of 1,994. The t-table value is obtained from the excel program by means of =tinv(0.05;69.) then enter. Because the value of t-count > t-table (11.037 > 1.994) then Ho is rejected. This means that Geogebra learning media can improve student learning outcomes
Attitudes toward Total Physical Response and the Natural approach Kademlija Dedic; Senad Bećirović
International Journal of Education and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): International Journal of Education and Humanities (IJEH)
Publisher : Zenius Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (269.159 KB) | DOI: 10.58557/ijeh.v1i3.23


This paper explores the difference between teaching methods and critical assessment of teaching methods in the educational process. Total Physical Response (further TPR) and Natural approach will be reviewed. The literature review results will help to notice the differences between these methods when it comes to teaching/learning processes that are in use today. Choosing an appropriate method to teach is way more complicated. But the common thing for all students is the goal of their learning, which is to adopt the foreign language. Students need to have a desire to learn, the purpose of their learning process, and additionally, they need to have the opportunity to speak and fully develop speaking abilities. The current study findings may conclude what method will make students acquire a target language and how they will adopt it even if they are early beginners. The paper focuses on the descriptive method according to the previous findings among works of other researchers. The paper concludes that Total Physical Response has a positive impact. It brings a desire for learning because of its method for building a happy classroom environment. At the same time, the Natural Approach enhances the students to express their opinion and feelings freely. Total Physical Response is common at a very early stage of a learning process, while the Natural Approach can be used among students who want to improve their speaking abilities in a positive and natural environment