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Brilliant International Journal of Management and Tourism (BIJMT)
ISSN : 2810076X     EISSN : 28278380     DOI :
Core Subject : Economy,
Promote recent research results on Management and or Entrepreneurship. Publish only research results on Management (such as Marketing Management, Financial Management, HR Management, Operation/Production Management, Business Management, etc.) and or Entrepreneurship as a knowledge development. BIJMT welcomes papers with the above aims and scopes. The editorial board decides papers to be published in BIJMT after reviewed by appointed reviewers (double blind review)
Articles 73 Documents
THE EFFECT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON COMMUNITY SOCIAL CHANGE Khaeriyah Khaeriyah; Anne Abdul Rahman; Indriati Amirullah; Idham Gentanegara; Nurasia Natsir
Brilliant International Journal Of Management And Tourism Vol 3 No 1 (2023): February: Brilliant International Journal Of Management And Tourism
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/bijmt.v3i1.1012


Indonesia is one of the many countries with confirmed cases of Covid-19. An increase in Covid-19 cases can have a big impact, one of the impacts is the declining quality of human resources for each individual in a company. To improve the quality of human resources, of course you have to know the management of human resources. Human resource management is the process of managing human beings from planning, recruitment, selection, training, development, compensation, career, safety, health and maintaining industrial relations to termination of employment to achieve from the company and achieve prosperity. The scope of HRM is the objectives of HRM, policy objectives and functions of HRM related to improving the quality of the company's human resources, including: 1. Planning 2. Organizing 3. Implementation 4. Supervision. The functions of human resource management in a company or organization itself include: 1. Job analysis 2. Human resource planning 3. Human resource recruitment 4. Selection 5. Training and development 6. Job evaluation 7. Compensation 8. Career path 9. Safety and health. Factors that influence the quality of human resources in a company are as follows: 1. Company culture 2. Environment 3. Technology 4. Leadership 5. Adaptation 6. Productivity 7. Motivation and recognition. The company's strategy in order to improve the quality of human resources after Covid-19, as follows: 1. Clear job description 2. Detailed work planning 3. Emphasis on technical qualifications and skills 4. Emphasis on special worker training 5.
Determinants of Employee Work Productivity in UMKM Malang Amelia Setyawati; Nyuherno Aris Wibowo; Rayyan Sugangga; Adelia Rahma; Farij Ibadil Maula
Brilliant International Journal Of Management And Tourism Vol 3 No 1 (2023): February: Brilliant International Journal Of Management And Tourism
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/bijmt.v3i1.1121


The domino effect of the post-pandemic period is that many MSME actors who were previously successful have collapsed and even closed, on the other hand from the 2019-2021 Covid-19 pandemic, new MSME actors have grown, even to the point where they immediately opened many branches everywhere. To make MSMEs survive and be able to survive, MSME actors and their employees must remain productive. Every MSME will experience high levels of productivity maintained by disciplined team members. The effect of work discipline is having a strong work ethic will be able to carry out their duties as effectively and efficiently as possible, so that the MSME business can achieve its productivity goals. In addition, the work environment is very important for the MSME business strategy because it functions as a location where employees carry out their daily work activities. In MSME work productivity, motivation is often described as supporting productivity. This study aims to complete the gaps in previous studies by conducting a comprehensive study of the factors that increase the work productivity of MSMEs in Malang Raya which are influenced by work ethic, work motivation, work discipline and work environment. Researchers are motivated to do this research because the work productivity of MSMEs will have a positive impact on the growth of MSMEs.
Management Of Archives To Support Order Administration In Ujung Tanah’s Office Of Makassar City Wahyudi Mokobombang; Abdul Azis; Muhammad Anas
Brilliant International Journal Of Management And Tourism Vol 3 No 1 (2023): February: Brilliant International Journal Of Management And Tourism
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/bijmt.v3i1.1128


The Ujung Tanah District Office's archive management has not gone as planned. The Ujung Tanah District Office does not yet have a dedicated archivist. This study's problem is the types of archives, the role of archives, organizing archives, archive storage systems, archive storage procedures, archive maintenance, archive security, equipment, archive equipment, and archive destruction, as well as the efforts made to overcome problems at the Ujung Tanah District Office in Makassar City. This study employs a qualitative approach. Researchers used interviews, observation, and documentation to collect data. The researcher's data analysis model employs the Miles and Huberman analysis model, in which the analysis is carried out continuously until a saturation point is reached. Based on indicators of the archive storage system, the process of storing and using archives, archive equipment and supplies, and archive depreciation, the results showed that the management of archives in the Ujung Tanah sub-district office in supporting administrative orders was carried out properly. The Ujung Tanah District Office's archive management faced several challenges, including a lack of archiving staff and inadequate knowledge of archives and archive storage facilities.
Brilliant International Journal Of Management And Tourism Vol 3 No 1 (2023): February: Brilliant International Journal Of Management And Tourism
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/bijmt.v3i1.1167


The study's goal is to look into the effects of transformational leadership, work discipline, and organizational commitment on employee performance at the West Java Preservation Hall. The participants in this study were employees of the West Java Conservation Center. With 73 respondents, we used the Slovin formula and a stratified random sampling technique. Data analysis techniques based on traditional assumption testing include the normality and heteroscedasticity tests. Hypothesis testing with the T test, F test, coefficient of determination R2, and beta coefficient of standardization. The results showed that transformational leadership had a positive significant effect on employee performance, work discipline had a positive significant effect on employee performance, and the presence of organizational commitment had a positive significant effect on employee performance at the West Java Conservation Center. Concurrently, transformational leadership, work discipline, and organizational commitment all had a significant impact on employee performance.
Brilliant International Journal Of Management And Tourism Vol 3 No 1 (2023): February: Brilliant International Journal Of Management And Tourism
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/bijmt.v3i1.1168


Jambi Province is one of the provinces with the largest number of Palm Oil Mills in Indonesia. The large number of PKS that exist and the number of customers that are not too many make each PKS must be able to maintain its relationship so that sales do not decrease. The existence of intense competition and the need to maintain relationships is the phenomenon behind this research so that the purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of Relationship Marketing Inputs on customer loyalty at PT. Sucofindo Jambi This research was conducted using a questionnaire method on 65 customers of PT. Sucofindo Jambi The data analysis method used is quantitative analysis, namely analyzing through statistical calculations with the help of the SPSS version 19.0 program. The results of data analysis show that understanding customer expectations, building service partnership and total quality management have a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty of PT. Sucofindo Jambi. while the empowering employees variable has no effect and is not significant on customer loyalty of PT. Sucofindo Jambi.
PUBLIC SERVICES AT HALUOLEO AIRPORT TOWARDS SOCIETY 5.0 Joko Tri Brata; Rahmisyari Rahmisyari; Mustaking Mustaking
Brilliant International Journal Of Management And Tourism Vol 3 No 1 (2023): February: Brilliant International Journal Of Management And Tourism
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/bijmt.v3i1.1169


The development of a territory requires adequate and accountable transportation services. The objectives of this study are to determine (1) how people's perceptions of public services at Haluoleo Airport align with the Society 5.0 concept and (2) supporting factors for public services at Haluoleo Airport in the Society 5.0 era. The research method used was a qualitative research technique with an emphasis on a sample of 70 airplane passenger respondents. The results of the study concluded that: (1) Public servants at HaluoleoKendari Airport, with indicators that: communication is already good, participation still needs to be increased, officials must be able to direct, officers must provide quick action, officers are on time, officers are friendly enough, followed by comfortable airport facilities and officers who are attentive; (2) The factors that affect the quality of service at Haluoleo Airport are mainly in terms of human resources, and the main weaknesses are related to professionalism and competence at the educational level, which still needs improvement, even though the current implementation of organizational culture is quite good because there are guidelines for the organization and sufficient leadership. To improve service, employee responsiveness is still needed to hear various complaints, aspirations, and expectations of airport service users, and officials must be informative so that information that should be conveyed to airport service users reaches airport service users, as well as efforts to improve inter-organizational coordination at the airport.
The Effects Of Intellectual Capital And Job Satisfaction On Employee Work Productivity At PT. Bank Mandiri Taspen Gorontalo Sub-Branch Office Rahmisyari Rahmisyari; Musafir Musafir
Brilliant International Journal Of Management And Tourism Vol 3 No 1 (2023): February: Brilliant International Journal Of Management And Tourism
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/bijmt.v3i1.1171


This study aims to determine how much influence intellectual capital (X1) and job satisfaction (X2) have on work productivity (Y) at Bank Mandiri Taspen Supporting Branch Offices (KCP) Gorontalo. The sampling technique used in this study was simple random sampling, while the main data collection was through a list of statements that were tested through validity and reliability tests. The technique used for analysis is path analysis. The results of hypothesis testing show that simultaneously, intellectual capital (X1) and work satisfaction (X2) have an effect on employee work productivity at the Bank Mandiri Taspen Gorontalo Sub-Branch Office, which is equal to 0.741 or 74.1%. The results of partial hypothesis testing of intellectual capital (X1) have an effect on employee work productivity (Y) PT. Bank Mandiri Taspen Gorontalo Sub-Branch Office, which is equal to 0.376, while job satisfaction (X2) partially affects employee work productivity (Y), which is equal to 0.332.
Accessibility Analysis Of Mandai Railway Station To The Transport Network In The Layout Region Andi Hermansyah; Abdur Rahim; Zainal Muksin; Azhari Aziz Samudra; Evi Satispi
Brilliant International Journal Of Management And Tourism Vol 3 No 1 (2023): February: Brilliant International Journal Of Management And Tourism
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/bijmt.v3i1.1172


Planning the construction or development of the station needs to consider integration with environmental conditions e.g. spatial plans, land use, accessibility, distribution of the population and employment to ensure that they It would be better served by train. More in-depth studies are needed to conducted research on the characteristics of potential demand for Trans Sulawesi train users. Deep management and implementation of Accessibility Optimization to and from station access there needs to be a role of collaboration between local governments. More station area management increasing the need for cooperation of business entities, applying the concept of TOD supported by ease of regulation, and collaborative government services between the central government and local governments that synchronize policies spatial planning, transportation, and institutional implementation of TOD.
Post-Disaster Mitigation Analysis In Cianjur Abdur Rahim; Zainal Muksin; Andi Hermansyah; Azhari Aziz Samudra; Evi Satispi
Brilliant International Journal Of Management And Tourism Vol 3 No 1 (2023): February: Brilliant International Journal Of Management And Tourism
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/bijmt.v3i1.1174


There are important lessons after the earthquake in Cianjur, namely carrying out disaster mitigation both before and after the disaster. Communities who are at the location of the earthquake, are expected to always be vigilant. Earthquake events on the surface in densely populated areas can cause secondary disasters, such as cracks and subsidence of the ground, ground movement, and liquefaction. Therefore, it is necessary to map earthquake-prone zoning with a more detailed scale so that it can become a reference in determining the selection of settlement locations. Zoning mapping must be equipped with a good mitigation scheme. The role of local and central government is urgently needed, such as outreach and constructing earthquake-resistant buildings complete with evacuation routes and places. All elements must be involved in handling the aftermath of this earthquake. One disaster event should be able to illustrate that many efforts must be prepared. It is hoped that the penta helix collaboration will make people calm and able to adapt to disasters. In post-disaster handling, what needs to be paid more attention is related to coordination between each unit handling disaster mitigation, patterns of distribution and or storage of aid that comes from various sources, accountability of disaster mitigation social organizations, sustainability of the aid program itself, and accountability for the aid program. also related parties. Future programs after the disaster are adequate education for the community, repair of infrastructure damaged by the earthquake, and creation of evacuation routes if another disaster occurs.
Brilliant International Journal Of Management And Tourism Vol 3 No 1 (2023): February: Brilliant International Journal Of Management And Tourism
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Trianandra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/bijmt.v3i1.1209


The main purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of an entrepreneurial course and internship on management students at the State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati's career decisions. This information was gathered from surveys given to former participants and current participants in the 2022 cohort of the State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung's Management Study Program. A total of 109 respondents were included in the sample using a straightforward random sampling procedure. The results of this data analysis, which used partial least squares analysis, showed that the internship variable had a positive and significant effect on the career decision variable, but that the entrepreneurship course variable and the organizational experience variable did not.