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Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan pada Platform Investasi Crownfunding berbasis Mobile Ardhityar Izaaz S; Rinabi Tanamal
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Literacy based Character and Professionalism Enhancement for Educators in Facing
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (705.462 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/picecrs.v2i1.2390


Investment is planting of assets carried out by company or individual. One of investment model is crowdfunding where collecting funds from large community so that significant funds are collected. Crowdfunding is managed by mobile application platform so that make easily accessed. To make customer investment, it is necessary through an investment provider. One of the important things of investment provider is service quality. Sometimes investment provider companies have problem in knowing the factor that can increase customer satisfication. This can make the company wrong in providing services needed by its customer.To find out the level of investor satisfication an analyse of factor that influence satisfication can be done. Factor of service quality can be used in the analyse. In service quality there are several factor namely tangibels, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and emphaty. In analysing used SPSS software to see the influence of these factors. After conducting research shows that service quality can affect customer satisfication, especially in the variables of reliability, responsiveness and tangibels that have significant influence. For the assurance and emphaty variables, they have an influence but not significantly. Therefore crowdfunding investment platform can implement aspects of service quality to influence their investor satisfication.
Analisis Kebutuhan Siswa di SMA Negeri 3 Bolo Terhadap Bahan Ajar Bergambar pada Materi Plantae Mardiana Mardiana; Muhammad Akhyar; Akhmad Arif Musada
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Literacy based Character and Professionalism Enhancement for Educators in Facing
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (138.521 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/picecrs.v2i1.2403


Biology lesson material is closely related to the surrounding environment. To support students to be able to learn it, the media that associates academic concepts and the surrounding environment / the real world is needed. Related to this, the study aims to analyze the needs of SMA 3 Bolo students on pictured learning materials on the discussion of Plantae. The research method used is descriptive analysis and in-depth interviews, done by using questionnaire related to the learning materials used. From the results of the study, it is known that 75% of students' answers show that SMA Bolo 3 students need pictured learning materials for biology learning especially one related to plantae to create more meaningful and enjoyable learning process. This approach can direct students to understand academic concepts and have the opportunity to be directly involved in learning as well as understand the subject matter easily as learning is presented in the form of images that are easily found in their daily lives. With this, pictured Learning materials is one of the solutions in biology learning, especially in the discussion of Plantae.
Augmented Reality: Solusi Pembelajaran IPA di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 Iwan Maulana; Nunuk Suryani; Asrowi Asrowi
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Literacy based Character and Professionalism Enhancement for Educators in Facing
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (101.082 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/picecrs.v2i1.2399


Nowadays, the changes of the world are entering era of industrial revolution 4.0, which is all aspects human life depend on digital technology. Preparing qualified graduates, gaining to compete globally, mastering technological developments are important for learning especially for the future of education in Indonesia. Science is one of the subjects that is related to technology which includes aspects of products, processes, scientific attitudes, and applications. Science as a product in the form a body of knowledge consist of concepts, principles, laws, and theories must be able to contribute in creative human formation for industrial generation 4.0. Thus, the direction of development and utilization of technology in science learning should be able to help students become a superior generation, innovative, and able to compete in all fields. Augmented Reality (AR), is one of the latest technologies in the 4.0 industrial revolution that is applied in the world of education. Augmented Reality is an application of combining the real world with cyberspace in two-dimensional and three-dimensional forms projected in a real environment at the same time and is very relevant to be applied in science learning. This research method uses literature review by searching for sources that are relevant to the object of this research. Thus Augmented Reality (AR) is one solution to fix the problem of science learning in the industrial revolution era 4.0 that is able to accommodate science learning.
Communication Strategies Used by Students in Indonesia Whandani Anasan Arum; Wahyu Taufiq
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Literacy based Character and Professionalism Enhancement for Educators in Facing
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (91.219 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/picecrs.v2i1.2416


This research aims at investigating the communication strategies used by the students at some courses in Indonesia. The data is taken from conversations and interview five students in active speaking class. The data were used observed and recorded. After obtaining the data from the dialogue script of the students, the researcher concluded that their communication strategies were very relevant with Tarone's theory. In this theory explained that the communication strategy has two types; verbal and non verbal. Verbal communication strategie,s there are several kinds, such as; Avoidance (topic message, avoidance abandonment), Paraphrase (approximation, word coinage, circumlocution), Borrowing (literal translation, language mix), and the Appeal of Assistance. While the non verbal communication strategy, this is only one category which is Mime, when the student uses non verbal tactics in place of lexical item or action. Effect of the study in this writing form is expected to be an important source of information for teachers and learners because the purpose is to increase education quality, especially related to the problem of mastering speaking and using the communication strategies.
Perbandingan Efektifitas Proses Pembelajaran Menggunakan Metode E-Learning dan Konvensional Cindy Cahyaning Astuti; Herlinda Maya Kumala Sari; Nuril Lutvi Azizah
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Literacy based Character and Professionalism Enhancement for Educators in Facing
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (145.87 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/picecrs.v2i1.2395


This study focuses on the comparison between e-learning methods and conventional method (face-to-face) to find out the weaknesses and strengths of e-learning applied at Muhammadiyah University in Sidoarjo. E-Learning used in this study is Edmodo. The research method in this study used Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). The sampling technique used is cluster random sampling which is taken proportionally for each cluster. Based on the results of the study it was found that the conventional method (face to face) is still considered better by students than e-learning because it is easier to understand the material and easier to interact with the teacher. However, e-learning itself also has advantages compared to conventional, namely in terms of flexibility in lecture time and ease of collecting assignments
Desain Lingkungan Belajar yang Menyenangkan Berbasis Flipped Classroom di Sekolah Dasar Ida Rindaningsih; Wiwik Dwi Hastuti; Yulian Findawati
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Literacy based Character and Professionalism Enhancement for Educators in Facing
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (134.986 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/picecrs.v2i1.2452


Kemajuan teknologi abad 21 menuntut pendidik untuk segera beradaptasi dengan kemajuan teknologi digital. Dibutuhkan model pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan percepatan kemajuan teknologi dan menghubungkan pembelajaran didalam dan diluar kelas. Flipped Classroom melibatkan pergeseran energi dari instruktur menuju keaktifan siswa dengan memanfaatkan teknologi untuk meningkatkan lingkungan belajar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang desain lingkungan belajar berbasis Flipped classroom. Desain ini memberikan gambaran alur pembelajaran yang sistematis berdasarkan pada kajian flipped classroom dan lingkungan belajar yang telah dibangun oleh peneliti sebelumnya. Penelitian ini merupakan literature review dan telah melalui proses perancangan dan validasi para ahli. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa desain lingkungan belajar berbasis flipped classroom terbukti layak, valid, dan praktis untuk diterapkan di sekolah.
Desain Pendidikan Pembebasan Bagi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus sebagai Jalan Humanisasi Lourine Sience Joseph
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Literacy based Character and Professionalism Enhancement for Educators in Facing
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (365.523 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/picecrs.v2i1.2400


Issues of Liberation Education for children with special needs (Heward), (Wiyani 2014: 2) become a n interesting phenomenon that requires educational innovation. the philosophy of ABK education innovation is liberation both physically and psychologically, as human beings. Bandhie Delphie (2012: 2) revealed that children with special needs have their own learning characteristics and specificities. Likewise, children with special needs at the Leleani PLB school and Pelita Kasih Ambon. They need a pattern of liberation education as a way of humanization. The purpose of this paper is to design liberation education to find patterns of education that free children with special needs. The implication is that every child will accept his existence as a free human being, an independent human being, especially a humanist person. The method used to collect and analyze problems based on research data is qualitative with a descriptive approach whose results are dialogue and communication with love and affection. Apart from that consientization (Freire, 1984: 41) self as a human being. The conclusion of liberation education through dialogue and communication in love and affection and the effort to build self-awareness of children with special needs is the design of liberation education for children with special needs as a way to discover the human nature of themselves as human beings.
Difficulties in Writing Recount Text Faced by Senior High School Students in Indonesia Nanda Aprila Sinta; Yuli Astutik
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Literacy based Character and Professionalism Enhancement for Educators in Facing
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (106.25 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/picecrs.v2i1.2404


Writing an English for EFL learner is a difficult skill because English is a foreign language. Besides that, sometimes EFL learner is confused with organizing the idea, translating the language from Indonesia to English, follow the grammatical rule, find and write the proper vocabulary. In this research focus on the students' writing difficulties in recount text, the factors which influence the students' writing difficulties in recount text, and the way of the teacher solve the students' writing difficulties. This study investigates the writing difficulties of students in SMA Kemala Bhayangkari 3 Porong. In this study, the data served as a qualitative descriptive which took the students' exercise of recount text and interviewed the subject. The result shows that there are different difficulties for each students' ability. Internal and external factors also turned out to be one of the causes of difficulties faced by students in writing recount text. The results of interviews with teachers are known that teacher’s have used metacognitive strategies as solving problems faced by students in writing skills.
Improving the Speaking Ability through Role Playing Model in Learning Indonesian Language Ani Rosidah
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Literacy based Character and Professionalism Enhancement for Educators in Facing
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (84.47 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/picecrs.v2i1.2386


This research is motivated by the students' low speaking ability in Indonesian language learning, which aims to improve students' speaking skills through the application of the Role Playing Model. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) carried out in cycles II using a model from Kemmis and MC. Taggart, each action in each cycle consists of four stages, namely planning, action, observation, reflection. This research was conducted at elementary school of Rancagoong, District of Cilaku, Cianjur Regency. The subjects of this study were fourth-grade students, amounting to 24 students, consisting of 13 female students and 11 male students. Data collection techniques used are process tests, observations, interviews, and documentation. The data obtained are in the form of test results as primary data as well as observations, while the interviews and documentation as supporting data. The data analysis technique used is descriptive quantitative analysis. The results of the study show that the use of the Role Playing Model can improve students' speaking ability. This is indicated by an increase in the average value from before the action is taken until the implementation of the cycle II. The average value obtained in cycle 1 after being given action reached 66.88% with a graduation percentage of 54.17%. Then in the cycle II the average value obtained increased to 77.40% with a graduation percentage of 83.33%. In general, it can be concluded that the application of the Role Playing Model can improve students' speaking ability in learning the Indonesian Language in grade IV at Elementary school of Rancagoong, District of Cilaku, Cianjur Regency.
Intellectual Capital dan Knowledge Management dalam Inovasi dan Kreasi Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Kemampuan 4C dan Literasi Sylvia Ridwan
Proceedings of The ICECRS Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Literacy based Character and Professionalism Enhancement for Educators in Facing
Publisher : International Consortium of Education and Culture Research Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (110.422 KB) | DOI: 10.21070/picecrs.v2i1.2414


Education is the key to improving the quality of the nation's generation that is dynamic, following the needs and developments that exist. Industrial Revolution 4.0, where technological sophistication can do things that were previously considered difficult to do, also have an impact on education. This is a challenge for schools, especially in terms of preparing their educators to be able to form learners to be tough and ready to compete in the world of technology. Learning media is one of the factors that play an important role in learning that intersects with technology and gives a big influence on students. The use of internet-based technology has also been widely applied in learning media in schools. But the problem is, educators need to take an important role in terms of innovation and the creation of learning media that they use daily in classroom learning activities so as to support the needs of students in accordance with 4C skills (communicative, cooperative, creative, and critical thinking) and literacy culture. In this case, it is very important for schools to identify intellectual capital, namely the knowledge capital that is in school, which is the educators and how to properly manage all existing knowledge. This article examines the importance of intellectual capital and knowledge management in a school organization so that schools can manage existing knowledge in order to create innovation and learning media creation.