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Journal Of Science Education And Management Business
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JOSEAMB Menerbitkan artikel berdasarkan ruang lingkup ilmu ekonomi, bisnis, manajemen dan pendidikan. Jurnal ini memfasilitasi publikasi karya ilmiah di bidang ilmu ekonomi, bisnis, manajemen dan pendidikan. Jurnal ini didirikan oleh Riset Sinergi Indonesia
Articles 51 Documents
Pengaruh Sikap Religius Dan Gaya Kepemimpinan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dengan Kepuasan Kerja Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada PT. Transco Dharmasraya Bayu Pratama Azka; Robby Dharma; Tito
Journal Of Science Education And Management Business Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): JOSEAMB ( Januari 2022 )
Publisher : Riset Sinergi Indonesia

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This study aims to examine the effect of religious attitudes, leadership styles, on employee performance through job satisfaction at PT Transco Dharmasraya. The method of collecting data is through surveys and distributing questionnaires, with a sample of 90 respondents. The data analysis method used is path analysis using computer assistance with the SPSS version of the software program is 21. The results obtained based on the t test (partial test) obtainedPartially Religious Attitude (X1) has a significant effect on Job Satisfaction (Z), Partially Leadership Style (X2) has no significant effect on Job Satisfaction, Partially Religious Attitude (X1) has a significant effect on Employee Performance (Y), Partially Leadership Style (X2) has an insignificant effect on employee performance (Y), partially job satisfaction (Z) has a significant effect on employee performance (Y), the direct influence of religious attitudes (X1) is greater than the indirect influence of religious attitudes (X1) on Employee Performance (Y) through Job Satisfaction (Z), The direct influence of Leadership Style (X2) is greater than the indirect influence of Leadership Style (X2) on Employee Performance (Y) through Job Satisfaction (Z), Contribution of the independent variable contribution Attitude Religion (X1) and Leadership Style (X2) on the dependent variable Job Satisfaction (Z), the contribution of the independent variable Religious Attitude (X1 ), Leadership Style (X2) and Job Satisfaction (Z) on the dependent variable Employee Performance (Y).
Pengaruh Fasilitas Kerja Dan Pengembangan Karir Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dengan Kepuasan Kerja Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada PT.Bakrie Pasaman Plantations olandari Mulyadi; Robby Dharma; Yasmin Eliza; Della Asmaria Putri
Journal Of Science Education And Management Business Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): JOSEAMB ( Januari 2022 )
Publisher : Riset Sinergi Indonesia

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Abstract. The purpose of this study was to determine how much influence work facilities and career development have on employee performance with job satisfaction as an intervening variable at PT. Bkrie Pasaman Plantations Air Balam . Methods of data analysis using a questionnaire, with a sample of 82 respondents. The data analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of the study indicate that there is a positive and significant influence between work facilities on improving employee performance,Meanwhile, Job Facilities and Career Development through Job Satisfaction have an effect of 69.2% while the remaining 30.8% is influenced by other variables outside of this study. Based on the results of this study, it is expected that the company's management can improve performance by improving work facilities through office equipment, transportation, career development through training, education and job satisfaction through increasing salaries and promotions at PT. Bakrie Pasaman Plantaions Air Balam Pasaman Barat. Keywords: work facilities,career development,employee performance and jon satisfaction
Analisis Industri Ritel Di Kota Padang Tanpa Keberadaan Dua Waralaba Ritel Indomaret Dan Alfamart Awalul Khairi
Journal Of Science Education And Management Business Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): JOSEAMB ( Januari 2022 )
Publisher : Riset Sinergi Indonesia

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Abstract. The increasing standard of living of people has made many enterpreneurs are interested in opening retail business. Including in Padang city, during the covid-19 pandemic, it did not dampen the desire of entrepreneurs to set up retail businesses in this city. Moreover, there are no large retail franchises that we can find in Padang like other cities in Indonesia.The absence of the large retail franchises in Padang  makes the competitive climate and retail business environment here are different from other big cities in Indonesia. In Padang, local retailers can grow independently by using their own minimarket or supermarket brands.The unique condition of the retail industry in Padang can be analyzed by using the Structure Conduct Performance (SCP) approach. Here the overview of retail competition in Padang will be got. Due to the absence of two large national retailers; PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk (Alfamart) and PT. Indomarco Prismatama (Indomaret), it makes retail competition in Padang occur among the local retailers, the traditional retailers and with the suppliers.  Keywords: Retail, Padang City Retail, Retail environtment, Retail Business Competition, Padang Retail Business
Analisis Swot Sebagai Landasan Dalam Menentukan Strategi Pemasaran Oleh Two Mart Swalayan Ahmad Vajri Rahman; nofritar nofritar
Journal Of Science Education And Management Business Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): JOSEAMB ( Januari 2022 )
Publisher : Riset Sinergi Indonesia

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This research was conducted at Two Mart Swalayan which is a business engaged in the retail sector in the city of Padang, the background underlying this research is the unstable sales problem experienced by Two Mart Swalayan in the last 2 years which tends to fall slightly in the middle. in the last year, so an analysis is needed to identify the causes of the problem and the right marketing strategy is needed to overcome it. The method used is a SWOT analysis with IFAS and EFAS matrices and a cartesian diagram of SWOT analysis.The results showed that the position of Two Mart Swalayan is in quadrant II because it has the highest strategy score SO = 5.361, followed by other strategy scores SO = 4.973, WT = 3.302 and WO = 2.914. In this condition, the suitable marketing strategy to use is ST (Strength - Threats), which is a diversification strategy, where this diversification strategy is a way to manage risks by minimizing potential hazards by exploiting existing opportunities. Diversification strategies that can be used are such as horizontal diversification, namely adding non-existing products and providing new services with the use of technology so as to make customers more interested in shopping at Two Mart Swalayan
Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi, Dukungan Organisasi Dan Keterlibatan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dengan Komitmen Organisasi Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada Pada PDAM Pasaman Barat Yerismal; Muhammad Jamil
Journal Of Science Education And Management Business Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): JOSEAMB ( Januari 2022 )
Publisher : Riset Sinergi Indonesia

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Abstract. This study aims to examine how big the influence of organizational culture, organizational support and work involvement on employee performance with organizational commitment as an intervening variable at West Pasaman PDAM. The method of collecting data is through surveys and distributing questionnaires, with a sample of 64 respondents. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis and path analysis using SPSS. The results obtained based on the Partial Test (t test) obtained Organizational Culture and Organizational Support have a significant effect on Organizational Commitment. Work Involvement has no significant effect on Organizational Commitment. Then Organizational Culture, Work Involvement and Organizational Commitment have a significant effect on Employee Performance. There is no significant effect between Organizational Support on Employee Performance. Organizational Commitment does not mediate the influence of Organizational Culture on Employee Performance. Organizational Commitment does not mediate the effect of Organizational Support on Employee Performance. Organizational Commitment does not mediate the effect of Job Involvement on Employee Performance. The contribution of the independent variables of Organizational Culture, Organizational Support and Work Involvement to the dependent variable of Organizational Commitment is 75.9%. While the remaining 23.1% is influenced by other variables outside of this study. The independent variable contribution contribution of Organizational Culture, Organizational Support, Work Involvement and Organizational Commitment to the dependent variable of Employee Performance is 91.4%. While the remaining 8.6% is influenced by other variables outside of this study
Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi Dan Motivasi Terhadap Komitmen Organisasional Dengan Kepuasan Kerja Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada PT. P&P Lembah Karet Rio Andika Putra
Journal Of Science Education And Management Business Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): JOSEAMB ( Januari 2022 )
Publisher : Riset Sinergi Indonesia

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This study aims to examine how much influence organizational culture and motivation have on organizational commitment and job satisfaction. The method of collecting data is through surveys and distributing questionnaires, with a sample of 77 respondents obtained by the slovin formula at PT. P&P Lembah Karet Jl. By Pass as many as 330. The sampling technique is using non-probability sampling with purposive sampling. The analytical method used is correlation analysis, multiple linear regression and path analysis (Path Analysis) SPSS 21. The results obtained based on the partial test (t test) obtained that organizational culture and motivation partially have a significant effect on job satisfaction at PT. P&P Lembah Karet with (Sig < 0.05). And also the results of understanding based on the Partial Test (t test) obtained that Organizational Culture, Motivation, and Job Satisfaction partially have a significant effect on Organizational Commitment at PT. P&P Lembah Karet with (Sig < 0.05). The contribution of Organizational Culture and Motivation to Job Satisfaction is 58.9%, the remaining 40.1% is influenced by other variables outside this study. Then the contribution of Organizational Culture, Motivation, and Job Satisfaction to the Organizational Commitment variable is 80.5%, the remaining 19.5% is influenced by other variables outside of this study.
Sistem Informasi Invoice Huff & Puff Unit And Cyclic Hilda Herasmus
Journal Of Science Education And Management Business Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): JOSEAMB (januari 2023)
Publisher : Riset Sinergi Indonesia

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Maintenance operations of oil wells in the company of PT. CPI using Cyclic Steam Generators and facilities will increase oil production, For each of the job’s result that has been completed according to the agreement between the contractor (PT UIRB) with the user (PT CPI), the monthly billing will be done by the contractor with attaching the data results of the job or daily report. The web-based system existence, The time will be faster reporting process which reports the results of the job that has been completed will be saved into the database and then processed into a monthly report and invoice, then the billing process will be faster and any required reports will be presented easily. Every labor leaders in each area will be on time in the job reports by the facility head of the company's website and makes it easy to see the job every day
Purchasing Decision Models Through Customer Satisfaction: Analysis Of Service Quality And Prices In The City Of Padang Emil Salim
Journal Of Science Education And Management Business Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): JOSEAMB (januari 2023)
Publisher : Riset Sinergi Indonesia

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This study aims to determine how big the influence of service quality and price on purchasing decisions with customer satisfaction as an intervening variable. The research variables are Service Quality, Price, Purchase Decision, and Customer Satisfaction. The analytical method used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Analysis with Partial Least Square (PLS). To test the hypothesis, the Path Coefficient is used, which is a test carried out to see the direct effect and the Indirect Effect is a test that aims to see the indirect effect. The findings from this research show that service quality has an impact on purchasing decisions, while price does not have a significant impact on purchasing decisions. And lastly, it was proven that the intervening variable was able to mediate the independent variable.
Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Pada Rafan Bakery Dengan Metode Analisis Swot Dan Matriks BCG Sahdina Sahdina; Afriany Afriany; Rubianto Pitoyo
Journal Of Science Education And Management Business Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): JOSEAMB (januari 2023)
Publisher : Riset Sinergi Indonesia

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Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menentukan strategi pemasaran yang tepat untuk usaha rumahan Rafan Bakery. Alat analisis yang dipakai menggunakan Analisis SWOT dengan bantuan matriks BCG, matriks IFE dan matriks EFE. Analisis SWOT diterapkan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi usaha Rafan Bakery. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Penelitian ini menggunan dua sumber data, data primer dari wawancara dan observasi langsung dan data sekunder dari penelitian-penelitian terdahulu. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu berdasarkan analisis SWOT dengan bantuan matriks IFE dan EFE, Rafan Bakery berada pada kuadran I dengan titik 0,35 untuk faktor internal dan 0,15 untuk faktor eksternal sehingga strategi yang disarankan menggunakan strategi pertumbuhan (Growth Strategy). Strategi SO juga disarankan untuk digunakan yaitu dengan cara meningkatkan mutu & kualitas produk, meningkatkan promosi penjualan secara online serta melakukan inovasi secara terus menerus pada produk. Berdasarkan matriks BCG Rafan Bakery ada pada posisi star dengan tingkat pertumbuhan tinggi dan pangsa pasarnya relatif besar sehingga strategi yang dapat digunakan yaitu memanfaatkan keunggulan untuk memaksimalkan peluang usaha yang tersedia
Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Dan Brand Image Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen Dengan Kepuasan Konsumen Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Kasus Pada Pengunjung Matahari Padang) della asmaria putri
Journal Of Science Education And Management Business Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): JOSEAMB (januari 2023)
Publisher : Riset Sinergi Indonesia

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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana analisis pengaruh kualitas produk dan citra merek terhadap loyalitas konsumen pada konsumen Matahari Padang. Dengan Kepuasan Konsumen sebagai Variabel Intervening. Metode analisis data menggunakan kuesioner, dengan sampel sebanyak 100 responden. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda dan analisis jalur. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas produk dan citra merek berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap loyalitas konsumen dengan kepuasan konsumen sebagai variabel intervening. Kontribusi variabel kualitas produk dan citra merek terhadap loyalitas konsumen dengan kepuasan konsumen sebagai variabel intervening memiliki pengaruh sebesar 57,6% sedangkan sisanya sebesar 42,4% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain di luar penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, diharapkan Manajemen Matahari Padang dapat meningkatkan loyalitas konsumen dengan meningkatkan kualitas produk dan citra merek, serta kepuasan konsumen melalui setiap indikatornya.