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REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education
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REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education is a forum for publication of research results related to the study of Christian Religious Education, both by lecturers and students within the scope of the Batam Real Theological College as well as the Theological College and other universities throughout Indonesia, even those outside the country. REAL DIDACHE has an ISSN. 2774-2512 (online). Managed and published by Batam Real Theological College, Riau Islands. Publish manuscripts twice a year, in March and September.
Articles 20 Documents
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran dalam Pendidikan Agama Kristen Untuk Meningkatkan Mutu Belajar Peserta Didik Esti Regina Boiliu
REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education Vol 2, No 1: Maret 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2171.816 KB) | DOI: 10.53547/rdj.v2i1.156


Improving the quality of learning is an important thing that should be done in an education. In the education system, the learning process is based on Christian religious education, in addition to improving the quality of learning for students to be able to compete not only nationally, but internationally, both intellectually and spiritually. The purpose of this study is to see how the use of learning models in the implementation of Christian religious education can be used as a strategy in improving the quality of student learning. The writing of this scientific article uses a qualitative method, where the author takes data from various sources such as books, journals, newspapers, the internet and other scientific articles that have been systematically selected and researched according to the interests of writing this article. The results of this study are to suggest about several learning models that can be applied in the learning process of Christian religious education to help improve the quality of student learning.Keywords: learning model; learning quality; Christian educationAbstrakPeningkatan mutu belajar merupakan hal penting yang semestinya dilakukan dalam suatu pendidikan. Dalam sistem pendidikan, proses pembelajaran berbasis pendidikan agama Kristen, selain meningkatkan kualitas mutu belajar peserta didik untuk mampu berdaya saing bukan hanya secara nasional, melainkan internasional baik secara intelektual maupun spiritual. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk melihat bagaimana penggunaaan model-model pembelajaran dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan agama Kristen yang dapat dijadikan sebagai strategi dalam peningkatan mutu belajar peserta didik. Penulisan artikel ilmiah ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, di mana penulis mengambil data dari berbagai sumber seperti buku, jurnal, koran, internet dan artikel ilmiah lainnya yang telah dipilih dan diteliti secara sistematis sesuai dengan kepentingan penulisan artikel ini. Hasil penelitian ini adalah mengemukakan tentang beberapa model pembelajaran yang dapat diterapkan dalam proses pembelajaran pendidikan agama Kristen untuk membantu meningkatkan mutu belajar peserta didik.Kata kunci: model pembelajaran; mutu belajar; pendidikan agama Kristen
Pengaruh Kedisplinan Guru Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas V SD YPPGI Guopaka, Distrik Tiom, Kab. Lanny Jaya Papua Juarni Gea; Efvi Noyita
REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education Vol 1, No 1: September 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (323.346 KB) | DOI: 10.53547/realdidache.v1i1.70


 The teacher's role is key to the functioning of a school education institution. Teachers have enormous responsibility in an effort to deliver their students to the educational goals they aspire to. In this case the teacher is responsible for meeting the needs of his students, both spiritual, moral, aesthetic, and physical needs of each student. Therefore, a teacher must be able to behave properly and well in every way, especially in terms of discipline. Discipline is one very important aspect of the learning process. Without discipline, the predetermined learning targets cannot be achieved optimally. This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of teacher discipline on learning outcomes at SD YPPGI Guopaka, Tiom district, Lanny Jaya Papua district. In this study the authors used data analysis techniques with data processing using the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) program with the hope that all the data that has been obtained has met the requirements to conclude the results of a study. The results of the research conducted stated, "that teacher discipline has a positive effect on student learning outcoME.
Implementasi Pemahaman Kristologi dalam Pendidikan Agama Kristen di Sekolah pada Era Industri 4.0 Yupe Usiel; Vicky BGD Paat; Maywan Sinaga; Rosnita Temba Kagu; Selvyen Sophia
REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education Vol 2, No 2: September 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2237.079 KB) | DOI: 10.53547/rdj.v2i2.193


There is a lot of understanding about Christology in various literatures and social media. Therefore, every believer should select the source so as not to cause misunderstanding. It cannot be denied that society in this modern era greatly influences the issue and development of Christological understanding. In this paper, the researcher uses a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach to analyze the documents that are the focus of the research discussion. The results of this study are Christian Religious Education in schools in the Industrial 4.0 era can provide Christology teaching to students through schools from primary sources, namely the Bible through digital technology without eliminating the essence of biblical truth based on accountable sources, as well as conducting coaching and maintenance faith. Essentially, Christian Religious Education exists to facilitate students to experience encounters with God personally, both through the presence of educators and in their independence. Thus, the continued understanding of Christology and the inheritance of Christian values will give birth to a generation that is strong, militant, tough, and wise in facing the developments and changes of the times that have disrupted all areas of life.Keywords: industrial era 4.0; implementation; christology; Christian educationAbstrakPemahaman tentang Kristologi sangat banyak di berbagai literatur maupun media sosial. Oleh karena itu, setiap orang percaya seharusnya menyeleksi sumber tersebut sehingga tidak menimbulkan pemahaman yang keliru. Hal ini tidak bisa dibantah bahwa masyarakat yang berada dalam era modern ini sangat mempengaruhi isu dan perkembangan pemahaman Kristologi. Dalam tulisan ini, peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kepustakaan untuk menganalisis dokumen yang menjadi fokus bahasan penelitian. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Pendidikan Agama Kristen di sekolah pada era Industri 4.0 dapat memberikan pengajaran Kristologi kepada peserta didik melalui sekolah dari sumber primer yaitu Alkitab melalui teknologi digital tanpa menghilangkan esensi kebenaran yang Alkitabiah berdasarkan sumber-sumber yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan, serta melakukan pembinaan dan pemeliharaan iman. Hakekatnya Pendidikan Agama Kristen ada untuk memfasilitasi peserta didik supaya mengalami perjumpaan dengan Allah secara pribadi, baik melalui kehadiran pendidik maupun dalam kemandiriannya. Dengan demikian, kelangsungan pemahaman akan Kristologi dan pewarisan nilai-nilai Kristen akan melahirkan generasi yang kuat, militan, tangguh, serta berhikmat dalam menghadapi perkembangan dan perubahan zaman yang telah mendisrupsi segala bidang kehidupan.                                                Kata kunci: era industri 4.0; implementasi; kristologi; pendidikan agama kristen
Implementasi Teori Belajar Konstruktivisme bagi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Kristen di Sekolah Remegises Danial Yohanis Pandie; Yunardi Kristian Zega; Desetina Harefa; Stefanus Meo Nekin; Rini Sumanti Sapalakkai; Selvyen Sophia
REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education Vol 2, No 1: Maret 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3007.202 KB) | DOI: 10.53547/rdj.v2i1.150


The implementation of teaching and learning activities becomes more effective if you pay attention to the use of learning theory in the classroom environment. However, the fact is that there are still some learning implementations that ignore this, so that learning outcomes are not in accordance with the achievement targets. One of the learning theories that is often used is constructivism learning theory. This learning theory gives students the freedom to build their own knowledge according to what is learned in the learning environment. The means of supporting the implementation of constructivism learning theory is technology. Technology makes it easy for educational practitioners to explore innovative patterns and materials to make an impact on students. Therefore, the purpose of writing this article is to explain the application of constructivism learning theory in Christian religious education in schools. The method in this research is a literature study method which refers to data or references related to the topic raised. Researchers collect various theories and information from library materials and conduct analytical studies of various written sources that can be justified academically. The results of this study are constructivism learning theory plays an important role in Christian religious education in schools, because it can provide space for students to easily learn by using technology, and make it easier for students to get opportunities to learn more independently.Keywords: Christian Religious Education; School; Technology; Constructivism Learning Theory Abstrak Pelaksanaan kegiatan belajar mengajar menjadi lebih efektif jika memperhatikan penggunaan teori belajar dalam lingkungan kelas. Namun, faktanya masih terdapat beberapa pelaksanaan belajar yang mengabaikan hal tersebut, sehingga hasil belajar tidak sesuai dengan target pencapaian. Salah satu teori belajar yang sering digunakan adalah teori belajar konstruktivisme. Teori belajar ini memberikan kebebasan kepada siswa untuk membangun pengetahuannya sendiri sesuai dengan apa yang dipelajari dalam lingkungan belajar. Sarana pendukung implementasi teori belajar konstruktivisme adalah teknologi. Teknologi memberikan kemudahan bagi praktisi pendidikan untuk mengeksplorasi pola dan materi yang inovatif agar memberikan dampak bagi siswa. Oleh sebab itu, tujuan dari penulisan artikel ini untuk menjelaskan tentang penerapan teori belajar konstruktivisme dalam pendidikan agama Kristen di sekolah. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode studi pustaka yang mengacu pada data atau referensi yang berkaitan dengan topik yang diangkat. Peneliti mengumpulkan berbagai teori dan informasi dari bahan kepustakaan dan melakukan kajian analitis terhadap berbagai sumber tertulis yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara akademik. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah teori belajar konstruktivisme berperan penting dalam pendidikan agama Kristen di sekolah, karena dapat memberikan ruang kepada siswa untuk mudah belajar dengan menggunakan teknologi, serta memudahkan siswa untuk mendapatkan kesempatan belajar secara lebih mandiri. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Agama Kristen; Sekolah; Teknologi; Teori Belajar Konstruktivisme
Analisis Keseimbangan Ranah Kognitif, Afektif dan Psikomotorik dalam Muatan Ekologi pada Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Kristen Sekolah Menengah Atas Andrias Pujiono
REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education Vol 2, No 2: September 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3227.33 KB) | DOI: 10.53547/rdj.v2i2.241


Knowledge of what environmental care is does not automatically make a person care for the environment in his actions. For this reason, it is necessary to have an education that is holistic, that is, that touches on cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects. With a holistic approach learner are not only able to understand but also behave and act positively towards the environment in which they live. In the context and practice of Christian religious education, it is necessary to have holistic ecological education as stated in the ecological content. To find out this, the author analyzes the ecological content in the high school Christian religious education curriculum, in order to find out the balance of its domains. From this analysis, it is proven that the ecological content in the curriculum of Christian religious education at the high school level tends to be cognitive and not holistic.Keywords: affective; ecological; balance; cognitive; psychomotorAbstrakPengetahuan tentang apa itu peduli lingkungan tidak otomatis menjadikan seseorang peduli lingkungan dalam tindakannya. Untuk itu, perlu pendidikan yang bersifat holistik, yaitu yang menyentuh aspek kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotorik. Dengan pendekatan yang holitik peserta didik tidak hanya mampu memahami tetapi juga bersikap dan bertindak positif terhadap lingkungan di mana mereka tinggal. Dalam konteks dan praktik pendidikan agama Kristen perlu adanya pendidikan ekologi holistik yang tertuang dalam muatan ekologi. Untuk mengetahui hal tersebut, penulis melakukan analisa terhadap muatan ekologi pada kurikulum pendidikan agama Kristen sekolah menengah atas, guna mengetahui keseimbagan ranah-ranahnya. Dari analisa tersebut, terbukti muatan ekologi dalam kurikulum pendidikan agama Kristen tingkat sekolah menengah atas cenderung bersifat kognitif dan tidak bersifat holistik.Kata kunci: afektif; ekologi; keseimbangan; kognitif; psikomotor
Pengaruh Komunikasi Interpersonal Guru Terhadap Peningkatan Minat Belajar Siswa Kelas VIII Pada Pembelajaran PAK di SMP YPK Ebenhaezer Sarmi Mega Mustika Zega
REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education Vol 1, No 1: September 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (356.372 KB) | DOI: 10.53547/realdidache.v1i1.71


  This research starts from a problem encountered by researchers in the field, where researchers find students at YPK Junior High School Ebenhaezer Sarmi lacking interest in learning. In learning students often experience boredom and passivity, so only teachers who look active. The application of interpersonal communication between teacher and students has not been maximized, so that it results in an atmosphere of learning even what is very visible is that teacher and student communication is very minimal. . Therefore, the authors formulate the problem, namely how the teacher's interpersonal communication, increase student learning interest, and how much influence the teacher's interpersonal communication on increasing student learning interest. To find the answer, the authors analyze the data using quantitative research and SPSS assistance, the authors conclude that the teacher's Interpersonal Communication has an influence on Student Learning Interest. The amount of influence that the author gets is 63%.
Pendidikan Kristiani Berbasis Karakter dan Relevansinya bagi Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Swasta Armajaya Sindagamanik Sunggul Simarangkir; Valentina Dwi Kuntari J
REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education Vol 2, No 1: Maret 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2677.114 KB) | DOI: 10.53547/rdj.v2i1.154


This article discusses character-based Christian education and its relevance for the Armajaya Sindagamanik Private Vocational High School (SMKS). This article uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The Christian students of SMKS Armajaya who are considered as the next generation of the nation as well as the church, are currently trapped in a life that is not pleasing to God, such as smoking, misusing technology during learning, lacking respect for teachers, saying dirty words, and not coming on time. to school and so on. Actually, Christian character should be included in the teachings of God's word, but over time, the character of SMKS Armajaya students is decreasing and not leading to the teachings of God's word anymore, so they don't realize that their character is not good. Thus, character education plays an important role in the personal development of students at SMKS Armajaya. Therefore, in this study, various noble values will be discussed, namely: honesty, virtue, courage, discipline, generosity, tolerance, and responsibility as well as character education which begins with a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.Keywords: character; Christian education; students; SKMS Armajaya Sindagamanik AbstrakArtikel ini membahas tentang pendidikan Kristen berbasis karakter dan relevansinya bagi Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Swasta (SMKS) Armajaya Sindagamanik. Artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Siswa-Siswi Kristen SMKS Armajaya yang dianggap sebagai generasi penerus bangsa sekaligus gereja, saat ini terjebak dalam kehidupan yang tidak berkenan di hadapan Allah, seperti merokok, salah menyalahgunakan teknologi pada saat pembelajaran, kurang rasa menghormati guru, berkata kotor, dan tidak datang tepat waktu ke sekolah, dan lainnya. Karakter Kristen seharusnya diikut sertakan pada ajaran firman Allah, namun seiring perkembangan zaman, karakter siswa-siswi SMKS Armajaya semakin menurun dan bukan mengarah pada ajaran firman Allah lagi, sehingga tidak menyadari bahwa karakter mereka sudah kurang baik. Dengan demikian, pendidikan karakter memegang peranan penting dalam pengembangan pribadi siswa-siswi di SMKS Armajaya. Oleh sebab itu, dalam penelitian ini akan dibahas berbagai nilai-nilai luhur, yakni: kejujuran, kebajikan, keberanian, disiplin, kedermawanan, toleransi, dan tanggung jawab serta pendidikan karakter yang dimulai dengan perjumpaan pribadi dengan Yesus Kristus.Kata kunci: karakter; pendidikan kristiani; siswa-siswi; SKMS Armajaya Sindagamanik
Inovasi Pembelajaran Digital dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa: Suatu Analisis Pendidikan Agama Kristen Esti Regina Boiliu; Sozawato Telaumbanua
REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education Vol 2, No 2: September 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2233.776 KB) | DOI: 10.53547/rdj.v2i2.242


In the current new normal era, digital learning innovation is one of the hopes in increasing the motivation to learn from students. Thus, educators, including Christian educators, must be able to make interesting innovations in learning either naturally, with conventional tools or technology in the surrounding environment, or use digital technology that can be in the form of qualified electronic objects in order to support the learning process. The purpose of this study is to encourage educators, especially Christian educators, to innovate in implementing digital learning. In writing this article, the author uses a qualitative method, by collecting the data needed, be it from journals, proceedings, books, or the internet, which is related to the topic of discussion of this article. The result of this study is to suggest that digital learning innovation will increase student learning motivation.Keywords: innovation; digital learning; christian education; learning motivationAbstrakEra new normal saat ini, inovasi pembelajaran digital menjadi salah satu harapan dalam meningkatkan motivasi belajar dari peserta didik. Dengan demikian, para pendidik, termasuk pendidik agama Kristen harus mampu membuat inovasi-inovasi yang menarik dalam pembelajaran baik secara alami, dengan alat atau teknologi konvensional yang ada di lingkungan sekitar, maupun menggunakan teknologi digital yang dapat berupa benda elektronik yang memenuhi syarat dalam rangka menunjang proses pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendorong para pendidik, khususnya pendidik agama Kristen, agar berinovasi dalam menerapkan pembelajaran digital. Dalam penulisan artikel ini, penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan mengumpulkan data yang dibutuhkan baik itu dari jurnal, prosiding, buku, maupun internet, yang berkaitan dengan topik pembahasan artikel ini. Hasil penelitian ini adalah mengemukakan bahwa inovasi pembelajaran digital akan meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa.Kata kunci: inovasi; pembelajaran digital; pendidikan agama kristen; motivasi belajar
Peran Komunikasi Dalam Keluarga Kristen Berdasarkan Ulangan 6:7 Benyamin Telnoni
REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education Vol 1, No 1: September 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (280.892 KB) | DOI: 10.53547/realdidache.v1i1.72


Through this article, the author attempts to describe the crucial role of communication in the family based on Deuteronomy 6: 7. Damage to family relationships: husband and wife, parent-child due to stagnant communication between family members. According to the Indonesian Family Home Counselor and Trainer (RKI) that 70% of husband and wife problems are due to communication failures. Even the Head of Prosperous Family and Family Empowerment (KSPK) in Media Indonesia revealed that poor communication between parents and children can result in juvenile delinquency. This means that communication has a very important role in the Christian family. Good or bad a family is determined by how to communicate with family members because effective communication can help prevent problems in the family. Good communication can help parents to prepare the best path for the child's future, including in directing their children to achieve their desired goals. Text analysis of Deuteronomy 6:7 shows that communication between families plays a central role in bringing harmonious and open family to one another. The purpose of this paper is to answer all the problems regarding the role of communication in the Christian family and in review from Deuteronomy 6: 7. The method used in this paper is the method of studying literature and library research.  
Keteladanan Yesus Mengajar Murid-Murid dan Implikasinya bagi Pelayanan Sekolah Minggu Endah Mulyani; Semuel Ruddy Angkouw; Andreas Joswanto
REAL DIDACHE: Journal of Christian Education Vol 2, No 1: Maret 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Real Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2781.994 KB) | DOI: 10.53547/rdj.v2i1.151


Sunday School service is very important in the Church. Therefore, it cannot be ignored but must get a sufficient portion of attention and full support from the church. Sunday School Waiter. It is not easy, it needs knowledge and skills to teach and educate children with the aim of guiding children to know God early. In writing this scientific work, researchers use qualitative methods, namely describing data. While the main source of study is journal articles and books that discuss the example of Jesus in teaching students and its implications in the ministry of Sunday School. Urain in this article shows that Jesus the Great Teacher has given an example in teaching effective and successful disciples. Jesus' teaching was great in teaching him eternal life. His way of teaching is also very clear in the presentation of the material. His example in terms of sacrifice, mercy and honesty greatly adds to the quality of His teachership as a Rabbi. Jesus not only gave teaching, but also discipleship to the end of the world. Childhood is an important stage in the formation of personality basics later in life. Jesus' example in teaching the students is very effective and greatly supports the success of Sunday School ministry.Keywords: The example of Jesus, teaching, Ministry, Sunday SchoolAbstrakPelayanan Sekolah Minggu sangat penting di dalam Gereja. Karena itu, tidak bisa diabaikan begitu saja namun harus mendapatkan porsi perhatian yang cukup dan dukungan penuh dari gereja. Pelayan Sekolah Minggu. tidaklah mudah, perlu pengetahuan dan ketrampilan guna mengajar dan mendidik anak-anak dengan tujuan membimbing anak untuk mengenal Tuhan sejak dini. Dalam penulisan karya ilmiah ini peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif yaitu menjabarkan data sedangkan sumber utama kajian adalah artikel jurnal dan buku-buku yang membahas tentang keteladanan Yesus dalam mengajar murid-murid dan implikasinya dalam pelayanan Sekolah Minggu. Uraian pada artikel ini menunjukkan Yesus Guru Agung itu telah memberikan keteladanan dalam mengajar para murid yang efektif dan berhasil. Pengajaran Yesus sangat hebat dalam mengajarkan nilah hidup kekal. Cara mengajar-Nya sangat jelas dalam pemaparan materi. Keteladanan-Nya dalam hal pengorbanan, belas kasihan dan kejujuran sangat menambah kualitas keguruan-Nya sebagai seorang Rabi. Yesus bukan hanya memberikan pengajaran saja, tetapi juga pemuridan sampai akhir dunia. Masa anak-anak merupakan tahap penting dalam pembentukan dasar-dasar kepribadian di kemudian hari. Keteladanan Yesus di dalam mengajar para murid sangat efektif dan sangat menunjang keberhasilan pelayanan Sekolah Minggu.Kata kunci: keteladanan Yesus; mengajar; pelayanan; sekolah minggu

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