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JSO: Journal of Social Outreach
ISSN : 28295668     EISSN : 28295668     DOI : -
Journal Of Social Outreach (JSO) adalah jurnal pengabdian masyakat yang dikelola oleh Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Imam Bonjol. Adapun fokus dan cakupan dari jurnal ini meliputi: 1. Pendidikan dan pelatihan dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat berbasis sains dan teknologi 2. Pendayagunaan sains dan teknologi dalam kehidupan masyarakat 3. Interaksi atau implementasi kebudayaan, agama, dan sains dalam pemberdayaan serta pendampingan pada kehidupan masyarakat Journal of Social Outreach terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun, yaitu pada bulan April dan bulan Oktober. Penerbit Journal Of Social Outreach adalah Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Imam Bonjol Padang.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 10 Documents
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PENDAMPINGAN PENGUATAN LITERASI DASAR (MEMBACA, MENULIS, DAN BERHITUNG DI SDN 2 DUMAN Muhammad Syawahid; Muhammad Rima Hamdani; M. Ardani Eka Julianto; Nurfadilah Nurfadilah; Fathira Ihda Alfinaini; Nurul Rahima; Annastasya Maharani Marzuki; Afifurrahman Afifurrahman
Journal of Social Outreach Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Journal of Social Outreach
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/jso.v2i2.6997


International and national survey results categorize Indonesia as low in literacy skills. In order to improve literacy skills in schools, Kemdikbud launched the School Literacy Movement (GLS). To realize this goal, the Participatory Work Lecture (KKP) group of UIN Mataram were located in Duman Village, West Lombok implemented a basic literacy strengthening work program at SDN 2 Duman. The method used is participatory action research (PAR) which consists of problem identification, focus group discussion, implementation and evaluation. After the activities were carried out, the results obtained were an increase in students' basic literacy as shown by the ability to read, write and count for students who previously could not read, write and count. In addition, there was an increase in students' interest and motivation in reading, writing and counting. This activity also received a good response from students, teachers and the community with a satisfaction level percentage of 92.5%. Keywords: literacy, reading, writing, numeracy
Journal of Social Outreach Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Journal of Social Outreach
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/jso.v2i2.6390


Teachers are required to equip themselves with knowledge about the use of technology in teaching. The purpose of this community service activity is to strengthen technological pedagogical knowledge (TPK) of madrasah teachers through training in the use of a variety of free IT-based applications. The training that is as a form of teacher self-development focused on madrasah teachers in Pasuruan area and MAN 1 Pasuruan was the school where the training was executed. Using the ASSURE model, the training ran well. As indicated from the data resultsed from questionnaire distributed as part of the training evaluation showed positive attitudes, such as the training improved teachers’ motivation in utilizing IT-based applications in teaching, and added references to a variety of free IT applications. The results of monitoring also shows that teachers used the applications for teaching their classes. At the end, the teachers expected that the training on technology related topic should be conducted continuously in the future. Keywords: IT-based Applications, Training, Strengthening TPK
PENINGKATAN VISIBILITAS DAN PROMOSI DIGITAL KAMPUNG ADAT KURANJI Irsyad Shabri; Rahmadianti Aulia; Yalmiadi Yalmiadi; Rahma Yanti; Widya Fhitri; Thiska Septa Maiza; Rabbi Antaridha; Emil Eka Putra; Allya Azzara Malsy Yudri; Bunga Fazilah Adelaide
Journal of Social Outreach Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Journal of Social Outreach
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/jso.v2i2.5863


Kuranji Traditional Village has the potential to become a cultural tourism object that can represent and introduce Minangkabau culture well at the national and international levels. Even so, Kuranji Traditional Village is still constrained by several crucial issues such as infrastructure, amenities and ancillary services, human resources, promotion (visibility in cyberspace), and strategic development plans. The purpose of this activity is to increase the visibility and digital promotion of the Kuranji Traditional Village in cyberspace. This activity was carried out using the workshop method; first, participants are given materials and directions; second, participants work on or practice the material that has been delivered; the three presenters and participants held discussions to resolve situational problems that were not covered in the material previously presented. The results of the activity showed positive things where managers and cultural activists in the Kuranji Traditional Village for development felt that this activity was very useful for improving the Kuranji Traditional Village as a cultural tourism object as well as an effort to increase the financial strength of the Kuranji Traditional Village community to achieve its main goal, maintenance of Minangkabau culture, through this digital promotion. Keywords: Visibility, Digital promotion, Kampung Adat Kuranji
Journal of Social Outreach Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Journal of Social Outreach
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/jso.v2i2.6696


Based on the observations, it was found that there were several problems experienced by students in schools in the Gresik region, province of East Java, Indonesia. Along with the assignment of professional science teacher candidates at the school, the authors provide a solution assisting the implementation of collaborative classroom action research as a form of community service. This activity was carried out in several junior high schools in the Gresik region in collaboration with local teachers. The objectives of this activity are 1) science teacher candidates could identify student problems and find appropriate learning actions at school, 2) evaluate the progress of science teacher candidates in each cycle, and 3) science teacher candidates could write scientific articles based on the implementation of collaborative classroom action research. With hybrid assisting methods online and offline, this activity can run smoothly and optimally. The results obtained are that PjBL is the most chosen learning model as an action to solve student learning outcomes. Then during the collaborative most chosen, all prospective teachers showed good progress in each cycle. The final result is that professional science teacher candidates can write scientific articles for publication in accredited national journals. Keywords: Teacher Candidates, Science, PTK
BIMBINGAN TEKNIS KURIKULUM MERDEKA BELAJAR BAGI GURU DI RA AL KAUTSAR Deswita Deswita; Rifa Atiyyah; Arie Purwa Kusuma; Nurina Kurniasari Rahmawati
Journal of Social Outreach Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Journal of Social Outreach
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/jso.v2i2.6762


Supporting Indonesia's educational vision, and as part of efforts to restore learning, the Merdeka Curriculum (which was previously referred to as a curriculum prototype) was developed as a curriculum framework that is more flexible, while also focusing on essential material and developing the character and competence of students. Efforts to run an independent curriculum at this time, is one of the efforts to be able to implement it in the implementation of the curriculum, and teachers are very important in playing and implementing this independent curriculum to the fullest and can run well. The implementation of Community Service (PKM) carried out by STKIP Kusumanegara Lecturers was in the form of training on the implementation of the independent curriculum for teachers delivered to teachers under the auspices of all RA (Raudhatul Atfal) in Bogor district. This training is delivered in a systematic and simple manner so that it can be understood easily and can have a significant impact in realizing education for students. The result is an increase in teacher understanding in three aspects; (1), theoretically, (2), how to implement it, and (3), how to develop a curriculum. Keywords: Implementation, Curriculum, Free Learning, Training
Journal of Social Outreach Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Journal of Social Outreach
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/jso.v2i2.6813


Waste is a residual material that holds no value if simply discarded. However, waste can become highly valuable if transformed into something beneficial. Just like orange peel waste, which can hold significant benefits if one knows how to process it. Therefore, a team of lecturers and students from UIN Raden Intan Lampung conducted a socialization on the processing of orange peel waste into eco-enzymes for the community of Hajimena Village, Lampung Selatan. The execution method of this community engagement activity employed a persuasive approach through dissemination and direct practice. The existence of this product has provided a solution to the previous problem, namely the lack of activities that produce products in the village. Currently, people are starting to realize the importance of managing organic waste so that it can be converted into high-value goods, avoiding littering which has the potential to pollute the environment. The activity was enthusiastically embraced by the people of Hajimena Village, Lampung Selatan, proceeded smoothly, and succeeded in producing plant fertilizer using easily accessible natural materials. Keywords: Socialization, Waste Processing, Orange Peel, Eco-Enzyme
PENINGKATAN EKONOMI MASYARAKAT MELALUI BUDIDAYA JAMUR DI DESA KARANGANYAR KABUPATEN MALANG Faisal Kamarudin; M. Imamul Muttaqin; Nindita Ratry Wulan Pramesty; Aidah Iswari Zharifah; Misbakhul Ilmi
Journal of Social Outreach Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Journal of Social Outreach
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/jso.v2i2.5710


Community empowerment is an activity to increase community participation in meeting the necessities of life and solving problems experienced by the community. In this case the activity was carried out through the Student Work Lecture program (KKM) which is a community service-based activity to increase student empathy for the condition of society and its environment. Group 125 KKM is a group assigned to Karang Anyar Village, Poncokusumo District, Malang Regency. The method used in this service is the PAR participatory action research method, which aims to find out or describe the reality that occurs in society so that the data obtained is truly objective. The criteria determined as subjects of service are those who are involved in the activities carried out and know and understand information related to service. Based on this, the subjects in this service were selected using the following criteria: community activity programs, including worship, education, and the economy, with the results obtained, namely the development and resolution of problems faced by society, including religion, education, and the economy. This KKM not only benefits the community but also the students who carry out the activity program. Keywords: Improving the Economy, Society, Mushroom Cultivation
Journal of Social Outreach Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Journal of Social Outreach
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/jso.v2i2.6891


Partners in this community service activity are FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang students who need insight into entrepreneurship. The problem with this service partner is that the financial source is only from the parents, while the parents' economic conditions (student guardians) are in the lower middle class, while the needs of students are also increasing. So that students can continue to continue their studies and be able to innovate and develop their potential, additional funds are needed. One way is to start entrepreneurship. Based on the partner's problems, the Dedication Team of the Mathematics Department of FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang provided a solution, namely by providing training regarding the entrepreneurial mindset for FMIPA students with several kinds of material such as: why students should be entrepreneurs, finding personal branding and digital marketing. Keywords: Business, Student, Entrepreneur
STRENGTHENING EARLY CHILDHOOD TEACHER SERVICES IN CREATIVITY TO MAKE INSPIRATIONAL EDUCATIONAL TOOLS Afriyane Ismandela; Dinda Fatma Nabila; Retno Wulandari; Abdul Halif; Paramita Rusadi; Nini Saputri; Widya Putri; Jhoni Warmansyah
Journal of Social Outreach Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Journal of Social Outreach
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/jso.v2i2.6171


Improving the quality of PAUD teacher services is essential in developing creativity and inspiring educational aids. The Participatory Action Research (PAR) technique is used to improve PAUD teacher services by encouraging creativity and producing educational teaching aids that are inspiring through Community Service (PKM). PKM begins with a collaborative planning phase with PAUD teachers and other relevant stakeholders. The PKM team engages teachers in workshops and meetings to identify needs and actively participates in training sessions, hands-on activities, and reflection sessions during implementation. They are encouraged to try new techniques, discuss their experiences, and work together to overcome problems and obstacles that arise along the way. The Joint Community Service team provides ongoing support and direction, fostering a collaborative and empowered atmosphere where instructors can leverage their creativity and build engaging instructional resources. The impact of the Joint Community Service was evaluated using a variety of data collection approaches, including surveys, observations, interviews, and recordings of the instructor's creative practices and the resulting pedagogical materials. These findings indicate that the self-confidence, knowledge, and abilities of PAUD teachers significantly increase in designing and making educational teaching aids that are inspiring. This study generates a sense of ownership, empowerment, and continued professional growth by integrating PAUD teachers as active participants and research partners. It also makes it easier for participating teachers and the more prominent early childhood education community to disseminate and share best practices. These findings can help educators, researchers, and policymakers create and implement collaborative, context-appropriate interventions to enhance teacher creativity in early childhood education. Keywords: Early Childhood Teacher, Creativity, Inspirative Educational Tools
Journal of Social Outreach Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Journal of Social Outreach
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/jso.v2i2.6934


Packaging is the activity of designing and producing a container or wrapper as a product. The purpose of the packaging strategy is to produce packaging that is attractive, easy to carry, safe, does not cause food contamination, and provides complete and adequate product information. Good packaging can boost sales of a product. This Community Service uses the coaching clinic method, which is a combination of three indicators (counseling, mentoring and evaluation). The result of this research is that the implementation of packaging strategy is able to increase the sales competitiveness of a product. Good packaging is a means of communication that helps increase sales, over time packaging has evolved its function which was originally only aimed at protecting a product, now has a broader function, one of which is branding or product identity. Keywords: UMKM, Packaging strategy, Competitiveness

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