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Studies in English Language and Education
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Studies in English Language and Education (SiELE) is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Department of English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia. The journal presents research and development in the field of teaching and learning of English language, general linguistics and literature. Authors must register to this journal before submitting their work and they must follow the Author Guidelines of the journal. Submissions that do not adhere to the guidelines provided will be rejected. Please submit your article through the online submission of this journal. You may address further inquiries to the Editor at From 2014-2020, SiELE Journal published twice a year, in March and September. From 2021 onwards, it publishes three times a year in January, May, and September. The journals have a policy of “Zero Tolerance on Plagiarism”. We recommend that authors check their articles with plagiarism prevention tools (,, etc.) before submission.
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Kupi Gayo: Deixis in Ervan Ceh Kul’s song lyrics Nurul Inayah; Diana Achmad; Septhia Irnanda; At'thahirah At'thahirah
Studies in English Language and Education Vol 10, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/siele.v10i3.31059


Deixis, the linguistic phenomenon of words pointing to specific entities in discourse or situational context, has been explored in various forms of expressive arts. One interesting example of deixis in expressive arts is the use of deixis in song lyrics. In this present study, Gayonese local songs from Aceh, Indonesia, in the Kupi Gayo album by Ervan Ceh Kul, are studied by examining the deictic terms he used to construct the cultural context of ten songs. For this goal, the descriptive qualitative method was used to analyze the songs’ deixis using the framework of Grundy (2000). The results revealed that the songwriter used more first and second personal deictic terms, suggesting that he tried to add a layer of emotional connection between the artist and the listeners, allowing for a more immersive and relatable musical experience. Nevertheless, he used place and temporal deixis less frequently, indicating that he tried to create rich and immersive experiences for the listeners. The results showed that using deictic terms in the vernacular language facilitates effective communication and understanding within a specific community or culture.  By understanding the function and purpose of deixis in the vernacular language, researchers and linguists can gain insights into how individuals in a society navigate their social interactions.
Dysphemism in the form of hatred and profanity towards forest destroyers in Indonesian poetry Mohd. Harun; Wiwit Artika; Wildan Wildan
Studies in English Language and Education Vol 10, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/siele.v10i3.30663


Environmental challenges have inspired poets to use poetry as media to convey protest, sadness, or anger toward environmental damage. As a form of artistic expression, poetry is a powerful medium to convey concerns about ecology. This study aims to describe expressions of dysphemism in the form of hatred and profanity towards forest destroyers in Indonesian poetry. This qualitative study collected data from the three anthologies, namely (1) Riwayat Asap Membungkam Jerebu Lewat Sastra (The History of Smoke Silencing Haze through Literature), (2) Puisi Hijau Resonansi Serindit (Green Poetry: The Resonance of the Magpie Robin), and (3) Metamorfosis Rimba Sehimpun Puisi Hijau Warga SMA Cendana dan Penyair Tamu (Metamorphosis of the Jungle: A Collection of Green Poetry by Cendana High School Students and Guest Poets). The data were analyzed based on the theory of ecocriticism. The study shows that Indonesian poets (1) expressed hatred using the diction of greed combined with avarice expressions, and (2) expressed profanity using curse expressions. These dictions or expressions show that Indonesian poets are concerned about nature’s existence. If the situation is reversed, i.e., the forest and the earth are damaged, poets can act harshly according to the context and situation; they hate and condemn through their poetry. Through the use of dysphemism, environmental poetry encourages reflection and awareness of environmental damage caused by irresponsible human actions. The poem invites readers to consider the consequences of these actions and encourages changes in behavior to protect nature.
Augmenting the quality of Acehnese knowledge-based EFL material through a 4D model Jarjani Usman; Lukman Ibrahim
Studies in English Language and Education Vol 10, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/siele.v10i3.29782


Integrating local knowledge into English learning material is crucial in this globalized era as it has multiple functions, such as building students’ identity, motivating them to learn, making them attached to their culture, and preserving their local knowledge. Anchored by the curriculum theory, this study systemically developed an Acehnese Islamic cultural knowledge-based lesson material for learning English by students at senior high school and analyzed its quality based on the curriculum perspective. In doing so, this study involved EFL teachers using Tiagarajan’s 4D (Define-Design-Develop-Disseminate) model for developing the English learning material as a supplementary material for senior high schools. Local knowledge, such as Molod Nabi, Meuleumak, and Toroyong, was selected to be its content. Its quality was then assessed based on the quality criteria of a curriculum product, such as validity and practicality. The results revealed that the Acehnese local culture knowledge-based EFL lesson material for senior high schools is valid based on the teachers’ perceptions. It contains state-of-the-art knowledge and is practical for teaching English to foster the deradical characters of senior high school students. In conclusion, using the 4D model in collaboratively developing the local knowledge-based EFL English lesson material is beneficial for producing high-quality curriculum products.
A comparison of English, Acehnese, and Indonesian monophthongs Tanzir Masykar; Stefanie Pillai; Roshidah Hassan
Studies in English Language and Education Vol 10, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/siele.v10i3.30477


Foreign language learners tend to approximate the quality of non-native vowels to their existing vowel systems. This phenomenon becomes more complicated in learners who already have more than one vowel system in their linguistic repertoire. When learning English, Acehnese-Indonesian speakers are likely to already have two other vowel systems, Acehnese and Indonesian. Thus, the quality of English monophthongs produced by these speakers may resemble the equivalent of Acehnese and Indonesian monophthongs. This study compares the quality of English monophthongs to equivalent Acehnese and Indonesian monophthongs produced by Acehnese-Indonesian speakers. A total of 29 students from a Modern Islamic Boarding School in Aceh participated in this study. The students were recorded producing nine English, 11 Acehnese, and seven Indonesian monophthongs embedded in target words produced in a carrier sentence. The study found that the nine English monophthongs were produced at an approximate quality to either Acehnese and/or Indonesian monophthongs. In some cases, the English vowel was produced similarly to both the equivalent vowels in Acehnese and Indonesian. In other cases, the English vowel was produced more similarly to either Acehnese or Indonesian. The findings of this study provide insights into how Acehnese-Indonesian learners filter English vowels through their existing L1 and L2 sounds and allow for a better understanding of this phenomenon via existing conceptual models. The findings also point to the often-ignored influence of other languages in a speaker’s repertoire on the learning and production of a new language.
A critical discourse analysis of the representation of Ukrainian refugees across the British mainstream news media Imam Munandar; Saiful Akmal
Studies in English Language and Education Vol 10, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/siele.v10i3.28014


This research investigates the dominant rhetorical/ discursive strategies in the British mainstream news media regarding their reports on Ukrainian refugees in the United Kingdom (UK). While news media have negatively constructed the non-European refugees, as previous studies have revealed, this research is unique because it specifically focuses on European refugees as its research sample. The ultimate objective was to demonstrate how the news media in the UK portrayed the incoming Ukrainian refugees on British soil. The data were 40 Ukrainian-refugee-related news reports published in four mainstream news media in the UK from March until July 2022. The data was then analysed by using Wodak’s Discourse-Historical Approach (DHA), consisting of six analytical categories: Referential, Predication, Argumentation (Topoi), Perspectivisation, Mitigation, and Intensification (Reisigl Wodak, 2008). The research found that regardless of their ideologies, all four news media consistently employed the discursive strategies of humanization and individualization and pervasively established a positive argumentative strategy on Ukrainian refugees. These dominant strategies depict a positive representation of Ukrainian refugees. Moreover, despite the overall negative picture of third-world refugees in British news media, the finding of this research is distinctive from the previous ones, showing that the British news media actively constructed the Ukrainian refugees positively and sympathetically. It is argued that the news media’s ideological stance of Eurocentrism and biased racial values played a decisive role in framing the pictures of European/Ukrainian and non-European refugees in their reports.
Speech intelligibility of the diastratic varieties of Philippine English Jin-young Tak; Maribel Zipagan; Eun Joo Kwak
Studies in English Language and Education Vol 10, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/siele.v10i3.29241


The rise of English globalization has prompted speech production variations that reveal the cultural and social backgrounds of the different speakers. However, intelligibility issues of the different varieties have also become a concern. Thus, the present study attempted to assess the intelligibility of Philippine English (PE) diastratic varieties’ speech recordings produced by local Cebuano speakers. Further, it aimed to specifically evaluate the speakers’ production differences, rate the intelligibility of the language varieties, and determine the effect of language variety on the listener-evaluators in terms of intelligibility and distraction ratings. Using an exploratory sequential mixed method design, the speech participants in this study were carefully chosen through multistage sampling first by social class and then by phonological variations. The three final sample speakers out of the initial eighteen were finally categorized as acrolect, mesolect, and basilect. The evaluating groups included English language users from the USA, the Philippines, Korea, and Thailand, and each group represented a region in Kachru’s concentric circle of the World Englishes model. The results identified acrolect as the most intelligible variety followed by mesolect. Basilect, on the other hand, was considered very distracting to the evaluator groups, resulting in a significantly low intelligibility score. Thai evaluators gave the lowest intelligibility ratings, which may be attributed to two factors, L1 interference and unfamiliarity of L2 variation. Finally, future directions and implications in the classroom and industry are stated to create a sense of cultural awareness and to promote a deeper intercultural understanding that comes with international intelligibility.
Merdeka Belajar–Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) to strengthen the culture and citizenship literacy of EFL pre-service teachers Silvi Listia Dewi; Misnawati Misnawati; Rahmi Hayati; Intan Zuhra; Misnar Misnar
Studies in English Language and Education Vol 10, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/siele.v10i3.28596


The purpose of this study is to explain and describe the role of the Merdeka Belajar–Kampu Merdeka (MBKM) or the Independent Learning Program in enhancing the culture and citizenship literacy of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) pre-service teachers at Universitas Almuslim, Indonesia, through the PERMATA-SAKTI Program, a student exchange program. This research employed a mixed method. The respondents of this study were prospective EFL teachers who participated in the program. Five informants were interviewed extensively to collect qualitative data. The interviews were transcribed and the results were analyzed through thematic analysis. A number of 35 pre-service EFL teachers filled in a closed-ended questionnaire to collect quantitative data. These data were analyzed descriptively. The findings of this study indicated that the program could strengthen the cultural and citizenship literacy of EFL pre-service teachers by introducing culture and diversity through the online learning process. The active combined learning process revealed the values of solidarity, tolerance, diversity, and unity. EFL pre-service teachers developed an attitude of mutual respect through a dynamic learning process involving diverse languages, races, ethnicities, religions, and worldviews. This study concluded that the PERMATA-SAKTI Program effectively strengthened the EFL pre-service teachers’ cultural and citizenship literacy.
Language development in writing through pair-reviews in EFL learning Besral Besral; Luli Sari Yustina; Abdul Basit
Studies in English Language and Education Vol 10, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/siele.v10i3.31063


English as a foreign language (EFL) writing is one of the most important skills besides speaking for candidate teachers in the undergraduate English programs at higher institutions. The current study hypothesizes that pair-reviews or collaboration in the teaching and learning process of paragraph writing contributes to students’ successful language development. The subject of the study was a class (N=28) of third-semester students majoring in English language teaching at the Faculty of Islamic Education and Teacher Training of Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol in Padang, Indonesia. The students’ writing skills were developed through exposure to actual writing by introducing paragraph developments. Through the process of planning and writing, they were guided to the use of pair-reviews. After a training period, they were tested for the final exam, in which no review was allowed. The study found that students’ writing competence as the result of pair-reviews varied depending on the type of paragraphs being developed. The student’s average score was 73.5 in the illustration type, 78.28 in the comparison type, and 71.96 in the categorization type. In general, students’ average scores during this pair-review were 74.58. In the post-test, students’ average score was 79.3, indicating that pair-reviews significantly affect their writing competence. A conclusion was drawn regarding the influence of pair-reviews on their final writing product (post activity). The study further elaborates on the activities during pair-reviews, roles, and the practice of collaboration in Minangkabau culture and traditions in Padang.
A corpus-assisted discourse study on the construction of ‘obesity’ in Indonesian news media Muchamad Sholakhuddin Al Fajri; Hajar Abdul Rahim; Kumaran Rajandran
Studies in English Language and Education Vol 10, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/siele.v10i3.28822


Obesity is one of the health issues that is susceptible to discursive contestation and negotiation. The way it is portrayed in news media can affect public opinions and policymakers. This study aims to investigate the construction of ‘obesity’ in Indonesian online news media over a five-year period (2017-2021). The analysis was based on a corpus consisting of 1.418 news articles that mentioned the word ‘obesitas’ (obesity) by drawing upon corpus-assisted discourse study framework and legitimation theory. The findings showed that ‘obesity’ was predominantly constructed as a problem of personal responsibility, where individuals were viewed as solely responsible for minimising the risk of obesity and its associated health issues by losing or regulating their weight. This was frequently legitimised through expert authority by referring to medical experts’ interviews, or through impersonal authority by referring to scientific research. Meanwhile, the societal responsibility discourse which focused on the role of government and the food industry in creating conditions that led to obesity was very scarce. It is argued that this may reflect the presence of prevailing neoliberal ideology in Indonesian society. More balanced reporting, therefore, is recommended to lessen the stigmatisation of people with obesity and to recognise the variety of determinants of and solutions to obesity, reflecting its complexity more accurately.
Palestinian undergraduate learners’ foreign language classroom anxiety in online environments Husam Ahmad Qaddumi; Matt Smith; Yousef Alawneh; Nader Shawamreh; Aida Bakeer; Mahmoud Itemizeh
Studies in English Language and Education Vol 10, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/siele.v10i3.30031


Despite foreign language classroom anxiety having been studied since the 1980s, there has been little research into this phenomenon in the context of online and blended learning environments. There is a clear need for this study as higher education becomes ever more adaptable, post-pandemic. The portfolio of methods for supporting teaching and learning is widening, with most institutions now offering online and hybrid modules and courses. The purpose of this study was to investigate the levels of anxiety among Palestinian undergraduates learning the English language through online courses. This study also investigated the effects of gender variables (310 males and 1210 females) on foreign language classroom anxiety levels. We surveyed a random sample of 1520 undergraduate students from different universities in Palestine. We used the well-established Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale FLCAS (Horwitz et al., 1986; Horwitz, 2016), which is the most commonly-used measure of anxiety related to language learning. The findings of the study revealed that undergraduate learners experience anxiety when speaking with native speakers. Results indicate no significant differences in the students’ gender and foreign language classroom anxiety at universities. However, female learners were more anxious in language classrooms where the level of classroom anxiety was high. Finally, we offer tentative solutions for how tutors can support students experiencing foreign language anxiety.

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