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Rerum: Journal of Biblical Practice
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28081455     DOI : 10.55076/rerum
RERUM: Journal of Biblical Practice (e-ISSN: 2808-1455) is a theological scientific journal with a Biblical Practical perspective which is a scientific forum for multidisciplinary academic journals published by the Institute for Research and Community Service (IRCS) of the Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Moriah together Indonesian Christian Theologian Association. Focus and Scope. The articles published in RERUM: Journal of Biblical Practice have a focus and scope on Christian religious education theology, pastoral theology, Christian leadership, missions, and church management. The publication of this journal will be carried out in one year as many as two times, namely in April and October.
Articles 20 Documents
Sabat Dan Bekerja: Suatu Perspektif Teologi Kerja Recky Pangumbahas; Pieter Anggiat Napitupulu
RERUM: Journal of Biblical Practice Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): RERUM: The Journal of Biblical Practice
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Moriah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (912.244 KB) | DOI: 10.55076/rerum.v1i1.1


This article aims to find the meaning of the Sabbath in the working life of God's people and servants. How the correlation between routine and work pressure of working people has an impact on mental health, so that it has an impact on decreasing the quality and quantity of work. This turns out to be very much related to rest, which the Bible appears with the word Sabbath. The method used is literature review analysis. The results of this study are that everyone needs to observe the Sabbath as part of refreshing mental health, where the Sabbath is the direction for people to meet God and resign from their busyness and work.   Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menemukan makna Sabat dalam kehidupan bekerja umat dan pelayan Tuhan. Bagaimana korelasi rutinitas dan tekanan kerja orang bekerja berdampak pada kesehatan mental , sehingga berdampak pada menurunnya kualitas dna kuantitas kerja. Hal ini ini ternyata sangat terkait dengan istirahat, yang dimana di Alkitab dimunculkan dengan kata Sabat. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis literature review. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa setiap orang perlu melakukan Sabat sebagai bagian dari menyegarkan kesehatan mental, dimana Sabat menjadi arah umat untuk berjumpa kepada Tuhan dan mengundurkan diri dari kesibukan da pekerjaannya.
Mencari Makna Terbaik Pandemi Bagi Hidup Manusia, Melalui Filsafat Eksistensial Soren A. Kierkergaard Hendro Setiawan
RERUM: Journal of Biblical Practice Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): RERUM: The Journal of Biblical Practice
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Moriah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (796.352 KB) | DOI: 10.55076/rerum.v1i1.2


Lebih dari setahun pandemi Covid 19 telah melanda dunia. Lebih dari 100 juta orang telah terpapar dan lebih dari dua juta orang meninggal dunia diseluruh dunia. Angka-angka ini masih akan terus bertambah seiring berjalannya waktu. Selain bencana kesehatan, pandemi Covid 19 telah memicu bencana multidimensi global terbesar dalam satu abad terakhir. Selain dampak kesehatan, pandemi telah memicu dampak ekonomi, psikologi, sosial, pendidikan, dst. Dimulainya program vaksinasi, walau masih terbatas dan belum merata, telah memberikan harapan baru bagi masyarakat dunia untuk keluar dari krisis ini. Ditengah situasi ini, sebuah studi tentang: bagaimana seharusnya manusia memaknai pandemi ini adalah perlu dan mendesak. Pemaknaan atas suatu situasi, menentukan cara manusia bereaksi terhadapnya. Pemaknaan yang baik, membawa manusia pada tindakan positif yang membaharui. Sebaliknya, pemaknaan yang buruk berdampak destruktif bagi kehidupan. Faktanya walaupun pandemi telah berlangsung lama, penolakan terhadap keberadaannya masih berlangsung di banyak negara. Demonstrasi dan kerusuhan menyikapi penanganan pandemi terjadi dimana-mana, bahkan juga di negara-negara yang memiliki tingkat ekonomi dan kebahagiaan tinggi. Ini membuktikan bahwa pemaknaan atas pandemi yang tepat, masih sangat dibutuhkan. Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian ini, digunakan pendekatan filsafat eksistensial pemikiran S. A. Kierkergaard sebagai landasan pemikiran. Penelitian dilakukan lewat metode studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dibalik dampak buruk yang ditimbulkannya, pandemi Covid 19 juga mengajarkan kearifan-kearifan baru yang dibutuhkan bagi perbaikan dunia di masa depan. Kemampuan manusia untuk mampu melewati dan menangkap pelajaran berharga dari pandemi, ternyata sangat dipengaruhi oleh sikapnya dalam memaknai pandemi. Sikap religius, dalam pengertian filsafat eksistensial Kierkegaard, adalah sikap terbaik untuk memaknai pandemi ini.
Tantangan Berteologi Dan Bergereja Masa Kini Firman Panjaitan
RERUM: Journal of Biblical Practice Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): RERUM: The Journal of Biblical Practice
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Moriah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (833.997 KB) | DOI: 10.55076/rerum.v1i2.3


Theology is often not in line with the praxis of ministry in the church. As a result, theology is often separated from the church. This can happen, because theology in Indonesia inherits Western theology while churches in Indonesia develop according to their locus. Western theology, which often denies culture, is ultimately difficult to practice in church services, especially tribal (local) churches, which always take into account the cultural values that develop in the area. This needs to be addressed wisely, so that theology can practice with the ministry of the church. This article offers a way to be able to practice theology in the service life of churches in Indonesia by applying a cross-textual reading model or method in an effort to theology. Cross-textual reading is a way to understand the values of the Bible (way of theology) in the form of sacred texts with sacred texts in culture. There are efforts to accommodate theology, but in understanding the sacred texts of the Bible, it synergizes with cultural sacred texts, to create a culture-based church theology. If the biblical text speaks in parallel with cultural texts, then theology lives in line with the praxis of church ministry, and the theology that develops in Indonesian churches is theology rooted in Indonesian culture.   Teologi seringkali tidak sejalan dengan praksis pelayanan di gereja. Akibatnya teologi seringkali terpisah dari gereja. Hal ini bisa terjadi, karena teologi di Indonesia mewarisi teologi Barat sedangkan gereja-gereja di Indonesia berkembang sesuai lokusnya. Teologi Barat, yang seringkali menafikan budaya, pada akhirnya sulit untuk berpraksis dalam pelayanan gereja, terkhusus gereja suku (lokal), yang selalu memperhitungkan nilai-nilai budaya yang berkembang dalam daerah tersebut. Hal ini perlu untuk disikapi dengan bijak, agar teologi dapat berpraksis dengan pelayanan gereja. Artikel ini menawarkan sebuah jalan untuk dapat mempraksiskan teologi dalam kehidupan pelayanan gereja-gereja di Indonesia dengan cara menerapkan model atau metode pembacaan lintas tekstual dalam upaya berteologi. Pembacaan lintas tekstual merupakan cara untuk memahami nilai-nilai Alkitab (cara berteologi) yang berupa teks suci dengan teks-teks suci dalam budaya. Ada upaya mengakomodasi teologi, tetapi dalam pemahaman teks suci Alkitab bersinergi dengan teks suci budaya, untuk menciptakan teologi gereja yang berbasiskan budaya. Jika teks Alkitab berbicara dalam kesejajaran dengan teks budaya, maka teologi hidup sejalan dengan praksis pelayanan gereja, dan teologi yang berkembang di gereja-gereja Indonesia adalah teologi yang mengakar pada budaya Indonesia.
Negosiasi Kehormatan: Apologia Umat Minoritas Merespons Tantangan Sosial Menurut 1 Petrus 3:15-16 Agus Kriswanto
RERUM: Journal of Biblical Practice Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): RERUM: The Journal of Biblical Practice
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Moriah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (780.403 KB) | DOI: 10.55076/rerum.v1i2.4


This paper intends to propose a form of apologetic response that is appropriate to the context of minority Christians in Indonesia based on the apologia in 1 Peter 3:15-16. The biblical research method used is social-scientific criticism. The cultural values ??of honor and shame are used as models for interpreting apologia in 1 Peter 3:15-16. The results of this study indicate that the apologia in 1 Peter 3:15-16 is a form of honor negotiation which was used as a strategy to answer the social challenges of the 1 Peter community, and this apologia can be used as a strategy which is appropriate for the Indonesian context.   Tulisan ini bermaksud mengusulkan bentuk respons apologetis yang sesuai dengan konteks umat Kristen minoritas di Indonesia berdasarkan apologia dalam 1 Petrus 3:15-16. Metode penelitian biblika yang digunakan adalah analisis ilmu sosial (social-scientific criticism). Nilai budaya kehormatan dan rasa malu digunakan sebagai model untuk menginterpretasi apologia dalam 1 Petrus 3:15-16. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa apologia dalam 1 Petrus 3:15-16 merupakan bentuk negosiasi kehormatan yang digunakan sebagai strategi untuk menjawab tantangan sosial komunitas 1 Petrus dan bahwa strategi apologia ini dapat digunakan sebagai strategi yang sesuai bagi konteks Indonesia.
Dari Politeistik Menuju Kepada Monotesitik: Sejarah Perkembangan Keagamaan di Israel Kuna Agus Santoso
RERUM: Journal of Biblical Practice Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): RERUM: The Journal of Biblical Practice
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Moriah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (394.126 KB) | DOI: 10.55076/rerum.v1i2.9


The view of God's essence has been debated since the dawn of Christianity. This debate exposes whether Allah is polytheistic or monotheistic with its variants. In discussing this topic the authors use the method of the history of religion or Religionsgeschichte which is included in a series of critical historical methods. The result of this research is that God in Christianity is Monotheism here also not pluralism. Monotheism is meant here is monotheism which is more to individual responsibility. Monotheism is more to respect other individuals.   Pandangan tentang esensi Allah menjadi perdebatan sejak awal munculnya kekristenan. Perdebatan ini mengekspos apakah Allah itu politeistik atau monoteistik dengan variannya. Dalam membahas topik ini para penulis menggunakan metode sejarah agama atau Religionsgeschichte yang mana termasuk di dalam rangkaian metode historis kritis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Allah dalam kekristenan adalah Monoteisme di sini juga bukanlah pluralisme. Monoteisme yang dimaksud di sini adalah monoteisme yang lebih kepada tanggungjawab individu. Monoteisme yang lebih kepada menghargai individu yang lain.
Indonesian Gender Justice In School Education Marthin Steven Lumingkewas; Antonius Missa; Magdalena Indriani Suparlim
RERUM: Journal of Biblical Practice Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): RERUM: The Journal of Biblical Practice
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Moriah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (785.377 KB) | DOI: 10.55076/rerum.v1i1.12


Equality in obtaining education for children, especially girls in rural areas of Indonesia often encounter cultural, religious and ideological barriers from the community.  Educational opportunities are more open to boys than girls for a variety of reasons such as consideration of higher tuition fees, lack of educational facilities and cultural understanding that sees girls as second-grade individuals who can be sacrificed their rights. This subordination of girls is even recorded in a series of education policies that place women as the owners of domestic authority and men to be priests or the backbone of the family. Therefore, in this research using a feminist-sociology approach is expected to provide the results of paradigm changes and perspectives from the government and all elements of society in reviewing the educational curriculum that has so as not to maintain the model gender biased and unfriendly education towards girls' rights in obtaining an education equivalent to that of boys.
The Role of Women in the Work of Salvation Through the Figures of Mary and Elisabeth According to Luke Chapters 1–2 Arif Wicaksono; Adelina Ayu Wangi Kurniawan; Iswahyudi Iswahyudi
RERUM: Journal of Biblical Practice Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): RERUM: The Journal of Biblical Practice
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Moriah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (780.733 KB) | DOI: 10.55076/rerum.v1i1.13


In this day and age, the discussion about women is never-ending and is still a polemic for some people. The position of women who sit lower than men is still a matter in society. There are even some parts of society that restrict women from carrying out their roles only in the domestic sphere, namely only carrying out their roles as a wife and mother in the household. Not only in the community but also in the church environment where women are still weak and do not have a position in the church so that women do not have the same rights and obligations as men. Therefore, women do not have the space to appear in public and are very basic and even not allowed at all. The author conducted this research intending to take the text about women in the Gospel of Luke chapters 1 - 2 through the figures of Mary and Elizabeth. The author uses the narrative critical method by focusing his attention on the characters, plot, setting, and point of view. By using this method, it is hoped that we will get an understanding – both theory and implication in practical living that women also have a very important role in the work of mankind's salvation. God can use women to take part in the declaration of his plan in the world, the effort to save mankind. Therefore, women do not need to think of themselves as inferior to men.
The Role of Parents in Building Children's Character at Home During the Covid-19 Pandemic Christiani Hutabarat; Mahayoni Mahayoni; Filyensi Misriani Laufra; Sutrisno Sutrisno
RERUM: Journal of Biblical Practice Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): RERUM: The Journal of Biblical Practice
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Moriah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (465.815 KB) | DOI: 10.55076/rerum.v1i1.14


Building a child's character is very basic in a family. However, what often happens is that parents are satisfied with sending their children to Sunday school and sending them to well-known schools or schools that have a character building curriculum. However, during the Corona Virus or Covid 19 pandemic, parents can no longer leave their children in public schools or Sunday schools. The government's decision requires schools to be online. In addition, Sunday school worship is also abolished. Now they live at home with their parents almost every day. Interaction with parents is a valuable opportunity to interact and build relationships as well as build children's character. Unfortunately, many parents are not ready to seize this opportunity. This study uses a library analysis methodology and a case approach that occurred during this pandemic. The results show that parents must be aware that educating their children is very important, and is a responsibility that cannot be transferred to other parties. Being a role model in the home cannot be done once in a while but all life in the home is an example, directing the potential of children according to their talents and interests, and providing guidance and being able to become friends for them.
Doktrin Kesempurnaan Kristen menurut Pandangan John Wesley dan Relevansinya di Era Digital Markus Kurniawan
RERUM: Journal of Biblical Practice Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): RERUM: The Journal of Biblical Practice
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Moriah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (351.665 KB) | DOI: 10.55076/rerum.v1i2.15


One of the figures in the history of the world church, is a man named John Wesley. Due to the influence of the Methodist movement that he initiated, Europe, especially in England, for some time experienced a revival. An event that cannot be ignored because it had the effect that kept Britain from collapsing morally. The movement's greatest influence was to push for the policy of abolishing slavery. One of the most important teachings of the Wesleyans is about Christian perfections (Christian Perfections). A centuries-old teaching that John Wesley interpreted differently. The idea of Christian perfection itself did not originate with Wesley. Hence Christian perfection is directed to the will not the perfect status of man. Christian perfection is an attitude of the heart that is reflected in life regarding the pursuit of holiness, namely a life that is consistently in opposition to sin. Wesley doesn't see himself as capable of doing it but he tries to keep doing it.   Salah seorang tokoh dalam sejarah gereja dunia, adalah seorang bernama John Wesley. Karena pengaruh gerakan Methodis yang digagasnya, Eropa secara khusus di Inggris, untuk beberapa waktu mengalami kebangunan rohani. Sebuah peristiwa yang tidak dapat diabaikan karena memberikan pengaruh yang menghindarkan Inggris dari keruntuhan moral. Pengaruh terbesar gerakan ini adalah mendorong kebijakan penghapusan perbudakan. Salah satu pengajaran terpenting dari kaum Wesleyan adalah mengenai kesempurnaan Kristen (Christian Perfections). Sebuah ajaran berumur ratusan tahun yang oleh John Wesley dimaknai secara berbeda. Gagasan mengenai kesempurnaan Kristen sendiri bukan berasal dari Wesley. Olehnya kesempurnaan Kristen diarahkan kepada kehendak bukan status sempurna manusia. Kesempurnaan Kristen merupakan sikap hati yang tercermin dalam kehidupan mengenai upaya mengejar kekudusan, yaitu kehidupan yang secara konsisten beroposisi terhadap dosa. Wesley tidak memandang dirinya sudah mampu melakukan namun ia berusaha untuk terus melakukannya.
Tinjauan Etis Teologis Tentang Peneguhan Nikah Pasangan Hamil di Luar Nikah Di Gereja Penyebaran Injil Aprianus Simanungkalit; Fredy Simanjuntak; David Martinus Gulo; Juan Ananta Tan
RERUM: Journal of Biblical Practice Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): RERUM: The Journal of Biblical Practice
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Moriah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (569.805 KB) | DOI: 10.55076/rerum.v2i2.16


This research is based on differences in understanding of pastoral care in the context of the Gereja Penyebaran Injil (GPI). The issue that is often disputed is the distinction between blessing and confirmation of marriage. In fact, certain churches have the opinion that the marriage blessing intended for them is considered sacred, in the sense that the bride and groom in the observation of the pastor and the congregation have not had sexual intercourse. While the term confirmation of marriage is intended for those whose two brides have had sex outside of marriage so that they become pregnant. For the church/person who distinguishes between the blessing and confirmation of marriage, the place is also different. If the blessing is done in the church, while the confirmation is done outside the church building, for example houses, public buildings and so on. The purpose of the research in this scientific work is to explain the ethical review of the Church under the auspices of the Evangelical Spreading Church on the blessing of pregnant couples out of wedlock. The research method is through library research, interviews, and several people who are participants in this research. The results of this study are the church is God's partner to bless not to impose sanctions, GPI needs to reformulate the concept of marriage blessing by considering ethical theological decisions in pastoral care for pregnant couples out of wedlock.   Penelitian ini didasari oleh perbedaan pemahaman pelayanan pastoral dalam konteks Gereja Penyebaran Injil (GPI). Isu yang sering dipermasalahkan adalah pembedaan pemberkatan dan peneguhan nikah. Faktanya, beberapa gereja tertentu mempunyai pendapat bahwa pemberkatan nikah diperuntukan bagi mereka dianggap suci, dalam pengertian kedua pengantin dalam pengamatan pendeta dan jemaat belum melakukan hubungan seksual. Sementara istilah peneguhan nikah diperuntukan bagi mereka yang kedua pengantin telah berhubungan seks di luar nikah sehingga hamil. Bagi gereja/orang yang membedakan antara pemberkatan dan peneguhan nikah, tempat pun juga dibedakan. Jika pemberkatan dilakukan di gereja, sedangkan peneguhan dilakukan di luar gedung gereja, misalnya rumah, gedung umum dan lain sebagainya. Tujuan penelitian dalam karya ilmiah ini ialah Menjelaskan tinjauan etis Gereja di Bawah naungan Gereja Penyebaran Injil terhadap pemberkatan pasangan hamil di luar nikah. Metode penelitian melalui studi kepustakaan, wawancara, dan beberapa orang yang menjadi partisipan dalam penelitian ini.  Hasil penelitian ini adalah gereja merupakan mitra Allah untuk memberkati bukan untuk menjatuhkan sanksi, GPI perlu menformulasikan kembali konsep pemberkatan nikah dengan mempertimbangkan keputusan yang etis teologis dalam pelayanan pastoral pasangan hamil di luar nikah.

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