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Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman
ISSN : 19795866     EISSN : 27221547     DOI :
Focus and Scope Jurnal Ilmiah Cita Ilmu: Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman is a Scientific Journal that focuses its study on the field of culture and Islam. Citra Ilmu: The Scientific Journal of Culture and Islam invites scholars and experts working in all aspects of Culture and Islamic Studies to submit their manuscripts in both research and theoretical, prospective, review book, community-based research and case studies. Interesting topics include but not limited to culture Islamic theology, Islamic History, Islamic Thought, History of Islamic Thought, Islamic Philosophy, Mysticism, Islamic Anthropology, Islamic Sosiology, Living Quran, Living Hadits, Science of Islamic Interpretation
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 86 Documents
Pagelaran Seni: Harmoni Umat Beragama dan Nasionalisme (Komunitas Tali Akrab Pantura di Gereja Bukit Sion) Kholidia Efining Mutiara
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 15 No 30 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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Berbagai kerusuhan dengan mengatas namakan agama sebagai sumber permusuhan antar umat seperti keberadaan radikalisme dan terorisme dengan alibi kepentingan agama dapat berdampak dengan memudarnya nilai kebhinekaan dan jiwa NKRI. Oleh sebab itu, perlu bagi kita untuk mencari jalan tengah menuju kedamaian. Slama ini yang kita ketahui, Halal bi halal yang dilakukan sewaktu hari raya iedul fitri, biasanya kita rayakan dengan sesama muslim. Kini untuk membangun sikap toleransi beragama juga untuk penguatan NKRI halal bi halal dapat kita lakukan dengan kawan lintas agama, salah satu hal yang paling ditonjolkan adalah pagelaran akulturasi seni. Dalam Komunitas tali akrab pantura. Penelitian ini akan menghasilkan penelitian yang dapat menembus sekat perbedaan, menggunakan observasi partisipatoris, wawancara dengan beberapa dukungan literature. Peneliti harapkan hasil dari penelitian ini akan membangun kedamaian khususnya antar umat beragama. Selain itu penguatan NKRI yang berlandaskan Bhineka tunggal ika akan teraplikasikan sehingga tidak ada lasan lagi untuk saling mengecam dan menjatuhkan antar kepercayaan.
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 15 No 30 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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This paper discusses Fatima Mernisi’s hermeneutics in understanding misogynic traditions. The meaning of misogynic traditions is a hadith that has a bater of women. The methodology used by the Mernisi is called double investigation, which is an investigation of historical and methodological aspects. The First step is finding the historical context of hadith. At this step, Mernisi analyzes the socio-historical situation when the text is spoken / practiced by the Prophet. Second, methodological step, which is to criticize sanad and situations when the hadith is narrated again. When, why, whom, and how the text was narrated again by the first transmitter. In analyzing hadith, Mernisi uses the methodology which has been pioneered by classical scholars, criticism of sanad. A significant difference is that criticism of Sanad is used as a knife of analysis in verifying the credibility of shahabah as the first transmitter. That is, in the realm of the scientific study of hadith, shahabah are not immune to criticism. As a result, Mernisi found that several hadiths with nuanced misogyny had to be rejected because the first transmitter did not fulfill the criteria adalah. Unfortunately, Mernisi only emphasized the authenticity aspect of the hadith, not the contextual aspects. This methodology seems to be suitable only for certain traditions which are problematic, but cannot be universally applied to all misogynyc traditions..
Dampak Sosial Anak Pekerja Migran yang Tidak Dikehendaki Kelahirannya (Studi di Rumah Moch. Kholily Jember Jawa Timur) Siti Noor Aini; Jeihan Ali Azhar
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 15 No 30 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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This study examines the social impacts of unwanted births by migrant workers at Moch. Kholily’s house in Jember, East Java. Plenty of unwanted birth rights violations cases by migrant workers raise a number of children’s basic rights issues, including the bad stigma of the children from the community, such as negative labels towards them as “anak oleh-oleh TKI”, “anak unta” and other abusive calls. The issue of negative social impacts even comes from their own extended family in the form of rejection of their presence to be a family member. Certainly, it violates the children’s rights, which is clearly opposing the Law of Indonesia Number 18 of 2017 on Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers and their families. For this reason, this study is pivotal to be carried out through the sociological and phenomenological approach to explore any negative social impacts experienced by unwanted births children among the migrant workers at Moch. Kholily’s house Jember, East Java. The result of this study demonstrates that there are three categories of unwanted births. First is the unplanned births among migrant worker candidates prior to their placement in the destination country. Second is the unwanted births due to pregnancy through non-marital sexual intercourse among migrant workers. The third is the unwanted births due to sexual violence. While the social impacts on victims have been identified as follows: (1) issues of civil rights and freedom; (2) issues of familial rights and alternative care; (3) problems of child healthcare and basic welfare; (4) problems of education and family time for children.
Pemberdayaan Berbasis Teknologi dan Informasi Melalui Aplikasi Maktabah Al Syamilah dan Maushuah Al Hadis di Pesantren Alhidayah Prapak Kranggan Kabupaten Temanggung Jawa Tengah Moh. Syafi’; Ana Sofiyatul Azizah
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 15 No 30 (2019)
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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This study is the result of the IT-based empowerment assistance with Maktabah Syamilah and Maktabah Mausu’ah al Hadits applications at Pesantren Alhidayah Prapak Kranggan, Temanggung. This Pesantren has not integrated the Technology and Information of digital library software and applications as part of the integral learning facilities at the Pesantren. The digital library applications (perpustakaan digital) of Maktabah Syamilah and Maktabah Mausu’ah al Hadits both provide convenience, efficiency, and accuracy in obtaining the reference for Islamic studies sources that are very easy to use for education at Pesantren Alhidayah. By employing the PAR (participatory action research), sociological, and phenomenological method, the Pesantren community has the following perception prior to the assistance program: first, the skepticism towards the Maktabah Syamilah and Mausu’ah al Hadits applications due to the Wahhabism indications. Second, the moderate views towards the Maktabah Syamilah and Mausu’ah al Hadits applications as the enrichment to the cross-sectarian Islamic thoughts. Meanwhile, after the assistance program, they succeeded in carrying out the transformative actions as follows. First, they show a skill to use and utilize the Maktabah Syamilah and Mausu’ah applications appropriately. Second, they are motivated for applying the Maktabah Syamilah and Mausu’ah as an integral part of the educational system. Third, they apply the Maktabah Syamilah and Mausu’ah into the learning system, Pesantren discussions, and Pesantren library. Forth, they are able to synchronize the contents of Maktabah Syamilah and Mausu’ah with the manual version.
Penguatan Kelembagaan TPQ di Kecamatan Tembarak, Kabupaten Temanggung Muh Baehaqi; Eko Sariyekti
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 16 No 31 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu: Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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Creating an institution (TPQ) running with good administrative and managerial patterns is not easy. Community service activities regarding institutional strengthening of the TPQ are expected to be able to improve the quality of the TPQ in the Tembarak Subdistrict of Temanggung Regency, particularly administrative, managerial, and TPQ’s emis data. Implementation of TPQ institutional strengthening activities in the form of FGDs, training, assistance, monitoring and evaluation, and exposure to results. The TPQ institutional strengthening target is that TPQ participants are increasingly opening their insights and knowledge related to TPQ administration, managerial, and emis data. In addition, this training was also able to increase the desire of TPQ teachers to be more orderly in administration. Ideally, a TPQ is a TPQ that has management in the field of management, thefield of administration, the field of teaching and learning activities, the field of finance, and the field of extracurricular good and right. Assistance from this activity was carried out with the practice of filling in the EMIS data directly, by presenting JFU for data filling from the Ministry of Religion in Temanggung Regency. The practice of TPQ emis data filling is able to provide encouragement and motivation so that TPQ teachers can fill their emis data independently after successfully activating TPQ.
Model Pembacaan Kontekstual Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd Terhadap Teks Suci Keagamaan (Al-Qur’an) Farid Hasan; Siti Robikah
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 16 No 31 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu: Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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According to Amin al-Khuli, one of the figures who gives an effect to the thought of Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid on his study about al-Qur’an, at the first time, a thought of the Islamic modernity is considered as an infidelity by some people. As time goes by, they pursue it and the thought of it becomes Madzhab for them. Perhaps, that is a right term for Nasr Hamid, the Egyptian intellectual whose thought is regarded an infidelity in the beginning, but it becomes a popular object for the field of study and the research in the world academics, as happened in Indonesia. It is caused by the Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid’s concepts about Islamic modernity which can be considered as a new term in study discourse of al-Qur’an. Linguistics-Semantics and literature are the approaches offered by him in the study of al-Qur’an, because these approaches are capable to find the objective meaning of al-Qur’an, so the approaches, thought and interpretation of religious texts can be more dynamic, contextual, inclusive and relevant to the contemporary discourse of society. Based on the explanation, this study analyzes the views of Nasr Hamid about al-Qur’an and the ways of interpretation which is developed by him. It is hoped that we can see more objectively about who he is, so we don’t fall into a blind claims and maintaining a stagnation.
Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran tentang Perubahan Lingkungan Berbasis Konstruktivisme untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis dan Kreatif Nur Hidayati
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 16 No 31 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu: Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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The research is aimed to produce module development regarding environment change based on constructivism to improve critical and creative thinking skills, knowing the suitability and the effectiveness of the module which developed, also an interesting module in the learning process. The research is a research and development using the development procedure of ADDIE. The analysis is done to analyze module development needs; The design is product design of modules; The development is module development that is next measured its eligibility by material and media expert. The implementation is module applications as teaching material, and evaluation is the result of the evaluation showing that module regarding environment change based on constructivism to improve critical and creative thinking skills are proper to be used. The total of the subject of the research is 25 students as a trial class and 24 students as a control class. The data analysis is qualitative descriptive and quantitative. The instrument used in the research is a questionnaire to measure module eligibility, and question in the pretest and post-test are used to gain the data of students. The result of the research indicates; (1)the module development regarding environment change based on constructivism to improve critical and creative thinking skills is needed by the teacher in the learning.(2) the module which developed is proper to be tried in the learning process. (3) The module which developed is proven effective and interesting to be used in the learning and shows the difference between the result of learning with and without module (the result of independents sample test p=0,140<0,05).
Keutamaan Menuntut Ilmu pada Puisi Faḍlut-ta’allum: Kajian Antologi Hidāyatul-ażkiyà ilā Ṭarīqil-auliyà Karya Syaikh Zainud-dīn al-Malībārī asy-Syāfi̒ī Hidayatun Ulfa
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 16 No 31 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu: Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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This study discusses the primacy of the study found in the poems of Faḍlut-Ta’allum in the anthology of the Hidayatul-Ażkiyà ilā Ṭarīqil-Auliyà by Shaykh Zainud-Din al-Malībārī ash-Shāf̒.The analysis in this study refers to the study of semiotics proposed by Riffaterre. Based on the semiotic analysis carried out, it can be concluded that in the poem "Faḍlut-Ta'allum" in the anthology of Hidāyatul-Ażkiyà ilā Ṭarīqil-Auliyà the work of Shaykh Zainud-Din al-Malībārī asy-Syāfi̒ī was found to be unsustainable through the creation of meaning, the form of bahr Kāmil with qafiyyah lamiyyah. As for the semiotic reading it can be seen that the poem is a picture of how the virtues of those who study. By studying, one can get help and ease from God both in the world to the hereafter.
Penanaman Karakter melalui Kegiatan Rohani di SD Negeri 3 Pendowo Kranggan Temanggung M Milati; Hamidulloh Ibda
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 16 No 31 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu: Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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Cultivation of character is very important to face the changing times that get the spotlight from the wider community. One way to instill the character of students in Pendowo State Elementary School 3, Kranggan District, Temanggung Regency is through spiritual activities. In this study will discuss about how to inculcate character through spiritual activities in SD Negeri 3 Pendowo. This study aims to describe the planting of student character through spiritual activities in Pendowo State Elementary School 3. This study is a qualitative study using field studies at Pendowo State Elementary School 3. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews. and documentation from various elements of the school elements. And the analysis is done by deductive method which is the concordance between the findings of existing theories and proven by the findings of the data in the field. Based on the results of research conducted by researchers concluded that the planting of student character through Spiritual activities in Pendowo State Elementary School 3by using several methods, namely the Duha prayer, Dhuha prayer in congregation, reading the Koran, the reading of short letters / juz amma, reading Asmaul Husnah , and recitation / culture, and sharing make it possible to change the character of students to behave well.
Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan Islam dalam Perspektif Progresivisme Mukh Nursikin
Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu : Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman Vol 16 No 31 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Citra Ilmu: Kajian Kebudayaan dan Keislaman
Publisher : Institut Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Temanggung

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The consept of islam abaout liberation education indicates that every child owns elmentary potency and freedom as khalifah and ‘abid to explore the potency owned in solving life’s probelm. This research emphasizes on the methodological aspect of the development of Islamic education curriculum with in perspective progressivism. The aim of this research in to develop an islamic education curriculum by methodological design and approach in learning of islamic education concerming in perspective progressivism. To attain which is that aim, this research uses progressivism approach by learned contered design givingb a special place to the students. This study is a research, it is qualitative approach wit descriptive analysis as its method. The findings indicate that in practice, islamic education should refer to human being wxistence forming a democratic education mechanismn, opened, transformative, an interative, on the purpose of humanizing human beings, meaning that education is students to be able to develop their potency as Allah’s creation which funcition as khalifah mission and run the devation as intact person.