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International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science
ISSN : 29880076     EISSN : 2987226X     DOI :
The mission of the International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science (IJMARS) is to promote excellence by providing a venue for academics, students, and practitioners to publish current and significant empirical and conceptual research or builds theory. The journal is a double-blind, peer reviewed, open access journal. IJMARS publish articles in different fields of Applied sciences, Physical science, and Social sciences, the articles include but not limited to the following: Biological Sciences Chemistry Clinical Sciences Biotechnology Computational Science Developmental Biology Systems Biology Engineering Fisheries and Aquaculture Environmental Sciences Physics Statistics Agricultural Sciences Mathematics Animal Science Food Science Public Health Veterinary Sciences Nutrition Social Sciences Information Technology Microbiology Behavioral Sciences Computer Science Geology Physiology Immunology Biochemistry Cancer Biology Biodiversity Molecular Biology Space Research Genetics
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Articles 30 Documents
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Impact of Mindfulness to Relieve Stress, Anxiety, and Depression among the University Students of Odisha Nilamani Maharana; Rupashree Goswami; Deepak Kumar Behera
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science Том 1 № 03 (2023): International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/ijmars.v1i03.206


Background of the study: Stress, anxiety, and depression are rather common during higher education time and have a bad effect on academic performance. There is evidence that mindfulness practices can enhance the mental health and exist over how stress, anxiety, and depression are affected. In this study, the post-graduate students of Odisha were assessed to see how well mindfulness treated their stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms. Objective: To assess the impact of mindfulness on stress, anxiety, and depression among the post-graduate students of Odisha. Methods: Several articles were searched from different online platforms like PubMed, PsycINFO, Google scholar etc. After searching many articles, the data were collected from online survey among the post-graduate students of Odisha by using two questionnaires; those are “FFMQ-15” and DASS-21. The data collected from the post-graduate students inviting them to take part in the online and offline survey during the academic year 2021-2022. This study was selected only as a sample here for the post-graduate students of Odisha. The present study was conducted on the sample of 220. The data were calculated through statistical package for social sciences (SPSS-20 version). Findings: The result shows that the mindfulness reduced stress, anxiety, and depression of post-graduate students of Odisha. The participants reported considerably bigger gains in mindfulness as well as greater decrease in stress, anxiety, and depression. Implication of the Study: The study's findings will raise awareness among the post-graduate students or people from all lifestyles. The mindfulness practice can reduce all type of physical and psychological stress. Moreover, it reduces the academic anxiety and depression.
Factors Related to the Incidence of Diarrhea in Children Aged 1-3 Years in the Working Area of the Gunung Labu Puskesmas, Kerinci District Ramah Hayu; Fanny Jesica
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science Том 1 № 03 (2023): International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/ijmars.v1i03.208


Diarrhea is Reason death biggest third on toddlers in the world after pneumoniae and disease default . Death rate caused toddlers _ Because diarrhea reached 1.5 million per year . Incident the biggest happened at 2 years First life and decline along with growth children ( Ministry of Health RI, 2017) . Many factors are related with incident diarrhea in toddlers 1-3- years . Research This aim For know related factors _ with incident diarrhea in toddlers aged 1-3- years in the health center Mount Labu, Kayu Aro Barat District , 2022. Type study is study qualitative with approach cross sectional . Data collection has done on the month February 2023 - March 2023 . Population in research This as much 262 people and samples numbered 70 people, engineering taking sample with formula Lemeshow . Data analyzed in a manner univariate with distribution frequency on each one variables and analysis bivariate with using the chi-square test . Statistical test results showing there is connection level knowledge ( p value=0.000), nutritional status ( p value=0.000 ), age wedding early ( p value = 0.000) then can taken conclusion that there is connection level knowledge, status nutrition , age wedding early with incident diarrhea in toddlers aged 1-3 years in the health center Mount Labu, Kayu Aro Barat District , 2022. Recommended to officer health For give counseling health and facilitation Mother in get iformation about disease diarrhea.
Tourism Development Strategy for Increasing Regional Origin Income (PAD) At the Tourism Service, Buton Selatan District La Ode Muhammad Aat Affandy Raf’ At; Nuraeni Kadir; Madris Madris
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science Том 1 № 03 (2023): International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/ijmars.v1i03.210


South Buton Regency has great potential to optimize the tourism sector. Apart from presenting stunning natural scenery, tourism also positively impacts various aspects of life, including increasing the economy through the income sector, increasing employment opportunities, promoting regional culture, and developing infrastructure. This study aims to identify strategic factors, which are strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats, and then formulate priority tourism development strategies to increase local revenue (PAD) at the South Buton Regency Tourism Office. Primary data is used through field observations and interviews, while secondary data is obtained from previous research, books, and related agencies. The results of the study indicate alternative strategies that can be considered, including increasing cultural ecotourism programs as well as improving infrastructure and marketing, promotion and awareness campaign strategies to promote South Buton Regency as an attractive tourist destination, attractions diversification strategies to attract more tourists and increase repeat visits and increase promotion through social media with an emphasis on the uniqueness of local appeal.
Influence of Education, Training (Diklat), Discipline and Leadership on Public Service Performance: Case Study at the Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency of South Buton Regency Sumarni Sumarni; Nirwana Nirwana; Musran Munizu
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science Том 1 № 03 (2023): International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/ijmars.v1i03.215


This study aims to 1) identify and analyze the effect of education, training (education and training), discipline on ASN performance, 2) identify and analyze the effect of discipline on ASN performance and 3) identify and analyze the influence of leadership on ASN performance. This research approach uses quantitative research. The research was conducted at the Regional Personnel, Education and Training Agency (BKPSDM) of the Buton Selatan Regency. When the research was conducted from November-December 2023. The study population was all employees of the Regional Personnel, Education and Training Agency (BKPSDM) of the Selayar Islands Regency, totaling 68 people. The sample selection in this study was saturated sample, namely the entire population was judged as a sample so that the sample in this study was 68 people. The analysis techniques used in this research are validity, reliability, normality test, heteroscedasticity test, multicollinearity test, t hypothesis test, f hypothesis test and coefficient of determination. The data in this study were processed using SPSS 26. The results of this study indicate that: 1) There is an influence between education and training (education and training) on ASN performance, 2) there is an influence of discipline on ASN performance and 3) there is an influence of leadership on ASN performance. Education and training are the most dominant variables affecting ASN performance. The importance of education and training, discipline and leadership because it can affect the performance level of an employee
Developing Electronic Module Assisted by Professional Flip PDF Application in Kepewaraan Course Kadek Wirahyuni; I Nengah Martha; I Nengah Suandi
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science Том 1 № 03 (2023): International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/ijmars.v1i03.217


This study aims to 1) analyze the characteristics of the e-module in the Kepewaraan course at the Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha and 2) analyze the quality of the e- in the Kepewaraan course at the Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. This study applied the ADDIE model, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The subjects of the study were; 1) a learning content expert, media expert, learning design expert, and language expert; 2) three students in the fifth semester, and 3) six people in small groups. Data collection methods were observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The research results show that; 1) the characteristics of this e-module have been developed through several stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation; 2) the score from content experts is categorized into good qualifications (96.47%), the score of learning design experts is categorized into very good qualifications (93.33%), the score of learning media experts is categorized into very good qualifications (97.5 %), the score of individual trials is classified into very good qualifications (95.53%), and the score of small group trials is categorized into very good qualifications (95.53%). Based on the results of the experts, it can be concluded that the e-module in the Kepewaraan course is feasible to apply.
Comparison between Pooled Sera and Coomercial Serum on the Accuracy of Triglyceride Assessment Yulia Ratna Sari; Fanny Jesica; Niken Niken
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science Том 1 № 03 (2023): International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/ijmars.v1i03.220


The increase in dyslipidemia cases every year requires the Clinical Chemistry laboratory to carry out quality control which is influenced by an assessment of accuracy and accuracy. These measurements were used with control materials. So far, in laboratories, there are still many commercial serum control materials used as controls that are used daily in triglyceride tests, and rarely use pooled sera. In fact, there are several advantages in using pooled sera as a control material. This type of analytic survey research with a comparative study method. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. Data collection techniques were carried out using observation sheets. Data were processed computerized using univariate analysis and bivariate analysis using independent t-tests. The results showed that the average triglyceride examination value with Pooled Sera control material was 94.67 mg/dL with a Standard Deviation of 2.52, a coefficient value variance of 2.66%. While the results of triglyceride examination with Commercial Serum control material were 79.13 mg/dL with a Standard Deviation of 3.57, the coefficient of variance was 4.51%. It was concluded that there is a significant difference between triglyceride examination using Pooled Sera and Commercial Serum. It is recommended that there be developments in medical laboratory technology in hospitals, making this research a reference in educational institutions, and further research on other parameters between Pooled Sera ingredients and other Serum.
Factors Influencing the Strategy for Increasing Regional Original Income in Buton Regency Aci Aci; Fatmawati Fatmawati; Andi Ratna Sari Dewi
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science Том 1 № 03 (2023): International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/ijmars.v1i03.222


This research aims to analyze the factors that influence the strategy to increase Buton Regency's Original Regional Income (PAD). Regional income is an important source for district governments to finance development programs and public services. This research combines secondary data analysis with interviews with government officials, local economic experts, and other stakeholders to gain a deeper understanding of the external and internal factors that influence PAD. The findings show that national economic fluctuations, national tax policies, and local tax policies have a significant impact on Buton Regency's PAD. Apart from that, the potential of local natural resources and the active participation of local stakeholders are also key factors in the strategy to increase PAD. This research also highlights the importance of increasing internal capacity in regional financial management. In conclusion, this research provides a deeper understanding of the factors that influence PAD in Buton Regency and formulates recommendations for sustainable and adaptive PAD increase strategies.
Effect of variations in blade width on vertical shaft kinetic water turbine power Ahmad Yani; Ratnawati Ratnawati; Yano Hurung Anoi; Yonatan Patabang; Risaldi Risaldi; Zulkifli Zulkifli
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science Том 1 № 03 (2023): International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/ijmars.v1i03.224


Various studies and observations have been carried out to produce a turbine design that suits the needs and the relatively low flow speed is a challenge that currently still requires further research. ThereforeThe aim of this research is to determine the effect of variations in the width of the bowl blade on the vertical shaft kinetic water turbine power.The research method used is an experimental method with an experimental design on a laboratory scale. Tests were carried out on three variations of blade width, from the results of the study it can be concluded that increasing the water flow rate, turbine rotation, and the ratio of tangential speed to the turbine blade width can increase the kinetic water turbine power. In this study, variations in blade width were 10 cm, 11 cm, and 12 cm. Increasing turbine blade sheets increased turbine power due to the additional mass of the flow hitting the turbine blades thereby affecting the kinetic water turbine power. Analysis of the water flow rate shows that the maximum turbine power occurs at a blade width of 12 cm and a discharge of 0.017 m3/second with a turbine power value of 25.455 Watt. Analysis of turbine rotation, Maximum turbine power occurs at a blade width of 12 cm and rotation of 80 rpm with a turbine power value of 23,864 Watts. Meanwhile, analysis of the tangential speed ratio shows that the maximum turbine power occurs at a blade width of 12 cm and at a tangential speed ratio of 0.5 rad/s2 with a turbine power value of 23,864 Watts. Keywords: Blade width, power, kinetic turbine, vertical shaft.
Influence of Regional Financial Management Aspect on Regional Financial Management Transparency: Case Study in SKPD, Buton Selatan District Aziza Syahrani Mansur; Andi Kusumawati; Wahda Wahda
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science Том 1 № 03 (2023): International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/ijmars.v1i03.227


This research aimed to assess the impact of regional financial statement presentation, accessibility of regional financial statements, internal control, the implementation of performance-based budgeting, and the implementation of accrual-based government accounting standards on the transparency of regional financial management. Data for this research were collected through a survey using questionnaires. The study population consisted of all employees in the Regional Work Units (SKPD) of the city of Yogyakarta. The sampling technique employed a nonprobability sampling method known as purposive sampling. The sample comprised structural officers and employees/staff responsible for accounting/administrative financial functions, each with a minimum of one year of experience in each SKPD in Buton Selatan. A total of 77 questionnaires were processed for analysis. Data analysis involved multiple linear regression. The results of the regression analysis indicated that regional financial statement presentation had no significant effect on the transparency of regional financial management. In contrast, the accessibility of regional financial statements was found to have a significant positive effect on transparency. Additionally, internal control was not found to have a significant impact on transparency, nor did the implementation of performance-based budgeting. However, the implementation of accrual-based government accounting standards was found to have a significant positive effect on the transparency of regional financial management.
Analysis of the Simultaneous Problems of Poverty and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as Macroeconomic Factors in a Developing Country Muhammad Masyhuri
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science Том 1 № 03 (2023): International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/ijmars.v1i03.228


When analysing macroeconomic factors using an econometric approach that attempts to determine the successful economic development of countries, such as in the analysis of poverty and gross domestic product (GDP), problems have been repeatedly encountered in considering the variables involved simultaneously. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to use the two-stage least squares (2SLS) method as the best estimator by applying the simultaneous equation model. The objective of this study is to analyse the simultaneous equation model between poverty and GDP in a developing country such as Indonesia. The macroeconomic data sources used for this study are secondary time series data from 1990 to 2017 obtained from Indonesia Statistics Agency, IMF, UNDP and World Bank. The result shows that there is strong evidence that poverty and GDP act simultaneously or endogenously in the model. From the results, it is recommended that in order to achieve higher GDP in the future, the Indonesian government should pay more attention to alleviating poverty rates, reducing unemployment rates, lowering merchandise imports, and improving economic growth in addressing macroeconomic problems in the country.

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