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Jurnal Arjuna : Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Matematika
ISSN : 30218144     EISSN : 30218136     DOI : 10.61132
Jurnal ini adalah Jurnal Pendidikan bahasa dan Sastra yang bersifat peer-review dan terbuka. Bidang kajian dalam jurnal ini termasuk sub rumpun Ilmu Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial, Bahasa dan Sastra, Olahraga dan Kesehatan, Matematika dan MIPA, Teknologi dan Kejuruaan, Ilmu Pendidikan dan Kesenian.
Articles 45 Documents
Makna Upacara Bau Lolon Pada Masyarakat Desa Puhu Kecamatan Adonara Timur Kabupaten Flores Timur Rudolof J. Isu; Rocky Paulus Sekoni; Deby Malelak; Yenssy Fanggidae
Jurnal Arjuna : Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Matematika Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Agustus : Jurnal Arjuna : Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Matematika
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/arjuna.v1i4.41


The purpose of this study is to describe and explain the meaning contained in the Bau Lolon ceremony for the people of Puhu Village, East Adonara District, East Flores Regency. The benefits of this study are that theoretically the results of this research are useful for (1) developing theoretical concepts as well as procedures and benefits of carrying out the Bau Lolon ceremony for the people of Puhu Village, East Adonara District, East Flores Regency; (2) Can add insight and cultural knowledge related to traditional rituals. While the practical benefits are (1) as input for the East Flores government to keep and maintain the meaning of the Bau Lolon ritual for the people of Puhu Village, East Adonara District, East Flores Regency; (2) as reference material and information in studying culture in the people of Puhu Village, East Adonara District, East Flores Regency; and (3) as an alternative material for local content lessons in schools. The theory used is the hermeneutical theory. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The results of the study show that the meaning contained in the Bau Lolon ceremony for the people of Puhu Village, East Adonara District, East Flores Regency is as follows: (1) Religious meaning; (2) The meaning of respect for the ancestors; (3) The meaning of application and protection; and (4) cultural meaning.
The Roles Of English In Tourism Development At Pengkelak Mas Tourism Village Fina Islami; Ari Prasetyaningrum; Siti Maysuroh; Laila Wati
Jurnal Arjuna : Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Matematika Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Agustus : Jurnal Arjuna : Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Matematika
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/arjuna.v1i4.43


This study explored the perceptions of stakeholders towards English proficiency in Pengkelak Mas tourism village. Four research questions were set to lead the study; (1) English roles in developing Service satisfaction, (2) challenges stakeholder face in developing Pengkelak Mas tourism village, (3) factors contributing to the challenges in developing English proficiency in Pengkelak Mas tourism village and (4) solution can be implemented to solve the problem of increasing English ability in developing Pengkelak Mas tourism village. Qualitative descriptive was used to determine the research result. Documentation, observation, questionnaire and interview were used to obtain the data. The data was analyzed by thematic analysis with 17 participants from different background chosen through random technique. The results depicted that stakeholders agree that English is important for their professional life as it increase the work efficiency, as well as the challenges faced by stakeholders in developing tourism in Pengkelak Mas village include a lack of English proficiency. The absence of language training facilities constituted one of the factors. Therefore, a feasible solution to address this issue is the establishment of specialized English language training focusing on the context of tourism.
Vlog Media Utilization To Improve English Speaking Skills Heri Pranata; Baiq Nadia Tiara Rizki
Jurnal Arjuna : Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Matematika Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Agustus : Jurnal Arjuna : Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Matematika
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/arjuna.v1i4.48


The shifting of English language learning from conventional way to technology-based learning is popular nowadays. he development of technology has given a wide chance for students to find out the best media in supporting them to learn English. One of the media that can be used is Vlog. The main focus of the study was to describe the roles of video blog in improving speaking skill by students’ perspective. This study aims at identifying the improvement of the students’ performance after learning English using Vlog. This type of research is qualitative research. The subjects in this study were English Department Institut study Islam Sunan Doe, totaling 20 students. Data collection was done through interviews, observation and documentation. The results depicted that there is significant improvement towards students’ performance after learning English by using Vlog. Vlog benefits students in improving their English speaking ability. Students’ perspective on the use of video blog to improve speaking skill is good through various strategies. Furthermore, students have good English skills by using video blog as the media to learn English.
The Influence Of One Hole Game Media In Developing Fine Motor Skills In Early Childhood Susanto Susanto
Jurnal Arjuna : Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Matematika Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Agustus : Jurnal Arjuna : Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Matematika
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/arjuna.v1i4.51


Introduction: Children's fine motor development is influenced by the use of educational games. There are types of educational games used in stimulating children's fine motor development, including one hole games. But unfortunately in the field, activities that can stimulate children's fine motor development are still not done adequately, in this case the frequency is still less than what is used. So that children's fine motor development becomes less than optimal. Aim: This study is to determine the effect of using educational game tools type one hole game on fine motor development of preschool children. Method: This study used a quasi experiment design with a pretest and posttest design. The sampling technique used purposive sampling of 25 respondents in the one hole game intervention group. Data collection methods using questionnaires and by observation. The assessment uses the DENVER II instrument sheet which is taken from the fine motor measurement aspect. Data analysis used was 2 dependent samples t test and 2 independent samples t test for bivariate. Result: The results prove that there is an effect of educational game intervention type one hole game on fine motor development of preschool children. Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, there is an effect of one hole game on fine motor development. To stimulate children's fine motor development, it is necessary to increase the frequency of games.
Peningkatan Keaktifan Dan Hasil Belajar Menggunakan Model Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw Tema 8 Sub Tema 3 Pada Siswa Kelas IV SD Muhammadiyah Kemiri Febrianti Arum Puspita Sari; Titi Anjarini; Supriyono Supriyono
Jurnal Arjuna : Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Matematika Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Agustus : Jurnal Arjuna : Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Matematika
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/arjuna.v1i4.73


The aim of the study was to describe the application of the jigsaw type cooperative model theme 8 sub theme 3 in fourth grade students at Muhammadiyah Kemiri Elementary School, to describe the increase in student learning activity with the jigsaw type cooperative model theme 8 sub theme 3 in fourth grade students at Muhammadiyah Kemiri Elementary School, to describe the increase in student learning outcomes with cooperative model type jigsaw theme 8 sub theme 3 in class IV SD Muhammadiyah Kemiri. Research using the type of classroom action research. The research subjects were fourth grade students at Muhammadiyah Kemiri Elementary School for the 2021/2022 academic year with a total of 25 students. This research data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, tests, documentation. Analysis of the data obtained is the result of observing the implementation of learning, observing students' activeness in each cycle and tests in cycle I and cycle II
Deskripsi Kesulitan Belajar Siswa SMAN 3 Padang Panjang Pada Materi Asam Basa Kelas XI SMA/MA Rizki Rahmadhani; Guspatni Guspatni
Jurnal Arjuna : Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Matematika Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Agustus : Jurnal Arjuna : Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Matematika
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/arjuna.v1i4.77


Acid-base topic is considered as a difficult topic by high school students of SMAN 3 Padang Panjang. This is proofed by the result of their mark that showed 80.2% of 101 students do not past the test. This is an indication that the students hava a learning difficulties. Learning difficulties is the condition where someone has an obstacle in learning about something. This research intend to identify the student’s learning difficulties on acid-base topic and find out the factors of their learning difficulties. The method of this research is descriptive method. The sample of this research are 32 students of class XI IPA 3 SMAN 3 Padang Panjang. And from the research, researcher find out that the percentage of learning difficulties indication of the sample is 46.8% with the category is high enough. This learning difficulties are influenced by scheduling and implementation of learning factors.
Studi Tentang Manajemen Pembelajaran Dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran Di SDN Pakubeureum II Kecamatan Kertajati Kabupaten Majalengka Dini Friandini Dewi
Jurnal Arjuna : Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Matematika Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Agustus : Jurnal Arjuna : Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Matematika
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/arjuna.v1i4.78


The background of this research is that in improving the quality of learning, a teachers are required to carry out learning management properly. The better the learning management is implemented, the better the quality of learning will be obtained. With the learning management skills possessed by the teacher, it is expected to be able to improve the quality of learning. The purpose of this study was to analyze and describe: 1) Implementation of learning management in improving the quality of learning; 2) The obstacles faced by teachers in carrying out learning management in improving the quality of learning; 3) Solutions made to deal with obstacles in the implementation of learning management in improving the quality of learning. The research method used in the preparation of this thesis is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, observation, and documentation. The informants in this study included school principals, supervisors, teachers, and students. The results of the study show that: 1) Learning management has been carried out quite well. However, there are several aspects that need to be improved, namely the planning stage and the evaluation stage; 2) There are obstacles faced by teachers in carrying out learning management in improving the quality of learning; 3) There are solutions to overcome obstacles in implementing learning management in improving the quality of learning.
Studi Tentang Kompetensi Manajerial Kepala Sekolah Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Profesionalitas Guru Di SD Negeri Timuhegar Kecamatan Bojonggambir Kabupaten Tasikmalaya Asep Haryana
Jurnal Arjuna : Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Matematika Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Agustus : Jurnal Arjuna : Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Matematika
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/arjuna.v1i4.79


The background of this research is that the performance in carrying out managerial functions, a school principal will experience several obstacles caused by various factors both from outside and from within. A school principal is able to carry out the managerial function of the principal, if in carrying out this function it is carried out properly, and can overcome various obstacles that arise properly and wisely. With qualified managerial competency skills, it is hoped that teacher professionalism will also increase teacher professionalism. The purpose of this study was to analyze and describe: 1) Implementation of the principal's managerial competencies in improving teacher professionalism; 2) The obstacles faced by school principals in implementing the principal's managerial competencies to improve teacher professionalism; 3) Efforts made by the principal in implementing the managerial competency of the principal to improve teacher professionalism. The research method used in the preparation of this thesis is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, observation, and documentation studies. The informants in this study included school principals, supervisors, school committees, and teachers. The results of the study show that 1) The managerial competence of the principal in review has been well implemented so that it can improve teacher professionalism. However, there are aspects that need to be improved, namely managing school change and development towards an effective learning organization; 2) There are obstacles encountered in applying the managerial competence of school principals in improving teacher professionalism; 3) There are efforts to overcome obstacles in implementing the principal's managerial competencies to improve teacher professionalism. The first obstacle is the difference in tasks that are very different because.
Implementasi Gerakaan Literasi Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Baca Peserta Didik Di TK Melati Kecamatan Pegerageung Kabupaten Tasikmalaya Eet Rohayati
Jurnal Arjuna : Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Matematika Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Agustus : Jurnal Arjuna : Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Matematika
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/arjuna.v1i4.81


The background of this research is that the implementation of the literacy movement will encounter several obstacles caused by various factors both from outside and from within. An institution will be able to run its superior program, if the program is carried out properly and in a structured manner, and can overcome various obstacles that arise in program activities implementing the literacy movement. With the competence of school principals and teachers who are qualified, it is hoped that students' interest in reading will also increase. The purpose of this research is to analyze and describe: 1) Implementation of the literacy movement in increasing students' interest in reading; 2) The obstacles faced in implementing the literacy movement in PAUD in order to increase students' interest in reading; 3) Efforts made by school principals and teachers in implementing literacy movement competencies to increase students' interest in reading. The research method used in the preparation of this thesis is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, observation, and documentation studies. The informants in this study included school principals, supervisors, teachers, and parents of students. The results of the study show that 1) the implementation of the literacy movement program in increasing students' interest in reading is the initial foundation for introducing literacy for early childhood. The implementation of the literacy movement is at the habituation stage and can be upgraded to the development stage by involving various parties. 2) the obstacles encountered in implementing the school literacy movement are: (1) low teacher awareness, (2) the number of suitable children's reading books is difficult to find, (3) teachers are lazy to read, (4) teachers do not understand the implementation of literacy movement, and ( 5) schools lack funds, and 3) there are efforts made by schools in implementing the school literacy movement program including: (1) participating in various trainings both online and offline, (2) adding enrichment books to schools through purchasing and applying for grants, (3) bringing books closer to school members by creating several reading areas and creating an environment rich in text, (4) carrying out various forms of literacy activities, and (5) involving the public in implementing literacy movements.
Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru Seni Budaya Dalam Meningkatkan Kreativitas Peserta Didik Yayan Nuryana
Jurnal Arjuna : Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Matematika Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Agustus : Jurnal Arjuna : Publikasi Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa dan Matematika
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/arjuna.v1i4.83


This thesis is entitled: Cultural Arts Teacher Pedagogic Competence in Improving Student Creativity (Descriptive Study at SMK Negeri 3 Tasikmalaya City). Arts and culture teachers are responsible for providing effective, inspiring and supportive learning towards the development of students' creativity. through good pedagogical competence, arts and culture teachers can become effective agents of change in creating a learning environment that inspires, empowers, and promotes the diversity of cultural arts expressions in society. This study aims to determine the pedagogical competence of arts and culture teachers in planning, implementing and evaluating learning, the steps taken, the obstacles encountered, and the solutions made in increasing the creativity of students at SMK Negeri 3 Tasikmalaya City. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation studies with the steps of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The validity of the data was carried out through triangulation with data sources from school supervisors, school principals, arts and culture teachers, visual communication design teachers, leather and imitation DPK teachers, wood and rattan DPK teachers, school committees and student representatives. From the results of the study it can be concluded that: (1) The pedagogical competence of arts and culture teachers at SMK Negeri 3 Tasikmalaya in planning, implementing and evaluating learning is quite good. (2) The steps taken are to observe the opportunities that exist, foster curiosity, create fun learning, integrate technology, open a wide network, encourage students to always dare to try something new, think positively, be confident, develop extra-curricular activities and take part in various events. (3) Obstacles faced are students' lack of understanding of the goals to be achieved, fear of making mistakes, fear of being criticized, not thinking pro-actively, problems with school financial funding, lack of participation from parents, infrastructure and availability of practicum materials that are not optimal. (4) Efforts made in dealing with these obstacles are to provide understanding to students, build mentality and encourage them to always think critically, unify understanding of the importance of extra-curricular activities in schools, and submit complete infrastructure facilities that are not yet optimal. Based on these conclusions, it is suggested: (1) Schools must be able to make a comprehensive and realistic School Financial Budget Plan, by prioritizing clear priority scales for effective and efficient allocation of funds, (2) In the learning process it is hoped that the teacher will provide material according to the needs them, open assignments that challenge them to always think critically, creatively, collaboratively and innovatively, (3) students are expected to continue to practice, be confident, not afraid of making mistakes and always ask for suggestions and input from the teacher to produce quality work.