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Tabsyir: Jurnal Dakwah Dan Sosial Humaniora
ISSN : 29645484     EISSN : 29645468     DOI : 10.59059
Ruang lingkup jurnal ini meliputi kajian nash, kajian lapangan dengan berbagai perspektif baik dari sudut pandang komunikasi dan penyiaran Islam, penyuluhan Islam, manajemen dakwah dan pengembangan umat Islam.
Articles 108 Documents
Munasabah Qur-An Surah An-Nisa’ Ayat 7 Dan 8 Dengan Surah An-Nisa’ Ayat 11 Dan 12 Dalam Permasalahan Warisan Di Kecamatan Pulau Rakyat Nurul Jumadissaniyah Sitorus; Dedi Masri; M. Alfiansyah; Nor Azwa
Tabsyir: Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Humaniora Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Juli : Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Humaniora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59059/tabsyir.v4i3.156


This journal reviews the problems that occurred in Pulau Rakyat District regarding the marital law contained in surah An-Nisa' verses 7.8 and 11.12. 'Ulumul Qur'an as one of the sciences in the study of the Qur'an has been well established since the 7th-9th century Hijriyah. Munasabah science (knowledge of the relationship between one sura/verse and another sura/verse) is part of the 'ulumul qur-an. This knowledge is quite urgent in order to make all the verses of the Qur'an as a unified whole. Starting from Az-Zarqashi's opinion that the Koran is not a word that was revealed by accident, by accident, and without a specific goal and purpose. Thus, every use and arrangement of words, construction of verses and surahs (munasabah) and the transition of themes contained therein have the power of the concept as a complete sentence. By using a qualitative research method that focuses on search libraries, the problem that is being discussed in this research becomes a complex matter. Where also presenting resource persons who know in this field. The population in this study are residents who lack knowledge of inheritance law. The results of the research data are presented in a descriptive form. The result is that 10 out of 12 samples have many problems related to inheritance law.
AL-QURAN DALAM PENGEMBANGAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DAN TEKNOLOGI DI ERA 4.0 Cut Nadia Syahfira; Dedi Masri Email; Muhammad Alfiansyah; Iskandar Dzulkarnain Nasution
Tabsyir: Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Humaniora Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Juli : Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Humaniora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59059/tabsyir.v4i3.167


This study describes various problems of the Qur'an in the development of Islamic education and technology in the 4.0 era as well as some answers to overcome existing problems. The type of research in this paper is descriptive qualitative. The data collection technique used was the Library Research method with various reading sources such as pre-existing books or journals. The results of this study indicate that the Al-Qur'an in the development of Islamic education and technology in the 4.0 era consists of: (1) steps to overcome technological backwardness in the world of Islamic education which are always related to the Al-Qur'an, (2 ) Steps that need to be considered by an educator to understand digital skills in the learning process, (3) Some preparations that must be prepared before becoming an educator (teacher) so that learning goes well, (4) Methods that need to be studied and prepared by educators (teachers) before providing teaching materials in the classroom.
Mengidentifikasi Kisah-Kisah Dalam Al-Qur’an dan Menemukan Hikmah di Dalamnya Menurut Ulama Manna Al Qattan M. Habib Ismail Ramadhan; Muhammad Alfiansyah; Dedi Masri; Shah Umar Hazrian
Tabsyir: Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Humaniora Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Juli : Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Humaniora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59059/tabsyir.v4i3.168


In uncovering the insights contained in the stories of the Koran, the researcher conducted a top-down examination of the background of the verses of the Koran, focusing on the structure of the story, the personality of the characters, and the ethical messages contained therein. They also use Islamic learning standards, such as tawhid (belief in one God), profound qualities (ethical qualities), and morals, as reasons for finding shrewdness suggested. This exploration makes a significant commitment to increasing our understanding of possible interpretations of the Qur'an and understanding how researchers differentiate the stories in it and trace the asceticism in it. By knowing these tips, Muslims can apply them in their regular routines and determine the otherworldly and moral advantages of studying the Koran.
Amsalul Qur'an Dalam Perspektif Manna al- Khalil al- Qatthan dan Imam Jalaluddin as-Suyuthi Sofy Alawiyah; Muhammad Alfiansyah; Dedi Masri; Siti Asmaul Husna
Tabsyir: Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Humaniora Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Juli : Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Humaniora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59059/tabsyir.v4i3.170


Amtsal Qur'an atau Perumpamaan dalam ayat-ayat Al-Qur'an merupakan metode yang dianugerahkan Allah kepada umat manusia dan juga sebagai bentuk keajaiban Al-Qur'an. Pemikiran amtsal al-Qur'an menurut Manna al-Qatthan dan Jalaluddin as-Suyuthi dalam pembagian jenis al-Qur'an yaitu. Manna al-Qatthan membagi Amtsal menjadi tiga bagian. yaitu Amtsal Musharrah, Kaminah dan Mursalah. sedangkan as-Suyuthi membagi amtsal menjadi dua bagian yaitu. Amtsal Musharrah dan Amtsal Kaminah
NILAI-NILAI PENDIDIKAN DALAM MUNASABAH QUR’AN PADA SURAH AN-NAHL 125 DENGAN SURAH AL-ALAQ 1 SAMPAI 5 Jihan Hijrahani Azizah Brutu; Dedi Masri; Muhammad Alfiansyah; Anastasya Hasubuan; Rudi Rudi
Tabsyir: Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Humaniora Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Juli : Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Humaniora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59059/tabsyir.v4i3.174


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai pendidikan apa saja yang terkandung dalam Surah An-Nahl ayat 125 dan Surah Al-Alaq ayat 1-5. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif melalui library research atau study pustaka dengan pendekatan terhadap analisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di dalam Surah An-Nahl ayat 125 dan Surah Al-Alaq ayat 1-5 terdapat nilai-nilai Pendidikan dan keterkaitan antara Surah An-Nahl 125 dengan Surah Al-Alaq ayat 1-5 adalah sama-sama membahas mengenai Pendidikan, hanya saja yang membedakannya adalah pada Surah An-Nahl ayat 125 membahas mengenai metode pengajaran yang efektif sedangkan dalam Surah Al-alaq ayat 1-5 lebih membahas kepada hal-hal yang harus dipelajari dalam pembelajaran.
Studi Ayat-Ayat Makkiyah Dan Madaniyyah Melalui Pendekatan Historis Khoirun Nisa; Dedi Masri; Muhammad Alfiansyah; Meysah Wanda Sari; Siti Anisah
Tabsyir: Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Humaniora Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Juli : Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Humaniora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59059/tabsyir.v4i3.180


This study describes the study of Makkiyah and Madaniyah verses with a historical approach. Qualitative research is the type of research used in this study. Meanwhile, the collection method used involved several sources, such as relevant books and journals. The findings of this study include: (1) Deeper Contextual and Historical Understanding in Understanding Makkiyah and Madaniyah Verses, (2) The Importance of Makkiyah and Madaniyah Studies in Islamic Education.
Alih Fungsi Pengemis: Dari Pengangguran Menjadi Profesi. Bagaimana Islam Memandang Hal Tersebut? Denisa Putri Rahmawan; Hisny Fajrussalam; Ghefira Nur Fatimah; Jihan Nurul Afifah; Siti Afifatul Arifah
Tabsyir: Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Humaniora Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Juli : Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Humaniora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59059/tabsyir.v4i3.197


This research uses qualitative methods with descriptive analysis techniques using library research or library research. The purpose of this study is to find out, examine and reveal problems regarding the conversion of beggars into a profession. Poverty in Indonesia has increased significantly which has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This has an impact on reducing or terminating human resource jobs and making them unemployed. Limited skills and less than optimal business makes their economy weaken and they finally try other ways to make ends meet by begging. The feeling of being happy to get money without working hard gives rise to new habits and makes them feel at home to continue it even to the point of cheating. People's awareness and trust has decreased, creating doubts about whether or not to help beggars. In Islam itself, begging is the wrong way to meet the demands of life. Islam teaches to always try hard and the need for an attitude of mutual help both in actions or actions to reduce the existence of beggars.
Etika Konsumsi Dalam Perspektif Islam Muhammad Dimas Aldy; Ongku Munthe; Widya Anggraini; Aprilina Putri
Tabsyir: Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Humaniora Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Juli : Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Humaniora

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Hukum Islam mengajar tentang konsumsi, ini dapat menjadi pelajaran bagi manusia dalam praktek pada konsumsi. Hal ini tidak hanya berbicara tentang apa makanan diperbolehkan (Halal) atau terlarang (Haram) tetapi lebih dari tujuan konsumsi, etika dan moralitas. Ja, tulisan ini akan fokus pada prinsip Syariah pada konsumsi. Hal ini sangat penting bagi semua Muslim untuk menerapkan sampai mereka tidak konsumsi sesuatu tanpa memperhatikan aturan Islam. Konsumsi adalah suatu bentuk perilaku ekonomi yang asasi dalamkehidupan manusia. Setiap makhluk hidup pasti melakukan aktivitas konsumsi termasuk manusia. Dalam Ekonomi Islam kepuasan konsumen bergantung padanilai-nilai agama yang dia terapkan pada rutinitas kegiatannya yang tercermin pada uang yang dibelanjakannya.
Larangan Menistakan Agama Dalam Al-Qur’ân Antara Fardu Ain dan Kifayah: Studi Komparatif Atas Tafsir Ibn Katsîr dan Tafsir Al-Mishbâh Lalu Muhammad Idham Khalid; Abdul Muid N; Muhammad Adlan Nawawi
Tabsyir: Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Humaniora Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Juli : Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Humaniora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59059/tabsyir.v4i3.218


Today, in times of increasingly complex public problems and the need for religious references has escalated, there is a spirit to answer this with individual and collective da'wah movements. This condition in the opinion of researchers is very good, but often there is a bias in the basic understanding of who is actually entitled and obliged to convey da'wah (who has the right to prohibit blasphemy) and how the law is actually based on the perspective of the Qur'an. The purpose of this study to explore the interpretation of Ibn Katsîr and M. Quraish Shihâb regarding the obligation of Da'wah and the implications of the sociohistorical background of both. The approach used in this study is qualitative with comparative study method. Data collection techniques in the form of literature and observation studies were analyzed in the form of descriptive data collection techniques with the method of comparative analysis (analytical-comparative method). The results showed that there are differences in the tendency of interpretation as well as interpretation between Ibn Katsîr with M. Quraish Shihâb. Ibn Katsîr directed the obligation of Da'wah (which has the right to prohibit blasphemy) as an individual obligation while M. Quraish shihâb directs the tendency of the interpretation of the obligation as a collective obligation also with some similarities in the interpretation of which still accommodate obligations that are not used as a tendency of interpretation
Pengaruh Kesehatan Mental Terhadap Hasil Belajar Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Di SMK Negeri 1 Bukittinggi Lara Setiawati; Dodi Pasila Putra; Alfi Rahmi; Hidayani Syam
Tabsyir: Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Humaniora Vol. 4 No. 4 (2023): Oktober: Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Humaniora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59059/tabsyir.v4i4.320


The purpose of this study was to determine the Great Appreciation of the Influence of Mental Health on Learning Outcomes of Islamic Religious Education Subjects at SMK Negeri 1 Bukittinggi. The type of research that researchers conducted was correlation research with a quantitative approach, using a computer package (SPSS). The data used is in the form of numbers distributed to 65 respondents. The data analysis technique used is to do a Validity Test, Reliability Test, Normality Test, Linearity, Simple Linear Regression Test, F Test, and Determinant Correlation Test (R2). Based on the results of data processing, a simple linear regression calculation is obtained with the equation, namely Y = 12.584 + 0.188 X. Based on the equation above, it can be concluded that if mental health increases by one unit, it will affect the learning outcomes of Islamic religious education by 0.188. But if there are no these variables, the value of Islamic religious education learning outcomes is 12.584. The results of the F test obtained for Ftable were 3.99, because Fcount > Ftable (4.355 > 3.99) and a significant value < 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05), so it can be interpreted that mental health has a significant effect on learning outcomes in Islamic religious education. Then Ha is rejected Ho is rejected. The test results above show that mental health has a significant effect on the learning outcomes of Islamic religious education.

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