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INTERNAL (Information System Journal)
Published by Universitas Masoem
ISSN : 26219433     EISSN : 26560259     DOI : 10.32627
Core Subject : Science, Education,
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) is a scientific journal published by the Information Systems Study Program, Masoem University. This journal is a forum for publication of scientific papers in the form of writings by academics, researchers and practitioners on pure and applied research in the fields of information systems, informatics engineering and computer engineering. INTERNAL is published twice a year, namely in June and December. This journal has been accredited by SINTA 4. In 2021, INTERNAL (Information System Journal) will be merged and recorded in the Masoem University journal. In addition, DOI Prefix 10.32627 which was originally used by STKOM Al Masoem was later changed by the DOI is affiliation to become Masoem University. The journal at STKOM Al Masoem has changed its form to a journal at Masoem University.
Articles 87 Documents
Aplikasi Booking Barbershop Online Berbasis Web menggunakan Framework CodeIgniter Devie Firmansyah; Heri Purwanto; Teguh Wiharko; Bayu Purbayanto
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Masoem University

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Along with the development of the millennial lifestyle, appearance has become a necessity that is considered very important. Looking clean and attractive to the opposite sex is everyone's dream. But there are also other things that are no less important, especially for men, namely appearance with neat hair styling will add charisma to every man. People today do not want to queue for a long time because there is a long queue. Besides that, the busyness of daily activities makes it difficult for people to set aside time to come directly to the barbershop. Therefore, a web-based online barbershop booking application was created to make it easier for people to trim and style their hair without having to queue at the barbershop. In this application there is a feature to call employees at the barbershop to perform services according to the time and address desired by the customer. The research methodology used is a descriptive approach and the software development uses the prototyping method. The result of this research is an online barbershop booking application that can reduce the number of queues at the barbershop.
Pemanfaatan Token dalam Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Barter Barang Berbasis Web Menggunakan Framework Laravel Devie Firmansyah; Heri Purwanto; Teguh Wiharko; Robby Gustian
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Masoem University

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Barter is an activity of exchanging goods that do not use money as a medium of exchange. There are several problem that occur in bartering activities, such as the difficulty of finding people who also want to exchange at the same time and the difficulty of determining the value of the goods to be exchanged. The purpose of this research is to develop an information system that can be used as a place for bartering, where the owner can determine the value of the goods to be exchanged. The methodology used in the development of this system is the Agile method, with the modeling language used is UML (Unified Modelling Language). In this study, literature study data collection techniques were also used to collect data regarding the barter system. The result of this research is a web-based goods barter information system that was built using the Laravel Framework by developing a token system from previous research, where the token in this system is used to determine the value of an item as well as a medium of exchange between goods. Based on the test results, the use of tokens as a medium of exchange can help the owner of the goods to determine the value of the goods according to their wishes and make it easier for users to exchange their belongings for other goods.
Automation Watering System Berbasis IoT Cerdas pada Bawang Merah Marwondo Marwondo; Sardjono Sardjono; Michael A. Yonathan
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Masoem University

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In the current era of rapid technological development, smart irrigation systems are increasingly needed in cultivating crops, including shallots. This system was built to increase plant productivity by using smart irrigation to anticipate climate changes that occur. Through the use of IoT technology and expert systems, this system can provide effective solutions in optimizing the growth and quality of shallots. This Automation Watering System uses a microcontroller as the brain of the system which is connected to various sensors and actuators. The microcontroller takes data from sensors and sends it to the server via a WiFi network or other wireless protocol. The server then analyzes the data using an expert system that has been programmed with expert knowledge in the field of shallot cultivation. This Automation Watering System is able to optimize water use. and avoid excess or lack of watering. The results showed that with the integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) and expert systems, this system can provide smart solutions in shallot cultivation, ensure optimal growth, and produce better harvest results.
Analisis Perancangan Sistem Pakar Pola Latihan Untuk Mencapai Body Goals Menggunakan UML Elia Setiana; Budiman Budiman; R. Yadi Rakhman A; M. Rizki Ramadhan
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Masoem University

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Technological developments and awareness of the importance of health and physical fitness have encouraged people to look for effective solutions in achieving their desired body goals. Expert systems are one potential approach to assist individuals in designing exercise patterns that suit their goals. This system development method uses UML as a tool for analyzing and designing expert system structures. This expert system will utilize expert knowledge in the fields of fitness and nutrition to provide personalized and effective recommendations. Additionally, integration with technology will allow users to monitor their progress in real-time and receive recommendation updates according to their individual progress.The results of this research are architectural designs consisting of Usecase Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Deployment Diagrams which can then be used as a reference for creating this expert system application system so that it is hoped that the complete system can become a useful tool and can make a contribution. positive in helping users achieve their body goals with a more focused and effective approach.
Sistem Informasi Manajemen Data Penduduk Berbasis Website Armansyah M. Sarusu; Dyna Akmila; Miki Wijana; Mohammad Erdda Habiby
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Masoem University

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Management is the process of planning, coordinating, directing, and controlling resources to a set goal. Population data is an important asset in planning and decision-making. Website-based information systems can increase government transparency and involve the public in the management of population data, facilitating computerized data processing so that it becomes more efficient and efficient. Research methods use qualitative methods to understand and explain phenomena in a good context. Data collection techniques include interviews, observations, documentation, library studies, and implementation. Use case and class diagrams are used to identify and describe functions or interactions between actors and systems. In running the system use three actors namely IT staff, admin and head of the hamlet. The purpose of the website is that users can obtain relevant information, make transactions, communicate, interact with administrators and other users globally and in real time. The results showed that with the creation of an information system of population deposition management in Nagreg villages can improve the efficiency in the deposition process and reduce human error, easier to obtain and update information on population data.
Rancang Bangun Media Informasi Berbasis Multimedia Untuk Mencegah Risiko Stunting Pada Anak Balita R. Yadi Rakhman Alamsyah; Reni Nursyanti; Resvina Alya Putri
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Masoem University

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Stunting is a growth disorder that describes the failure to growth potential as a result of inadequate health status or nutrition. Child stunting data in 2022 has fallen to 21.6%, but according to the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria, the percentage is still high (20%). One prevention in reducing the risk of stunting is to increase the knowledge of parents about stunting and the intake of good food to be consumed by children. The dissemination of information about stunting and nutritional food intake is often found in the media of information such as text, video, and images but the distribution of information is not organized in one medium. The development phase uses the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) methodology with five (five) stages: concept, design, material collection, assembly, and testing. The result of this study is a multimedia-based information media in dasawisma RT 05 Bumi Orange, Cimekar Village, Bandung Regency, with a selection of stunting material menus including complementary foods for breast milk (MPASI), children's weight and height standards, child nutrition, and food intake.
Penerapan Data Mining Algoritma Apriori untuk Menemukan Pola Hubungan Status Gizi Balita Evi Nurmalasari; Utami Aryanti; Tonton Taufik Rachman
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Masoem University

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Malnutrition of toddlers can cause severely health problems, growth retardation, and decreased intelligence. Therefore, it is important to know the pattern of the relationship between the nutritional status of toddlers, especially against the condition of malnutrition to get information about the possible risk of nutritional coexistence problems. The purpose of this research is to apply data mining using the apriori algorithm in finding patterns of relationships betweennutritional status and to produce an accuracy level of association rules based on the value of support, confidence, and validation with the lift ratio. The results of this study are expected to generate information that can help prevent and treat malnutrition, as well as appropriate nutrition interventions. Analysis and implementation of data using the a priori algorithm method. Manual calculations are carried out using Microsoft Excell and accurate calculations with python programming. Data on the nutritional status of children under five, especially undernourished conditions will be processed to find patterns of association relationships. Determined the minimum support value of 0.1 or 10% and the minimum confidence of 0.5 or 50%. The research produces association rules in the form of association relationship patterns of nutritional status specifically malnutrition conditions (Underweight?Stunting ) with a support of 0.25 or 25% and confidence 0.57 or 57%. The rules have met the minimum support and minimum confidence values and have been validated by the lift ratio with a value > 1.