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INTERNAL (Information System Journal)
Published by Universitas Masoem
ISSN : 26219433     EISSN : 26560259     DOI : 10.32627
Core Subject : Science, Education,
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) is a scientific journal published by the Information Systems Study Program, Masoem University. This journal is a forum for publication of scientific papers in the form of writings by academics, researchers and practitioners on pure and applied research in the fields of information systems, informatics engineering and computer engineering. INTERNAL is published twice a year, namely in June and December. This journal has been accredited by SINTA 4. In 2021, INTERNAL (Information System Journal) will be merged and recorded in the Masoem University journal. In addition, DOI Prefix 10.32627 which was originally used by STKOM Al Masoem was later changed by the DOI is affiliation to become Masoem University. The journal at STKOM Al Masoem has changed its form to a journal at Masoem University.
Articles 87 Documents
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Masoem University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32627/internal.v1i1.324


The existence of the internet today provides benefits directly or indirectly to the business world, education, community and more, from small to large scale. With the internet facility data can be stored, retrieved and sent easily to all directions. So can not be denied the existence of internet website becomes the main requirement in providing the fastest information in globalization today. In the creditworthiness assessment conducted by PT. BFI Finance Indonesia Cirebon is still experiencing difficulties. The presentation of credit lending information is often delayed. One form of utilization of this facility is by making Decision Support System Online Loan Disbursement Using The Satisficing Model. This system will be used to analyze the personality and income of a person who will perform vehicle loans. By using this analytical method is expected to generate and simplify the process of acceptance of creditor candidates in accordance with the expected criteria so as to streamline the cost and time.
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Masoem University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32627/internal.v1i1.325


The concept of digital learning or e-learning is now widely applied in many universities. in this research is done architecture design of e-learning information system equipped with e-library as storage media of material needed in learning and also as media of search of library material which amount is not limited. The background of this architectural design is two, which is less effective teaching and learning activities when there is holiday or lecturer absence and the last is the limited number of library  materials in hardcopy. E-learning and e-library as one of the impacts of information technology advances can be utilized to overcome the obstacles in STKOM Al Ma'soem. With e-learning lecturers can provide lectures without having to  face-to-face with students. Whereas with the use of e-library students can get library materials online without limited space and time.
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Masoem University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32627/internal.v1i1.326


Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is one of the distribution issues which is long discussed in the optimization review, where the review problem is how a salesman visits the entire travel route within the coverage area and returns to the starting point of departure with the rule that no destination should be visited more than once. PT. Panjunan is a company engaged in the products distribution of various principles. Currently the managing process of customer location data at the company is still not maximal due to the absence of calculations in every daily visit routes so it impact on the effectiveness of time. In addition, the absence of visualization of real customer data on the field leads to the error distribution and marketing of goods which is uneven, not on target and impact on the decline in sales value. One of the techniques used to accelerate the search solutions of TSP problems is to use an insertion algorithm, or also called the Cheapest Insertion Heuristic (CIH) algorithm. The discussion of this research is to study and apply CIH algorithm in determining the optimization of daily sales traffic route with the aim of this research is to make daily trip route optimization program by applying Cheapest Insertion Heuristics algorithm and provide real customer data visualization on original map in the field as analysis material for operational team and management by utilizing Google Maps API service. System development method used in this research using waterfall model with implementation tools is laravel framework and mySQL as DBMS.
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Masoem University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32627/internal.v1i1.327


Al Ma'soem pharmacy headquartered at Jl. Horse Race No. 46 Arcamanik Bandung, currently has 17 branches of pharmacies spread across several cities and regencies in West Java, including Bandung, Sumedang, Majalengka, Garut, and Cianjur. Good governance system makes Apotek Al Ma'soem grow and develop rapidly in several cities and districts in West Java. In the sales system has been supported with adequate information technology, so that drug sales services can be done effectively. The method used to assess the supply of drugs in pharmacies is to use the last price method. The impact of the application of the method of inventory value becomes unreal because the price used to assess the inventory is not the actual cost, but the last price entered. Likewise, the gross profit generated by the system becomes unreal because the gross profit generated by the system is not the difference between the selling price and the acquisition price, increment the difference between the selling price and the last price. This will certainly make it difficult for the financial section to calculate and make adjusting entries because there will be differences between cash flow reports with inventory reports, purchases and sales generated by the system.The purpose of this research is to develop inventory system using FIFO (First In First Out) model, which is to assess inventory according to its cost. The goal is to generate inventory reports and real gross sales income, making it easier for the financial section in preparing financial statements and minimize the occurrence of financial fraud. The system development method used is a prototype with the stages of collecting all the needs, building prototyping, prototyping evaluation, encoding the system, testing the system, evaluating the system, and using the system.The development of this system can result in reports of drug supplies and real gross earnings so as to minimize the occurrence of financial fraud resulting from the difference in nominal value of money with the value contained in the report, as well as facilitate and streamline the work of the financial section in loading financial statements.
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Masoem University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32627/internal.v1i1.328


This paper discusses the business process modeling at Donat Madu Cihanjuang, the purpose of this research is to model the business process using BPMN to improve in terms of service for consumers, starting from literature study and data collection through interview. Further modeling and simulation of current business processes using BPMN, problem analysis, modeling and simulation of proposed business processes and comparison of results. The method used is Business Process Improvement (BPI) approach. The results obtained are proposed modeling new business processes in improving services to customers (consumers).
PENGAMANAN SISTEM DAN DATA E-VOTING BERBASIS NETWORK Muhammad Agreindra Helmiawan; Dani Indra Juna; Billy Ramdhani
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Masoem University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32627/internal.v1i1.329


Security in a system is vital and can not be ignored at all. System security has an important role to operate a system and keep running in running business processes that support an organization. In every organization, it must have important data and stored in a system mechanism either stand-alone or network-based. Ssytem that has been connected to the network will provide opportunities for the outside world to be able to get information presented by the system in realtime. One example of a system that provides information in realtime is E-Voting, E-Voting system is processing data entered by the user in giving his opinion. If a system that has been corrupted by an outsider or in the sense of an opinion of a user being changed for a particular purpose may be detrimental to the organization. Data security will be very necessary to keep intrupsi on system. The design and application of security methods in the E-Voting system aims to maintain the data provided by the user so that the data is genuine in accordance with the input and the data is original and feasible to be informed.
Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Informasi Pada Perusahaan Retail dengan Pendekatan Jhon Ward and Joe Peppard Utami Aryanti; Dwi Atmoko
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Masoem University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32627/internal.v4i2.392


PT. Yella Perdana is a retail company engaged in providing computer products in the form of hardware, software, accessories, notebooks, printers in West Java. To be able to face competition in the business world and place the company in a superior position from competitors, an IS/IT strategy is needed. In its implementation, the use of information systems must be supported by a good and appropriate strategic planning of information systems, so that the goals and objectives expected by the company can achieve optimal results.The right IS/IT strategic planning at PT. Yella Perdana is expected to produce a competitive advantage in accordance with the company's resources to support the achievement of company goals.The preparation of IS/IT strategic planning in this study used the Ward and Peppard approach. Assisted by several analytical methods to analyze the company's internal and external business environment such as PEST, SWOT, Porter's Five Force, Value chain, and CSF. This IS/IT strategic planning produces a recommendation for a computer-based application portfolio that can be implemented in accordance with the company's strategy to create an advantage over competitors based on the required information system.
Implementasi Manajemen Risiko Sistem Administrasi Layanan Akademik Menggunakan Framework COBIT 5.0 Furiansyah Dipraja; Rifqi Syamsul Fuadi; Tonton Taufik Rachman
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Masoem University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32627/internal.v4i2.395


The importance of the academic service administration system in supporting the academic service process and data management, makes it a vital system that must be avoided from risks that can hinder and affect technology-based systems. Data processing and academic services in Higher Education must be carried out optimally and integrated, because it is very necessary to realize quality services. To minimize the impact of risk, the authors make policies regarding risk management including managing risk profiles. To find out the achievement of information technology risk management implementation, the authors evaluate using the COBIT 5 framework in the APO12 (Manage Risk) process domain. Based on the results of the evaluation of the data obtained through the distribution of questionnaires, interviews and observations, it was found that the capability level and APO12 domain values ??were at level 1. thus resulting in a gap of 2 levels. The process of evaluating the application of information technology risk management in the system using the COBIT 5 framework, especially the APO12 (Manage Risk) process domain, obtained a level 2 capability level, namely performed process, which means that every process implemented has achieved the specified goals.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Kinerja Dosen Sebagai Acuan Kenaikan Level Encep Supriatna
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Masoem University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32627/internal.v4i2.396


Evaluation of lecturer performance is currently still done manually by three parts, namely assessment of learning performance by study programs, assessment of research and community service by LPPM, and overall assessment by the rector. Because it doesn't use a database, data from one section cannot be accessed by other sections, so each section must repeat the same transaction, besides that lecturers must make copies of documents to be submitted to each section that requires it, this is considered inefficient. For this reason, it is necessary to make a lecturer performance information system so that the lecturer's performance appraisal activity becomes more effective. Another benefit of a computerized system is that it can minimize subjectivity in the assessment process, the assessment becomes transparent and lecturers can monitor the results of their performance whenever needed. The method used in developing this system is the User Experience Design Process method, which includes product devintion, research, analysis, design, implementation. Data was collected by observation, interviews, and literature study. The system modeling uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML). the tools used are use case diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams and class diagrams. The implementation uses the PHP and HTML programming languages ??and MySQL as the database. The results of this study can integrate data on the performance assessment process of lecturers from different departments, the information generated from each process and its supporting documents can be accessed by all privately related departments, and the subjectivity of the assessment team can be minimized.
Aplikasi Scanner QR Code Berbasis Android Sebagai Alat Identifikasi Produk UKM Majalengka Topan Trianto; Rahmayani Rahmayani
INTERNAL (Information System Journal) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Masoem University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32627/internal.v4i2.400


Along with the construction of infrastructure in the form of toll roads and the International Airport in Majalengka, various products produced by SMEs in Majalengka must be immediately known by the market. Therefore, an application was made android-based QR code scanner application has been developed as a tool to identify original products from Majalengka. This research aims to help introduce UKM products and provide information about the identity of UKM products to the market quickly, practically and sustainably. The method used consists of collecting data and developing a system based on RUP (Rational Unified Process) with UML (Unified Modeling Language) as a development tool. This research resulted in a scanner application called 'Majalengka Product Index' which can be installed and operated directly by the market via Android devices. The result of scanning the QR code is in the form of an image display and a description of the product you want to know. The results of the application usability test survey from 65 respondents, obtained a total final score of 197.17 and included in the score range 155.51 - 203.75 with the "Very Useful" category.