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This journal focused on agricultural technology and sciences such as food science and engineering, agroindustrial technology and management, agricultural product development, agriculture engineering, food and nutrition evaluation, food safety, food process engineering, nutraceuticals, functional food, environmental management, food and agricultural product quality management, also biosystem and bioprocess engineering
Articles 14 Documents
Jurnal BETAHPA Vol. 1 No. 1 Desember (2022): JURNAL BETAHPA (Besemah Teknologi Hasil Pertanian)
Publisher : P3M Institut Teknologi Pagar Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36050/betahpa.v1i1 Desember.58


Indonesia is a tropical country that has biodiversity and known as a storehouse of herbal plants. In general Indonesian people have healthy traditional habits, by consuming several mixtures of herbal ingredients, which is the habit of Nginang. Nginang consists of several ingredients mixed with herbal plants such as betel leaf, areca nut, whiting and gambier which are then mixed and chewed. The habit of Nginang is mostly done by parents and is less desirable because it has a strong flavor and smell. The composition of kinang has many benefits because it contains antioxidant and antibacterial compounds, so that further action is needed by making innovations. The innovation that can be done is by making kinang extract microparticles. Microparticles have a size of 1 – 1000 µm, microparticles can be an effective delivery system for the active substance and can release more than 80% of the active substance within 10 minutes. The manufacture of microparticles can use the ultrasonication process. The objective of this reaserch was to determine the effect of variations in time and temperature of the ultrasonication process on the morphology of the microparticles of kinang extract. The ultrasonication time variations used were 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes, and 120 minutes. While the ultrasonication temperatures used are 50°C, 60°C, and 70°C. The results of the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) show that the resulting microparticles are not spherical or irregular. At 150 times magnification, the size of the microparticles ranged from ± 54 m to 700 m. Based on the results of physical characteristics, it can be proven that the microparticles with the best morphology are in the variation of the ultrasonication process with a time of 30 minutes and a temperature of 60°C.
Jurnal BETAHPA Vol. 1 No. 1 Desember (2022): JURNAL BETAHPA (Besemah Teknologi Hasil Pertanian)
Publisher : P3M Institut Teknologi Pagar Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36050/betahpa.v1i1 Desember.66


Tapai is one of the original fermented foods found in Indonesia. The manufacturing process in cassava tapai contains microorganisms from tapai yeast which under anaerobic conditions will produce amylase enzymes and amyloglucosidase enzymes, two enzymes that play a role in the decomposition of carbohydrates into maltose and glucose. S. cerevisiae is a fermentative species in the fermentation process, which breaks down glucose into CO2 and strong alcohol. But in the presence of oxygen, S. cerevisiae can also carry out respiration, namely oxidizing sugar to CO2 and water. This study aims to determine the effect sensory on cassava tapai and pH. This study used a factorial randomized block design (RAKF) with two factors, namely aeration (A) (without aeration and with aeration) and fermentation time (B) (0, 24, 48, 7, and 96 hours). Parameters observed were sensory test with hedonic tests and pH. The cassava tapai preferred by the panelists in terms of aroma was the treatment with aeration, 48 hours of fermentation with an average score of 3.04, in terms of texture in the treatment without aeration, 72 hours of fermentation with an average score of 2.84, and in terms of color in the treatment without aeration, 48 hours fermentation with an average score of 3. The difference in the length of fermentation time can have a significant effect on the texture of the fermented product. the longer the fermentation it will produce softer and watery texture due to the anaerobic fermentation process that produces water (H2O). And the interaction of aeration treatment and fermentation time has a significant effect on pH.
Jurnal BETAHPA Vol. 1 No. 1 Desember (2022): JURNAL BETAHPA (Besemah Teknologi Hasil Pertanian)
Publisher : P3M Institut Teknologi Pagar Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36050/betahpa.v1i1 Desember.74


Tea is a beverage known to have high antioxidant content. Several processed teas from several plants in Indonesia have been investigated for their antioxidant content. This journal discusses some of the antioxidant content of various plants that are claimed to be teas that have been processed in various processing methods. The antioxidant test method chosen for the review of antioxidant testing in its preparations is the DPPH (1,1-Diphenyl-2- picrylhydrazyl) method because this method is widely used in various antioxidant studies. The teas found by the author from several literatures include Moringa leaf (Moringa oleifera), soursop leaf tea (Annona muricata), cocoa leaf tea (Theobroma cacao L), coffee leaf tea (Coffea arabica), and edible flowers such as flower tea. rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa), butterfly pea flower (Clitoria ternatea), then green tea and black tea (Camellia sinensis) as a comparison. The results of the review showed that the highest level of antioxidant activity was found in moringa leaf tea (74.9% inhibition) and the lowest was found in cocoa leaves (20.31% inhibition). All samples were still under the antioxidant activity of green tea (Camellia sinensis).
Minuman Fungsional Dari Kombinasi Kopi Hijau Robusta (Coffea canephora), Ekstrak Gambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb.) dan Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia Jack) Diatari Agustini; Syerina Raihatul Jannah; Agus Wijaya
Jurnal BETAHPA Vol. 1 No. 1 Desember (2022): JURNAL BETAHPA (Besemah Teknologi Hasil Pertanian)
Publisher : P3M Institut Teknologi Pagar Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36050/betahpa.v1i1 Desember.75


The objective of this research was to design beverage product with functional properties from the combination of green coffee Robusta, gambir extract and pasak bumi. The research used a Non-factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 5 levels to obtain 5 treatments. Each treatment was repeated 3 (three) times. The parameters observed in this study included physical characteristics (solubility), chemistry (pH, total phenol and antioxidant activity), and microbiology (antibacterial activity). The results showed that the formulation of green coffee Robusta, gambir extract and pasak bumi had significant effect on solubility, pH, total phenol, and antioxidant activity. Characteristic of functional drink was produced pH 5.08 to 5.24, solubility 8.28 to 34.7%, total phenol 26.29 to 119.67 mg/g, antioxidant activity (IC50) 40.97 to 62.13 ppm, and clear zone diameter formed in Staphylococcus aureus reaches ±5 mm for gambir (control treatment). Based on antioxidant activity and total phenol, the best treatment was F5 (green coffee 60% : gambir 30% and pasak bumi 10%).
Pengaruh Tingkat Vakum dan Metode Pasteurisasi terhadap Mutu Nasi Kemas Bovi Wira Harsanto
Jurnal BETAHPA Vol. 1 No. 1 Desember (2022): JURNAL BETAHPA (Besemah Teknologi Hasil Pertanian)
Publisher : P3M Institut Teknologi Pagar Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36050/betahpa.v1i1 Desember.80


Rice is one of the staple foods of Indonesian people. Age keeps the rice short enough and the serving takes a long time to be a barrier for Indonesian people in consuming rice in all situations, especially emergencies. Making rice with special treatment, such as vacuum packaging and pasteurization is expected to overcome these problems. This rice product is called packaged rice. This study aimed to determine the level of vacuum and the suitable pasteurization method in the manufacture of packaged rice products. Vacuum packing followed by pasteurization (steaming and boiling) is the method of choice to produce packaged rice. The results showed that the vacuum level and pasteurization were not able to produce packaged rice that had a long shelf life, especially when stored at room temperature. This is indicated by the total results of microbes that exceed the safe limit, which is > 6 logs CFU/gram. The results of the total microbes affected the decrease of pH on days 4 and 7, and also the results of sensory evaluation on days 4 and 7, which was not suitable for testing to the panelists. However, cold storage has a better effect in terms of the shelf life of packaged rice products because the rate of microbial growth is inhibited so that the total microbial count is < 6 logs CFU/gram. Therefore, packaged rice products are recommended to be stored at cold temperatures before being consumed.
Jurnal BETAHPA Vol. 2 No. 1 Juni (2023): JURNAL BETAHPA (Besemah Teknologi Hasil Pertanian)
Publisher : P3M Institut Teknologi Pagar Alam

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Es krim merupakan makanan beku yang terbuat dari produk susu krim yang dicampur bahan penstabil, bahan pengemulsi, bahan pemanis maupun bahan pewarna. Susu merupakan sumber lemak hewani yang berperan dalam terbentuknya tekstur es krim. Sumber lemak hewani dapat diganti dengan sumber lemak nabati, seperti santan kelapa. Santan kelapa merupakan salah satu pangan alternatif untuk mengganti susu sapi dalam pembuatan es krim. Kandungan padatan pada es krim dapat berasal dari kacang-kacangan seperti kacang merah. Formulasi es krim dengan formulasi penambahan bubur kacang merah dan santan kelapa terdiri dari 5 (lima) formulasi (b/b) dengan faktor perlakuan formulasi perbandingan penambahan sumber lemak (santan kelapa) dan bubur kacang merah. Hasil uji organoleptik yang meliputi kenampakan (warna), rasa dan tekstur menunjukkan bahwa formulasi A2 (penambahan 80% sumber lemak dan 20% bubur kacang merah) merupakan formulasi yang paling disukai panelis dengan nilaiorganelptik 4,2, rasa 3,88, tekstur 3,36 dan aroma 3,76.
Jurnal BETAHPA Vol. 2 No. 1 Juni (2023): JURNAL BETAHPA (Besemah Teknologi Hasil Pertanian)
Publisher : P3M Institut Teknologi Pagar Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36050/betahpa.v1i2 Juni.111


One type of plant that is popular to drink is tea. From the polyphenolic compounds of this plant species containing antioxidant flavonoids are derived. The purpose of this study was to determine the total phenolic content and determine the antioxidant activity of ten brands of tea from Surakarta which were produced by the steeping process. Antioxidant activity was measured using the FRAP method and the DPPH method, and total phenol could be tested using the Follin-Ciocalteu method. The results showed that the highest total phenol was in the GP brand at 15.04% at a brewing temperature of 70°C and at 100°C with the GP brand at 24.46%, while the lowest phenol content was 7.20% at a brewing temperature of 70 °C with the 99 tea brand and at a brewing temperature of 100°C it was 7.94% with the PC tea brand. The highest samples of antioxidants using the DPPH method were steeping brand 999 at 70°C of 83.00% and steeping GP brand at 100°C of 78.70%. From the results of research conducted antioxidant testing using the FRAP method showed that the highest antioxidant activity of brewed tea at 100°C was 21.65% at 2T tea brand and the lowest antioxidant activity was brewed tea with PC tea brand at 8.87% at 70 °C and 100°C have the same value.
Antioxidant Activities in Germinating Mungbean Irvia Resti Puyanda; Uyun Nurul Aini
Jurnal BETAHPA Vol. 2 No. 1 Juni (2023): JURNAL BETAHPA (Besemah Teknologi Hasil Pertanian)
Publisher : P3M Institut Teknologi Pagar Alam

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The objectives of this work were to investigate the influence of germination times (24,48, 72, 96, 120 h) and conditions (light and dark) on the moisture content and antioxidant activity in mungbean sprout. The antioxidant activity were analyzed using in vitro methods. ABTS and DPPH methods were used to measure the antioxidant activity. A significant increase (p-value < 0.05) was observed under ABTS method at 72 and 96 h, while it decreased at longer germination times. In addition, using DPPH method decreased the antioxidant activity significantly (p-value < 0.05) from 24 to 48 h, however, it increases again at 72 and 96 h. Germination times and conditions significantly affects (p-value < 0.05) the antioxidant activities of mungbean sprout. Based on the results, germination under dark conditions enhanced lower antioxidant activities during germination process.
Jurnal BETAHPA Vol. 2 No. 2 Desember (2023): JURNAL BETAHPA (Besemah Teknologi Hasil Pertanian)
Publisher : P3M Institut Teknologi Pagar Alam

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Yogurt merupakan produk hasil fermentasi berbahan baku susu dengan Bakteri Asam Laktat (BAL) seperti Lactobacillus bulgaricus dan Streptococus thermophillus sebagai agen fermentor. Air kelapa muda mempunyai potensi yang baik sebagai bahan tambahan dalam pembuatan yogurt karena kandungan zat gizinya yang baik. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui pengaruh penambahan air kelapa muda terhadap pH dan viskositas yogurt serta menghitung analisis finansial produk. Tahapan membuat yogurt diawali dengan mengukur susu UHT sebanyak 500 ml untuk setiap perlakuan, kemudian ditambahkan air kelapa muda dengan konsentrasi kontrol (0 ml),  P1 50 ml, P2 75 ml, P3 100 ml, P4 125 ml, diinokulasi 5% yogurt plain dan diinkubasi selama 9 jam. Produk yogurt yang dihasilkan dianalisa nilai pH, viskositas dan analisis finansial. Hasil penelitian menunjukan penambahan air kelapa muda memberikan penurunan nilai pH yogurt berkisar antara 4,37 – 3,87, viskositas yogurt berkisar antara 31,33 dpa.s – 9,33 dpa.s dan kelayakan finansial dengan R/C 1,59, BEP harga 15.700 dan BEP unit 1.859.
Penggunaan Metode Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Sebagai Pendukung Pengambilan Keputusan Dampak Lingkungan Pada Industri Kelapa Sawit Maisarah; Rahmad Dian
Jurnal BETAHPA Vol. 2 No. 2 Desember (2023): JURNAL BETAHPA (Besemah Teknologi Hasil Pertanian)
Publisher : P3M Institut Teknologi Pagar Alam

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Seiring dengan perkembangan aktivitas manusia, maka kegiatan antropogenik menghasilkan peningkatan polutan ke lingkungan dari limbah kegiatan industri, salah satunya industri kelapa sawit yang masif di Indonesia. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) atau Penilaian Siklus Hidup adalah alat untuk menganalisis dampak lingkungan dari proses produksi atau jasa. Aktivitas manusia telah memberikan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan, seperti pencemaran udara akibat mesin, pencemaran air dan tanah akibat penggunaan pupuk dan pestisida, serta konsumsi air yang berlebihan. Artikel ini memaparkan penerapan LCA pada sektor perkebunan kelapa sawit sebagai pendukung pengambil keputusan. Pendekatan Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis Item (PRISMA) digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi, menyaring, dan memasukkan artikel yang relevan. Mengidentifikasi artikel terkait penilaian siklus hidup di sektor perkebunan kelapa sawit yang memenuhi syarat untuk analisis menjadi salah satu metode penulisan. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa tren penelitian tentang LCA di sektor perkebunan kelapa sawit terbagi atas subsistem perkebunan kelapa sawit dan industri pabrik kelapa sawit. Satuan fungsional yang digunakan pada LCA bervariasi (massa, energi, waktu, dan luas area). Batas sistem juga bervariasi dari cradle to gate, gate to gate, maupun cradle to grave. Dampak lingkungan yang ditemukan dalam artikel tersebut adalah parameter global warming potential (GWP), asidifikasi, dan parameter eutrofikasi. Didapatkan hasil bahwa penilaian LCA dapat menjadi salah satu pendukung pengambilan keputusan dengan berorientasi pada dampak lingkungan negatif terkecil yang dihasilkan dari suatu proses. Sehingga konsep sustainability dan green economy dapat tercapai dengan adanya penilaian LCA pada industri kelapa sawit.

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