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Jurnal pendidikan dan Humaniora (Edumaniora)
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28280172     DOI :
Core Subject : Education, Art,
This journal is related to education, research, and entrepreneurship to participate in disseminating new ideas, concepts, theories, or scientific developments in the fields of Language, Culture, Design, Psychology, and Communication through this scientific journal. Learning development ,Literation, Thinking process, Elementary school curriculum, Language education, Social science education, Educational management, Learning Effectiveness studies, Analysis of Learning Influences, Application of Learning Models, development of instructional media.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 35 Documents
Implementation of the Murottal Method in Improving the Quality of Reading for Al-Quran Tahfidz Program Students at SMP IT Nurul Azmi Medan Rahmi Fadila Putri Bangko; Zailani
Edumaniora : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Humaniora (Edumaniora)
Publisher : Cattleya Darmaya Fortuna

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54209/edumaniora.v1i02.23


Implementation of the Murottal Method in Improving the Quality of Reading for Students of the Tahfidz Al-Quran Program at SMP IT Nurul Azmi Medan. 2022, Advisor Dr. Zailani, MA. The purpose of this research is to find out whether there is an improvement in the reading quality of the students of the Tahfidz Al-Quran program at SMP IT Nurul Azmi Medan through the implementation of this murottal method. The research method used in this study is a qualitative methodAnd as for the efforts in charge of the program to improve this reading the difficulty of pronouncing the hijaiyah letters when depositing will be corrected again when depositing memorization. In accordance with the rules of correct Tajweed. And as for the efforts in charge of the program to improve this reading, it is done by listening to the verses of the Koran first, then the teacher will mentally recite the readings and letters that are still wrong until students can pronounce them correctly. the difficulty of pronouncing the hijaiyah letters when depositing will be corrected again when depositing memorization. In accordance with the rules of correct Tajweed. And as for the efforts in charge of the program to improve this reading, it is done by listening to the verses of the Koran first, then the teacher will mentally recite the readings and letters that are still wrong until students can pronounce them correctly.
Application of Literacy and Public Speaking to MTS Project Kandenpag Students Rezaldy Azhary Irvan
Edumaniora : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Humaniora (Edumaniora)
Publisher : Cattleya Darmaya Fortuna

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54209/edumaniora.v1i02.24


The Independent Real Work Lecture apprenticeship activity took place in District Yos Sudarso, KM 13.5, Medan City Regency and specifically at the Madrasah Tsanawiyah Project. The main activity carried out is Literacy to improve students' reading and speaking skills including Al-Qur'an literacy for Madrasah Tsanawiyah Project Kandepag students where students are given an understanding of reading the Qur'an with the correct makharijul letters and public speaking training in public speaking well so that it can be applied in everyday life, ending with the implementation of three-language speech by MTS students
Problematics of Muhammadiyah Learning at SMP Muhammadiyah 51 Sidikalang Riswan Sinamo; Munawir Pasaribu
Edumaniora : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Humaniora Vol. 2 No. 01 (2023): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Humaniora (Edumaniora)
Publisher : Cattleya Darmaya Fortuna

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54209/edumaniora.v2i01.25


The background of this research is that there are still problems in learning at SMP Muhammadiyah 51 Sidikalang regarding Kemuhammadiyahan lessons. Based on the results of observations made by researchers, one of the causes is the low interest in student learning in Kemuhammadiyahan lessons. This study aims to analyze the problems of student learning in the Kemuhammadiyahan subject, to reveal the constraints experienced by teachers and students and to explain the efforts made to overcome the obstacles that occur to the teachers and students. The method used in this research is descriptive using a qualitative approach. Respondents in this study are 2 people who have the criteria that have been explained. The data collection tools used in this study were observation sheets, interview sheets, and documentation. The results showed that the constraints experienced by the teacher were the lack of learning time and the lack of self-awareness of the students to better understand Muhammadiyah learning material. While the inhibiting factors of student learning interest are the lack of insight of the teacher when explaining learning to students to make it easier for students to understand the material taught by the subject teacher, the condition of the class is crowded, students have their own busyness when the teacher explains the material and students who are not ready to study in incomplete learning equipment. Efforts are being made to overcome the obstacles experienced by teachers and students by adding learning time so that students can calmly listen to the explanations taught by the teacher.
The Importance of Learning Islamic Religious Education to Shape Students' Morals at PAB 8 Saentis Private High School Rizky Awallul Ramadhan; Hasrian Rudi Setiawan
Edumaniora : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Humaniora (Edumaniora)
Publisher : Cattleya Darmaya Fortuna

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54209/edumaniora.v1i02.26


This study raises the issue of the importance of learning Islamic Religious Education to shape students' morals. The subjects of this study were students from SMA PRIVATE PAB 8 SAENTIS. This research was conducted in August 2022. The method used is the observation method. The results of this study indicate that the learning process at SMA PAB 8 SAENTIS has been running quite effectively in accordance with the basic concepts of the learning process carried out by most educators in general, namely students who follow the learning process enthusiastically, especially in learning . Islamic Education course. The method used by teachers of Islamic Religious Education subjects is the method of lectures, discussions, questions and answers, and assignments. However, the results of this study are not in line with expectations, even though the implementation of the learning process has been running according to the basic procedures that have been set. However, the morals of the santri and female students still cannot be said to be good, even though only some of them show an attitude that is not in accordance with Islamic Religious Education.
Communication Patterns of Teachers of Moral Creeds on the Moral Development of Class IX Students of Mts Aisyiyah Medan Rohdearna Ramadhani; Mawaddah Nasution
Edumaniora : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Humaniora (Edumaniora)
Publisher : Cattleya Darmaya Fortuna

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54209/edumaniora.v1i02.27


Morals in Islam become something important and must be considered. Islam is a religion that teaches about adab or morals in humans and that is the most important thing before studying. Morals are one of the main teachings in Islam. Good morals will weigh the scales of a person's goodness on the Day of Resurrection. This research was carried out to: (1) determine the application of the communication pattern of the moral aqeedah teacher in fostering the morals of students at Mts Aisyiyah Medan (2) the supporting and inhibiting factors of the communication pattern of the teacher of moral creed in the moral development of students at Mts Aisyiyah Medan. This research is a qualitative research. This research is a field research and this research is classified as a qualitative descriptive research. Data were collected by conducting observations, documentation and interviews. The process of the communication pattern of the moral aqeedah teacher towards the moral development of class IX students at Mts Aisyiyah Medan is to combine the three communication patterns that are often done, but at certain times the moral aqidah teacher only uses one communication pattern. such as one-way communication patterns, interpersonal communication patterns or two-way communication, and group communication or multi-way communication.
Implementation of Outdoor Learning Methods in Improving Student Learning Outcomes in Islamic Religious Education Subjects at MAN 1 Medan Rony Zulfirman; Gunawan
Edumaniora : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Humaniora (Edumaniora)
Publisher : Cattleya Darmaya Fortuna

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54209/edumaniora.v1i02.28


Formal education systems often face challenges associated with monotonous and rigid learning processes, which prioritize standardization over individual creativity. This research aims to address these issues by exploring the implementation of outdoor learning methods as a means to enhance student learning outcomes. Focusing specifically on Islamic Religious Education subjects at MAN 1 Medan, the study seeks to investigate the planning, execution, monitoring, and evaluation of outdoor learning methodologies. By adopting an outdoor learning approach, this research endeavors to introduce a more dynamic and experiential learning environment, breaking away from the constraints of traditional indoor pedagogy. Through observation, interviews, and documentation, the study assesses the effectiveness of outdoor learning methods in stimulating student engagement, fostering critical thinking skills, and enhancing overall learning outcomes. The findings of this research contribute valuable insights into the potential benefits of outdoor learning approaches in formal education settings. By offering an alternative to conventional classroom-based instruction, outdoor learning methodologies have the potential to promote creativity, curiosity, and active participation among students, thereby enriching their educational experiences and improving academic performance.
Application Of Social Inquiry Learning Model To Improve Socialproblem Solving Skills In Class V Of Integrated Islamic Sd Nurulikhwan Beach Mirrin Supriadi; Dinda Yarsal
Edumaniora : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 01 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Humaniora (Edumaniora)
Publisher : Cattleya Darmaya Fortuna

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54209/edumaniora.v1i01.29


The learning method used in the learning process is an important key to student learning outcomes. Student learning outcomes are highly dependent on the learning methods used by the teacher. If the learning method used is boring, it cannot encourage students to become active students in learning. This is proven by the competence and skills possessed by students are still relatively low. And it does not encourage students to be active students in their learning. The problem formulation of this research is whether through the Social Inquiry Learning model to Improve Social Problem Solving Skills for Students of Class V Integrated Islam Nurul Ikhwan Pantai Cermin? The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the learning implementation plan which was compiled using the social inquiry learning model in class V of Integrated Islam Nurul Ikhwan Pantai Cermin. Applying the Inquiry model to the fifth grade students of Integrated Islam Nurul Ikhwan Pantai Cermin in social studies learning. Improve the ability to work together and student learning outcomes in the classroom by using the Inquiry learning model in the social problem solving skills of students in the fifth grade of Integrated Islam Nurul Ikhwan Pantai Cermin. This study used 24 students as a sample of 120 students. Data collection is done by holding a pretest and posttest learning outcomes. The results showed that the teacher's activity in teaching using the social inquiry learning model showed increasing results.
Online Learning (Online) for Elementary School Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic Syibrina Jihan Lubis
Edumaniora : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 01 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Humaniora (Edumaniora)
Publisher : Cattleya Darmaya Fortuna

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54209/edumaniora.v1i01.30


The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the conventional learning process. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, education systems across the country have switched to online learning systems, especially at the elementary school (SD) level. This study aims to analyze the online learning process, the supporting factors and the inhibiting factors for teachers in carrying out online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was conducted at SDS Bunga Tanjong Morawa. This research uses descriptive qualitative research with case study method. The subjects used in this study were elementary school teachers at SDS Bunga Tanjong. Data collection techniques used in this study were interviews and documentation. The result of this research is that the Covid-19 pandemic has had a very big impact on the learning process, learning that is usually carried out in person is now being shifted to online learning. Students feel bored and bored while carrying out learning. Online learning conducted for elementary school age children is considered less effective. There are several factors that support teachers in the online learning process, namely the availability of mobile phones, quotas and a stable internet network. In addition to the factors that support online learning, there are also several inhibiting factors for teachers in online learning. The inhibiting factors include not all students have cellphones and there are still many parents who are busy working. There are several factors that support teachers in the online learning process, namely the availability of mobile phones, quotas and a stable internet network. In addition to the factors that support online learning, there are also several inhibiting factors for teachers in online learning
Arabic Language Learning Management At SMP IT Ibnu Halim Medan Zikrianul Karim; Hasrian Rudi Setiawan
Edumaniora : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Humaniora Vol. 2 No. 01 (2023): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Humaniora (Edumaniora)
Publisher : Cattleya Darmaya Fortuna

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54209/edumaniora.v2i01.31


Learning Arabic is a process that is carried out between educators and students both in class and outside the classroom so that students are able to master Arabic. Management of learning Arabic is a means or wasilah so that the desired goals can be achieved. Management of learning Arabic includes planning, implementing, organizing, assessing and evaluating. Everything is designed to be effective and efficient. The participation of an educator is needed in improving the quality of language. Efforts made by educators in improving language development, can be through active and creative learning. An educator is required to understand the development of learning Arabic. After analyzing there are several supporting and inhibiting factors in learning Arabic. In this study the method used is descriptive qualitative and type of field research.
Case Study of Speech Delay Children at Raudhatul Atfhal Sakinah Kindergarten, Jakarta Zulvia Misykah
Edumaniora : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Humaniora Vol. 1 No. 01 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Humaniora (Edumaniora)
Publisher : Cattleya Darmaya Fortuna

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54209/edumaniora.v1i01.32


Education is the right of all human beings, whether children, adolescents, or adults, both girls and boys, both normal children and children with special needs. one example of a child with special needs is a child who has a speech delay, the characteristics of a child who has a speech delay can be known through the pronunciation of words that are always imperfect, not frequently the interlocutor uses sign language when communicating with the child. The problem of speech delays in children is a serious problem, children who have speech delays find it difficult for them to join playmates, even their friends will mock them besides that this will be a mental burden on their parents, not only the child and even the parents. also feel sad about this, because no human being wants to be created with flaws. This study aims to determine: the development of language and speech, (2) how to learn children who have speech delays, (2) find out what factors affect speech delays, (3) and to find out the efforts of teachers and parents in helping a child with speech delays . The approach used in this research is qualitative research. Qualitative research aims to understand the phenomena experienced by research subjects holistically and by means of descriptions in the form of words and language in a special natural context and using various methods

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