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Perspektif, Jurnal Agama dan Kebudayaan diterbitkan untuk menjadi medium diskusi dan kajian ilmiah atas isu-isu agama dan kebudayaan, dengan mengedepankan perspektif toleransi dan dialog lintas agama dan budaya untuk membangun harmoni sosial. Jurnal ini menerbitkan tulisan-tulisan ilmiah baik yang merupakan hasil penelitian lapangan maupun kajian pustaka, terbuka untuk kalangan akademisi, peneliti, pemerhati sosial dan agama serta masyarakat umum.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 197 Documents
Menginjak Gas Mencari Tuhan: Esai Reflektif Mengenai Kaum Pinggiran di Kota Malang Ramadhani, I Gusti Ngurah Aswin
Perspektif Vol. 6 N.º 2 (2011): Desember 2011
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v6i2.231


The article argues way of life of the Javanese, particularly those who live in the pheriphery of the society, the so-called people of the margins. They believe that God has provided everything for everybody that should be accepted faithfully, for God is the One who is full of love and compassion. In so doing, everybody, no matter which social group he/she belongs to will live his/her life in thankfulness, fidelity, and honesty. The Javanese call it nerima ing pandum, a kind of local genius enlivened by kawruh kejawen (Javanese gnosis). Based on this religiosity which corresponds to Benedictine tradition of ora et labora, the writer then reflects theologically the way people in the industrilized world of today should deal with their daily lives. We can learn a lot from people of the margins how to manage our personal lives as well as to organize our community in God's providence.
Apakah Kemiskinan Itu Penderitaan? : Berteologi Bersama Pedagang Kaki Lima di Malang Purnawan, Yohanes I Wayan
Perspektif Vol. 6 N.º 2 (2011): Desember 2011
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v6i2.232


The article argues that poverty does not always correspond to suffering. It depends very much on how people approach to or cope with their daily lives. People of the margins in the urbanized city of Malang - which is now and then not benevolent - could offer some insight to deepen our today's spirituality. Inspired by the Javanese rila-nrima-sabar (readiness-acceptance-patience) people could live their lives in a dynamic way beyond dissatisfactions or complaints. The so-called local genius correlates to theology of the cross in Christian tradition. The writer then reasons that suffering or the cross as part of life should be bravely addressed or confronted. Rila-nrima-sabar is human-divine capital which enables people to come out as winner. Christian spirituality describes it as per crucem ad lucem, through the cross the faithful reach enlightentment and resurrection.
Tinjauan Buku: Semakin Mengindonesia, 50 Tahun Hierarki Sarbini, Peter Bruno
Perspektif Vol. 6 N.º 2 (2011): Desember 2011
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v6i2.233


In Memoriam Fr. Pancratius Mariatma SVD The Legacy of an Organizational Leader Rahmat, Paul
Perspektif Vol. 6 N.º 1 (2011): Juni 2011
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v6i1.234


Tulisan ini melukiskan biografi seorang pemimpin tarekat religius Propinsi SVD Jawa, P. Pancratius Mariatma SVD dari perspektif organisasi. Namun bukan sekedar menulis riwayat hidup seorang tokoh, artikel ini mengedepankan kontribusi dan legacy seorang pemimpin organisasi tarekat religius selama 3 dekade yang ditinjau secara kritis dari berbagai perspektif teori organisasi. Diawali dengan pemaparan tentang profil dan gaya kepemimpinan P. Mariatma dan profil organisasi provinsi SVD Jawa, penulis menyoroti system dan struktur organisasional Provinsi SVD Jawa. Dalam konteks gaya atau model kepemimpinan dan struktur organisasi seperti itu, dilihat secara khusus bagaimana cara dan gaya seorang pemimpin menghadapi dan mengatasi konflik internal dalam organisasi tersebut. Selanjutnya penulis mengemukakan secara garis besar kerangka teoritis mengenai model dan praksis kepemimpinan P. Mariatma dalam organisasi tarekat religius Propinsi SVD Jawa. Tulisan ini diakhiri beberapa catatan tentang legacy kepemimpinan P. Mariatma yang kiranya bukan sekedar untuk dikenang tetapi terutama untuk dipelajari oleh para penerusnya.
AGAMA SEBAGAI PENGALLAHAN MASYARAKAT: Telaah Kritis atas Teori Émile Durkheim tentang Agama Marianta, Yohanes I Wayan
Perspektif Vol. 6 N.º 1 (2011): Juni 2011
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v6i1.235


In The Elementary Forms of Religious Life, Emile Durkheim sets forth a thought-provoking theory of religion. Drawing on his literature research on totemistic religions, notably those of the Aboriginal tribes of Central Australia, Durkheim argues that religion serves as the symbolic representation of society. The sacred is nothing but the representation of the collective power of the clan. Totemism is, thus, a deification of society. This theory does not lead Durkheim to discredit religion as merely a product of illusion, hallucination, failed science, linguistic confusion, and the like. Rather, he argues that the fact that religion has survived for centuries reveal that religion must have fulfilled certain societal need. The Elementary Forms of Religious Life seeks to demonstrate the integrative social function held by religion in traditional societies as the conscience collective that holds society together. This article is aimed at both highlighting the contribution of Durkheim's theory to the sociology of religion and showing the blindspots and weaknesses of his theory.
Tradisi "Tena Ladja' Masyarakat Penangkap Ikan Paus di Lamalera, Flores Timur Lelaona, Yohanes Antonius
Perspektif Vol. 6 N.º 1 (2011): Juni 2011
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v6i1.236


This article describes the fishing tradition (berperahu or tena ladja) in Lamalera, a village on the south coast of Lembata island, East Flores. Fisherfolk of Lamalera is known for their traditional whale hunting. The primary data for this article comes from the narratives gathered by the author during his vacation in the village. The author also uses secondary data from written sources. After de- scribing their traditional whaling practices and the vital and noble values be- hind these practices, the author proposes that the government should declare the tena ladja tradition as a national cultural heritage (cagar budaya nasional) to avoid its demise under the wave of modern mindset to adopt modern values and technology.
Barong dan Rangda: Memaknai Sebuah Kearifan Lokal dari Budaya Bali Ramadhani, I Gusti Ngurah Aswin
Perspektif Vol. 6 N.º 1 (2011): Juni 2011
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v6i1.237


One of the wellkown Balinese sacred art is 'Barong and Rangda' dance, which symbolises the two supernatural and complementary powers, namely the good and the evil, the white and the black, the right and the left. The writer argues that it actually has a very long history, an encounter and acculturation of various traditions, such as of the Javanese Hinduism, the Chinese culture, and the religious tradition and cosmology of the Balinese. If one wants to comprehend the Balinese way of life, he or she should have to understand these two supernatural powers which are basically complementary to each other.
Komunitas Basis di Pusaran Globalisasi: Bermisi di Tengah Kemajuan Zaman Wotan, Fidelis B.
Perspektif Vol. 6 N.º 1 (2011): Juni 2011
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v6i1.238


Globalization nowadays affects human mentality and lifestyle. Humans have experienced a remarkable acceleration, due to development and technology, as well as deterioration in mental attitude - people become lazy, individualistic, hedonist, consumerist, and more marginalized poor. It challenges the Church's way of doing mission. The article tries to elaborate mission through creating and planting mission spirituality in the basic communities. Basic communities have some characteristics: communion, ecclesiastic, and laypeope-based, living from the Word and the Eucharist. The goal is faith planting (plantatio fidei). Each basic community is expected to be a crutch to deal with individualism, hedonism, creating a culture of solidarity, to be critical and transformative, creating awareness for a better world. Pastoral recommendations are suggested here: doing mission from within, namely participatory theology; building a counterculture, namely Christian communities mark Christ's presence in the world.
Tinjauan Buku: Masa Depan Islam, antara Tantangan Kemajemukan dan Benturan dengan Barat Sarbini, Peter Bruno
Perspektif Vol. 6 N.º 1 (2011): Juni 2011
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v6i1.239


Pendidikan Multikultural Sebagai Upaya Mewujudkan Perdamaian di Indonesia Selamat , Shelomita
Perspektif Vol. 4 N.º 1 (2009): Juni 2009
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v4i1.240


This essay deals with the issue of multiculturality as a social reality and the need to implement a multicultural education to deepen the social knowledge of Indonesia and the Indonesians. The process of globalization has been invading almost all aspect of human life, which force ordinary Indonesians to come to terms with this global movement. The notion of diversity is very strong in Indonesia and eventually considered as an internal power to deal with the diversified society. However, not every Indonesian seems to understand and live this variety as a blessing. Many even consider it as a destructive factor, a lot of social unrests in Indonesia recently were actually caused by this lack of understanding. Therefore, the author suggests that a multicultural education is very crucial and urgently needed. The national constitution and other regulations are highlighted as the legal basis of the proposed education. Meanwhile, the implementation of this kind of education needs cooperation between all social elements in Indonesia.