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Raymundus I Made Sudhiarsa
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Perspektif, Jurnal Agama dan Kebudayaan diterbitkan untuk menjadi medium diskusi dan kajian ilmiah atas isu-isu agama dan kebudayaan, dengan mengedepankan perspektif toleransi dan dialog lintas agama dan budaya untuk membangun harmoni sosial. Jurnal ini menerbitkan tulisan-tulisan ilmiah baik yang merupakan hasil penelitian lapangan maupun kajian pustaka, terbuka untuk kalangan akademisi, peneliti, pemerhati sosial dan agama serta masyarakat umum.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 197 Documents
The Kingdom of God and Human Liberation in Edward Schillebeeckx Bala, Kristoforus
Perspektif Vol. 8 N.º 2 (2013): Desember 2013
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v8i2.37


Penulis mempresentasikan pemikiran Edward Schillebeeckx tentang kerajaan Allah dan keselamatan atau pembebasan umat manusia. Kerajaan Allah adalah pemerintahan, kekuasaan Allah dalam dunia dan hidup manusia. Allah memimpin dan menyelenggarakan hidup manusia dan dunia dengan kasih, kebaikan, kebenaran, dan keadilan. Yesus Kristus diutus ke dunia untuk mewartakan kerajaan Allah. Hidup, karya, pengajaran, wafat, dan kebangkitan Yesus merupakan tanda nyata kehadiran kerajaan Allah. Manusia dan dunia diselamatkan oleh Yesus Kristus dari dosa, kejahatan, ketidakadilan, dan penderitaan. Keselamatan adalah karunia Allah dan tanggungjawab manusia. Keselamatan merangkul dimensi sekarang dan masa depan (eschaton), dimensi jasmani dan rohani. Lebih lagi, Allah menyelamatkan tidak hanya manusia tetapi juga seluruh kosmos, atau seluruh alam ciptaan. Gereja diutus Allah untuk menghadirkan kerajaan-Nya dalam dunia. Gereja harus aktif memajukan keadilan, membela hak-hak orang kecil, miskin dan menderita, memelihara bumi dan seluruh alam ciptaan. Gereja bisa berhasil dalam karya menyelamatkan manusia dan dunia, jika ia selalu meneladani dan bersatu dengan Yesus. Gereja harus menghayati tiga kebajikan teologal: cinta kasih, iman, dan harapan, serta menjadikan liturgi/doa (dimensi mistik) sebagai sumber kekuatan pelayananannya. Pemikiran Schillebeeckx menjadi inspirasi dan sekaligus kritik terhadap karya pelayanan dan misi Gereja lokal.
Piagam Madinah: Payung Masyarakat Pluralis Sarbini, Peter Bruno
Perspektif Vol. 8 N.º 2 (2013): Desember 2013
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v8i2.38


This article discusses the role of the Constitution or the Charter of Madina, in promoting religious tolerance. The Constitution was written to foster an honest, peaceful, and cooperative political condition in a multi-religious society. Prophet Mohammed, who drafted the Constitution, underlined that human being is basically one in unity (ummatun wahidah). He had a deep respect for humanity and other religions. Diversity of religion should not become an obstacle to accept and honor the followers of other religions. The Constitution stood as a political shelter that guarantees different religions to live side by side in freedom and dignity. In this respect, the Constitution of Madina showed that Islam, from its very beginning, has promoted toleration towards other religions.
Ngangsu Tuking Karahayon Sabda Dalem. Berteologi Melalui Macapatan Kitab Suci sebagai Lectio Divina Prabowo, Ditia
Perspektif Vol. 8 N.º 2 (2013): Desember 2013
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v8i2.39


The article describes that many Javanese Christians are practising the socalled Macapatan Kitab Suci, which is similar to the traditional Lectio Divina (Latin for “Divine Reading”). Similar to Lectio Divina, in Macapatan Kitab Suci the faithful Christians treat the Scriptures not only as holy texts to be studied, but primarily as the Living Word of God. By chanting the holy texts [which literally means Macapatan Kitab Suci], the faithfuls may come closer and ever more deeply immerse into the presence of the Divine. The traditional Lectio Divina has four steps, namely lectio, meditatio oratio, and contemplatio – read, meditate, pray and contemplate.Similar to Lectio Divina, by practising Macapatan Kitab Suci or chanting the Scriptures, the faithfuls gradually let themselves go of their own agendas and open to what God wants to say to them. The writer then argues that Macapatan Kitab Suci is another way of doing mission evangelization in the Javanese context.
Jejak-Jejak Mistik di Balik Kesenian Bantengan Malang Hermiawan, Nico
Perspektif Vol. 8 N.º 2 (2013): Desember 2013
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v8i2.40


Bantengan is a traditional dance in the city of Malang. Local people believe the Bantengan existence as an ancient art of ancestors which is still passed down through the generations until today. In the Landungsari village, Dinoyo, Malang, Bantengan dance is still well preserved by local residents. In this village, who still carry the ritual of Bersih Desa, live more than three groups of Bantengan. Bantengan dance performances cannot be separated from the magical elements that indicate when the players experienced trance. A very positive response from activists Bantengan (artist) and the enthusiasm of its spectators show that  Bantengan is capable of being binding relationship between the local people with the universe surrounded them. This article is a small attempt to find a mystical element behind Bantengan dance that can be a unifying society. With the cultural strategy of C.A. van Peursen, we are invited to maintain the essence of our own culture and develop a cultural strategy to face the day of tomorrow.
Cerita Rakyat “Koda Ragamp” dari Dayak Simpakng dan Cinta Kasih Kristiani Doni, Antonius
Perspektif Vol. 8 N.º 2 (2013): Desember 2013
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v8i2.41


True love is so dear in human life and it is exactly the highly regarded quality both for each individual person and for communal life. The folklore of “Koda Ragamp” of Dayak Simpakng (Kalimantan) narrates the true and sacrificing love of a mother to her own son, even though the son shows his disobedience and unfaithfulness to his mother and treats her so badly. The writer reflects theologically this folklore and adopts it as a possible and suitable method in developing a so-called narrative theology, popular catechism, and contextual ministry. The writer also argues that the true love of Koda Ragamp’s mother intrinsically reflects the Christian love, namely, a sacrificing love whithout reserve.
Perjamuan Malam Sebelum Imlek: Ecclesia Domestica dan Keselamatan Kristiani Piluit, Laurentius Fol
Perspektif Vol. 8 N.º 2 (2013): Desember 2013
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v8i2.42


Being in harmony among members of the Chinese family is of paramount importance, which can be strived for in many ways. Evening meal on the eve of Imlek is traditionaly considered as one of those very important moments. This article argues that once a year this evening meal on the eve of Imlek is the very blessed moment for the whole family to share their love to each other, to show their respect to their parents, and to offfer mutual forgiveness. At this very moment, in the new Spring season, the family earnestly expect to get many more success in the days to come. The colourful Imlek is exactly the sign for those blessings on this Spring time. The writer then tries to reflect this evening meal theologically, supposing the family as an ecclesia domestica (domestic church), and suggests some ideas for energizing family ministry, particularly among the Chinese.
Kaum Awam Sebagai Misionaris Ad Gentes Sudhiarsa, Raymundus I Made
Perspektif Vol. 9 N.º 1 (2014): Juni 2014
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v9i1.45


Lay people have always been protagonists in the life of the Church since the time of the apostles. They have also always been missionaries at the borders by the grace and call of Baptism and Confirmation. The arena of their missionary work is vast and complex which covers politics, economics, industry, education, the media, science, technology, the arts and sport, etc. In so-doing they have a great opportunity to encounter all kinds of people of every rank and way of life. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the Hierarchy to empower them with all kinds of religious means and to facilitate the fulfillment of their religious needs. The article also argues that lay Christians are partners of clergy and religious in missio ad gentes.
Upacara Nepu Wie Dalam Perbandingan Dengan Devosi Kristiani Nampar, Hilario Didakus Nenga
Perspektif Vol. 9 N.º 1 (2014): Juni 2014
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v9i1.46


The writer argues that the traditional rite of nepu wie of Kuku Mese society (Nagekeo, Flores) has a very deep meaning for the whole society. The nepu wie rite is basically a ritual for the dead ones performed by their family primarily for their incorporation into the community of the ancestors. The writer explains that the nepu wie rite has some similarities with the devotion to the saints in the Catholic tradition. The article describes some meeting points as well as the differences of the two traditions and, then, intentionally attempts to give the nepu wie rite a Christian meaning. The writer finally comes to the conclusion that basically there is no obstacle for the Catholics of Kuku Mese society to perform the rite of nepu wie as the important part of their devotion to their ancestors.
Ludruk Jawa Timur, Budaya Perlawanan yang Tersisih oleh Budaya Media Adicahyo, Agustinus Lintang
Perspektif Vol. 9 N.º 1 (2014): Juni 2014
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v9i1.49


The very fast development of media culture nowadays has prompted a significant impact on the existence of ludruk. With their creativity performed on their shows, the ludruk artists have created a product of culture which is in contrast to the common trends of the time, such as in the colonial era, a resistance and various kind of satires against the colonialists and in the modern era against the negative trends in the society. The writer considers that ludruk, as the product of culture of the time is always expressing its critiques againts the condition of the time. Todays ludruk as a performance art has been marginalised or pushed aside due to the fast development of the mass culture. Performance art of ludruk could no longer catch the interest of this generation; it has been substituted by the modern media, which is much more pupular, relatively cheaper, and more easily consumed via television or any other kinds of electronic equipments.
Mengenal Reog dan Warok Dalam Kebudayaan Masyarakat Ponorogo Pramudita, Nicolas Gerardus Dimas
Perspektif Vol. 9 N.º 1 (2014): Juni 2014
Publisher : Aditya Wacana Pusat Pengkajian Agama Dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69621/jpf.v9i1.50


Ponorogo is one of the districts in Indonesia which has a very specific inheritance, namely the socalled Reog and Warok arts. Both are parts of performance art. Reog is a form of colosal dance, which came up to retell the legend of Ponorogo. Its performance is not just intended fo entertaining me society but also a sebagai sarana sinidiran. It depends on which version is taken out. On the other hand, Warok is a cultural fenomena exists within the Ponorogo society. From time to time the Warok tradition has endured an altered meaning depends on the influence of time and religious doctrine.

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