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ISTIFHAM is a leading peer-reviewed and open-access journal, which publishes scholarly works of researchers and scholars from around the world, and specializes in Islamic Studies. ISTIFHAM focuses on publishing high-quality scientific articles that emphasize contemporary issues in the fields of Islamic studies with an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach. This journal seeks to publish articles that deal with Islamic Education, Islamic Law, Islamic economics, Islamic Communication, and Islamic Thought issues.
Articles 26 Documents
School Principal Leadership In Growing Entrepreneurial Value In The Southwest Aceh Public Special School Muhammad Sahuddin; Cheng Jinkuan; Verawati Verawati
ISTIFHAM Vol 1 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Seutia Hukamaa Cendekia

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Education is an opportunity for citizens to gain knowledge. The government is committed that every child has the right to buy, especially children with special needs. Adequate education is given to respect and protects children with special needs without any discrimination in education. Educational services for students with special needs form responsible for the success of education. The condition of students with special needs, which are different from the characteristics of normal children, requires more handling and attention. Qualitative research with descriptive method. The research location is at the Southwest Aceh public special school. The sampel research of the principal, teachers and students of Southwest Aceh public Special school. Data collection techniques using the method of observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The research results on the role of school principals in fostering entrepreneurial values ​​in students by implementing the gigeh program, such as hydroponic skills, skills to make crispy kipang, catfish farming, mask making, and decoration. This gigeh program also fosters entrepreneurial value for children with special needs and encourages the establishment of a Pancasila student profile
Absolute Authority Of Bawaslu In Handling Election Violations Post The Determination Of The National Results Sumardi Efendi; Anisah Anisah; Mursyida Wara; Nur Okta Trisiyah
ISTIFHAM Vol 1 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Seutia Hukamaa Cendekia

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Indonesia is a country that adheres to a democratic system, and the people are an essential element where people can freely express their opinions and choose leaders according to their wishes. Bawaslu exists as an election management body tasked with overseeing the implementation of elections throughout the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to see the absolute bawaslu authority in handling election violations post the determination of the national results, research methodology of literature studies, and review of Indonesian laws and regulations with the conclusion obtained by Bawaslu has the authority to receive and follow up on reports relating to alleged violations of the implementation of laws and regulations regarding elections before setting the results nationally. Bawaslu is not responsible for dealing with election violations after the determination of the results nationally, which is because the case was after the determination.
Pesan Akhlak dalam Novel Gadis di Kamar Hotel Iin Meriza
ISTIFHAM Vol 1 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Seutia Hukamaa Cendekia

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The novel Gadis di Kamar Hotel (Girl in a Hotel Room) by Airin Ahmad, which was initially posted on a Facebook group, Group Komunitas Belajar Menulis (KBM), received many negative responses besides positive responses. Netizens were misled by the title that they thought the novel contained pornography. However, the preconception is reversed when the reader reads the entire contents of the novel, and there are lots of moral messages as taught in Islam. In this article, the author wants to look in detail at the message of Islamic morality in the novel using the library research method. In the data analysis, the author used the method of content analysis. The results of this study indicate that the message of morality in the novel Gadis di Kamar Hotel includes morals towards Allah such asmahabbah, ridha, raja, khauf, and shabr; as well as morals towards others, including iffah (avoiding sins), 'adil (being proportional and not tyrannical), husnudzan (thinking positively toward others), being generous, shiddiq (being honest) and rahmah (being compassionate).
Efforts to Increase Student Interest in Learning Through the Application of Learning Model Talking Stick Henra Saputra Tanjung; Siti Aminah Nababan; Nuraini Sri Bina
ISTIFHAM Vol 1 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Seutia Hukamaa Cendekia

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This research is to describe the application of the learning model talking stick that can increase students' interest in learning and to describe the activities of teachers and students in implementing the learning model talking stick. The approach taken in this research is qualitative, with the type of research being Classroom Action Research (PTK). The subjects in this research were all class V students of SD Negeri 1 Simpang Peut, Kuala District, Nagan Raya Regency, totaling 23 people. This research procedure uses planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The data collection techniques used are observation and test techniques. The results of the pre-action research were that only 9 students, or 39.1% completed their learning outcomes with an average score of 58.7. The data from the first cycle test results shows that students who obtained grades> 70 is 13 students or 56.5% with an average score of 68.3, while the data from the second cycle test results show that students who get a score> 70 is 20 students or 86.9% with an average score of 79.6. The results of observations of teacher activities in cycle I were 72.5% included in the good category, while in cycle II, it reached 83.75% in the very good category. The results of observations of student activities in cycle I were 70.8% in the good category, while in cycle II, it reached 80.6% in the very good category. Based on this, applying the learning model talking stick can increase the interest in learning of class V students at SD Negeri 1 Simpang Peut, Nagan Raya Regency.
Telaah Nilai-nilai Moderasi Beragama yang Terkandung Dalam Film Ayat-Ayat Cinta 2 Muhamad Rouf Didi Sutriadi; M Jia Ulhaq
ISTIFHAM Vol 1 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Seutia Hukamaa Cendekia

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The film ayat-2 is a film that was translated from a novel by Habiburrahman El Shirazy with the same title. This research examined the values ​​of religious moderation contained in the film. The researcher observes and describes the film Ayat-ayat Cinta 2 to obtain a more comprehensive analysis. The researcher also uses the theory of religious moderation used by the Ministry of Religion to analyze the film. After that, the researcher mapped out several scenes containing religious moderation values. The results of this study researchers found four scenes that carry the value of religious moderation. First, the scene of Fahri helping Grandma Caterina by taking her to the place of worship of the Jews is included in the "principle of relations between religions." Second, the religious moderation book explains the value of "Searching for Common Points." This is similar to what is presented in the film Ayat-Ayat Cinta 2. Fahri explains that only love should be loved and only enmity should be despised. This sentence applies to all humans and even all religions. Third, in religious moderation, it is required that every religious community not close themselves off from other people with different beliefs. Instead, be open. Fahri's action to help Keira, a Jewish neighbor who hates Fahri, by giving free and selfless education or music lessons to Keira is a form of attitude approved by the religious moderation guidebook of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion, namely in the form of the value of "movement moderation." Fourth, the value of "advising others wisely" is evident in Fahri's attitude, even though he disagrees with Hulusi's opinion, he still gives a rebuttal in a gentle tone and does not feel high even though Hulusi is the driver.
Optimizing the Advancement of Islamic Education From the Lens of Islamic Law Philosophy Silahuddin Silahuddin; Syamsul Rijal; M. Ikhwan; M. Agus Wahyudi
ISTIFHAM Vol 1 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Seutia Hukamaa Cendekia

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This study explores the development of Islamic Education in Indonesia through the lens of Islamic legal philosophy. Since its birth, Islamic law has been known to adapt to the context of different times and places, thanks to its open-ended framework that allows for transformation in all things. This transformative potential presents an opportunity to modernize Islamic education. The research adopts a qualitative paradigm and interpretive approach, collecting data through a literature review and synthesizing and analyzing the findings. The findings of this study suggest that the contributions of Islamic law philosophy to the development of Islamic Education include: 1) Recognizing the philosophy of Islamic education, including Sufism, Rabbaniyyah, and Wujuduiyyah; 2) Avoiding the dichotomy between science and religion; 3) Revealing the unique essence, secrets, strengths, goodness, beauty, and benefits of Islamic education compared to other educational philosophies; and 4) Maintaining a balance between spirituality and modernity, to prevent moral and spiritual emptiness in modern society.
Professional Zakat Collection Management at Baitul Mal Aceh Mohammad Haikal; Fithri Mawaddah
ISTIFHAM Vol 1 No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Seutia Hukamaa Cendekia

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In line with the developments in the era of human life, especially in the economic field, earning activities through skills and professions will continue to grow occasionally. The determination of professional zakat obligations to him shows that Islamic law is very aspirational and responsive to the times. The Baitul Mal Institution works to manage zakat, religious assets, and other assets, so using field research methods, the researcher wants to see the management of professional zakat collection at Baitul Mal Aceh, from the research results, it is concluded that the professional zakat collection system at Baitul Mal Aceh is carried out with the first system, you can go to the counter to record your name and then provide a receipt for proof of zakat payment. Secondly, you can go through a bank account via the mobile banking application to deliver the zakat/zakat deposit, after the zakat is paid, we will send it to the regional treasury as for the account number. As for the opportunities and obstacles in collecting professional zakat, namely, the opportunity is that there is still public trust in the management of zakat carried out by Baitul Mal Aceh so that it is motivated to be better, with this opportunity the Baitul Mal continues to strive to increase professional zakat collection.
Improving Writing Skills Through Good Paraphrasing Techniques in Fourth Semester Tadris Bahasa Inggris Students Delfia Herwanis Wahid; Astri Juraini; Rahmanita Zakaria
ISTIFHAM Vol 1 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Seutia Hukamaa Cendekia

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This study is an example of classroom action research. This study aims to help Tadris Bahasa Inggris (TBI) students in their fourth semester develop their writing abilities through appropriate and effective paraphrasing methods. The participants in this study were IAIN Takengon fourth-semester TBI students. Twelve students took part in this investigation. Writing assignments in class revolve around journal paraphrases. The Middle Test scores of Tadris Bahasa Inggris students in the fourth semester and student observation notes on the learning process using the paraphrase technique were used to compile the data for this study. The outcomes demonstrated that students may achieve satisfactory grades. Consequently, using a decent paraphrasing technique can help students become more adept.
Analisis Diversitas Qalbu Manusia Mahdi Mahdi; Warul Walidin AK Warul Walidin; Salami Mahmud Salami
ISTIFHAM Vol 1 No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Seutia Hukamaa Cendekia

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The analysis of the diversity of the human heart is an effort to understand the differences in the diversity and variation of the human heart itself. This research is descriptive with content analysis based on library research. The results of the analysis show that according to the type and function of the heart consists of twenty types including: Qalbun Salim, Qalbun Munib, Qalbun mukhbit, Qalbun wajil, Qalbun taqiy, Qalbun Mahdiy, Qalbun muthmainnun, Qalbun hayy, Qalbun Maridh, Qalbun a'ma, Qalbun lahiy , Qalbun atsim, Qalbun mutakabbir, Qalbun ghalizh, Qalbun makhtum, Qalbun qasiy, Qalbun Ghafil, Qalbun aghfal, Qalbun zaigh, and Qalbun murib. The heart's activity includes rational ability/cognitive ability, emotional ability and spiritual ability. Functionally, the heart performs the following activities: al-fikru, (to think), adz-dzikru, (to remember), an-nazhru, (to look/have), ar-ra'yu, (to see/respond), al -'aqlu, (to outwit/think), ad-dabru, (to think deeply), al-fiqhu, (to understand/know), al-'ibrah, (to learn), as-sam'u , (to hear) and al-bashru, (to see).
Makna Syukur Dalam Perspektif Mufassir al-Qusyairi T. Mairizal; Siti Marwah
ISTIFHAM Vol 1 No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Seutia Hukamaa Cendekia

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Within the Quran, the directive to convey appreciation is closely linked with the directive to engage in the remembrance of Allah (zikr), underscoring the importance of the role of gratitude. Scholars, particularly those within the Sufi tradition, exhibit diversity in their interpretations of gratitude, yet they collectively aim to consecrate all gifts from Allah exclusively to the path that pleases Him. To further comprehend the core of gratitude, this composition seeks to probe into Imam al-Qusyairi's perspective on the concept within the Tafsir Lathaif al-Isyarat. Utilizing a descriptive-analytical approach rooted in content analysis, al-Qusyairi's stance on gratitude can be distilled into two key points: the fundamental meaning of gratitude and how gratitude is expressed. The gratitude of a servant involves praising Allah and consistently recalling the kindness bestowed upon them, applying it in ways that align with Allah's pleasure. Conversely, the gratitude ascribed to Allah encompasses praising and recognizing His servants who have performed virtuous acts in obedience to Him. Modes of expressing gratitude can manifest through verbal articulation, physical deeds, and sincere sentiments, each corresponding to distinct levels of gratitude.

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