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Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
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Asian Journal of Social and Humanities is a scientific journal in the form of research and can be accessed openly. This journal is published once bimonthly by Beritrust Publisher. Asian Journal of Social and Humanities provides a means for ongoing discussion of relevant issues that fall within the focus and scope of the journal that can be empirically examined. The journal publishes original research articles in Social and Humanities. Social Sciences: covers a broad range of disciplines including Cultural Studies, Engineering, Health, Agriculture, Political Science, Communication, Economics, Law, and Education that are included in the social context. Humanities: covers a broad range of topics in ancient and modern languages, literature, philosophy, history, archaeology, anthropology, human geography, law, religion, and art. The articles published are derived from critical and comprehensive research, studies, or scientific studies on important and current issues or reviews of scientific books.
Articles 19 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 2 No. 8 (2024): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities" : 19 Documents clear
The Role of "Jeng Yah" In Gender Equality In The Cigarette Girl Series Billy Meisabillah; Nisa Anisa Pujianti; Nurul Sabilla; Mukarto Siswoyo; Aghnia Dian Lestari
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 8 (2024): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v2i8.299


The issue of gender equality is one of the social problems often faced by Indonesian society, especially in the context of issues involving women. This study aims to know and describe the construction of gender equality contained in the series "Cigarette Girl". In this study, the focus is aimed at the journey of "Jeng Yah" in fighting for her rights to achieve gender equality. By analyzing the visual depiction of each scene, the dialogue of the film, and the facial expressions of the players. The research method used to analyze is to use a qualitative approach with the analysis of Robert N. Entman's model framing theory. Entman divides this framing through 4 indicators, namely Define Problem, Diagnose Causes, Make Moral Judgment and Treatment Recommendation. Based on research that has been done, it shows that in the Cigarette Girl series, there is an issue of gender inequality and is felt by the character "Jeng Yah", this happens because there are still gender stereotypes that ultimately make women unable to realize gender equality.
Empowering Communities in the Development of Regenerative Tourism in Koja Doi Tourism Village, Sikka Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province Michael Rudolfus Sawu; I Made Adikampana; I Nyoman Sukma Arida
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 8 (2024): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v2i8.300


This research aims to analyze the existing conditions of regenerative tourism development, the level of local community participation and propose an empowerment model in the development of regenerative tourism. Qualitative research with a verification approach is used to analyze research problems. Data is collected through observation, interviews, documentation and literature studies related to the subject being researched. The data analysis technique used is qualitative thematic. The informants involved in this research were local communities, regional government, non-governmental organizations, academics and tourists. The findings of this research are the existence of regenerative tourism practices by local communities and tourists. Local communities have positive attitudes and also tourists' perceptions of regenerative tourism practices. However, tourists want improvements in several other aspects. The level of local community participation in regenerative tourism entrepreneurship was found to be still minimal. This is due to human resources, economic capital and partnerships to manage a regenerative tourism business. The implication of this research is to create opportunities to optimize empowerment efforts to suit the needs and potential of local communities.
Analysis of International Trade Liberalisation In The Perspective of Islamic Economic Law Justice Royani Royani; Iwan Setiawan
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 8 (2024): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v2i8.301


International trade is a process of exchange based on the voluntary will of each country. The motive is to gain from trade. International trade and Islamic economics are two things that overlap in influencing the economic growth of a country. In the perspective of Islamic economics, these two aspects have an important role in achieving the goal of falah (prosperity) in this world and the hereafter. This research examines the effect of international trade and the shariah economy on economic growth in the perspective of Islamic economics. The analysis is conducted by reviewing the concepts and principles of Islamic economics related to international trade activities and the application of the Shariah economy. The results show that international trade based on Islamic economic principles, such as justice, balance, and benefit, can make a positive contribution to economic growth. Meanwhile, the application of shariah economy that prioritises spiritual values and Islamic business ethics can create a conducive investment climate and encourage sustainable economic growth. Trade is a very important economic activity today, so there are no countries in the world that are not involved in trade, either inter-regional, inter-regional, or inter-country trade. While trade liberalisation or free trade is a condition in which a country conducts trade between countries without any barriers. This research is descriptive qualitative with literature study. Based on the above study, it can be concluded that the perspective of Islamic law related to international trade liberalisation is a liberal economic system that will lead to social inequality and can endanger the stability of economic security in accordance with the Islamic concept based on the principles of justice, honesty, recognition of performance and hard work, humanism, and non-centralisation.
Functional Outcome After Open Reduction and Internal Fixation in Intraarticular Distal Humerus Fracture: A Case Report Antonius H Pakpahan; Rashida S Djatnika
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 8 (2024): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v2i8.302


The purpose of this study is to find out functional outcome after open reduction and internal fixation in intraarticular distal humerus fracture. The method used is the case report method. The purpose of this method is to present in-depth information about a particular case, including symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and results. A 51-years-old male patient presented to the emergency department after injuring his right elbow following motorcycle accident. He had suffered pain, swelling and bruise on his right elbow without neurovascular injury or external wound. Anteroposterior and lateral x rays and 3D CT scan of the right elbow joint showed simple articular and comminuted metaphyseal classified as type 13-C2. The normal range of flexion-extension of the elbow is 0°–145°. The functional range of motion required for daily activities is 30°–130° of flexion-extension and 50° of supination to 50° of pronation. Distal humerus fracture management requires a carefully planned approach. Surgical management by internal fixation is the treatment of choice for these fractures considered for a satisfactory function.
The Effect of Empowering Leadership on Innovative Work Behavior: The Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing Ghina Aghnia Ghassani; Fibria Indriati
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 8 (2024): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v2i8.303


Institutional transformation in Indonesia changes the structure, culture, and work processes of an organization to be more responsive to change, able to innovate, and achieve high performance. Innovative work behavior has become one of the important factors for organizations to survive in the midst of a dynamic and competitive environment. In this regard, it is necessary to analyze the factors that can influence innovative work behavior so that it can be used as empirical evidence for organizational development policy recommendations and work processes. This study aims to analyze the influence between empowering leadership, knowledge sharing, and innovative work behavior. The study was conducted on 57 employees in the Secretariat Work Unit of the Ministry of State Secretariat which has a total of 447 employees. The research approach used is a quantitative positivism approach with data collection techniques through surveys using questionnaires as research instruments. The data obtained from the questionnaire results were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics program version 25 through the Partial T test to determine the influence between certain variables and Hierarchical Multiple Regression to test the role of mediating variables in the relationship between independent variables and dependent variables. The results showed that the relationship of empowering leadership to innovative work behavior, empowering leadership to knowledge sharing, knowledge sharing to innovative work behavior, and empowering leadership to innovative work behavior with the mediation of knowledge sharing showed a positive and significant influence relationship.
Isolation and Identification of Candida sp. in Vagina of Long-Tailed Macaque (Macaca fascicularis) Hanifa Zico; Erina Erina; Ummu Balqis; Erdiansyah Rahmi; Zuhrawaty NA
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 8 (2024): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v2i8.304


Candida sp. are commonly found as normal flora in vagina and in certain conditions are opportunistic pathogen. This study aimed to isolation and identification Candida sp. in vagina of the long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis). The sample used in the study was a vaginal swab from five long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) from Seulawah Forest Aceh Besar. Identification of Candida sp. observed macroscopically by looking at the differences in the color of the colonies grown on the CHROMagar-Candida media. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. The results of the examination showed that in the vagina of the long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) there were six species of Candida sp. like C. albicans, C. krusei, C. tropicalis, C. glabrata, C. dubliniensis and C. parapsilosis. It can be concluded that there are several species of Candida sp. which was successfully isolated and identified in vagina of a long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis).
Lovers Versus Haters Contestation In Cyberbullying Behavior On Social Media Platform Instagram Nur Maulidin; Moch Alan Firmansyah; Erlangga Dwi Andika; Khaerudin Imawan; Dedet Erawati
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 8 (2024): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v2i8.306


In the 20th century the digital era began to develop and when computer technology slowly began to enter various industries which then moved into the public domain, from the massive development of digitalization flows that always experienced a significant increase in users in all parts of the world, including in Indonesia in the use of digital channels so that eventually it became a digital communication. One of the digital channels that people need in everyday life is a social media platform where people use it to exchange information effectively and efficiently. Cyberbullying behavior or cases in Indonesia always increase every year because many of Instagram's social media users get cyberbullying treatment and a public figure is no exception. This study will look at the contestation of likes and dislikes from netizens or in this case lovers and haters that occur on Instagram social media, using the reciprocal determination model from Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory Researchers will see and observe how cyberbullying on Instagram social media continues to exist and seems to never end. Researchers will use a qualitative method approach used by researchers to study the state of an object and rely on a narrative approach from facts found during field observations, while the type of data used is more likely to be primary data obtained from literature tracing such as books, scientific journals, and news and observations that occur in existing phenomena and are related to research problems.
The Effect of Organizational Ambidexterity, Innovation Capability and Leadership Competencies On Business Peformance Mediated Competitive Advantage In Software House Industry Employees In Indonesia Triyani Triyani; Bahtiar Usman; Deasy Aseanty
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 8 (2024): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v2i8.307


The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of organizational ambidexterity, innovation capability and leadership competencies on business peformance mediated competitive advantage. In order to maintain business continuity, the software house must be able to improve its business performance. While previous research identified factors that impact business performance in various sectors, this study focuses on how internal organizational factors are in the software house. This study uses a quantitative approach, where the variables to be observed are quantified through an operational definition process. Data of 540 respondents was collected from 18 large-scale software in Indonesia. There are 10 hypotheses developed and tested using structural equation modeling. The results showed that organizational ambidexterity, innovation capability and leadership competencies had a significant effect on business performance and competitive advantage showed a positive and significant mediation influence in the model. The results also provide specific measurement of competitive advantage in the software house industry, managerial implications and suggestions for further research.
Performance Control of Road and Bridge Preservation Projects Using Earned Value Management (EVM) Method Javan Agustian Setyagraha; Budi Witjaksana; Hanie Teki Tjendani
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 8 (2024): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v2i8.308


The Situbondo – Ketapang – Banyuwangi Road and Bridge Preservation Project experienced changes in the work area, requiring additional design. Asphalt overlay work was halted awaiting the test results of Asphalt Modiv PG – 70 from the Pusjatan Road Material Laboratory in Bandung, resulting in a delay in week 40 by -0.813%. Specifically, AC - WC and AC - BC asphalt work was delayed, significantly impacting the overall project performance. Cost and time analysis are crucial to address this issue. The Earned Value Management (EVM) method is used to evaluate project duration and costs. The Cost Performance Index (CPI) indicates good cost performance (>1), but the Schedule Performance Index (SPI) indicates schedule delays (0.983 < 1). The final project cost is estimated at Rp 112,439,121,070.91, with a completion time of 453 days, three days longer than planned. Effective strategies are needed in time control and design adjustments to complete the project according to expected standards.
Factors That Affect Cost and Time Using Earned Value In Development Projects Titik Nurkaruniati; Budi Witjaksana; Hanie Teki Tjendani
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 2 No. 8 (2024): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v2i8.309


Effective project management is the key to success in constructing the boarding school of SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Tulangan. Despite facing various challenges such as design changes, inclement weather, and limited workforce resources, the project is monitored using the Earned Value Method. Analysis of BCWS, BCWP, ACWP, SV, CV, SPI, and CPI indicates initial delays and budget overruns, but significant improvement later on. Despite weekly cost variations, the project remains financially manageable. The conclusion shows time delays but cost performance is under control. This underscores the importance of project performance evaluation and the use of the Earned Value Method in construction projects.

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