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Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
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Asian Journal of Social and Humanities is a scientific journal in the form of research and can be accessed openly. This journal is published once bimonthly by Beritrust Publisher. Asian Journal of Social and Humanities provides a means for ongoing discussion of relevant issues that fall within the focus and scope of the journal that can be empirically examined. The journal publishes original research articles in Social and Humanities. Social Sciences: covers a broad range of disciplines including Cultural Studies, Engineering, Health, Agriculture, Political Science, Communication, Economics, Law, and Education that are included in the social context. Humanities: covers a broad range of topics in ancient and modern languages, literature, philosophy, history, archaeology, anthropology, human geography, law, religion, and art. The articles published are derived from critical and comprehensive research, studies, or scientific studies on important and current issues or reviews of scientific books.
Articles 280 Documents
Mutual Legal Assistance International Agreement in Eradicating Transnational Crime Andika Jinaratana; Yofi Permatasari; Jean Claudia
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 08 (2023): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v1i08.39


Transnational crime can be said to be one of the threats that has quite a big impact on Indonesia's security. So that there are no more obstacles in eradicating transnational crime, cooperation between countries is needed through Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) agreements. The application of mutual legal assistance is implemented to increase the effectiveness of cooperation in eradicating transnational crimes. The existence of an international Mutual Legal Assistance agreement that functions to carry out cooperation between countries, which includes investigations and examinations at trials until the implementation of court decisions, can complement the enforcement of extradition agreements
Development of STEAM-Based Integrative Learning Tools on The Topic of Islamic Mathematization kusno kusno
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 08 (2023): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v1i08.40


Integrative learning that integrates spiritual and social attitudes with knowledge and skills has become an interesting discussion in the world of education. However, in the mathematics education study program the application of this learning is less familiar because it is difficult to find references on the integration of mathematics with spiritual and social values. The purpose of this study is to develop a STEAM-based integrative learning tool for effective Islamic Mathematization. This research is an R&D research using the 4 D model (Define, Design, Develop and Dessimenate) from Thiagarajan which is simplified to the develop stage. The test subjects were 31 students who took courses on the integration of Islam and science at the Mathematics Education Study Program, University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia for the 2020/2021 academic year. Data collection tools using expert validation sheets, student response questionnaires and Learning Outcomes Tests. The results showed that the validity of STEAM-based integrative learning tools was 83.5% (valid), 85% positive student responses, 84% learning completeness (completed), and the recommendations from the validator were 80% (feasible to use) so that the learning tools it's effective. Therefore, it can be used to enrich the treasures of holistic learning in mathematics education study programs.
Settlement of Land Disputes with the Competence of the State Administrative Court According to the Perspective of Indonesian Law Jean Claudia
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 08 (2023): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v1i08.41


In the settlement of land disputes in each region, the characteristics are always different. In undeveloped areas, land dispute resolution is generally carried out by community leaders who are respected by local residents, namely customary heads or village heads. It can be said that cases of disputes in the land sector never subside; in fact, they tend to get more complicated and cause many problems, in line with Indonesia's economic, social, and political dynamics. The emergence of cases of land disputes in Indonesia lately seems to restate the fact that during Indonesia's independence, the state was still unable to guarantee land rights to its people, and the UUPA (Basic Agrarian Law) was only limited to marking the start of a new era. Land ownership, which was originally open and gradually developed into individual ownership, In this study, a normative juridical type was used through library research to identify and analyze legal factors that became obstacles in the application of laws and regulations, referring to laws and regulations on land and state administrative justice, court decisions, and other legal materials.
Learning History in Strengthening the Characteristics of Pasir Putih Pekanbaru Advens High School Students for the 2022-2023 Academic Year Jonson Tamba; Ulung Napitu; Franki Siallagan
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 08 (2023): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v1i08.51


Education is one of the systematic efforts to produce quality future generations. Qualified and professional educators or teachers are an absolute requirement to provide quality education, but the author draws the conclusion that is necessary and most important is the good character of educators or teachers who must be imitated and emulated in order to produce a quality generation as well. Given the importance of these problems, the professionalism and motivation of educators or teachers need to be examined and paid attention to by educators or teachers. It is not an easy job, even a very heavy job if you have not prepared yourself in advance because there are many challenges from students and from society in general because you socialize on a daily basis. -day. Because as an example or as a model, because it is in the hands of the Educator or the Teacher the success of students and the progress of a country, is in the hands of the Teacher.
Implementation of Domes Building in Simoketawang Village Tourism Education Facilities, Sidoarjo City Windy Fitria Kermatigo; Febby Rahmatullah Masruchin
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 08 (2023): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v1i08.52


The application of dome buildings in tourist education facilities in Simoketawang Village, Sidoarjo aims to increase educational value and attract tourists to visit the village. In this discussion, we explore the benefits and potential of applying dome structures in the context of educational tourism in Simoketawang Village. Through literature recognition, we found that the application of dome structures, such as geodesic domes, ellipsoid domes, and tropical domes, can provide architectural uniqueness and interesting experiences for visitors. Geodesic domes, with triangular segment structures, provide robustness and efficiency in construction, while ellipsoids of domes give a dynamic and aesthetic impression of modernity. The tropical dome, with its hollow and open design, prioritizes air circulation and natural lighting. In addition, the discussion also involved aspects of sustainability and community participation in the development of village tourism. The application of domes in tourist education facilities can support sustainable design principles, such as the use of natural materials and optimization of natural resources. In addition, the participation of local communities is also important in the preservation of cultural heritage and the development of ecotourism in Simoketawang Village.By combining unique architectural designs, educational values, and launches, the application of domes buildings in Simoketawang Village can provide a unique and interesting tourist experience for visitors, while supporting the development of ecotourism and the preservation of local culture.
Correcting the Theory of the Origin of Life with the Verses of the Qur'an in the View of the Islamic Religion Sugiyanta Sugiyanta; Ulil Amri Syafri; Hasby Indra
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 08 (2023): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v1i08.53


This article explores the reconciliation between the theory of the origin of life and the teachings of the Qur'an within the framework of Islamic religion. It investigates the potential compatibility between scientific theories and religious beliefs, particularly focusing on the Qur'an's verses related to the topic. By analyzing and interpreting these verses, the article aims to provide a corrected perspective on the origin of life, integrating scientific knowledge with religious understandings. The research presents an interdisciplinary approach, encouraging dialogue and discourse between science and religion, while offering insights into the Islamic viewpoint on this fundamental subject.
Overview of the Production Process Layout Through the Technology Group at PT. Kayu Mebel Indonesia, Semarang Antonius Cahyono; Rusdiyantoro Rusdiyantoro; M. Nusron Ali
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 08 (2023): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v1i08.54


This research was carried out at PT. Kayu Mebel Indonesia, Semarang. The company in this wood processing area has a production form that is elongated to the factory shape so that production is less than optimal. So it is necessary to revise the production layout by applying the Rank Order Cluster Algorithm (ROCA) and Similarity Coefficient (SC) methods, both of which are used to obtain a factory layout scheme that produces maximum production in order to achieve minimum back trafficking values. In order to know the forward and backward scores obtained through analysis from to chart. The results of the study obtained forward results which were originally 70.4% to 83.1% or an increase in the forward value of 12.7% from the initial layout. As for the backtracking value which was originally 29.6% to 16.9% or a decrease in the backtracking value of 12.7% from the initial layout. The results of the initial spacing of 1562.83 meters became 1466.37 meters or experienced a 7% savings from the previous layout. As for material handling costs, which were originally Rp. 760,280, - to Rp. 690,314, - or experienced a 7% savings from the previous layout
Implementation of Indiscipline State Civil Apparatus (SCA) Development at The Bengkulu City Government Sinario Priskianto; Suparman Suparman; Kahar Hakim
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 09 (2023): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v1i09.55


The purpose of this study is to find out and explain how the implementation of indisciplined State Civil Apparatus (ASN) coaching is carried out in the Bengkulu City Government (referring to Government Regulation Number 94 of 2021 concerning Discipline for Civil Servants) and what obstacles are found in the implementation of coaching. This type of research is qualitative with the method used is descriptive analytical. The location of this research was carried out in the Bengkulu City Government. The results of this study consist of two namely; (1) The implementation of indiscipline ASN development in the work environment of the Bengkulu city government is appropriate and refers to PP No. 94 of 2021, although there are several cases that still use PP No. 53 of 2010 as a reference; (a) There are three types of punishments imposed on disciplinary ASN which fall into the light discipline category, namely in the form of an oral warning, a written warning, and a written statement of dissatisfaction; (b) The imposition of disciplinary sanctions while accepting bribes by ASN and ASN officials who commit acts of domestic violence is not in accordance with PP No. 94 2021 and still refers to PP No. 53 of 2010 due to the imposition of sanctions in the form of demotion to a lower level for 1 year and postponement of promotion for one year included in the category of severe disciplinary punishment; (c) The imposition of sanctions or the establishment of severe disciplinary punishment in the Bengkulu city government area already refers to Government Regulation No. 94 of 2021, namely the imposition of punishments in the form of; demotion to a lower level for 12 months, release from position as executor for 12 months, and honorable discharge not at his own request.; (2) Obstacles in the implementation of disciplinary ASN development in the work environment of the Bengkulu city government, namely the enforcement of discipline against civil servants (ASN) are considered not to be carried out optimally. One of these conditions is the result of the enactment of Government Regulation (PP) Number 53 of 2010 concerning ASN Discipline in the Bengkulu City Government, where this PP has not explicitly and in detail regulated ASN discipline. The implementation of these technical regulations is still far from expectations. Moreover, it is very dependent on the subjectivity of staffing supervisors (PPK).
Analysis of the Influence of the MK Consultant's Role on the Performance of Telecommunication Tower Project Implementation Duden Dodi Hartono
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 10 (2023): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v1i10.56


Construction Management is an alternative management technique pattern/system in the construction industry development process that combines the stages of the development process into one unit/integration. the effect of implementing a construction management system in the process tower construction Telecommunications can optimize management and control both in terms of cost, time and quality in achieving the goals/targets that have been determined. This writing analyze how far the role, influence of the implementation of the construction management system in the Telecommunication Tower construction process and provide descriptions of the benefits and optimization obtained in its application in terms of cost, quality and time aspects. Project management (planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling) has a very large effect on the success of cost performance, quality performance and time performance on the implementation of telecommunications projects with a determination value of 80.3% cost performance affects staffing, directing and planning. Based on the quantitative analysis, the variables that have a major influence on the quality performance used are staffing, directing; and) controlling.
The Effects of Bankruptcy on PT Megakarya Maju Sentosa, Ciputat, South Tangerang Sri Siti Munalar; Basuki Rekso Wibowo; Zulkarnain Sitompul
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities Vol. 1 No. 09 (2023): Asian Journal of Social and Humanities
Publisher : Pelopor Publikasi Akademika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59888/ajosh.v1i09.57


Capital, which refers to cost, is one consideration in building low-cost apartment. Because of this developer can utilize the finance provided by banks. However, financing can be gained by selling the units before the low-cost apartment is built. This is as meant by Article 42 of the Law No. 20 of 2011 on low-cost apartment building, which allows the property units to be marketed before it is built (pre-project selling). However, before conducting the sales, there are some requirements to meet. This is contained in Article 43 of the Law No. 20 of 2011 on low-cost apartment building which states that the process of sale and purchase of unit before the unit is completely built can be conducted through Sale and Purchase Agreement (PPJB) made before a Notary. The PPJB stipulated by Paragraph 1 is executed after there are legal certainty over; a. landownership, b. ownership of building permit, c. the availability of facilities, infrastructures, and public utility, d. 20% (twenty per cent) minimally constructed, and the agreed terms. To manage the gained capital, it is necessary to correctly calculate everything in order to avoid bankruptcy. This research analyzes the effects of bankruptcy, which causes the auction on land and building. The issues discussed in this research are bankruptcy which leads to the auction of land and building assets, bankruptcy estate, and Limited Liability Company (PT)’s legal responsibility on its concurrent creditors. This research applies normative approach. The data were collected from documents or other references. They were analyzed qualitatively. The findings of this research show that the funds resulted from the auction was used to handle the auction fee, to pay both preferred and separatist creditors. Therefore, the concurrent creditors were not provided compensations as the results of the sold debtor’s assets. PT’s legal responsibility was to settle agreement only with the separatist creditors without involving concurrent creditors. Meanwhile, in building the low-cost apartment, concurrent also played great role to provide capital assistance by purchasing the unit of low-cost apartment. In fact, the settlement was only conducted with the separatist creditors. As a result, the concurrent creditors serve as the weakest party

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