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Faculty of Engineering, Syiah Kuala University, St. Tengku Syech Abdur Rauf No. 7 Darussalam, Banda Aceh, Aceh, 23111, Indonesia
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PESARE: Science and Engineering Service Journal
ISSN : 30263956     EISSN : 30263956     DOI :
The PESARE Service Journal, Faculty of Engineering, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, is a forum for linking service results into texts that can be implemented or useful for the public to know, and can be used by the community as results. PESARE is expected to be able to provide solutions based on academic studies of the needs, challenges, or problems faced, both directly and indirectly, obtained from the results of studies and research.
Articles 11 Documents
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Penyelidikan Struktur Bawah Permukaan di Kawasan Lam Cot, Kecamatan Darul Imarah, Aceh Besar Dengan Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik 1D Nurul Aflah; Hendra Harisman; Muchlis Muchlis; Mirna Rahmah Lubis; Agus Hari Pramana
PESARE: Jurnal Pengabdian Sains dan Rekayasa Vol 2, No 2 (2024): Juni 2024
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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Ketersediaan air tanah yang memadai menjadi krusial seiring dengan pertumbuhan populasi manusia. Artikel ini mengungkapkan studi tentang keberadaan sumber air tanah alternatif di Kawasan Lam Cot, Aceh Besar. Metode geolistrik resistivitas digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi kedalaman lapisan akuifer dan potensi sumber air tanah dalam. Pengukuran dilakukan pada satu titik pengukuran dengan penggunaan resistivitimeter SuperSting R8/IP. Hasil pengukuran resistivitas semu menunjukkan variasi nilai antara 0,5 hingga 193,2 Ωm dengan kedalaman berkisar 0 hingga 140 meter. Identifikasi keadaan litologi di bawah permukaan menunjukkan adanya tanah lempung, lanau, batuan kerikil, dan batu pasir dengan nilai resistivitas yang berbeda pada kedalaman tertentu. Meskipun akuifer tidak ditemukan dalam jangkauan pengukuran, penelitian ini memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang kondisi hidrogeologi kawasan tersebut. Diperlukan studi lanjutan dengan pengukuran yang lebih luas untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih komprehensif tentang sumber air tanah di Kawasan Lam Cot.
Penguatan Pengetahuan Kesiapsiagaan Terhadap Bahaya Bencana Gempa Bumi dan Tsunami bagi Siswa SMAN I Lhoknga, Kabupaten Aceh Besar Zakia Masrurah; Dewi Sartika; Yoessi Oktarini; Akmal Muhni
PESARE: Jurnal Pengabdian Sains dan Rekayasa Vol 2, No 2 (2024): Juni 2024
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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Earthquakes and tsunamis are natural disasters that can occur anywhere and anytime. Knowledge about the dangers of natural disasters needs to be imparted to the community so that they can understand the types and levels of danger that may arise. This is necessary to enhance the community's capacity to deal with disasters. Reflecting on the occurrence of the 2004 Aceh Earthquake and Tsunami, which claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and caused hundreds of millions of US dollars in losses, increasing knowledge and understanding of disaster hazards needs to be continuously pursued. The repetition of these activities aligns the history of disaster events passed down through generations with the advancements in scientific knowledge and technological progress. Increasing knowledge of earthquake and tsunami hazards can be achieved, in part, through socialization efforts. One appropriate segment of society to receive reinforcement of knowledge through socialization activities is high school students, particularly the students of SMAN 1 Lhoknga, Aceh Besar Regency. Students are the younger generation whose roles can be agents of change within the wider community. Therefore, their role in the realm of disaster management needs to be supported by a good and competent capacity enhancement. Thus, students of SMAN 1 Lhoknga can understand the factors causing and the impacts arising from earthquake and tsunami disasters and actively participate in such events.
Pendampingan Teknis serta Diagnosa Kerusakan Pompa Sumur Bor di Gampong Luthu Lamweu, Kecamatan Sukamakmur, Kab. Aceh Besar, Provinsi Aceh Zulfadhli Zulfadhli; Husni Husni; Sabri Sabri
PESARE: Jurnal Pengabdian Sains dan Rekayasa Vol 2, No 2 (2024): Juni 2024
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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The aim of this Community Service (PKM) activity is to provide technical assistance and diagnose damage to drilled well pumps in Gampong Luthu Lamweu, Sukamakmur, Aceh Besar. This method of implementing community service begins with conducting a location survey, outreach to the community, students involved and prospective Thematic KKN students. Next, form a service team and explain the work program, work targets and implementation targets. From the results of field diagnosis and verification, it was found that the installation of the submersible pump was not in accordance with the technical specification data on the pump. This is what makes the pump that was installed in 2021 unable to work as it should after testing the pump (run test). The PKM team recommends: the size of the output pipe be increased from ¾", to 1.5". Increased pump power from 1 hp to 1.5 hp. The pump capacity has been increased, from 10-40-70 to 20-50-80. Out put diameter from 1.25' to 1.5".
Pengenalan Profesi Arsitek dan Perencana Kota melalui Kelas Hibrid Interaktif pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 bagi Siswa SD di Banda Aceh Sylvia Agustina; Muhammad Heru Arie Edytia; Aghnia Zahrah; Issana Meria Burhan; Sri Anggina Harahap
PESARE: Jurnal Pengabdian Sains dan Rekayasa Vol 2, No 2 (2024): Juni 2024
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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This article reports on the design and implementation of thematic extracurricular activities for primary school students regarding the introduction of two professions :  architect and urban planner. The program was carried out during the pandemic with all the limitations for direct physical interaction. This report elaborated methods for combining materials and ways to manage interactions in such situation. The combination of materials is expected to provide an introduction to the professions and introduce knowledge about the field in an interesting and age-appropriate way for children. It also act as a proxy to reach parents and schools with architectural design and urban planning issues. Implementation that combines offline and online methods is an alternative model for implementing other activities both during the pandemic and in normal situations. The results of the activity show that students and parents were very interested and actively involved. The main obstacle faced and worth anticipating in implementing similar activities is the level of  familiarity with online interactions (with was new at the time) and finding mechanisms for activities to develop scientific interests at an early age, not incidentally but on a regular basis.
Pemberdayaan Kelompok PKK dengan Budidaya Sayuran Organik secara Hidroponik Sistem Rakit Apung di Desa Tambaksogra Sumbang Banyumas Rama Adi Pratama; Rosi Widarawati; Eni Sumarni
PESARE: Jurnal Pengabdian Sains dan Rekayasa Vol 2, No 2 (2024): Juni 2024
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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The agricultural sector as a source of income for some communities, because most of Indonesia's area is agricultural land. Productive agricultural land is becoming narrower, and the population is increasing, so there is a need for a medium of cultivation that can replace the use of land as a medium for cultivation. One way to use narrow land as an effort to develop agricultural produce, is by hydroponically matching crops. The purpose of this community service is to provide knowledge and to apply hydroponically hydroponic vegetable crops cultivation techniques to the peasant groups in Tambaksogra Village Sumbang Banyumas. The method of implementation of this activity is to provide training, dissemination and support to the peasant group in Tambaksogra Sumbang Banyumas village. The result of the activities that have been carried out is to provide training and support on hydroponic design of shovel rack systems in the use of parkland land, the production of hydro-ponic media, the seeding of hydroponic vegetables, the planting of aquatic spinach, spinach, paccoy and lettuce hydroponically. The activities continued with maintenance up to the harvesting and packaging of hydroponic vegetable crops to become a product with a higher economic value. This activity increases the knowledge of the PKK group about the hydroponic cultivation of vegetable crops in the fountain rackets in the village of Tambaksogra Sumbang Banyumas.  
Pembentukan Bank Sampah Sistem Waste Collecting Point (WCP) di Gampong Kayee Lee Kecamatan Ingin Jaya Kabupaten Aceh Besar Nurul Malahayati; Cut Nursaniah; Muhammad Haris Riyaldi; Nurisra Nurisra; Suhaeri Suhaeri; Rana Anoora; Madris Madris
PESARE: Jurnal Pengabdian Sains dan Rekayasa Vol 2, No 2 (2024): Juni 2024
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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The problem of household waste is often found around settlements, such as what happened in Beringin and Lueng Gajah Hamlet, Gampong Kayee Lee, Want Jaya District, Aceh Besar Regency. Household waste piling up on the side of the road, being burned, blocking drainage and causing a foul smell, is a common occurrence. This occurs due to a lack of public awareness and knowledge in managing waste, which results in people not caring about their waste. On the other hand, there is no waste management system managed by the local government. This is proven by the absence of waste facilities and infrastructure provided by the gampong. If this continues, this condition will pollute the environment and cause odor pollution that will damage the environment. Therefore, this Community Service activity aims to maintain the environment of Gampong Kayee Lee so that it is free from waste and becomes an independent village in waste management. Real action is taken by reducing waste generation, as well as increasing the income of partner communities through waste management. Partner 1 is the Beringin Hamlet Community Group (Pokmas) and Partner 2 is the Lueng Gajah Hamlet Pokmas. The activities carried out are building a WCP system Waste Bank and coordinating with DLH, implementing a savings book system for depositing waste that can be cashed in, making handicrafts from inorganic waste for sale. Organic vegetables are also planted and sold in their neighborhood shops. Implementing this system will reduce waste generation and increase income.
Workshop Sintesis Minyak Angin sebagai Analgesik bagi Ibu-Ibu Gampong Peunayong Banda Aceh Kecamatan Kuta Alam Mirna Rahmah Lubis; Hesti Meilina; Teuku Maimun; Nurul Aflah
PESARE: Jurnal Pengabdian Sains dan Rekayasa Vol 2, No 2 (2024): Juni 2024
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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This community service has the aim of providing education by way of direct workshop. A total of 31 respondents in this community service activity were the people of Gampong Peunayong, Banda Aceh City, Kuta Alam District. Gampong Peunayong as the farthest village is seldomly supported by Banda Aceh government programs, thus the area is less independent. The service group has departed for this village to carry out workshop activities on making medicated oil. This medicated oil making workshop from the Engineering Faculty, Syiah Kuala University was designed because medicated oil has many uses, most of which can eliminate discomfort in the body. This community service is a description service activity through a cross sectional approach. The outputs of the community service activity are the production of medicated oil as an analgesic, increased knowledge of the people of Gampong Peunayong about the rational and wise use of medicated oil, the identification of qualified oil, as well as the drying of oil-producing plants. Based on the community service activity, it is concluded that education with workshops on making medicated oil has increased the skills and understanding of the community awareness and understanding of the community about using gandapura oil as an analgesic.
Implementasi Pemanfaatan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) untuk Peningkatan Produktivitas Budidaya Ikan dan Pertanian di Kalurahan Sumbersari Melania Suweni Muntini; Lucky Putri Putri Rahayu; Iim Fatimah; Faridawati Faridawati; Suyatno Suyatno; Lila Yuwana; Susilo Indrawati
PESARE: Jurnal Pengabdian Sains dan Rekayasa Vol 2, No 2 (2024): Juni 2024
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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Kalurahan Sumbersari, a border village in Sleman Regency, possesses significant potential in natural resources, particularly in agriculture and fisheries. However, the village faces substantial challenges, including inadequate aeration systems for fishponds and irrigation difficulties for rice fields. This community service initiative aims to address these issues by implementing solar energy-based solutions. The activities involved the design of an optimized aeration system for fishponds, the strategic installation of water pumps to facilitate rice field irrigation, and the construction of a Solar Power Plant (PLTS). The adoption of solar energy not only aims to meet the electricity needs but also contributes to Indonesia's achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 7, which focuses on Affordable and Clean Energy. The success of this project hinged on the active participation of the local community. Socialization and training sessions were conducted to ensure understanding of the aeration systems, water pump operations, and PLTS maintenance. It is anticipated that the implementation of these activities will resolve the fish health issues and irrigation difficulties, thereby enhancing fish and agricultural production in Kalurahan Sumbersari. In addition to these direct benefits, the use of renewable energy is also expected to mitigate the negative environmental impacts associated with fossil fuel energy consumption.
Pelatihan dan Sosialisasi Penggunaan Aplikasi Perhitungan Struktur Gedung (SAP2000) Cut Nella Asyifa; Yunita Idris; Zahra Amalia; Yusria Darma
PESARE: Jurnal Pengabdian Sains dan Rekayasa Vol 2, No 2 (2024): Juni 2024
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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The advancement of modern civil engineering, software designed to facilitate and expedite the structural analysis calculation process, especially for seismic analysis, is also becoming increasingly sophisticated. The presence of this software greatly facilitates civil engineers in conducting analyses. Conducting seismic analysis for tall buildings using hand calculations not only consumes a significant amount of time and effort but also increases the risk of calculation errors due to human error. Training and Socialization on the Use of Building Structure Calculation Applications (SAP2000) were conducted offline in the Computer Laboratory Room of the MRK Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Syiah Kuala University. In general, the training and socialization materials on the use of building structure calculation applications, included an Introduction to Application Features, Modeling Steps, Continuous Beam Modeling Tutorial, 2D Frame Modeling Tutorial, and 3D Frame Modeling Tutorial. Based on the monitoring during the training, the participants showed great enthusiasm. They highly appreciated this activity as it provided them with the opportunity to learn about building structure calculations, and there were requests for further training sessions. After the completion of the activity, the participants were asked to fill out a questionnaire regarding the effects of using the application. One of the questions asked was about the participants' understanding after the training, where 100% of the participants reported an improvement in understanding due to the training activities.
Peningkatan Kualitas dan Daya Tarik Taman Wisata Air Paggora: Redesain melalui Memori Kolektif Masyarakat Purwanita Setijanti; Sarah Cahyadini; Wahyu Setyawan; Dewi Septanti; Adinda Sih Pinasti Retno Utami; Zuhrotul Mawaddatil Ula; Muchammad Indra Faizin; Achmad Ichsan Firdaus; Muhammad Ainul Yaqin; Mutia Sulistiastuti
PESARE: Jurnal Pengabdian Sains dan Rekayasa Vol 2, No 2 (2024): Juni 2024
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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Paggora Water Park, a once-popular tourist destination, has experienced significant degradation in its facilities and infrastructure due to the prolonged COVID-19 lockdown. This paper examines the urgent need for comprehensive renovation and tourism design concepts to restore and enhance the park's appeal based on the opinions of Paggora Water Tourism visitors using quantitative methods, which will be analyzed using multiple linear regression techniques, ultimately providing a design concept that will fit with the service quality and visitor satisfaction. Five independent variables will be tested with the dependent variable (visitor satisfaction): tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The results of the quantitative analysis show that the variables influencing visitor satisfaction are the tangible (positive influence) and the assurance variable (negative influence). The proposed design concept aims to apply the results of survey and quantitative analysis—improving facilities or physical forms to increase visitor satisfaction—creating an engaging and memorable visitor experience. These findings also highlight the renovation process that the team undertook and the potential for Paggora Water Park to serve as a model for similar facilities facing maintenance and resource challenges

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