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Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia
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The aim of the Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia is to promote and enhance advanced academic discussions, including research development and debates in the field of media and communication. It also serves as a interdisciplinary forum for researchers and industry players who use research as the frame for social awareness, development, and change. We welcome any submission of manuscripts throughout the year. Authors are invited to submit scholarly works on communication such as International Relations, Media Management, Film and Media Arts, Game Studies, Digital Education and Communities, Communication and Policies, Globalization and Social Impact, Youth and Media, Audience and Perception Analysis, Democracy and Integration, Media Literacy and Education, Media and Development, Health Communication, Political Communication, Hegemony and the Media, Gender and Sexuality, Queer and Media, Social Media and Subcultures, Popular Culture and Society, Media and Religion, Media and Identity, War/Peace Journalism, Conflict and Crisis Communication, Strategic Communication and Information Management, Digital Media, Advertising and Persuasive Management, Public Relations and Crisis Management, Global Journalism and relevant areas from the standpoint of media and communication.
Articles 202 Documents
Application of Computer-Mediated Communication Theory in Online Learning Silvia, Mimi; Rousta, Dian; Gilrandy, Daniel; Irwansyah, Irwansyah
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 11, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir, teori Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) berkembang pesat pada berbagai penelitian dalam konteks global. Teori ini digunakan dalam berbagai konteks, salah satu yang paling banyak dibahas yaitu online learning. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Systematic Literature Review untuk melihat bagaimana pengaplikasian teori CMC dalam online learning pada periode 2015-2016. Peneliti menemukan 30 manuskrip yang terindeks Scopus Q1-Q4 dan Sinta 1. Ketiga puluh jurnal ini menggunakan bahasa Inggris dan tersebar di berbagai negara dan benua di dunia. Dari tahun ke tahun, penelitian terkait CMC pada online learning konsisten menanjak sejak 2015. Hasil penelitian kami menunjukkan walaupun CMC dikenal dengan teori multidisiplin, riset pada disiplin ilmu komunikasi masih sangat terbatas. Pembahasan konsep pada disiplin ilmu komunikasi pun masih terkait emoticon. Selain itu, penelitian terkait CMC di negara Asia masih sangat minim. Pembahasan dalam teori CMC juga masih kurang mendalam dan hampir semua membahas konsep struktur sinkronik dan asinkronik. Keterbatasan dalam penelitian ini yaitu walaupun konteks yang paling banyak menggunakan CMC adalah online learning, tetapi masih sedikit penelitian yang membahas CMC dengan metode selain SLR sehingga kurang keberagaman. Untuk itu, peneliti memiliki rekomendasi, untuk riset di masa mendatang dengan konsep dan konteks yang sama, yakni dengan menambah rentang waktu mundur ke belakang. In the last ten years, the theory of Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) has developed rapidly in various studies in a global context. This theory is used in various contexts, one of the most widely discussed is online learning. This study uses the Systematic Literature Review method to see how the application of CMC theory in online learning in the 2015- 2016 period. Researchers found 30 manuscripts indexed by Scopus Q1-Q4 and Sinta 1. These thirty journals use English and are spread across various countries and continents in the world. From year to year, research related to CMC in online learning has consistently increased since 2015. Our results show that although CMC is known as a multidisciplinary theory, research in communication science is still very limited. The discussion of concepts in the discipline of communication is still related to emoticons. In addition, research related to CMC in Asian countries is still very minimal. The discussion in CMC theory is also still lacking in depth and almost all of them discuss the concept of synchronous and asynchronous structures. The limitation of this study is that although the context that mostly uses CMC is online learning, there are still few studies that discuss CMC with methods other than SLR so that there is less diversity. For this reason, the researcher has recommendations for future research with the same concept and context, namely by increasing the time span backwards.
Data Industrialization: Between Datafication Commodification, and Digital Infrastructure Nur, Muhammad
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 11, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Data is a new oil because in the development of industry and communication technology, digital data can be an important thing that can be produced, distributed, and consumed, or commodified. Every digital data can be obtained from every side of everyday human life so that datafication becomes something commonplace today. On the other hand, the role of digital infrastructure both physical and non-physical as supporting the operation of the internet and the development of industry and communication technology and Data Industrialization cannot be denied. Even the DC/server is used to gain profit for the company itself. This article tries to link datafication, commodification, and the role of digital infrastructure in the process. This article uses a qualitative approach with a systematic review and meta-analysis methods (Crowther, Lim, & Crowther, 2010) which was accompanied by interviews with several relevant informants (Alshenqeeti, 2014) to elaborate related concepts. In this article, I argue that in the digital age, every side of human life can become a digital data which then becomes a digital commodity so that the process of datafication and commodification always appears in every digital data. However, the important role of digital infrastructure both physical non-physical is very important.
Social Media as a Counter Space for the Motherhood Community in Creating Counter-Hegemony Indranila, Ardhani
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 11, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This article explores how the emergence of the online community of motherhood on social media can become a medium of counter-hegemony against the discourse of motherhood. The concept of “ibuism” as a picture of an ideal mother’s parenting form in Indonesia is justified as the standard of a “good mother” that has been socially constructed for a long time. The dominant discourse has been internalized from generation to generation by Indonesian women. However, this discourse negates other narratives that are important for women. Therefore, the online motherhood community on social media emerged to overcome these challenges and mobilize women to provide opposing narratives through social media as counter space. By using the perspectives of Counterpublic and Counter-Hegemony, the researcher argues that online communities on social media have the power to construct new discourses against hegemony. Specifically, the researcher argues that social media is an alternative space to fight dominant narratives, especially those taboo to discuss. This qualitative study will look at the Halo Ibu community and the Komunitas Ibu Profesional (Professional Mother Community) on Instagram through content observations and interviews. In conclusion, the emergence of online communities on social media can act as an agency to create counter-narratives through content and the use of social media as a space of resistance.
The Negotiation of Muslimah Identity in Hijab Cosplay Phenomenon Hasba, Hilda Balqis
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 11, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The identity of Muslimah is often associated with the idea of using hijab as a form of obedience to religion. This research examines the experiences of hijab women who use cosplay culture to represent their talents and creativity by creating a new culture. This research uses circuit of culture theory by Paul du Gay and Stuart Hall to analyze hijab cosplayers’ experiences in making hijab cosplay. The method used in this research is the qualitative research method and photo study technique to collect the data. This research shows that the process of creating hijab cosplay passes through identity, production, consumption, regulation, and representation that interplay and define one another. Therefore, hijab cosplay culture has become an arena for hijab women to create new meanings by uniting two discourses — cosplay and hijab —through daily practice. Their identity as hijab women influenced how hijab cosplay was produced and carried out. The costume and the cosplayer’s character relate to how hijab cosplayers consume a product. Some regulations regulate the activities of hijab cosplayers, such as the norm of hijab cosplay which comes from Islamic values and cosplay characteristics. The whole process is also represented by the appearance of hijab cosplayers in everyday life. Identitas muslimah seringkali dikaitkan dengan gagasan penggunaan hijab sebagai bentuk ketaatan terhadap agama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami pengalaman muslimah yang menggunakan budaya cosplay untuk menyalurkan bakat dan kreativitas mereka dengan membuat budaya baru yaitu hijab cosplay. Peneliti menggunakan teori sirkuit budaya Paul du Gay dan Stuart Hall untuk menganalisis negosiasi muslimah dalam proses penciptaan hijab cosplay. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dan photo diary untuk mengumpulkan data dari lima informan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses penciptaan hijab cosplay melalui proses identitas, produksi, konsumsi, regulasi, dan representasi yang saling mempengaruhi serta mendefinisikan satu sama lain. Budaya hijab cosplay menjadi arena bagi muslimah untuk menciptakan makna dengan menyatukan dua wacana — praktik cosplay dan hijab— melalui tindakan sehari-hari. Identitas sebagai muslimah mempengaruhi bagaimana hijab cosplay diproduksi dan dijalankan. Kostum dan karakter yang ditampilkan menunjukkan bagaimana hijab cosplayer mengonsumsi suatu produk. Terdapat regulasi yang mengatur kegiatan hijab cosplayer seperti norma hijab cosplay yang berasal dari nilai-nilai Islam dan karakteristik cosplay. Keseluruhan proses tersebut akhirnya merepresentasikan dan direpresentasikan oleh penampilan hijab cosplayer dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Diversity of Gay Identity and Gender Expression on Social Media Fadhila, Nadissa
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 11, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The purpose of this research is to provide perspective on being a gay in Indonesia and his point of view on how he tries to express his diverse identities through social media Instagram. Also, how he tries to be unattached from the negative profiling and imagery of being a gay that exists in society in Indonesia. The focus of this research is the practice of posting and uploading content on Instagram from Magistus Miftah, an Indonesian fashion designer. This research is qualitative research with descriptive design and social semiotics analysis. This research concludes that the gender expression that Magistus Miftah does through his social media works as several things. The most standout is that he shows his identity in a maximum way. From semiotics analysis, the researcher found a process of identity negotiation. Also, as he expresses himself on Instagram, Magistus Miftah strengthens his identity. The practice of posting also became a way to fight the gay stereotype and negative image in Indonesia.
Public Readiness Index Entering New Normal Period Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic As Exposure Effect to Social Campaigns Pudjiastuti, Wahyuni
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 11, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Indonesian people will face daily activities that are no longer the same as conditions before the corona-19 virus pandemic, which is then termed as New Normal. This policy is communicated in the form of a social campaign. Policy implementation should be a solution to improve welfare. But often, support from the public is still lacking. Therefore, it is necessary to study the level of public readiness (public readiness index) in accepting a policy and the effectiveness of the social campaign that the government has carried out. The research aims to describe the public readiness index for implementing the new normal and the effectiveness of the government’s social campaign in a community of students whose social problems are relatively high in the Child-Friendly City of Depok. It is hoped that the results can provide an overview and consideration in improving policies, especially for reopening face-to-face schools. Research is quantitative with an associative method. Researchers surveyed data collec- tion. The research population is junior high school students in Depok. The sample selection was conducted by multistage random sampling in a classter method, thus SMP N 6 and SMP BCIS (Budi Cendekia Islamic School) were selected. Data analysis was carried out descriptively to provide an overview of the variables studied and use regression to see the effect of the exposure variable on respondents’ readiness. The hypothesis is that the public acceptance of school children towards the new normal in the Child-Friendly City of Depok is influenced by their exposure to the government’s social campaign. The results showed that the level of readiness of junior high school students in Depok to enter the new standard period was at the confirmation stage, which was 31.67%, and the stabilization stage was 30%. Research also shows that this readiness is significantly influenced by exposure to social campaigns through television, online, and interpersonal commu- nication; thus, the proposed hypothesis can be accepted.
Audiobook Industry: Reading by Using Ear in the Digital Age Elislah, Neli; Irwansyah, Irwansyah
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 11, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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As a medium for reading books through audio formats, digital audiobook are experiencing significant growth in popularity with a more diverse audience than ever before during the COVID-19 pandemic. Book publishers have begun to evolve to consider publishing books in audio format, in addition, the presence of audiobook on various alternative platforms based on streaming and subscription offers convenience to read a book. This study aims to survey the development of audiobook in the current digital era, especially in Indonesia with the presence of streaming and subscription media platforms. Furthermore, by reassessing the concept of reading books in the digital era to understand reading an audiobook through hearing. By using the literature review method, this research has seen a change in the conception of reading books which was previously only associated with reading writing through the eyes, because the presence of digital audiobook allows readers to carry out reading activities with high mobility by only through the eyes or the sense of hearing. Simplicity through listening activities brings audiobook into popular media that is present in various learning activities in Indonesia and also brings new experiences in enjoying literature through sound that offers readers to read books by listening. Reading is an important part of learning, with every day audiobook are increasing literacy through new reading media. Flexibility for readers aside from making audiobook a product of written books by offering readers the option to choose a format that supports their literacy and literary experience. This research provides findings for the audio industry, which is currently popular as well as an alternative in the reading industry, especially in Indonesia in today’s digital era.
Crisis Communication in Non-Tectonic Tsunami Disaster Management Policy in Indonesia: The Application of Soft Systems Methodology Based Multi-Method Akhyar, Dani; Hendriyani, Hendriyani; Hardjosoekarto, Sudarsono
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This study aims to discuss disaster crisis communication policies for non tectonic tsunami in Indonesia. The case study was selected from the Sunda Strait tsunami that occurred in December 2018 and claimed more than 400 lives. The disaster is unusual since it is included as a non-tectonic tsunami and unable to be detected by the current tsunami early warning system. This study was conducted at the macro level, namely an analysis of disaster communication policies, specifically Law No. 24/2007 on Disaster Management. The data were collected through big data analysis of the word disaster, textual network analysis of disaster laws, and in-depth interviews with six national disaster stakeholders. The discussion applied Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) based Multi-Method with a combination of Social Network Analysis (SNA) and Textual Network Analysis (TNA) in the stage 2 of SSM, namely compiling a Rich Picture. The application of SSM based Multi-Method has provided a new methodological variant of SSM. The findings of this study contribute to: First, proving the lack of coordination between disaster regulations stipulating several disaster agencies, leading to the faulty operation of the non-tectonic tsunami early warning system. Second, providing recommendations to disaster policy makers to amend Law No. 24/2007. Third, suggesting the transformation of an integrated crisis communication system among national disaster agencies. Fourth, confirming the involvement of Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and Indonesian National Police (Polri) in the process of disseminating information and communication, considering that these two institutions have networks that reach the lowest levels of society. Fifth, proposing the importance of increasing disaster education to disaster stakeholders at the central to regional levels as well as the community on a massive basis, particularly in areas prone to potential disasters.
Reimaging Indigenous Baduy Women in the Vortex of Digital Technology: Female Empowerment Perspective Setijadi, Naniek Novijanti
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Baduy is a tribe that adheres to ancestral traditions, a social system based on cultural values, beliefs, and rules passed down for generations. Nevertheless, they are now touched by digitalization. This study considers challenges, difficulties, and potential advantages when communities, especially women in remote, rural, non-electrified homes, are equipped with fundamental communication technology knowledge and competence. It aims to identify critical factors and trends of indigenous Baduy women's participation in ICT and examines the practices enabling women's participation in social media. Primary data of research is the result of observation and in-depth interviews, while secondary data is the result of documentation. This research is based on the theory of technology domestication, which emphasizes the role of users in making media technology usable in their daily context. The empirical and qualitative fieldwork data results reveal how indigenous Baduy women construct their sense of reality in the vortex of digital transformation while struggling to maintain their traditional culture. Findings are presented with a discussion of the implications and challenges for new media uses as a means of cultural production for alternative, more socially oriented purposes.
Twitter for Public Organization: Communication and Public Engagement in the Generation Unlimited Initiative Pertiwi, Nandariza Yoga; Purwanti, Nurul Dwi
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The United Nation Children’s Fund has programs and initiatives involving various stakeholders and the active participation of audiences worldwide, so communication becomes a crucial aspect of the organization's operations especially in increasing public involvement. This study aims to identify the role of opinion leader UNICEF—especially the initiation of Generation Unlimited—through message types in its communication process on Twitter to increase public engagement using a mix-method design through big data analytics and content analysis. Locus of the study is the opinion leader’s Twitter account, which interacts with the Generation Unlmited account. 4,095 tweets are collected and accessed via Twitter Application Programming Interface using Python. According to the findings, the opinion leader with the highest popularity is @Unilever, and the message type with the highest engagement is the interactive one from @UNICEFROSA. Opinion leader with the highest popularity value does not necessarily have messages with the highest engagement value either. The primary contribution of this article is to provide the finding about certain types of opinion leaders and content types that impact increasing public engagement. We believe the research can inspire other public organizations to develop and optimize their communication engagement through their social media platform.