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Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia
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The aim of the Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia is to promote and enhance advanced academic discussions, including research development and debates in the field of media and communication. It also serves as a interdisciplinary forum for researchers and industry players who use research as the frame for social awareness, development, and change. We welcome any submission of manuscripts throughout the year. Authors are invited to submit scholarly works on communication such as International Relations, Media Management, Film and Media Arts, Game Studies, Digital Education and Communities, Communication and Policies, Globalization and Social Impact, Youth and Media, Audience and Perception Analysis, Democracy and Integration, Media Literacy and Education, Media and Development, Health Communication, Political Communication, Hegemony and the Media, Gender and Sexuality, Queer and Media, Social Media and Subcultures, Popular Culture and Society, Media and Religion, Media and Identity, War/Peace Journalism, Conflict and Crisis Communication, Strategic Communication and Information Management, Digital Media, Advertising and Persuasive Management, Public Relations and Crisis Management, Global Journalism and relevant areas from the standpoint of media and communication.
Articles 202 Documents
Third-Person Perception as a Mediator of the Influence of Social Networking Sites Use and Personal Relevance to Preventive Behavioural Intention Edwin, Joseph; Salamah, Ummi
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 10, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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News coverage on Covid-19 is important as it provides people with important updates as well as crucial information for avoiding infection. Previous studies have shown undesirable messages such as Covid-19 news that circulates in social networking sites can trigger ‘third-person perception (TPP)’, which is a phenomenon in which audiences presume a message exerts more influence upon people other than themselves. It is crucial to examine whether audiences experience TPP during consumption of pandemic news – especially when there is a possible negative correlation between TPP and protective behavioural intentions. Previous studies showed empirical evidence when users used Covid-19 news in SNS (consume, contribute or create), such use could reduce TPP and was also correlated with preventive behavioural intentions. This suggests that three types of SNS usage and personal relevance have direct relationship with protective behavioural intentions, as well as indirect relationship with TPP, where it has a mediating role. To test these hypotheses, explanatory research of a positivistic paradigm and quantitative approach was administered. This research utilized quota sampling to collect data from 400 respondents through online questionnaire. Based on the structural analysis, there is no significant relationship between TPP and preventive behavioural intentions. Analyses also did not support the hypotheses that TPP mediated: 1.) SNS usage and preventive behavioural intensions; 2.) and personal relevance and preventive behavioural intensions. Personal relevance was found to be an important construct as it had a positive influence toward preventive behavioural intentions and a negative relationship with TPP. It is suggested that low level of interaction with Covid-19 news in Social Networking Sites is due to the respondents only incidentally consumed Covid-19 news. It is also suggested that non-existing relationship between third-person perception and preventive behavioural intention is due to the mandatory nature of health protocol in Indonesia.
Constructive Journalism: Indonesian Journalists’ Perception and Implementation in the Covid-19 News Ariestyani, Kencana
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Currently, the COVID-19 pandemic is getting under control, and people tend to adapt and live their lives in the new normal era. Despite that, media outlets carry on reporting the COVID-19 pandemic considering the information is still needed by the public. It is undeniable that journalists play an essential role in disseminating information about health risks to audiences. Nevertheless, news about health crises is often criticized for being sensational, incomplete, and inaccurate, giving rise to misunderstanding, panic, or even public neglect. Thus, it is hoped that the media outlets could present more constructive news to anticipate the effects of anxiety, panic, fatigue, stress, and depression encountered by the public after consuming information pertaining to COVID-19. This paper aims to explore how Indonesian journalists perceived the constructive journalism approach and its implementation in their journalistic work related to covering and reporting on Covid-19 news. Using constructive journalism theory and news framing and adapting qualitative research, the researchers conducted in-depth interviews with eight journalists from various media outlets spanning from television, online news media, and daily newspapers to the weekly news magazine. This research revealed that most Indonesian journalists are not familiar with constructive journalism. Nevertheless, they conceived the approach of constructive journalism. The concept has been implemented in covering Covid-19 news by Indonesian journalists though it has not been shown as the optimal undertaking due to external and internal factors. As a result, there are still accounts of Covid-19 that could trigger public anxiety and cause them to endure other adverse psychological effects after consuming news stories. This research suggests that media outlets and Indonesian journalists could consider and comprehensively grasp the constructive journalism approach in their daily journalistic works to anticipate those negative psychological impacts.
Environmental Crisis and Legitimacy Struggle: A Discourse Network Analysis in the Prabumulih Oil Spill Case Karter, Tasya Febi; Santoso, Anang Dwi; Saraswati, Erlisa
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This study seeks to comprehend the legitimacy dynamics of various actors involved in the oil pipeline spill case in Sungai Kelekar, Prabumulih City. A dataset consisting of 132 online media articles curated into 36 pertinent news stories was analyzed using the discourse network analysis method. The results of this study indicate that the community plays a crucial role as mediators and victims, which are the primary criteria for evaluating the moral legitimacy of those who pollute the environment and local governments, where it was also discovered that the two organizations in this study face a variety of challenges in maintaining their legitimacy. This study's implication is serious efforts are required to enhance environmental governance and public participation. This study aims to contribute to the literature on legitimacy management in contentious environmental cases and provide a method for measuring and comprehending the complexity of stakeholder interactions.
Cultural Consumption and Citayam Fashion Week: Study of Meaning of TikTok Content Silfia, Imamatul
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This thesis examines the consumption practices of fashion culture and the meaning of TikTok content in the Citayam Fashion Week phenomenon. Scholars have studied cultural consumption as a factor that creates social class hierarchies based on cultural capital or tastes, including the consumption of fashion culture. Hierarchy in the practice of cultural consumption of fashion places the working class in an artistically inferior position compared to the elite class. The fashion tastes of the working class are considered to be economically limited and they primarily imitate the tastes of the dominant class. This assumption considers the cultural appropriation of working-class fashion as foreign and subordinate. Following this assumption, this thesis studies the trend of the Citayam Fashion Week phenomenon which is popular through social media TikTok. It researches Citayam Fashion Week participants who come from the working class. For this reason, this study analyzes the consumption practices of Citayam Fashion Week participants' fashion culture and how they interpret the trend of TikTok content in order to understand the phenomenon from the participants' side. This study shows that Citayam Fashion Week participants consume fashion culture in distinctive ways, namely by exploring fashion, pragmatic consumption, and passive consumption. Meanwhile, participants also have specific interpretations of TikTok content. From the findings, the study concluded that there is a social hierarchy in the Citayam Fashion Week phenomenon through the practice of consuming fashion culture and TikTok content trends. The fashion appropriation of Citayam Fashion Week participants is treated as something foreign and their representation and identity are determined by the dominant group. These findings show that consumption of fashion culture and TikTok content trends regarding Citayam Fashion Week perpetuate control of the class and economic positions by the dominant group.
Women, Children, and Tobacco Yuwastina, Desti
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Tobacco has been a well-known commodity in Indonesia, especially since kretek has attracted immense attention to be sold internationally. Both tobacco farms and tobacco industry have also been subjected to the undesirable circumstances of tobacco within the range of national and international frameworks. This research aspires to uncover the health perspective of tobacco smoking activities by underpinning the questionable way of nurturing children in the surroundings of tobacco as a way of protection towards the future of the tobacco industry. In order to unravel the novelty of the research on the subordinate roles of women and children, an enormous proportion of communication field is embodied throughout the discourse analysis, such as nonverbal communication, standpoint theory and relational schemas following the sociopsychological tradition. Overall, the paper aims to come up with the latest general overview of tobacco-related issues with different scopes of analysis in favor of the discourse on nature, nurture and culture.
The Illusion of Consumer: Ads Influence for Agent of Intelligence Muhammad, Vercia
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This article will description influence pattern from ads, with saw case an agent of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) namely Aldrich Hazen Ames. Ames arrested because information selling to other parties (double agent) for making money. The author assumed that his act influence by ads. Therefore the Jaguar XJ6 Sovereign car ads that driven by Ames at arrest used for sample. The author using Roland Barthes semiotics theory with explain meaning of denotative, connotative, and myth on the Jaguar car ads and then related with Jean Baudrillard concept. The method used is descriptive method, its is a method that makes systematically, factual, and accurate, characteristics and relationships of the phenomena studied. By using this method, the author analysis and observe of sign, describe every meaning on ads Jaguar that influence Ames (agent of CIA). The result that, the Jaguar car ads has influencing Ames become consumers illusions, that effect at consumerist acts. This act driving to high lifestyle (e.g. celebrity, hollywood) for obtain a social position, status, and prestige (sign value). For Baudrillard, this is fundamental elements in a capitalist society, there is a social and cultural significance in consuming the product which he calls sign value.
Workers' Online Self-Disclosure Regarding Job Resignation on Twitter: A Netnographic Study Karensa, Edo Nur; Silfia, Imamatul; Muttamimah, Laili; Selyna, Rafiidha
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Twitter, as a micro-blogging platform, is also utilized by workers in Indonesia to express themselves online, one of which is about the reason for resignation through the hashtag #EsokHariPastiResign pioneered by @hrdbacot. This study aims to examine what and how information about resignation is shared by workers, and what forms of self-disclosure are taken. The research method used netnography by analyzing 243 workers' tweets. The results show that workers have various reasons for resigning which are classified into eight aspects, namely social problems, supervisory, health, personal, pay, job security, professional growth, and personal value. Workers predominantly disclose themselves in forms of informational dimension with reflective and impulsive processes. We conclude that workers tend to disclose their job satisfaction at an informational level while still maintaining privacy boundaries on social media.
In Quest of Mother’s Worth: How Millennial Instamoms’ Sharenting Revisits Women’s Traditional Roles Siahaan, Rony Agustino
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This paper aims to investigate the performance of the so-called digital mothers "Instamom" in Indonesia in the cultural contradiction between the construction of women's subjectivity that commodifies motherhood and intersubjectivity as to fulfilling women’s traditional role. Using performativity theory, I argue that the phenomenon of Instamoms’ sharenting is a communicative practice in the digital space that demonstrates the performance of a fluid and dynamic maternal identity without rigid boundaries. This research applies a digital ethnography approach to the everyday life’s practices of Stay-At-Home-Mothers that focus on the complexities of women's experiences in engaging with social media throughout the transition to motherhood. For this reason, this study conducted in-depth interviews and collected digital data from Instagram accounts. The findings show becoming a SAHM is their resolution to negotiate the image of an "ideal mother" through the subjective performance of a "good mother" that emphasizes neoliberalist maternal femininity. Gradually, this practice creates a digital mother performance that fulfills the demands of self-governmentality to replace women’s past professional career through digital entrepreneurship and commodification maternal identity. In conclusion, by performing digital mother, women play a variety of roles as they look for new opportunities whilst their traditional role serves as the main framework.
Privacy Management of Sexting in Young Adult's Dating Relationships Kirana, Dewi Chandra; Hendriyani, Hendriyani
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Abstract: This study explains young people's experience in Indonesia with their privacy management regarding sexting in dating relationships. The research uses Communication Privacy Management (CPM) Theory. This study uses qualitative research, collecting data by doing in-depth interviews with 10 informants of young adults who have sexting with their partners. Thematic analysis of the data finds that how informants perceive sexting, the function of sexting in their relationship, and the risk of sexting influence the way they carry out privacy management. The informants think it strengthens the connection and trust with their partners. However, they are fully aware of the risk of sexting: the text could easily leak to others, which could be harmful to their reputation. There are influences from gender and cultural context on what is called privacy and its risks. Therefore, they implement very complex privacy management, such as choosing the safest chat application; making rules about how the pictures or videos must not show a background that can be used to identify the sender of sexting; and keeping the passwords of all social media accounts owned by their partners. They also have their own 'language,' by using emoticons and codes, which are only understood by them and their partners. Hence, those who engage in sexting protect their privacy by establishing complex privacy boundaries that they mutually agree on.
The Impact of Digital Communication on Online Purchasing Behavior among Indonesian Millennials: A Case Study of Tokopedia Panigoro, Erwin; Harwani, Yuli; Permana, Dudi; Imaningsih, Erna Sofriana; Mahadewi, Erlina P.
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This article discusses the impact of digital communication on the online purchasing behavior of millennials in Indonesia, with a particular focus on transaction flow through the online commerce platform Tokopedia. The study aims to show that Tokopedia's digital communications determine users' attitudes and purchasing behavior. In this paper, the quantitative research method of causal design is adopted, and 210 respondents selected by simple random sampling are used as the sample size. The variables examined in this study include perceptions related to digital communication and online purchasing behavior, which are manipulated through different dimensions and indicators. The results show that perceived digital communication has a significant and positive impact on online purchasing behavior. Additionally, the study suggested that Tokopedia should develop a digital communication strategy to improve customer experience. Further research could expand the sample size and examine other variables for a more complete understanding of consumer behavior.