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Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia
Published by Universitas Indonesia
ISSN : 23019816     EISSN : 26152894     DOI :
The aim of the Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia is to promote and enhance advanced academic discussions, including research development and debates in the field of media and communication. It also serves as a interdisciplinary forum for researchers and industry players who use research as the frame for social awareness, development, and change. We welcome any submission of manuscripts throughout the year. Authors are invited to submit scholarly works on communication such as International Relations, Media Management, Film and Media Arts, Game Studies, Digital Education and Communities, Communication and Policies, Globalization and Social Impact, Youth and Media, Audience and Perception Analysis, Democracy and Integration, Media Literacy and Education, Media and Development, Health Communication, Political Communication, Hegemony and the Media, Gender and Sexuality, Queer and Media, Social Media and Subcultures, Popular Culture and Society, Media and Religion, Media and Identity, War/Peace Journalism, Conflict and Crisis Communication, Strategic Communication and Information Management, Digital Media, Advertising and Persuasive Management, Public Relations and Crisis Management, Global Journalism and relevant areas from the standpoint of media and communication.
Articles 202 Documents
Peirce Semiotic Analysis of the Representation Of Oligarchic Power in the Korean Drama Film the Healer Septiana, Rizka
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This study uses an interpretive/constructive paradigm and a qualitative approach using semiotic methods in its discussion. The purpose of this study is to show how a Korean drama film becomes a medium of representation or picture of reality, especially regarding the oligarchic power in the democratic history of South Korea at that time. This study will focus more on signs that describe or show the activities of oligarchic power in the Korean drama film The Healer. By using triadic analysis of Charles Oligarchy's semiotics, namely objects, interpretants and representatives, the researchers found that the semiotics of oligarchic power in the Korean drama film The Healer is illustrated by the use of the word "we" in the dialogue and enters the type of oligarchic power of collective rulers. The researcher concludes that the scenes and dialogues that show the activities of the power holder in the form of scenes and dialogues are representations. The object in the Korean drama film The Healer is shown through the activities of the oligarchic power, which is shown by expressions, dialogues and visible actions. Meanwhile, the interpretation of the meaning of oligarchic power appears in mind related to the object being referred to.
The Digital Socialization Effectiveness of “Destroy The Illegal Cigarettes” at Customs and Excise Office in Surakarta Sunardiyah, Fina; Pawito, Pawito; Naini, Albert Muhammad Isrun
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Circulation of illegal cigarettes is a crucial issue in Indonesia and getting worse during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Illegal cigarettes are an alternative solution because legal cigarettes are too expensive. The high price of legal cigarettes caused by government regulation on excise duty. Public’s understanding about the bad effects of cigarettes needs to be improved, because the health expense caused by smoking is much higher than the excise on tobacco products. Based on this problem, this study aims to analyze the effectiveness strategy of The Customs and Excise Office in Surakarta in suppressing the circulation of illegal cigarettes through digital socialization. This type of research is qualitative research and uses a qualitative research design, data collection techniques in this research are observation, interviews and documentation. The research result shows that the implementation of digital socialization by the Surakarta Customs and Excise to suppress the circulation of illegal cigarettes is already effective. Digital-based socialization is a suitable strategy in disseminating persuasive information. The consideration of the socialization strategies success of the Surakarta Customs and Excise is supported by informants’ opinions who say that education is an important aspect that can support the society’s understanding about illegal cigarettes. The development of technology and information makes information dissemination access easier and unlimited. The digital socialization is done with educational poster media, traditional performing arts held virtually, educational video published through digital platforms proved effective referring to the total content views which are more than expected. Socialization needs to be improved furthermore.
Counter Hegemony Online Media Reporting on Marginalized Religious Groups: A Case Study of the Serikat Jurnalis Untuk Keberagaman (Sejuk) Anggraini, Maya; Utari, Prahastiwi; Satyawan, Ignatius Agung
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The media ecosystem in Indonesia still does not provide a safe space for marginalized religious groups. Information on marginal religious groups is commodified so that these groups are only used as objects, not news subjects who can tell their point of view. Serikat Jurnalis Untuk Keberagaman (Sejuk) seeks to combat this hegemony by advocating journalists regarding coverage of marginalized religious groups. The theory used is the Counter Hegemony Theory and the Concept of Disinformation Capitalism. The research method was descriptive qualitative with a single case study type. Data collection techniques were carried out using semi-structured interviews and the use of literature. the analysis and validity of the data in this study used triangulation techniques. the analysis was performed by data reduction and data grouping to conclude. The result of the research was that the commodification of information occurred because positive information on reporting of marginal religious groups does not generate profits, so that information is limited and not reported. The information, in this case, is political and inaccurate, which means that positive information related to the harmonious practices of marginal religious groups is overshadowed by information related to conflicts and threats against these groups. Sejuk's efforts as an organic intellectual group against media hegemony has changed the perspective of journalists in covering marginal religious groups. Journalists, who have been in contact with and received Sejuk training might write stories that do not stigmatize this group. Even so, there are challenges in the practice of Sejuk, namely the resistance to Sejuk is quite large due to increasingly intense advocacy.
An Examination of Collective Memory of the Tsunami Disaster: A Comparative Study between Japan and Indonesia Murti, Desideria Cempaka Wijaya; Marta, Rustono Farady; Almuntarizi, Almuntarizi; Manalu, Tifani Dianisya
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 12, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Japan and Indonesia, as two countries that are geographically vulnerable to tsunami disasters, have similarities in geography and culture. Analyzing disaster museums through the Inamura No Hi Museum in Japan and the Aceh Museum in Indonesia in communication, heritage, and cultural studies were conducted to show how museums' visual framework and experience are used to interpret post-disaster situations. This study aims to see how the Japanese and Indonesian disaster museums, closely related to visuals and local legends, convey information to educate the public about mitigation through the memory of the Tsunami disaster in the museum. This research is a comparative qualitative study with native ethnography as the method. This study analyzes three important theoretical aspects in establishing disaster memory through museums, and those are: information processing theory, disaster memory, and visual performing theory. In this study, there are three findings where the memory of the disaster is manifested in the Aceh museum and Inamura no hino Yakata: buildings, exhibitions, and audio-visual media.
Health Communication in Mitigating The Risk of Physician and Controlling Covid-19 Outbreaks: A Qualitative Study on Emergency Department’s General Practitioners Pramana, Hanif Prahita; Hastjarjo, Sri; Sudarmo, Sudarmo
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 10, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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As the front line of detection of patients infected with Covid-19, doctors have a high risk of transmission. However, doctors’ ability to provide proper communication with a unique medical interview process and persuasion of health context is needed. Patients can be open and honest about the illness symptoms and get the required information as prevention. This study aimed to determine doctor-patient communication changes and how information can reduce doctors’ risks of infection. Then, this research also aimed to know how the information from health communication to patients and their families can increase awareness toward the outbreak, change patients’ behavior, and likewise build a resilient society. As a qualitative case study, through semi-structured interviews with fourteen general practitioners of the Emergency Department and fourteen patients, we constructed some barriers and opportunities when doctors gave patients information about Covid-19 and figured out how it could be influence behavior. The attitudes and communication behaviors of doctors underwent several modifications, namely changes in the premedical examination, anamnesis, providing information, verification of information, and a tendency to change the relationship from mutualistic to paternalistic-informative. Provision of knowledge through information was carried out in a balanced way between risk and prevention so that patients behaved according to medical advice. Changes in community behavior indicated a difference in the community’s lifestyle, although it has not yet been consistent, to become a resilient, adaptive, and preventive community against pandemics. This paper provided findings for health communication value and offered useful suggestions for general practitioners, especially by educating vulnerable people during catastrophic events such as Covid-19.
Framing the Interpersonal Communication of Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Underwent Hemodialysis with Their Partners on Sexual Dysfunction Saptyasari, Andria
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 10, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This study elaborates on how patients with chronic kidney disease and their partners provide stimulation and response to sexual dysfunction problems using the relationship framing theory. Previous research has shown that 20-30% of patients with stage 3-5 chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis experience sexual dysfunction. This study assumes that sexual dysfunction can lead to decreased sexual desire, commitment, and proximity between patients and their partners which impact their interpersonal communication. This study is interpretive qualitative research which applied an in-depth interview method. Relationship framing theory was used to explore the content dimensions related to the topics of passion, commitment, and proximity to describe the relationship dimensions, which are related to dominance-submissiveness and affiliation-disaffiliation of the participants’ utterances. The results show that the content dimensions consisting of passion, closeness, and commitment between chronic kidney disease patients and their partners could frame the relationship between them by looking at the stimulus and respective responses related to these three things. The stimuli and responses between these couples differ because there are four factors that influence it, namely (1) the context of the problem that is framed; (2) relational context; (3) sincerity of the participants in accepting the conditions; (4) partner’s sensitivity regarding empathy; and (5) values, religion and spiritual which both patients and their partners have.
Digital Victim: Castellian Perspective on Education in Rural Indonesia Juwita, Rina; Purwanti, Silviana; Rohmah, Ainun Nimatu
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 10, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Covid-19 has presented a new set of challenges in every area; higher education is one of them. The pandemic has resulted in a shift in teaching and learning communication methods, creating a new structure for digital-based education. This study investigates this phenomenon through the perspective of Castells’ Network Society Theory to see the relational capacity of education in rural Indonesia. In his view, Castells summarized a distinctive concept between the flow of time and space in a networked society. The current space deals specifically with the center of social organization today where places around the world have been connected in a dynamic sector. As geographic discontinuity serves as a source of relational chaos, context and innovation will determine how a place prospers or decline, even though all will be integrated into the network society. Therefore, it is important to identify opportunities and challenges in the current scenario so that academic and government leaders can address them through the right innovations. This study conducted a survey to determine the perceived conditions of online learning by students. In addition, this study also used secondary data from scientific journals, government and non-government publications, books from various authors, websites, and public data as well as various other sources of information. The results of this study indicate that the provisions of online learning are new to limit the learning process in several ways, such as networks, costs, and interactions between lecturers and students. In the perspective of the Castells’ Network Society Theory, the resuts of this study see students and lecturers as digital victims, especially in the context of teaching and learning.
Millenial Mothers’ Digital Literacy regarding Child Disease and Health Issues Fauziati, Choirunnisak
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 10, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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It is important for millennial mothers to have digital literacy. Millenials are known to have a tight relationship with digital media. Rather than fathers, mothers more often look for any information on child health issues. The study aimed to dig around mothers’ digital literacy practice which they did to obtain information from various online media, and also further understand the mothers’ comprehension on child disease and health issues. This qualitative research applied the post-positivitist paradigm with digital ethnographic method. The study suggests that Gilster’s (1997) digital literacy phases may be added by information sharing phase. This research also added understanding that there was a skill level gradation in each phase, in which the respective phase consisted of low, medium, and high levels. In addition, the mothers’ digital literacy were more affected by interests, curiosities, and needs. It was not always directly proportional to the issue literacy skill. On the other hand, millennial mothers’ online media choices were also affected by the convenience and benefit perceptions of such media. The research also found 5 (five) child disease and health issues which became the millennial mothers’ concerns, namely: 1) common disease, 2) accident, 3) emergency, 4) mental health, and 5) COVID-19 pandemic. It also showed that an interpretation of a disease affected the behaviour toward such disease. In addition, the interpretation was inclined to be affected by the social construction in the media. However, if we observed this from the active audience perspective, the millennial mothers who choose to limit exposures to information on a disease will behave differently from those who do not limit their exposures to information.
Relationship between Social Media Exposure and Adolescents’ Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviour to HIV/AIDS Prevention Yusnita, Monica
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 10, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This study was conducted to determine the relationship between the exposure level to HIV/AIDS information on social media and the knowledge level, attitude and behaviour in preventing the risk of HIV/AIDS transmission among adolescents. The research applieds a quantitative approach, survey techniques, descriptive statistical analysis and Partial-least Square Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis. The samples in this study were 375 Bongas teenagers aged 13-24 years old who accessed the @sobat repro social media account. The results of the study show that most teenagers get high exposure to social media. Bongas teenagers have a good level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS and supportive attitude towards HIV/AIDS prevention. Most of the Bongas youths have positive HIV/AIDS prevention behaviours. Social media exposure has a significant effect on knowledge of HIV/AIDS. However, exposure to social media has no significant effect on attitudes and behaviour to prevent HIV/AIDS. Knowledge has a significant effect on attitudes and behaviour to prevent HIV/AIDS. Attitudes towards HIV/AIDS also have a significant effect on prevention behaviour. Social media exposure has a significant effect on knowledge-mediated prevention behaviour.
The Impact of Perception of Public Relations on the Fintech Lending Customer Loyalty Lovis, Kevin Zaprilan
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 10, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Brand image and customer trust are important to establish customer loyalty. In this era of intense business competition, it is important to pay attention to customer loyalty. Many things can be done to build customer loyalty, including managing a good brand image and maintaining customer trust in the company through communication efforts from public relations to form a good perception of public relations. Specifically for the fintech lending industry which is engaged in finance and technology, image and trust are two important things that also need to be considered to gain customer loyalty. This study aimed to measure the direct and indirect effect of perception of public relations on customer loyalty through brand image and customer trust in the fintech lending industry. Applying a positivist paradigm and quantitative approach, this research was conducted on 400 research samples. Method for collecting data was a survey by questionnaire. The results was analysed using SPSS path analysis and showed that the perception of public relations did not affect customer loyalty directly and significantly. Furthermore, the results of the study also showed that the perception of public relations affected customer loyalty indirectly through brand image and customer trust partially. However, indirect influence through brand imagewas better than customer trust.