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Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia
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The aim of the Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia is to promote and enhance advanced academic discussions, including research development and debates in the field of media and communication. It also serves as a interdisciplinary forum for researchers and industry players who use research as the frame for social awareness, development, and change. We welcome any submission of manuscripts throughout the year. Authors are invited to submit scholarly works on communication such as International Relations, Media Management, Film and Media Arts, Game Studies, Digital Education and Communities, Communication and Policies, Globalization and Social Impact, Youth and Media, Audience and Perception Analysis, Democracy and Integration, Media Literacy and Education, Media and Development, Health Communication, Political Communication, Hegemony and the Media, Gender and Sexuality, Queer and Media, Social Media and Subcultures, Popular Culture and Society, Media and Religion, Media and Identity, War/Peace Journalism, Conflict and Crisis Communication, Strategic Communication and Information Management, Digital Media, Advertising and Persuasive Management, Public Relations and Crisis Management, Global Journalism and relevant areas from the standpoint of media and communication.
Articles 202 Documents
Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno Grand Campaign 7 April 2019 On Indonesian Presidential Election: Experience of Othering and Online Media Pardede, Carlos Margondo
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 9, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Indonesian Presidential Election 2019 sees a rematch between Prabowo Subianto and President Joko Widodo. The threat by intolerant Islamics elements that are deeply rooted within the political mainstream, has not only posed Indonesia’s democratic downturn. Opposition pressure at national level had also contributed to this phenomena. The Jakarta 2017 Gubernatorial election has been the decisive specimen applied in the 2019 Presidential Election. The Presidential election has witnessed the repurpose of the Jakarta Gubernatorial political campaign techniques namely the sectarian mobilisation polarizing the public opinion, and the politics of the religious identity. Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno Presidential Election Grand Campaign on April 7, 2019, was very different from any other grand campaign on Indonesian election history. Adapting the qualitative methods, the researcher conducted interviews to 4 editors from trusted online media in Indonesia. Media framing and othering are important in this discussion, as it can describe how online media journalists implemented their professional work to cover and deliver the Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno presidential election grand campaign on April 7, 2019.
Involvement of Teenage-Students in Cyberbullying on WhatsApp Riyayanatasya, Yy Wima; Rahayu, Rahayu
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Cyberbullying has become a crucial issue that continues to develop in line with the advancement of technology. This study is presented to show that cyberbullying can be analyzed through the perspective of communication science, particularly since cyberbullying can be found on the social media WhatsApp. This article aims to reveal the intensity of junior high school (sekolah menengah pertama – SMP) students’ involvement in cyberbullying via the social media WhatsApp, and their responses to being a victim of cyberbullying. The research employed a survey method by involving 281 randomly selected respondents from six SMPs in Yogyakarta Municipality. Data collection was carried out by using a questionnaire. The study found that all the students, who were respondents in the research, had been involved in at least one out of the seven types of cyberbullying, which are flaming, harassment, denigration, impersonation, outing and trickery, exclusion, and cyberstalking. The intensity of the student’s involvement varies and is identified to be in the low and moderate categories. Exclusion is the most common type of cyberbullying often experienced by the students, while impersonation is categorized as having the lowest intensity. In the study, more students in seventh grade were found to be victims of cyberbullying.
Factors Influencing Youth Audience Involvement (A study on BTS Fans who Follow @army_indonesia Instagram account) Hutauruk, Yolanda Gloria; Salamah, Ummi
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Beberapa tahun belakangan ini, K-Pop menjadi suatu fenomena yang menarik perhatian banyak orang. Dengan dibantu oleh keberadaan media sosial, penggemar K-Pop mengambil peran peningkatan popularitas dari K-Pop itu sendiri serta perkembangannya menjadi suatu industri yang besar. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keterlibatan audiens dari penggemar grup idola BTS remaja di media sosial. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data berupa survei daring menggunakan Survey UI. Jumlah responden penelitian ini adalah 131 responden, yang didasari oleh oleh teknik random sampling. Dengan menggunakan teknik analisis regresi linear berganda, didapatkan hasil bahwa keterlibatan audiens penggemar BTS remaja di media sosial dipengaruhi oleh faktor media dan faktor situasional. In recent years, K-Pop has become a phenomenon that has caught the attention of many people. Supported by the social media, K-Pop fans play a role in increasing the popularity of K-Pop itself and its development into a large industry. This research discusses the factors which influence the audience involvement of youth fans of idol group BTS on social media. This research is a quantitative study with data collection method of online surveys using Survey UI. The number of respondents in this study is 131 respondents, who were selected based on random sampling techniques. By using multiple linear regression analysis techniques, the results show that the involvement of youth fans of BTS on social media is influenced by media and situational factors.
Constructing A Smart City Brand Identity: The Case of South Tangerang Salamah, Ummi; Yananda, Muhammad Rahmat
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 7, No. 3
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Cities and urban regions have become centers of innovation since the Industrial Revolution and they continue to be so in the realm of Digital Revolution, using the concept of the smart city which combines modern ICT infrastructure with economic growth, high quality of life, wise natural resources management as well as investment in human and social capital through participatory government. Employing two (2) approaches, namely: (1) construction of regional competitiveness; and (2) place branding, this paper analyze South Tangerang city brand identities constructed via stakeholders’ direct experiences and official documents based on the smart city attributes and indicators coined by Nam & Pardo (2011). The study constructed data gathered from desk research and semi-structured interviews with 19 informants representing quadruple helix. The results showed that South Tangerang has strong points in the human dimension of a smart city but still need improvements in technology and institution dimension. Identities constructed from its stakeholders' perception and secondary data indicate that South Tangerang is an urban area dan has a basis for a knowledge-based economy.
Donald Trump’s Securitizing Speech Acts and theUnited States Maximum-Pressure Strategy towardsNorth Korea in 2017 Rubini, Nida; Kurniawan, Yandry
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 10, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Intersubjective process of international communication may shape security issue which requires extraordinary policy. This article aimed to analyze how speech acts of a country leader securitize an issue and result in an extraordinary or distinct foreign policy. Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America, demonstrated his blunt talkativeness through social media and formal speech acts, including on the North Korean nuclear issue during his presidency term. Despite of the regular focus placement of North Korea’s nuclear in the United States’ foreign policy since the 1990s, Trump leaves the issue during his campaign. Nevertheless, in 2017, the first year of his term, he shifted to expressing his enmity in line with the enactment of the maximum pressure strategy, which was the heaviest sanctions ever enacted on North Korea. This study applied the securitization theory by analyzing three assumptions that support Trump’s political communication style: the centrality of the audience, co-dependency of agency and context, and dispositive and structuring forces of practices. Using the qualitative-deductive method, this article found that Trump’s speech acts in 2017 securitized the North Korean nuclear threat as an unprecedented threat requiring an extraordinary policy of maximum pressure strategy. Proses intersubyektif dari komunikasi politik di level internasional dapat membentuk suatu isu keamanan yang membutuhkan suatu kebijakan khusus. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis bagaimana–tindak tutur (speech act) pemimpin suatu negara dalam melakukan sekuritisasi terhadap isu tertentu untuk menetapkan kebijakan luar negeri yang berada di luar kelaziman. Donald Trump, Presiden Amerika Serikat ke-45, seringkali melakukan komunikasi internasional secara blak-blakan melalui media sosial maupun pernyataan formal, termasuk mengenai isu nuklir Korea Utara. Meskipun isu nuklir Korea Utara sudah menjadi salah satu fokus kebijakan luar negeri Amerika Serikat sejak 1990-an, Trump tidak menjadikan isu ini sebagai salah satu fokus selama kampanyenya. Meskipun demikian, setelah menjabat pada tahun 2017, ia mulai menunjukkan permusuhan dengan Korea Utara melalui pemberlakuan strategi maximum pressure, yang merupakan sanksi terberat yang pernah diberlakukan kepada Korea Utara. Studi ini menggunakan teori sekuritisasi dengan menganalisis tiga asumsi yang mendukung tindak tutur Trump: sentralitas audiens, saling-ketergantungan antara agen dan konteks, serta dispositif dan kekuatan struktur praktik. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif-deduktif, studi ini menemukan bahwa tindak tutur Trump pada tahun 2017 berhasil mengangkat ancaman nuklir Korea Utara ke level yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya dan membutuhkan kebijakan baru di luar kelaziman selama ini, yaitu strategi maximum pressure.
Performance On Digital Dramaturgy Regionin Simultaneous Video Conferences Sepang, Nurul Robbi; Agustin, Sari Monik
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 10, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Pandemic has forced us to work and learn from home. Data shows a significant increase in internet usage during the pandemic. People have longer working time, online meetings and sometimes they have to do several meetings at the same time (simultaneously). Then, how do you make a presentation when it has to be fragmented? This paper aimed to identify how you perform digital dramaturgy through simultaneous video conference. The frame of reference was built using Goffman’s Dramaturgy and Mead’s Self. The study was carried out under the construction paradigm and data were collected from observations and interviews with educators who carried out teaching and learning through zoom and g-meet. The results show that digital dramaturgy appears in backstage preparation and front-stage performances. The interesting finding is when there is a simultaneous meeting, the Self appears on the front stage where the camera and the mic are on, but the Self is also on the back stage when the video camera and mic are off. Then, the third situation, which I call In-between Region, appears when part of the Self appears on the front stage, but other parts appear on the back stage. Pandemi memaksa kita melakukan aktivitas bekerja dan belajar dari rumah. Data menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan pemakaian internet di masa pandemic. Waktu kerja yang lebih lama, rapat-rapat daring dan kadangkala dilakukan di saat yang bersamaan (simultan). Lalu bagaimana Diri melakukan presentasi ketika harus ter-fragmentasi? Tulisan ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi bagaimana Diri melakukan dramaturgi digital melalui konferensi video yang simultan. Kerangka pemikiran dibangun menggunakan Dramaturgi Goffman dan Diri dari Mead, dengan menggunakan paradigma konstruksivis dan observasi serta wawancara dalam pengumpulan datanya pada pendidik yang melakukan pengajaran melalui zoom dan g-meet. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dramaturgi digital muncul dalam persiapan di belakang panggung dan penampilan di panggung depan. Temuan menariknya adalah ketika terjadi pertemuan simultan, Diri muncul di panggung depan dalam keadaan kamera menyala dan posisi mic menyala, namun Diri juga berada di panggung belakang ketika kamera video dan mic mati. Lalu, situasi ketiga, yang peneliti namakan In-between Region muncul, yaitu ketika Sebagian Diri muncul di panggung depan, namun sebagian lainnya muncul di panggung belakang.
Public Participation Through Digital Media as a Formof Patriotism During the Pandemic in Indonesia Sari, Dewi Kartika
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 10, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The global development of social media creates public participation, including during the pandemic. In Indonesia, public participation by digital media occurred and developed through the ‘Warga Bantu Warga’ [Support Each Other] project, the ‘Urun Daya Covid’ [Covid Crowdsource] initiative, and the ‘Bagi Rata’ [Cross Subsidization] initiative. People engage in a sense of solidarity among relatives, friends, neighbors, even with strangers they do not know. This study aimed to explain forms of public participation using digital media where patriotism could be observed in citizens’ activities. Public participation and aspects of patriotism are the concepts used in this study. The research applied a netnographic approach and it is an explanatory research. The study results show that people use digital media as a means of participation and that participation is a form of patriotism. Another finding shows that participation as an expression of patriotism poses challenges in the form of exhaustion in making donations or donation fatigue. Perkembangan global media sosial menciptakan partisipasi publik, termasuk di masa pandemi. Di Indonesia, partisipasi publik dengan media digital terjadi dan dikembangkan melalui proyek ‘Warga Bantu Warga’ [Support Each Other], inisiatif ‘Urun Daya Covid’, dan inisiatif ‘Bagi Rata’ [Cross Subsidization]. Orang-orang terlibat dalam rasa solidaritas di antara kerabat, teman, tetangga, bahkan dengan orang asing yang tidak mereka kenal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bentuk-bentuk partisipasi publik menggunakan media digital di mana patriotisme dapat diamati dalam aktivitas warga. Partisipasi publik dan aspek patriotisme adalah konsep yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menerapkan pendekatan netnografi dan merupakan penelitian penjelasan. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa orang menggunakan media digital sebagai sarana partisipasi dan bahwa partisipasi adalah bentuk patriotisme. Temuan lain menunjukkan bahwa partisipasi sebagai ekspresi patriotisme menimbulkan tantangan berupa kelelahan dalam memberikan donasi atau donasi.
The Cross-Generations Response of Indonesian Muslimsto Ideological Issues in Online Media Setianto, Widodo Agus
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 10, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This study aimed to provide an overview of the Muslims’ responses across generations to ideological issues related to Communism, LGBT and radical Islam in online media. The response to ideological issues by the Moslems is important because Islam is the majority religion in Indonesia. The responses from Muslims to the issues of Communism, LGBT, and radical Islam will determine the continuity of the Islam in Indonesia. The theories applied in this study were theory of the media role as agents of production, reproduction and distribution of knowledge to society; media influence mechanisms; and reception theory about the audience’s response to a stimulus. The research method used the reception analysis method. Data analysis was carried out through three main elements, namely: data collection, data analysis, and data interpretation. This data analysis involved three categories of responses, i.e. dominance, negotiation, and opposition and analysis of their social context. The results showed that the four categories across generations had different acceptance responses to the issues studied. The issue of Communism received a dominant acceptance response by the Baby Boomer generation and gen X, while gen Y and Gen Z were in opposition. For LGBT issues, the Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z were all in opposition. For the issue of radical Islam, the Baby Boomers were in negotiations, while the Gen X was in opposition. Meanwhile, Gen Y and Gen Z were dominant. The digital native and digital immigrant generations both had a dismissive response to the LGBT issues. The digital native generation had good acceptance of the communism and radical Islam issues, while the digital immigrant generation rejected the communism and radical Islam issues. The environment and social interactions affected the respondents’ response to the ideological issues they received through online media. Studi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran respon umat Islam lintas generasi terhadap isu-isu ideologis yang berkaitan dengan Komunisme, LGBT dan Islam radikal di media online. Respons terhadap isu-isu ideologis oleh umat Islam penting karena Islam adalah agama mayoritas di Indonesia. Tanggapan umat Islam terhadap isu Komunisme, LGBT, dan Islam radikal akan menentukan keberlangsungan Islam di Indonesia. Teori-teori yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori peran media sebagai agen produksi, reproduksi dan distribusi pengetahuan kepada masyarakat; mekanisme pengaruh media; dan teori penerimaan tentang respons audiens terhadap stimulus. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode analisis penerimaan. Analisis data dilakukan melalui tiga elemen utama, yaitu: pengumpulan data, analisis data, dan interpretasi data. Analisis data melibatkan tiga kategori respon, yaitu dominasi, negosiasi, dan oposisi dan analisis konteks sosial mereka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keempat kategori lintas generasi tersebut memiliki respons penerimaan yang berbeda terhadap isu-isu yang diteliti. Isu Komunisme mendapat respon penerimaan yang dominan oleh generasi Baby Boomer dan Gen X, sementara Gen Y dan Gen Z bertentangan. Untuk isu LGBT, generasi Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y dan Gen Z semuanya berseberangan. Untuk masalah Islam radikal, para Baby Boomers memilih bernegosiasi, sementara Gen X bertentangan. Sementara itu, Gen Y dan Gen Z dominan. Generasi digital native dan digital immigrant sama-sama memiliki respons meremehkan isu LGBT. Generasi digital native memiliki penerimaan yang baik terhadap masalah komunisme dan Islam radikal, sementara generasi digital immigrant menolak masalah komunisme dan Islam radikal. Lingkungan dan interaksi sosial mempengaruhi respons responden terhadap isu ideologis yang mereka terima melalui media online.
The Circular Model of Some in Instagram Management(Case Study: Forum Human Capital Indonesia) Alexander, Jessica Lea; Safitri, Dini; Anindhita, Wiratri
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 10, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The social media is used by companies or organizations to carry out communication activities, such as publication, public relations, promotions, etc. The purpose of this study is to describe the management of Instagram @fhci.bumn by the Forum Human Capital Indonesia’s communication team. The management of such account was studied through The Circular Model of Some. This descriptive research applied a qualitative approach. This study used a non-probability sampling technique by considering the subjectivity of the informants related to the research. In this study, data collection methods were applied, such as in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation. This study concluded that: In accordance with the share stage, the communication team of the FHCI has a definite background and purpose from their Instagram; they have a target from Instagram which is human capital activists and job seekers; in building public trust they display company information on their profiles and collaborate with the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises for their content. At the optimize stage, the communication team continued to monitor the conversation manually; content was created based on what was currently trending but still considered the audiences’ wishes; they opened discussion space for followers and maintained communication with followers. At the manage stage, media monitoring was carried out manually and only utilized the Instagram features, quick response and optimal real-time interaction because the communication team responded as soon as possible. In the engagement process, there were already brand influencers, namely Erick Thohir and Alexandra Askandar, and they had interactive content, crossword puzzles. Media sosial digunakan oleh perusahaan atau organisasi untuk melakukan kegiatan komunikasi, seperti publikasi, hubungan masyarakat, promosi, dll. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengelolaan Instagram @fhci. BUMN oleh tim komunikasi Forum Human Capital Indonesia. Pengelolaan akun tersebut dikaji melalui The Circular Model of Some. Penelitian deskriptif ini menerapkan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik non-probability sampling dengan mempertimbangkan subjektivitas informan yang terkait dengan penelitian tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini diterapkan metode pengumpulan data, seperti wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa: Sesuai dengan tahap share, tim komunikasi FHCI memiliki latar belakang dan tujuan yang pasti dari Instagram mereka; mereka memiliki target dari Instagram yaitu human capital activists dan job seeker; dalam membangun kepercayaan publik mereka menampilkan informasi perusahaan pada profil mereka dan berkolaborasi dengan Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara untuk konten mereka. Pada tahap pengoptimalan, tim komunikasi terus memantau percakapan secara manual; konten dibuat berdasarkan apa yang saat ini sedang tren tetapi masih mempertimbangkan keinginan audiens; mereka membuka ruang diskusi bagi pengikut dan menjaga komunikasi dengan pengikut. Pada tahap manage, media monitoring dilakukan secara manual dan hanya memanfaatkan fitur Instagram, respon cepat dan interaksi real-time yang optimal karena tim komunikasi merespons sesegera mungkin. Dalam proses engagement, sudah ada brand influencer, yaitu Erick Thohir dan Alexandra Askandar, dan mereka memiliki konten interaktif, teka-teki silang.
“Be Careful and Don’t Forget to Pray”: Indonesian Female Journalists’ Protocol in Dealing with Harassments Aderia, Aderia
Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia Vol. 9, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Female journalists’ safety is a long ignored and forgotten thing in Indonesian journalism. It has been ignored even by the female journalists themselves. They took the safety issues as a job risk and as the things they have to face regularly. Many female journalists, even the experienced ones, tend to take harassments or violence for granted. In addition, most of Indonesian female journalists even blamed themselves for being a victim. This paper is a research study which aims to figure out how Indonesian female journalists perceived the safety issues, challenges they have to face in the field, and challenges for the implementation of safety protocol in Indonesian media houses. Using the Standpoint Theory and adapting the qualitative research, the researcher conducted in-depth interviews of 7 female journalists in Jakarta. Thisresearch shows that most of female journalists experienced harassment in the field and did nothing about it, let alone to report it to their supervisors. This research was conducted in the hope of improving the safety concerns of female journalists and aims to guide both media houses and female journalists. This study suggests that there should be an appropriate systemto maintain the female journalists’ safety. Keselamatan jurnalis perempuan Indonesia terabaikan dan terlupakan sejak lama. Bahkan, oleh jurnalis perempuan sendiri. Mereka menganggap masalah keselamatan sebagai risiko pekerjaan dan merupakan hal yang wajar. Banyak jurnalis perempuan termasuk yang berpengalaman, menerima pelecehan atau kekerasan sebagai hal biasa. Kebanyakan jurnalis perempuanbahkan menyalahkan diri sendiri ketika menjadi korban. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana jurnalis perempuan Indonesia memahami isu keselamatan di lapangan, tantangan yang mereka hadapi serta hambatan untuk menerapkan protokol keselamatan di perusahaan media. Menggunakan Teori Standpoint dan metode penelitian kualitatif, peneliti melakukan wawancara mendalam dengan 7 jurnalis perempuan di Jakarta. Riset ini menemukan bahwa sebagian besar jurnalis perempuan mengalami pelecehan dan tidakmelakukan apa-apa, bahkan untuk sekadar melaporkannya kepada atasan. Studi ini dilakukan dengan harapan dapat meningkatkan perhatian terhadap keselamatan jurnalis perempuanbaik oleh perusahaan media maupun oleh jurnalis perempuan sendiri.

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