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Purnawan Junadi
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Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration
Published by Universitas Indonesia
ISSN : 24601330     EISSN : 24773832     DOI :
Core Subject : Health, Science,
Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration is a journal that presents scientific articles mainly in the field of health policy, programs, and administration. This journal is intended to disseminate research from students, lecturers, or researchers in general who are concerned about improving health efforts through program evaluation and preparing policy recommendations. The articles or manuscripts contained in the Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration include the realm of research, case studies, or conceptual, and limited to literature review. It is an online open-access, blindly peer-reviewed journal that is published every 4 (four) months or 3 (three) times a year, usually in January, May, and September. This journal is published by the Department of Health Administration and Policy, Faculty of Public Health, University Indonesia . Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration is also supported by the Indonesian Public Health Association / Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (IAKMI).
Articles 46 Documents
Asset Transfer of Subsidiary of PT ASKES (Persero) and Its Implications for the Utility of Participant Health Security Kristian, Adhi
Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration Vol. 1, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This research aims to learn about PT AJII transformation process as well as the implications of the transfer concerning service delivery to the National Health Insurance beneficiary. This is a normative empirical research, analyzing provision of the prevailing laws, legal principles and of the practice by carrying out library and field research. Informants of the research were the Primary Commissioner of PT AJII, who acted as internal supervisor of the transfer, member of Social Security Agency Bodies, (BPJS) and experts of social security who provided information and solution about the problems researched. The data obtained were analyzed by using qualitative method. Research result indicated that 80 percent shares of PT AJII were acquiesced, resulting in a transfer of control toward the company. The transfer process was problematic, dilemmatic, and potentially illegal. In addition to the three different legal provisions involved, the transfer also had to comply with both the public interest, that was the stakeholder participants, and the private interests, (shareholder of PT AJII). There was a possibility of illegality. It was on 23 of December 2013 that the transfer process of PT AJII was still in the stage of agreement signing, while the whole process had to end before 1 January 2014. This is in accordance with article 60 paragraph (3) of BPJS Law, that on 1 January 2014 PT Askes was no longer exist. All legal acts on behalf of PT Askes, including the transfer of its subsidiary company, remain intolerant because the management of PT Askes had become the management of BPJS. Additionally, it was also found that the transfer could have an implication to the increase of the service capacity of BPJS and the increase of utility for the participants.
Analysis on Policy Implementation of Community Health Center as Report Obligation Recipient Institution for Narcotic Addicts in Jakarta Province in 2014 Wahyuni, Sri Puji; Bachtiar, Adang
Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration Vol. 1, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This paper analyzed the Policy Implementation of Community Health Center (CHC) as Report Obligation Recipient Institution for Narcotic Addicts in Jakarta Province in 2014. The design of the study employed a mixed methods approach of Sequential Explanatory. The implementation analysis employed the model developed by Donald Van Meter and Carl Van Horn. Within the model, policy implementation was associated with performance. The relationship was influenced by six variables: standards and targets, resources, communication among implementing agencies, implementing agency characteristics, attitudes of the implementers, as well as social, economic, and political factors. We found that variations of those six variables influenced policy performance linearly.
Malpractice Causes and Disputes Resolution Choices Widjaja, Gunawan; Ayuningtyas, Dumilah
Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration Vol. 1, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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With respect to medical malpractice, even though it is widely used and spoken, formally there is no clear neither equivocal definition ever made. Even from the point of view of law and healthcare experts, the use of malpractice term in healthcare is still unclear. This thesis conducts literatures review and experts interview in order to find out and determine the definition of medical malpractice. This thesis also tries to find the criteria, kinds, causes, evidence to be used in malpractice lawsuits, and forum selection in resolving malpractice disputes in healthcare. This thesis provides input that in principle the legal relation in providing medical service shall be seen as contractual relation.
The Role of Health System to Support PMTCT Program Implementation in Jayawijaya Regency Trisnawati, Lea Meirina; Thabrany, Hasbullah
Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration Vol. 1, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The incidence of HIV and AIDS in Indonesia continues to increase. The possibility of mother to child transmission will be greater if intervention is not performed. The purpose of this study is to assess the role of health systems in health and non-health sector affecting the implementation of PMTCT. This qualitative research took place in Jayawijaya. Primary data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews, and observation. Secondary data was derived from the survey of health facilities conducted in Papua. We interviewed eleven (11) informants. The results of this study confirmed that the implementation of PMTCT was still inadequate, only 64% of the health services in Jayawijaya provide PMTCT services. Considering the vast area and the difficulty of access to health services, local government should undertake expansion of comprehensive PMTCT services, provide antiretroviral drugs for pregnant women, and reagents, as well as psychosocial support to PLHIV.
Policy Implementation Analysis on the Utilization of General Practitioners at Community Health Centers in Kemayoran From January 2013 to June 2014 Padmasari, Indah Raksi; Megraini, Amila
Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration Vol. 1, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Community Health Centers (CHCs) take the frontline position of health services in Indonesia. To be able to perform their functions properly, CHCs require human resources (HR) as a driving force. One of the human resources required is a general practitioner. The policy of utilization GP sat CHCs in Jakarta provides flexibility for sub-district health centers as the implementing agency in the management of human resources. One of the variables that influence the process of policy implementation is the capability of the implementing agencies indicated through their management capabilities. This study aims to describe the policy implementation on the utilization of general practitioners at Kemayoran sub- district health centers. The research was conducted using a mixed method combining qualitative and quantitative approach. The results confirm that there has been an imbalance proportion between the workload of general practitioners at village health centers and sub-district health centers, due to the absence of standardized rules regarding the placement of general practitioners, in addition to lower capacity of the human resources available. One of the recommendations proposed is the improvement of management using a simulation model of general practitioners based on balanced workload forecasting.
An Analysis of the Usage Patterns of Health Services Funded through Capitation and NonCapitation in Government Owned Primary Healthcare Facilities in The District of Pandeglang Yuliardi, Arovian; Sjaaf, Amal Chalik
Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration Vol. 1, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The National Health Insurance (JKN) is basically a form of managed care, a technique that integrates health costing and service quality through cost control and quality control. In that concept, the Puskesmas acts as the government’s primary healthcare facility, its vanguard. The aim of this research is to discover and analyze the healthcare usage patterns funded by capitation and non-capitation in government primary healthcare facilities (FKTP). This was an analytical study utilizing a cross-sectional design. 615 patients visiting the government’s FKTP were involved in this research. The results indicated that 47.3% of patients utilizing the government’s FKTP at Pandeglang district were JKN funded, while 52.7% were not funded by the JKN. 66.7% were funded by capitation methods and 33.3% used noncapitation funding. More JKN recipients access non-capitation healthcare than non-recipients. The factors that are related with the type of healthcare accessed are the patient’s health status, JKN status, and ability to pay.
An Analysis of the Implementation of the Policy to Integrate of National Defense Components in Managing Non-Military Threats in the Health Sector Winarno, Sugeng; Soewondo, Prastuti
Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration Vol. 1, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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This research was based on the Minister of Defense’s Decree No. 16/2012 that stated that all national defense components to integrate into one unit when they encounter military and non-military threats. The Ministry of Health, as the main player, and other governmental and private agencies would also play a role in overcoming complex and multidimensional non-military threats, especially in the health sector. Among those threats are infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS and Ebola. We aim to discover the implementation process of the law above in the management of those two diseases. This was a qualitative analytical research with in-depth interviews. From this research we discovered that there are several confounding factors in both the main and supporting elements of the implementation, they are the lack of socialization for the policy and fragmented management of the resources and early awareness. We recommend that the ministry increase the socialization and coordination between all stakeholders of all the sectors and from the central to the regional government.
Policy Implementation of Health Coverage for Indonesian Migrant Workers Hartono, Risky Kusuma; Hidayat, Budi; Pujiyanto, Pujiyanto
Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration Vol. 1, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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The purpose of this research is to analyze the policy implementation of health coverage for TKI. This research uses a qualitative method with in-depth interview. The framework of this research consists of the aspect of the advisable policy, the implementation factors, and the schematic representation of the problem by using SWOT. The result of this research is the health insurance owned by TKI comes from TKI insurance, the membership of JKN, and insurance during their employment abroad. TKI insurance policy is the instruction of Law No. 39 of 2004 which regulates the obligation of the ownership of the social security and or insurance policy for TKI. However, TKI insurance has not been involved with the social aspect because the agency commercializes the coverage of TKI and it is not included a social security. The change of consortium may have decreased the ratio of claim’s values to the annual premium which is attributable to the decreasing complaint cases from TKI. In the implementation, TKI insurance has been assisted by a lot of agencies. However, the bilateral cooperation related to the coordination of health coverage among countries has not been maximized. This research concludes that the coverage of health insurance for TKI is still lower (curative) and the government's attempt to integrate the social security for TKI is important. The researcher suggests the government should comprehensively implement the health coverage for TKI by incorporating the principle of promotion and prevention.
The Effectiveness of The Posyandu and Its Relation to Leadership and Management Maryati, Husnah; Permanasari, Vetty Yulianty
Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration Vol. 1, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Data on infant mortality in the city of Bogor has increased from 26 to be 62 cases in 2013. Posyandu is one of the facility in a society that runs the health program where one goal is carrying out activities to accelerate the decline in the death rate of mothers and babies. The problems at posyandu in Bogor is the number of active cadres continue to decline while cadre recruitment insufficient, and less active of the function of The National Working team of posyandu. The report of newborn deaths by 2013 and 2014 stated that more than half (55 and 52.7 percent) posyandu where there were cases of infant death were posyandu at first and medium development level. This research would like to see how the effectiveness of the leadership factor (communication, competence), management functions (planning, organizing, implementing and controlling), work environment (system support, availability, the availability of means of support and incentives) as well as the characteristics of respondents (posyandu classification, age, number of years served and the work) to mass based activities (UKBM) in Posyandu. We used a cross sectional design. About 70 posyandu chairman cadres as the respondents. This research resulted in the most decisive factor, namely the competence of the chairman of cadres. Knowledge and competence of cadres is already good and should continue to be maintained. The Division of duties and authorities which are clearly made in the region of posyandu organization Bogor City is already good (average rating scale 6.19). The strength of leadership and good management at the operational level of posyandu makes posyandu is more effective in achieving the objectives. There is a relationship between variables, functions, management leadership, the working environment and the characteristics of the respondents against the effectiveness of the posyandu. Data on infant mortality in the city of Bogor has increased from 26 to be 62 cases in 2013. Posyandu is one of the facility in a society that runs the health program where one goal is carrying out activities to accelerate the decline in the death rate of mothers and babies. The problems at posyandu in Bogor is the number of active cadres continue to decline while cadre recruitment insufficient, and less active of the function of The National Working team of posyandu. The report of newborn deaths by 2013 and 2014 stated that more than half (55 and 52.7 percent) posyandu where there were cases of infant death were posyandu at first and medium development level. This research would like to see how the effectiveness of the leadership factor (communication, competence), management functions (planning, organizing, implementing and controlling), work environment (system support, availability, the availability of means of support and incentives) as well as the characteristics of respondents (posyandu classification, age, number of years served and the work) to mass based activities (UKBM) in Posyandu. We used a cross sectional design. About 70 posyandu chairman cadres as the respondents. This research resulted in the most decisive factor, namely the competence of the chairman of cadres. Knowledge and competence of cadres is already good and should continue to be maintained. The Division of duties and authorities which are clearly made in the region of posyandu organization Bogor City is already good (average rating scale 6.19). The strength of leadership and good management at the operational level of posyandu makes posyandu is more effective in achieving the objectives. There is a relationship between variables, functions, management leadership, the working environment and the characteristics of the respondents against the effectiveness of the posyandu.
Study on Public Health Financing in Pidie Jaya District in 2013 Hasnur, Hanifah; Junadi, Purnawan
Journal of Indonesian Health Policy and Administration Vol. 1, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Albeit high dependency on central government transfer (around 69% of total health expenditure), funding from local PAD has been increasing. The revenue shall support priority health programs. This study aims to analyze local health financing system and as input for health program planning. Health financing portrait how fund being spent, and identfying who the agents are as well as the beneficiaries. The study shows spending on health from local budget is Rp130,000. Expenditures on operational costs for direct activities and community-based health efforts or Upaya Kesehatan Masyarakat (UKM) are still low (41%). Puskesmas needs to do more health-related activities for babies and under-five children, and spending on under-five children activities were inexist. Performance-based budgeting at District Health Office (DHO) has not been implemented yet and poor performance of activities was due to very limited budget for conducting activities. Therefore, future planning for budgeting should consider (1) annual increase of locally derived revenue and excess fund or SILPA to improve financing of priority health programs; (2) local budget managed by DHO to be used for scaling up UKM and General Hospital uses funding managed by National Health Insurance Agency or Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) to provide quality personal care efforts or Upaya Kesehatan Perorangan (UKP), (3) financing of activities targeting babies and under-five children at Puskesmas should be improved; (4) one way of having performance-based budgeting at DHO is by full provision of operational costs for its direct activities.