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Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Published by Universitas Udayana
ISSN : 16932951     EISSN : 25032372     DOI :
Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro (MITE) is peer review journal, published twice a year by the Study Program of Magister Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Udayana. This journal discusses the scientific works containing results of research in the field of electrical, include power systems, telecommunications, informatics, and electronics. Authors are expected to include original scientific papers in accordance with the scope of the discussion of this journal including all aspects of the theory and practice are used.
Articles 611 Documents
Desain Inverter Full-Bridge 1 Fasa dengan DSP F28069M Menggunakan Teknik SPWM Ratna Ika Putri; Fahrul Maulana; Herman Haryadi
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 20 No 2 (2021): (Juli-Desember) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Teknik Elektro Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MITE.2021.v20i02.P09


Abstract- Along with the development of technology, with the inverter you can get temporary electrical energy for several electronic devices using a DC source. In this paper, the designed inverter is a type of 1-phase inverter with an output voltage greater than the input voltage. The inverter uses the SPWM (sinusoidal pulse width modulation) technique, as a switching process. The purpose of this research is to design a single phase full-bridge inverter by adjusting the switching mosfet using DSPF28069M to produce a sinusoidal wave output. A single phase full-bridge inverter is designed by changing the voltage from the battery or power supply from 12-24 VDC to 12-24 VAC. Then the voltage 12-24 VAC is increased by using a step up transformer. The inverter test results of 17 VDC using a 15/220 VAC step up transformer with an efficiency of 81.4%. The results of the SPWM signal with the inverter input 17 VDC, the voltage issued by the inverter is 227 VAC without load, 194 VAC with a load power of 22 Watts, amounting to 178 VAC with a load power of 40 Watts, amounting to 162 VAC with a load power of 88 Watts, and amounting to 154 VAC with a load power of 128 Watts.
Literatur Review Green Energy Pada Pemancar Sistem Komunikasi Seluler Komang Agus Putra Kardiyasa; Nyoman Gunantara
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 22 No 2 (2023): (Juli - Desember) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Teknik Elektro Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MITE.2023.v22i02.P07


The number of users and the frequency of use of telecommunications systems are increasing rapidly and causing a greater demand for energy use. Based on many studies conducted by various network operators, that the largest energy consumption and the most impact on the environment is wireless networks from both the recipient and sender sides. The amount of CO2 emissions is increasing in communication systems, equivalent to the increase in cellular consumers. And it is also observed that the current wireless network is not energy efficient, especially the Base Station (BTS). The rapid and alarming growth in wireless network users is forcing us to use higher mobile broadband data rates. The need for an urgent network architecture restructuring in order to provide good service but still be environmentally friendly. In this article, we will discuss several innovative methods to increase the energy efficiency of wireless networks and develop solutions that reduce operating costs and the impact on the environment.
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 4 No 2 (2005): (July - December) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Teknik Elektro Universitas Udayana

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Teknologi Wireless merupakan perangkat yang dipakai untuk sarana jaringan komputer denganmenggunakan udara sebagai media komunikasinya. Pada saat ini sistem ini lebih dikenal dengan namateknologi nirkabel (tanpa kabel) atau dalam bahasa Inggrisnya bernama wireless. Dalam komunikasi Wireless pemilihan antena merupakan komponen utama dalam pentransmisian sinyal baik menerima dan mengirimsinyal. Baik buruk kualitas transmisi sangat dipengaruhi oleh desain antena yang digunakan. Untuk sistemWireless dengan frekuensi 2,4 Ghz penggunaan antena parabolik akan lebih efektif karena antena parabolikmempunyai sifat pengarahan yang baik untuk memancarkan gelombang elektromagnetik. Kualitas sistemkomunikasi wireless bersifat sangat fleksibel tergantung dari jenis dan kualitas antena yang digunakan. Hasildari penelitian in dapat memberikan kualitas antena yang cukup baik
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 9, No 1 (2010): (January - June) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Teknik Elektro Universitas Udayana

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Retinopati diabetes merupakan komplikasi mikro vaskuler yang dapat terjadi pada penderita diabetes dan menyerang fungsi penglihatan. Gejala klinis dari penyakit ini adalah munculnya mikroaneurisma yang merupakan pembengkakan pembuluh darah berukuran mikro dan dapat terlihat sebagai titik-titik kemerahan pada retina. Sistem segmentasi citra retina digital untuk membantu pendeteksian mikroaneurisma adalah sistem yang dikembangkan untuk melakukan segmentasi terhadap citra retina sehingga citra retina yang dihasilkan layak digunakan sebagai masukan pada sistem identifikasi mikroaneurisma. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan kombinasi terhadap metode-metode seperti variasi grayscale (grayscale biasa, red channel, green channel, blue channel), filter Gaussian, histogram modifikasi (histogram ekualisasi dan adaptif histogram ekualisasi), binerisasi (iterasi dan threshold ganda), filter median dan pelabelan komponen terhubung. Pengujian masing-masing kombinasi dilakukan pada citra retina yang berasal dari basis data Departement of Ophthamology, Faculty of Medicine,University of Kuopio, Finland dan dihitung akurasi dengan membandingkan hasil penandaan dokter antara citra asli dan citra hasil segmentasi. Hasilnya kombinasi metode dengan grayscale green channel, filter Gaussian, adaptif histogram ekualisasi 9 x 9, Threshold ganda dengan T1=70 dan T2=90, dan filter median memberikan akurasi sistem yang paling tinggi yaitu sebesar 94%.
Studi Pengaman Busbar Pada Gardu Induk Amlapura I Made Dian Purnawan; I G Dyana Arjana; I W Rinas
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 15 No 1 (2016): (January - June) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Teknik Elektro Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MITE.2016.v15i01p07


Busbar safety is a protection system that plays an important role in securing the disruption of the busbar itself. This protection system should work in a sensitive, selective, rapid, and must be stable to disturbance outside the region busbar protection. At the substation Amlapura, if one busbar impaired or absence of the busbar securing safety as on the other substation, will lead to an imbalance perceived by the system and can lead to continuity of power flow can be disrupted. Based on the calculations that have been done shows that for short circuit simulation results busbar A and B obtained Amlapura substation fault current that occurs in the amount of 5.538 kA. For the calculation of the impedance zone 1 (80%) primer is 1.9721 + 5.715 ? A Zsekunder with a time delay of 0 seconds or work instantly, Zone 2 (120%) primer is 5.55 ? Z + J 16.0836 primary, Zone 2 (120%) the secondary is 2.958 + J 8.5726 ? Zsekunder with a time delay of 0.4 seconds. Keywords: Busbar, Rele, Short Circuit Analysis, impedance DOI: 10.24843/MITE.1501.07
Aplikasi Sensor Cahaya Sebagai Sensor Garis Pada Robot Berbasis Kontrol PID Dengan Pengaturan Kepekaan Cahaya Otomatis Made Niantara Riandana; I Nyoman Budiastra; Cok Gede Indra Partha
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 16 No 3 (2017): (September - December) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Teknik Elektro Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MITE.2017.v16i03p10


Robot line follower merupakan robot dengan sistem kontrol otomatis yang bergerak mengikuti sebuah lintasan/garis. Sistem kontrol yang digunakan dalam robot line follower adalah sistem kontrol berbasis PID yang memerlukan pengaturan konstanta Kp, Kd, Ki yang tepat untuk memperoleh pergerakan robot yang stabil dalam mengikuti lintasan. Robot line follower yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah robot yang bersifat adaptif, yang dapat beradaptasi di setiap kondisi pencahayaan yang berbeda pada setiap lintasan. Hasil dari penggabungan sistem kontrol PID dengan pengaturan Kp, Kd, Ki yang tepat, dengan sistem pengaturan kepekaan cahaya otomatis, diperoleh hasil pergerakan robot pada lintasan yang baik dan robot yang dapat beradaptasi dalam beberapa kondisi pencahayaan secara otomatis. Dari hasil pengujian robot yang telah dilakukan, maka telah diperoleh pengaturan konstanta Kp, Kd, dan Ki terbaik dengan nilai konstanta yang diinputkan yaitu Kp=7, Kd=5, Ki=7 dan pengaturan kepekaan cahaya otomatis yang diperoleh berdasarkan pembacaan dua buah sensor cahaya tambahan dengan rumus kepekaan =((sensor1+sensor2 )/2)+100.
Studi Manajemen Energi di Rumah Sakit Prima Medika Denpasar Cecep Yudhie Rachmat; I Nyoman Satya Kumara; I.A.D Giriantari
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 18 No 1 (2019): (Januari - April) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Teknik Elektro Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MITE.2019.v18i01.P04


Abstract—Prima Medika Hospital is a nationally accredited hospital with the highest category or Plenary in 2016. With the highest patient visit rate of 59,289 people in 2017 and an average occupancy rate of 79.89% is entered into the ideal category with electricity consumption of 2,299,077 kWh / year. Electricity expenses come from 5 equipment groups, namely: lighting equipment group 20.08%, equipment for air arrangement system 56.12%, medical equipment 8.92%, office equipment 5.30% and utilities utilities 9.57%. From the initial energy audit calculation, the Energy Consumption Intensity index is 344.23 kWh / m² / year and this is included in the Intensive Energy category or shows wasteful energy use. Energy conservation efforts will be carried out on all equipment groups, especially to the equipment of the air structuring system which is the biggest energy absorber starting from the assumption of equipment operating hour patterns and then searching for energy-saving potentials starting from the lighting equipment group in the form of lamp replacement with Light type Emitting Diode, from the office equipment group with the control of operating hours of Dispenser equipment and from the group of air structuring equipment with the replacement of standard AC technology into AC inverters, the total potential of electricity energy savings was 613,813.2 kwh / year or 26.70% so if the proposed Energy Saving Opportunity can be implemented then the final value can be reduced to 252.33 kWh / m² / Year or included in the Energy Standard category or already efficient
Local Adaptive Thresholding Pada Preprocessing Citra Lontar Aksara Bali Ni Putu Sutramiani; IKetut Gede Darmaputra; Made Sudarma
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 14 No 1 (2015): (January - June) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Teknik Elektro Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MITE.2015.v14i01p06


Balinesse lontar digitalization generates image file which acquired through a scanner or camera. Lontar image has noise because the results of the acquisition of the original lontar contained brown color that exist on the leaves. Therefore this paper focuses on improving the quality of the image to remove noise contained in the image by thresholding process. The method used in this paper is a Local Adaptive Thresholding. The test results in this paper generates the best image with the window (W)=70 and the threshold value (C)=0.05 which proved to remove noise at most of the few testing that has been done in this paper
Analisis Produksi Energi dari Inverter pada Grid-connected PLTS 1 MWp di Desa Kayubihi Kabupaten Bangli A. A. Ngurah Bagus Budi Nathawibawa; I Nyoman Satya Kumara; Wayan Gede Ariastina
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 16 No 1 (2017): (January - April) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Teknik Elektro Universitas Udayana

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Inverter is a very important component of a grid-connected PV plant related its function to convert photovoltaic DC to be AC power. Inverter constructed from many components to support its operation so that inverter is the most complex component in a PV plant systems. 1 MWp Grid-connected Kayubihi PV Plant uses 50 units 20 kW grid-connected inverter. This research goal is to know how inverter performance also the string array position impact to energy production. Energy production analysis at Kayubihi PV Plant by mapping the energy production percentage each inverter, then choose an inverter with the highest energy production percentage as a reference to measure the other inverters performance. The analysis considers string array location which connected to the inverter too and also based on the condition of PV location. Obtained that the highest energy production is inverter 44-E5 at 17.827 kWh and the lowest is inverter 8-D3 at 8.898 kWh. The highest average energy production is inverter 44-E5 at 72,47 kWh/day, and the lowest is inverter 11-C5 at 39,26 kWh/day. The conclusion is inverter energy production is ? 75 % based on each string array optimum energy with inverter 29-B9 has the highest ? 75 % energy production percentage. Inverter merupakan komponen yang sangat penting dalam sebuah PLTS yang terhubung dengan jaringan listrik karena fungsinya untuk mengubah daya DC modul surya menjadi daya AC. Inverter dibangun dari berbagai macam komponen untuk menunjang operasinya, sehingga inverter adalah komponen paling kompleks di dalam sistem PLTS. Grid-connected PLTS 1 MWp Kayubihi menggunakan 50 unit inverter dengan kapasitas masing-masing 20 kW. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana unjuk kerja inverter serta pengaruh posisi string array  terhadap produksi energi. Analisis produksi energi di PLTS Kayubihi dilakukan dengan pemetaan persentase produksi energi dari setiap inverter, kemudian memilih inverter dengan persentase produksi energi tertinggi sebagai acuan untuk menilai unjuk kerja dari 49 inverter yang lain. Analisis juga memperhatikan letak string array yang terhubung dengan inverter serta berdasarkan kondisi lingkungan di lokasi PLTS. Diperoleh bahwa produksi energi tertinggi dihasilkan oleh inverter 44-E5 sebesar 17.827 kWh dan terendah adalah inverter 8-D3 sebesar 8.898 kWh. Inverter dengan produksi energi rata-rata  tertinggi adalah inverter 44-E5 sebesar 72,47 kWh/hari dan terendah adalah inverter 11-C5 sebesar 39,26 kWh/hari. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa produksi energi seluruh inverter di PLTS Kayubihi sudah ?75% berdasarkan energi optimum string array masing-masing, dengan inverter 29-B9 memiliki persentase produksi energi ? 75 % tertinggi. DOI: 10.24843/MITE.1601.18
Kajian Area Penyinaran Dan Nilai Intensitas Pada Peralatan Blue Light Therapy Dewa Ayu Sri Santiari; mahadi putra
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 17 No 2 (2018): (May - Agustus) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Teknik Elektro Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MITE.2018.v17i02.P17


The case of a yellow baby (hyperbilirubinemia) is one of the most common conditions in newborns. One of the measures to reduce bilirubin levels in a baby is by phototherapy using blue light therapy. There are two types of blue light therapy equipment that is currently used in Cempaka area of Sanglah hospital, namely: blue light therapy fluorescent lamps and blue light therapy LED lights. Both types of equipment have different shapes and light sources. The result of light source form analysis on both therapy equipment shows that blue light therapy of rectangular fluorescent lamp will produce a wider irradiation area than blue light therapy LED which only produce limited exposure area on work surface. Based on the area and the intensity of irradiation produced by the two forms of blue light therapy, it can be concluded that blue light therapy of rectangular fluorescent lamps at a distance of 30 cm will result in a wider irradiation area with a higher mean intensity value (12mW/cm2/nm) compared to blue light therapy LEDs that produce only limited irradiated areas on the surface of the work plane with lower average intensity values (6 mW/cm2/nm).

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