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Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Jember, Jl. Kalimantan No. 37, Jember, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
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Published by Universitas Jember
ISSN : 23551798     EISSN : 28303903     DOI : -
Core Subject : Social,
ELECTRONICAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES (E-SOSPOL) is a fully open access peer-reviewed scholarly journal that addresses legal issues and questions arising in Indonesia and the Global World Wide. This journal aspires to provide a public policy, administrative, sociology, taxation, tourism, public relations, welfare, communication and politics. And other disciplines such as social anthropology, social psychology, law and social, technology and information, social geography education.
Articles 10 Documents
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Alasan Indonesia Melaksanakan Program Ekolabel Putri, Destyane Pristanti; Susilo, Djoko; Yuniati, Sri
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract Cooperation among countries in international trade and environmental issues are early stages of the idea of ecolabel. Ecolabel program is a product certification that provides information to consumers about product’s life cycle in stating that the product provides smaller environmental impacts than other similar products without ecolabel mark. The vision of ecolabel implementation in Indonesia is the realization of ecolabel as an effective device for protecting the environment, the society interests and the improvement of production efficiency and competitiveness. Meanwhile, the mission carried out by Indonesia ecolabel program is to establish synergy to control negative environmental impacts throughout the product life cycle, to push demand and supply of environmental friendly products and to provide criteria and verification system of ecolabel which is competent and credible on the basis of stakeholders. The research applied descriptive-qualitative method used for data analysis. In subsequence to collection, data were arranged to analyze. This research was intended to determine Indonesia's reasons for implementing ecolabel program. It was found that Indonesia’s reasons to implement the program were to meet the demands of international trade over trade barriers that require a country to produce environmentally friendly products which has relatively small negative impacts on the environment. The purpose of this program was set up in order that Indonesia’s products are able to compete with the products of other countries. Ecolabel program is also an attempt to safeguard the environment as a form of guarantee for environmental security and to protect the environment from damages and to apply the principles of sustainable development.
Diskresi Dalam Pelaksanaan Program Bantuan Siswa Miskin Sekolah Dasar di SDN Sebanen II Kalisat Kabupaten Jember Altatur, Aulia Kamal; S, Supranoto; Makmur, M.Hadi
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract This research aimed to describe the implementation process of Bantuan Siswa Miskin (Cash Transfer for Poor Students) Program at Elementary School (BSM-SD) at SDN Sebanen II in Kalisat Jember using discretion in the program implementation. This is a descriptive research with qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used were observation, interview, documentation. Method of data analysis used Miles and Huberman interactive analysis consisting of three activity flows, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion withdrawing. Techniques of data validity applied triangulation. Based on the phenomenon occurred, the form of discretion in implementing BSM-SD program was discretion in social planning. Socio-economic condition of local community members and conflict potentials caused by jealousy became consideration implementing the program to reduce or adjust the provisions in the implementation of BSM-SD program.
Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan terhadap Nilai Perusahaan di Perusahaan Industri Makanan dan Minuman yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Lybryanta, Ocktav Andrian; Toha, Akhmad; Sisbintari, Ika
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract This research was aimed to determine the effect of financial performance on company's value and the effect of dividend policy in the relationship of financial performance on the company's value. This research was hypothesis testing-based research. The data used in this research were secondary data. In managing and analyzing data were used descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the processed and analyzed data can be used as an answer framework for the determined hypotheses. Data analysis techniques used to solve problems in this research were descriptive statistics, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA), and hypothesis test that consisted of t-test and F-test. These analyses were used to identify and obtain a description of the effect of financial performance on company's value with the dividend policy as a moderating variable. The research results explained that partially and simultaneously financial performance was able to significantly affect the company’s value, that partially dividend policy was not able to moderate the effect of financial performance on the company's value, and that simultaneously dividend policy was able to significantly moderate the effect of financial performance on the company’s value.
Pengembangan Produk Raport Elektronik Automatic Leger & Manuscript Software (ALMaS) dalam Proses Penilaian Belajar Siswa di SMA Nurul Jadid Paiton Probolinggo Khasanah, Imas; Poernomo, Djoko; S, Suhartono
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract Global technology increasingly grows rapidly, which demands the Indonesian people to be able to adapt to global technological development. One of technological developments that have been done in the field of education is the product eRaport ALMaS (Automatic Leger and Manuscript Software). eRaport product needs development in order to meet the desires and needs of its users. The development is done on the aspects of Visual Communication Design (DKV), typography, and product features. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to determine the level of interest of the three aspects in accordance with the needs and desires of the users. The research was conducted at SMA (Senior High School) Nurul Jadid Paiton Probolinggo, which utilized this product for 2 years. The analysis obtained Consistency Ratio (CR) of 0.025. CR result was lower than 0.10; thus, the result is said to be consistent, meaning that priority scale can be implemented as a policy to achieve the goals of product development. Based on the calculation, the product feature is the major priority that needs development with a 0.588 scale, the respondent perception feature on eRaport has a lot of lack for example user guidance, analisis statistic and especially on security system. The second priority is DKV with 0.285 scale, this aspects needs to be developed becouse, places of shape is not accords, so user not comfortable with appearance of eRaport. The third priority is Typography with 0.126 scale, selection of shaped and size font was serves need user, so typography aspects in the last priority level than Feature and DKV.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Perum Perhutani di Kecamatan Kalipuro, Kabupaten Banyuwangi Ardiansyah, Vicky; Gianawati, Nur Dyah
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in Indonesia is the mandate of the legislation, namely, the Law No.25 of 2007 on TLN No.4274 LNNo.67 Investment and Law Number 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Article 74 paragraph (1) of the company that runs its business activities in the field and / or related to the natural resources required to carry out its social and environmental responsibilities. Perum Perhutani is one of the state-owned enterprises that have implemented CSR. This research is focused on how to answer the problem formulation on CSR implementation Perhutani office in Forest Village Community Institution Rukun Makmur Kalipuro subdistrict in order to determine, describe and explain the implementation of the program. This study used qualitative research methods, descriptive research, data collection based on observations, interviews and documentation as well as the determination of informants using purposive sampling technique. Analysis of qualitative data, ie everything that is said informants, both written and verbal and real behavior were studied. Powered by the technique of triangulation validity sumberdata guide you in preparing the discussion. The results showed that the implementation of programs to improve the welfare of society as evidenced by an increase in revenues and an increase in knowledge about plants and institutional
Implementasi Program Jaminan Persalinan (Jampersal) di Puskesmas Jember Kidul Kecamatan Kaliwates, Kabupaten Jember Salam, Miranti; Rahmawati, Atik
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract The government launched a program based Permenkes Jampersal No. 631/Menkes/per/III/2011 implemented in order to accelerate the achievement of national health development and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which aim to maternal and child mortality can be reduced. In order to service Jampersal Program, the Jember Kidul Local Government Clinic seeks to provide maximum health services to the community especially on the poor without exception to be able to maintain and improve public health by pressing AKI and AKB. Jember Kidul Local Government Clinic is a Local Government Clinic in the district Kaliwates with the rating of visitors amounted to 30.987 visitors and visitors Jampersal most receivers are in the period, May 2011 to April 2012 as many as 815 visitors. Unlike the other Local Government Clinic average about 534 to 723 visitors Jampersal receiver (Dinkes Jember, 2011-2012). Services provided from the Jember Kidul Local Government Clinic implementing has led to skyrocketing impact patient visits, especially pregnant women.
Efektivitas Peacekeeping Operation Uni Afrika pada Konflik Darfur 2004 - 2007 Arumsari, Gitra Fajar; Indriastuti, Suyani; Eriyanti, Linda Dwi
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract .African Union Peacekeeping Operation in Darfur conflict or more known as African Mission in Sudan (AMIS) is one of African Union’s efforts to resolve the conflict in Darfur. This mission aimed to stop the ongoing violence between the government of Sudan and rebellious groups in Darfur that had caused the deaths of thousands of civilians since 2003. The Darfur conflict was originated from a competition due to the lack of natural resources; however, over the years, conflict Darfur evolved into a conflict regarding equality between two major groups in Africa, that is, Africans and non-Africans. Darfur is a state under the regional organization of African Union, so the African Union felt to have the responsibility to intervene the conflict in Darfur. African Union’s decision to intervene the conflict was prompted by African Union’s article that stated that African Union has the right to intervene a member of the union if in the case of genocide, war or crimes against humanity. AMIS started its operation in July 2004 and consisted of about 150 military armies. However, through the years AMIS continuously experienced an increase in the number of military components and in 2007 AMIS had 7000 military personnel in Darfur. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of AMIS in resolving the Darfur conflict. The research used deductive method
Pelestarian Kearifan Lokal Desa Pakraman Tenganan Pegringsingan dalam Pengelolaan Hutan Saputro, Fajar Bagus Ekanda; Mulyono, Joko
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract Local wisdom of Pakraman Tenganan Pegringsingan villagers highly contributes to the conservation of forests in the village area. In today’s globalization and modernization era in which the existence of local wisdom is considered to be fading in various community groups, the community local wisdom in the form of awig-awig governing the forest management still exists until now. The consistent existence of local knowledge is closely linked to conservation efforts in order to maintain its existence in community live. This research aimed to describe the preservation of local wisdom in forest management undertaken by community members of Pakraman Pegringsingan Tenganan Village. The explanation of this used a dialectical theory of objective structures and subjective phenomena by Pierre Bourdieu. The research applied qualitative approach, and the informants were determined using purposive sampling. Data collection used observation, interview, and documentation. The research results showed that the efforts of local wisdom preservation in the form of awig-awig that governs the forest management in community of Tenganan Pakraman Pegringsingan village were conducted by documentation, systematization, translation improvement into Indonesian, and socialization of awig-awig. The local wisdom has been a habitus in the local community, in which the habitus is dialectically related to the field that supports the sustainability of local wisdom in the live of people in Pakraman Tenganan Pegringsingan.
Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Kota Batu sebagai Daerah Otonom Baru Zaenurullah, Lutfi; B, Boedijono; Suryawati, Dina
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract Decentralization and local autonomy provide opportunities for the regions (province and regency/city) in Indonesia to undertake regional expansion. The implication is that the number of new autonomous regions (DOB) is higher and higher. However, the DOBs, viewed from the economic growth, tend to be under the parent regions. This means that the DOBs cannot respond to the demands of the expansion goals related to the acceleration of the regional economic development. Batu City was designated as a DOB through Law No. 11 Year 2001 on the establishment of Batu City. The economic growth of Batu City in 2002-2011 continuously increased and was higher than the average growth of Malang Regency which is the parent area of Batu City. This research was intended to determine the role of Batu City Government in improving its economic growth and analyze whether there was a sector shift in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Batu City. This type of research is descriptive with qualitative approach. In addition, to identify changes in leading sector of GDP in Batu City used Klassen’s typology analysis.
Penyesuaian Pasangan Pernikahan Hasil Ta’aruf Awaris, Ahmad Fauzan; Hidayat, Nurul
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract Marriage by ta'aruf (an introduction of the couples based on Islamic values) has lack of familiarity with either the spouse’s behavior or character because the process is short and the interaction is limited, so that people who perform ta'aruf are likely to face family problems, and their inability to adjust to these issues will tend to led to divorce. The purpose of this research was to describe the problems of the married couples by ta'aruf and the adjustment mechanism of couples married by ta'aruf in dealing with family problems that are much discussed in Family Sociology. This research used a qualitative descriptive method, and the research area was in Jember Regency. Informants were determined by purposive sampling, and data were collected by observation, interview, and documentation. Data validity test applied triangulation technique. Data analysis was by collecting all data, sorting data, interpreting data and theory, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The research results showed that the couples married by ta'aruf had adjustment that marriage is a means to improve obedience to God, meaning that the interactions built are not only on the basis of the rights of and obligations of the spouse but also as a form of obedience to God; it is not a matter of unity and bound by the word of marriage, but there is a demand of rights, obligations and responsibilities that must be carried out, which are not only accounted to the spouse but also to God.

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