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Haris Murwadi
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Jurnal Arsitektur
Core Subject : Social, Engineering,
arsitektur dan lingkungan binaan, serta bidang ilmu lain yang sangat erat kaitannya seperti perencanaan kota dan daerah, desain interior, perancangan lansekap, dan sebagainya.
Articles 6 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 13, No 1 (2023): Januari" : 6 Documents clear
Characteristics Study of Raft Houses in the Musi River of Palembang Anta Sastika; Raden Ahmad Nur Ali; Cito Pringga Yudha
Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 13, No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/ja.v13i1.2331


Palembang is one of the cities in Indonesia which has a large river, namely the Musi River. The Musi River divides the city of Palembang into two parts, namely across the Ulu and across the Ilir. The life of the people of Palembang has been very close to the river where many life activities take place in the river. Along the river there are many traditional settlements, one of which is a raft house we called is rumah rakit. The beginning of the appearance of the raft house is inseparable from the political history in the Palembang, where at that time foreigners who came to the Palembang were not allowed to have a place to live on the mainland, so many immigrants built houses on the river. But now the existence of raft houses is starting to be abandoned along with changes in the government system where everyone can own and build a house on the mainland. The characteristics of buildings above the river certainly have significant differences when compared to buildings built on land, so it is necessary to conduct an in-depth study of raft houses. This study aims to determine the characteristics of the raft house in terms of architecture, structure, building materials and utility systems. To find the characteristics of the raft house, this research was conducted through a descriptive-analytic qualitative research method approach, namely analyzing each component of the raft building. The results obtained in the study indicate that the design of the raft house is an adaptive result to the geographical conditions of the Musi river and is different from existing buildings on the mainland.
Study on the References of Architectural Heritage Adaptive Reuse Laretna Trisnantari Adishakti; Dimas Wihardyanto; Ikaputra Ikaputra; Dwita Hadi Rahmi; Dyah Titisari Widyastuti; Alyas Abibawa Widita
Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 13, No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/ja.v13i1.2773


Heritage Architectural Design or Olah Desain Arsitektur Pusaka (ODAP) in Bahasa Indonesia, has several names including adaptation architecture, filler architecture or infill design. ODAP is a method of architectural preservation that is carried out by grafting in new activities, and/or adding buildings either in part or in whole by first carrying out an in-depth study. As a method of preserving heritage, ODAP cannot separate itself from utilization strategies. This is because the preservation of architectural heritage will be meaningless if it is not able to provide benefits from a social, cultural and or economic perspective. Even further, it can become a source of new creativity in the field of architecture, arts and culture and its economic value. In order to achieve this, heritage conservation actors and related parties are required to have good sensitivity, taste, and creativity and have the desire to always develop. In this article, we will examine this ODAP, and how its role is to provide guidelines and considerations in design decisions for a heritage architecture so that it can be useful again in the future. 
Landscape Design for the South Labuhanbatu District Government Office Based on Eco-Design Heri Syahputra Pratama Siregar; Akhmad Arifin Hadi
Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 13, No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/ja.v13i1.2366


The Labuhanbatu Selatan city (KLS) is a newly expanded city established in 2008. The city is currently still in the development stage and has overcome the clearing of land for settlements, plantations, and government offices. Besides the infrastructure, the city also needs a public green open space that can balance the ecosystem and human needs. The city government office is an area that can be optimized as a city park. This study aims to create a design concept and design the landscape of the KLS government office. This research was conducted using a descriptive method through a field survey and questionnaires distribution, which was done in four stages: preparation stage, data collection, data processing (concept, analysis, and synthesis), and design. The results show that KLS landscape can be improved by adding trees, shrubs, lawns, retention ponds, plazas, and benches to conserve ecology and human amenity.
Settlement Pattern Morphology of Ampera Village Yenny Novianti; Armelia Dafrina; Fikri Azmi Arta
Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 13, No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/ja.v13i1.2635


Kampung Ampera is one of the traditional settlements in the modern era and still maintains its customs. The Malay ethnicity is a characteristic of the people of Kampung Ampera. A settlement formed for the royal, colonial and modern eras. This settlement pattern is interesting to study because its living is part of historical growth and a form of settlement pattern that continues to grow and develop all this time. Not only that, the existence of a settlement pattern that persists with the traditional settlement pattern is the identity of the Malay community's settlement pattern. The formulation of the problem studied is the morphology of settlement patterns in the three periods and the factors that influence changes in their development. This research aims to identify the morphology of settlement patterns and the factors that affect them. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with an explanatory approach, showing the perspective of looking for an explanation of how this phenomenon can occur based on facts. The analysis technique used in settlement morphology is mapping settlement patterns in the royal (1750-1860), colonial (1860-1870), and modern (1900-present) periods. The morphological study of the settlements of Kampung Ampera includes, namely: land use, building typology, road network (linkage), and plot pattern (district). The study found that the morphology pattern spread linearly following the original river network to become a road network, the effect factor in the settlement was the view through the ecistic element factors.
Thermal Comfort of Ad-Du’a Mosque in Bandar Lampung City, Indonesia Ai Siti Munawaroh; M. Ilyas Kurniawan; M. Khoirudin Rais; Thufail Amarullah
Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 13, No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/ja.v13i1.2713


The mosque is a place of worship for Muslims. Worship here is not merely a place to pray and recite the Koran, but activities that can get rewards and intercession in this world and the hereafter such as lectures, studies, discussions, and other positive things. The thermal in the room greatly affects the occupants and visitors. This study aims to determine the thermal at the Ad-Du’a Mosque. The method used is by measuring directly and gradually. The instrument used is thermohygrometers and anemometers. Thermohygrometer is used for measuring temperature and humidity. While, anemometer is used for measuring air velocity. The study was conducted at 5 points, 4 points in the room and 1 point on the terrace which is inside or on the terrace using artificial air conditioning (AC). The research results show that the thermal comfort inside the mosque does not meet SNI 03-6572-2001 and ASHRAE 55. The thermal comfort outside the mosque does not meet SNI 03-6572-2001, but meets ASHRAE 55.
Pedestrian Destinations and Behavior in Bandar Lampung City Center by Mode of Transportation Haris Murwadi; Mahendra Eka Perkasa; B. Chrysvania Artemisia; Panca Indra
Jurnal Arsitektur Vol 13, No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/ja.v13i1.2759


A city that has a variety of destinations will attract many people to come to visit. People who visit using private vehicles have an impact on the route and increase gas emissions that can damage the environment. Reducing gas emissions in the environment needs to be done by changing transportation to transportation that does not produce gas emissions (green transportation). Destinations that go with green transportation require proper pedestrian paths. This study aims to determine which pedestrian paths are often traversed by the community and the relationship between modes of transportation and the intended destination. The research method used is qualitative with data collection carried out through the distribution of online questionnaires. Data were analyzed by correspondence analysis and clustering analysis. The findings resulting from this study are (1) Jalan Z.A. Pagar Alam and Jalan Raden-Intan are routes that have a high impact on the economy, while Jalan Imam Bonjol and Jalan Teuku Umar are routes that are often used when going to public buildings (low economy), (2) People tend to use green transportation (walking) towards public buildings, while people who use motorized vehicles tend to go to commercial areas.

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