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International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL)
ISSN : 23031417     EISSN : -     DOI : -
Core Subject : Education,
This Proceedings contains papers submitted and presented at the International Conference on Education and Language in 2013 and 2014. 2nd International Conference on Language Education hosted by the University of Bandar Lampung on 20-22 May 2014, at the graduate campus, the University of Bandar Lampung (UBL), Lampung, Indonesia.
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Articles 199 Documents
Student Teacher’s Reflective Skill: Phenomenology Study About the Experience of Teaching Practice in ESL Classrooms in a Primary School in Batam Meri Fuji Siahaan
International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) Vol 1 (2014): 2nd ICEL 2014
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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Reflection is an important component of the teaching profession. It is the process of looking at information or events, evaluating them, and using the results to change or enhance future events. As teachers engage in reflection, they become more critical about their own teaching practices, consequently, they become more effective.This Phenomenology study explored the reflective skill of a student teacher during teaching practice in an ESL class in one of the primary schools in Batam. It was also aimed to see the impact of her reflective skill for her teaching practices. Instruments for data collection included reflection journal reviews and an interview. The study concluded that she reflected well on the students’ understanding of the material, consequently improving her teaching strategies. However, she did not reflect on how she handled her students ‘negative behaviour. 
The Strategies Of English Pragmatic Competence Of Pre-School Aged Children Nur Arifah Drajati
International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) Vol 2 (2013): 1st ICEL 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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Pre-school aged children employ certain strategies in order to acquire language, including pragmatic competence in English of pre-school aged children. The studies are to investigate the learning strategies to acquire pragmatic competence in English of pre-school aged children and to investigate the communication strategies to acquire pragmatic competence in English of pre-school aged children.The research employs a qualitative approach with sectional design. The data are spoken speeches gathered from observation of 4 children of 4, 5, 6, and 7 years old. The collected data are analyzed by using performance analysis technique. The analysis is based on linguistic behaviors and actual speeches performed by the subjects as reflection of their pragmatic competence and strategies to acquire it.The analysis of the data came up with the following finding. The learning strategies to acquire pragmatic competence consist of cognitive strategies and social strategies. The cognitive strategies contain four types: imitating speeches, repeating strategies, revising speeches and translating in the form of translation from Indonesian into English. The social strategies consist of two types requesting clarification and asking for inter-responses.Second, the communication strategies to acquire pragmatic competence of pre-school aged children  consist of two categories:non-verbal form and verbal form. The non verbalform include the use of pictures and songs and strategies of expressing speech contents.The findings contribute to the development of the theory of language acquisition strategies, particularly the theories of learning strategies and communication strategies. Practically, the findings of the study can broaden the educator’s knowledge of strategies in acquiring pragmatic competence of child learners.
Exploring the Learning of Language Through Global Dance and Music: a Theoretical Analysis Norah Banafi
International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) Vol 1 (2014): 2nd ICEL 2014
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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This research paper explores theories behind Total Physical Response (T.P.R) methods and psychology by associating them with music in order to examine the role of listening to music and dancing in language learning. This research utilises the five pillars of Zumba (music, dance, the power of now, enjoyment, and relaxing) that may create an environment for motivating language fluency learning and investigates whether these pillars have the potential for making Zumba, a global phenomenon in teaching languages. Studies depicting how listening to music facilitates foreign language learning will be outlined. This is a personal form of ethnographic research requiring the participant researcher to investigate the role of music and dance in increasing learner motivation learning the English language.  
Students’ Coherence Development in Learning English a Case Study in Writing Class at English Department Year 2009-2008 in FKIP UHN Pematang Siantar Reina Adelina Sipahutar; Bertaria Sohnata Hutauruk
International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) Vol 2 (2013): 1st ICEL 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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This paper deals with the Students’ Coherence Development in learning English Language: A case study in Writing Class at English Department Year 2009-2008 in FKIP UHN Pematangsiantar. The writers have the basic assumptions that the students have problems in developing of topic sentence into a reasonable number of supporting sentences such as cohesion, coherence, and unity of the paragraph  All the data are analyzed based on the writing with its definition, recount paragraph, types of paragraph, topic sentence, supporting sentence and conclusion. It relates to the theory of Alexander (1965), Harmer (2003), Herman (2009), McCrimon (1963) and Weaver (1975). The subject is the students at English department in FKIP UHN Pematangsiantar year 2009-2009. After analyzing the data, the writer found that After analyzing the data, there are some research findings as the following: (1) there is not well-structured sentence and the supporting sentences are not relevant to prove the topic sentence. (2) topic sentence is not clear because it’s not relevant to the main topic “my campus” that will be elaborated in the paragraph and the word order of the topic sentence is not well-ordered and supporting sentences are not relevant to prove the topic sentence. (3) Some of the supporting sentences are not relevant to support the topic sentence. The students have some mistakes in word choice and structures.  For example there should be written “complete facility” instead of fasilities completely. (4) topic sentence is not specific and the topic sentence and the supporting sentences are not correlated. Some of words in the text are misspelled. As the conclusion:  first there are lacks in formulating the topic sentences and supporting sentences. Second, the coherence is mostly not well-applied in each data because the supporting sentences are not well-ordered to make the data in logical order. 
Understanding Some Aspects of Discourse Acquisitionin NNs Setting Tagor Pangaribuan
International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) Vol 2 (2013): 1st ICEL 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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What happens in EFL learners’ black box? This research is a quest for process-product in of learners’ classroom acquisition in non native setting (NNs). The question to quest is what discourse do these learners acquire? To what extent studentscontiniously improve when they learn english during the semester as shown in their writing. To what extent do the discourses are reflecting their English Communicative competence. The subjects covers learners  of 2nd semester at English Department attending writing –I (2 credits). They have 16 sessions but the with diary as their extrawork activities to support their learnings. The interpretive analysis shows tentative trend that NNs learners, english communicative competence.Learningenglish in Nonnative (NNs) setting is tough matter. Thousands of english learners in Pematangsiantar Indonesia, and other places as well are striving to achieve more or less some good english. Every year these learners explore the routes, search what other says, and follow what teachers suggest. Every NNs learner hopes to get the right track. The following is a longitudional survey of how NNs english grow through semesters. The learners are 2nd semester students in writing I, backgriunded in rural or remote schools entering english department. They start with a strong motive to study english but with very limited prior knowledge after grade 12. The study focus on student’s writing. 
Distribution of Daily Use Local Language in Indonesia Suparman Ibrahim Abdullah; . Yunita; Maria C.
International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) Vol 1 (2014): 2nd ICEL 2014
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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Indonesia is a pluralistic country, composed of many ethnic, religious affiliation, diverse arts and culture, use of language in everyday situations scattered throughout the archipelago. It is to inspire social and cultural programs that are very complex. While the development of infrastructure and economic development is interrupted, due to the distortion of the political developments in Indonesia.Development issues related to education , specifically in Indonesian language should be designed better .This paper discusses the prevalence of daily use of vernacular languages in Indonesia . In particular the spoken language used by speakers of most languages there are nine . The ninth language speakers dispersal shifting all over the archipelago during the 40 years 1980 -2010 . This language is Batak , Balinese , Bugis,Banjar , Madura , Malay , Minangkabau , Sundanese , Javanese .
Communicative Approach in Language Teaching: a Method to Improve Students’ Interpersonal Skills Ana Elvia Jakfar; Irfan Dwi Yulianto
International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) Vol 2 (2013): 1st ICEL 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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AbstractCommunicative approach has become a popular method used in teaching and learning a language. This method has also been widely used in Indonesia for teaching and learning English. The basic assumption used by this method is that language is a means of communication, so that when learning a language the learners also need to engage in meaningful communicative activity. Thus, typical classroom activities involved many interactions among the language learners and the teachers, for example, role playing, information gap activities, and games. Consequently, for the success of the classroom activity, the students not only need to be taught the language skills needed but also the interpersonal skills. Interpersonal skills defines as the ability to interact effectively with someone and teamwork. Furthermore, interpersonal skills such as leveraging diversity, empathy, leadership, influence, communication, conflict management, and synergy are soft skills that students need to master, especially since Indonesia Education system decided to include soft skills in the curriculum. It means that teacher needs to use teaching methods that can develop students’ hard skills and soft skills.This presentation aims at reporting a research result that investigated the use of communicative approach to teach both language skills and interpersonal skills of the students. A literature review on the communicative approach teaching method and the importance of interpersonal skills for successful communication will be reviewed. Finally, the presentation will discuss about the practical recommendations on how to use the approach, so that it can develop both the language skills and the interpersonal skills of the students. 
The Effect of Active Learning Methods Terjun-Tulis-Saji to the Improvement of Scientific Literacy and Mastery of Biology Competencies of Senior High School Students Wirastini Komang Ayu; Herawati Susilo; Hadi Suwono
International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) Vol 1 (2014): 2nd ICEL 2014
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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The Science Curriculum 2013 is designed to develop students’ scientific literacy. Scientific literacy involves mastery of science concept, process skill, attitude, as well as writing skill. This study investigated the attainment of scientific literacy and biology competencies of 10th grade science students at SMAK Kolese Santo Yusup, Malang, Indonesia. The method of this study was quasi experiment by using nonequivalent pretest posttest control group design. Based on existing theoretical framework, assessment were developed to know the concept mastery, ability to apply biology concept to solve authentic problem, and publish the findings through on line social media. To improve student’s scientific literacy, the active learning model called Terjun Tulis Saji (TTS) was applied. The TTS method guided the students to collect data and information based on their question or problem, analyze of the data and information to construct new understanding and thinking, represent and communicate the findings. The result of the study showed significant differences of scientific literacy and biology competencies between control and experiment group. The effect of TTS on scientific literacy and biology competencies of students in biology lesson were discussed. 
The Influence of Series Picture on the Students’ Writing Recount Text Ability . Kurniawati; Yanuar Dwi Prastyo; Imam Subari
International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) Vol 2 (2013): 1st ICEL 2013
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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The purpose of teaching learning English is to develop four language skills, such as, listening, reading, speaking, and writing. The students are expected to be able to master the four skills. So that they can communicate effectively in English, either in spoken or written. But many students still often find difficulties in the learning process, especially in learning writing. The teachers must be able to find out a strategy in learning English included in writing skill. The English teachers can use some interesting methods in their teaching process, such as, using series picture. It can be used to motivate the students in developing their vocabularies to express their ideas. This research is aimed at finding out the influence of series picture on the students’ writing recount text ability. In this research, the writer used two classes as the experimental and control class. Based on the result of the data analysis which used t-test formula, it was found that there was influence of using series picture towards students’ writing ability in recount text at the second semester of grade eleventh at SKM N 1 Tanjungsari South Lampung in academic year 2011-2012. In significant level of 0.05, t-test is higher than t-table, t-test > t-table = 3.75 > 1.999. It also can be seen from the score of experimental class is 9.73 and score of control class is 7.61. It means that the score of experimental class was higher than control class
At a Glance Information System in LMS for Education Language Arnes Yuli Vandika; Eka Imama Novita Sari; Ade Kurniawan; Dina Ika Wahyuningsih
International Conference on Education and Language (ICEL) Vol 2 (2014): 2nd ICEL 2014
Publisher : Bandar Lampung University (UBL)

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Education can not be separated from the use of technology, especially educational language is sometimes very dependent on the technology itself. It is the one who pushed for the creation of creativity in technology transfer. A frequent problem in learning is often caused by the lack of media to assist students in learning and teaching activities. For that created various models of technology systems. and one of them is the LMS or Learning Management System. LMS or Learning Management System is one example for the application of advanced technology-based learning. Where the use of this technology is a very important role to provide information system to the users of this case is the students. 

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