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EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Among the important characteristics that God created in man is the physiological impulses. These impulses are divided into 2 (two) parts: fi rst, the need for individual survival. Second, it is the need for the survival of its kind. The fi rst impulses are such as eating, drinking, and so on, while the second included a sexual impulse. These impulses are given, so that the distribution also includes nature as well. Islam teaches that human beings are able to manage impulses and tendencies of the sexual instinct. Psychologists and education experts have stated that a teenager in the absence of activity in leisure time (the length), it will arise in his mind a variety of fantasy, especially fantasy about the sexual impulses of instinct. The last possibility is the most frequently attacked by the teenagers, because it is the conservative nature of instinct. It is said to be conservative because the goal is to restore someone to calm the situation existing before the shock. In some cases, especially in satisfying the sexual impulse, there is going to peak tension before the fi nal appeasement. Being the ultimate goal of the sexual impulse is the calmness of a stimulus, in which case it would be worse if the individual is more controlled by his “id” elements. Sexual drive was created solely as a means of attracting men gave the seeds and place women in a situation where he could do a process of reproduction, so they could get together gently in order to get a descent, as a hunter get his quarry, and this is achieved through a sexual intercourse . Allah SWT creates two sexes male and female, each completed by a certain anatomical allowing them to complement each other as the embodiment of His will. Keywords: Education, Sex, Islam, Men, Women, sexual intercourse, and offspring
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Spiritual intelligence is supposed to be the main concernin education. This is done by the teaching of religio use thical values by example from the family, school and community. Through the practice of worship, such as fasting together, reading and under standing the holy book the Qur’an, physical and social environment that is conducive. When the spirituality of the students isorganized, it will be easier to organize other aspects of personality. Fasting during Ramadanis amomentum for character building. Fasting will cause people to have strong principles, patience, and sincerity does not give up and have the solidarity and love each other. That principle has now started to disappear. Moment of Ramadan may also be a school agenda for character building, with this fast media, students are expected to remember and go back to the true identity of the sacred and sublime, with the values of humanity that wisdom and tact. When the value of human nature came back, then the value of equality and solidarity will color the days of the student, fasting has a horizontal dimension with a strong social life such as charity, served meals the orphans, be patientin accepting the problem. There are excellent values for character building of students. It is appropriateif the moment of Ramadan fasting would be passedonin the schools after the month of Ramadanin shaping the character of students through the activities of the Sunnah fasting together twicea week Monday-Thursday, or give students the freedom tonegotiateto determine how many times a week or every month held sunnah fasting together, the idea of Sunnah fasting is to be very effective infl uence on the formation of student character. Keywords : character education, fasting
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Character education in Islam has started since the coming of the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, that He sent Rasullullah Muhammad is to perfect the noble character. Thus, the lessons that can be taken to create a peaceful nation, safe and civilized the major steps that must be taken is to provide good moral or character fi rst before doing another development. Character education should be oriented to the moral component that includes moral knowledge, moral sense and moral action. 1) Moral knowledge consists of moral awareness, knowledge of moral values, moral development moral reasoning and self-knowledge; 2) Moral sense consists of conscience, self-esteem, empathy, loving kindness, self-control, and humility; 3) Moral action consists of competence, willingness, and habits. Character education based on Islam means character education which their components include moral knowledge, moral sense and moral action. Those morals are explored and developed based on Islam values. Character education will make students characterless while character education based on Islam will make students have Islamic character Keywords : character education, Islamic values, Islamic character
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Abstract; Developing curriculum in Islamic education programme is not only to change the subject matter but also to increase substances of curriculum its self. Developing consists of planning, model, implementation, and evaluation. Curriculum was designed as an Islamic programme, namely Islamic studies, basic sciences in social and statistic, educational matters, and practicum. Evaluation is one of procedures to pass every subject matter, and then fi nal examination for scription. Developing programme for this curriculum to renew is every four or fi ve years. Keywords : Curriculum, Islamic Education
PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI PESANTREN; Antara Ortodoksi dan Liberasi Pemikiran Keagamaan kasdi, Abdurrohman
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Today boarding schools (Pesantrens) are faced with issues of orthodoxy and liberation in religious thought. The thought of orthodoxy in boarding schools appears on attitude to literalism, dogmatism, normativism, sacrifaction, and etc. This can be seen from the dogma that “believed” by the pesantren community that what is on the yellow holy books is something that must be followed and believed. Yellow holy Book is considered sacred and should not be criticized. In addition, boarding schools are also faced with the challenge of the Liberal Islam, by bringing forward ratios and interpret religious texts in context. Doing the reading strategies of the religious text itself for continuity to make the production of new meanings that are relevant to contemporary conditions. From the womb of liberal Islamic thought is then born the terms of Islamic rational, Islam is an inclusive, pluralist Islam, Islam is tolerant and such. Here, there are two things that can be used as a portrait of a way of thinking students in developing their religious thought. First, the empowerment of reason in developing a religious paradigm. Reason, which, according to Mohammed al-Jabiri Abied as a means of growth and development of the Contemporary Arab civilization, as well as Islam. This method is more advanced logic in the view of religious issues. Second, accepting differences of opinion in matters that are Furu ‘(branch). This attitude is not a new thing, because Islamic scholars (scholars) used to the differences of opinion and polemic between them. Even Imam Shafi ’i admitted that his opinions are believed to be true, did not rule contain an error. Likewise, other people’s opinions, did not rule contains the truth. Keywords: Islamic Education, Pesantren, Orthodoxy, Liberation
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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First order in the fi rst verse of Al-Qur’an inspires people, especially Muslim to do learning. The learning process in fact goes to anyone, adults, adolescents, children, even babies starting from their birth. This paper is going to drop a line within adolescents and adults learning. Both of the fi gures need to learn as well. Conversely, in one condition they face into dual vital options, working and learning at the same time. Working for living and learning for achievement in working. Learning on the weekend becomes the only one option for keeping both job and study for a worker. Nowadays, many campuses commonly open weekendprogram which is familiar in the name of non-regular program. The difference managements between regular and non-regular students take place on the tuition fee, the curriculum (even some are the same), and of course the effective days of study. In contrast, even non-regular students do activeness in the classroom; they have no much time in balancing their activeness by doing objections. As Islamic fi gures that are full of activity, they constantly negotiate time and assignment. Busyness requires them for dividing time between jobs, Islamic occasions/ organization, and study. No more choice for them in selecting the program/ department/faculty that is appropriate in their educational background has been another challenge for the working man. However, interest and motivation play a role in the learning of more nonregular students. In addition, some teacher/lecturer’ approaches in refreshing the learning goal brainpower of them are by introducing the learning concept (course contract) in the fi rst meeting helps much in creating longer goal for students, being an advisor for those who are feeling un well due to mistakenly entered a department (enforced feeling), smoothing students’ progress by facilitating additional (Islamic) knowledge they need. Key Words: learning goal, non-regular students, Islamic college
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Electing leaders (Rector, Directoror Chairman) in an important position, is based on a motive. By these criticisms and global challenges, to over come this heavy responsibility, college management should be supported by quality leaders and suffi cient managers. Leadership in the context of college is academic leadership. In general, leadership means a person’s ability to infl uence or motivate others, to do something to achieve a certain goal, while academic leadership can be defi ned as aperson’s ability to understand and empower university strength sin the implementation of Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi. For this reason, an academic leader at all levels of the organization must have the vision and ability to cooperate with academics, administrative staff and partner sin communicating the vision of the institution. Without this ability, the process of continuous improvement as one of the pillars of improving the quality of education will be very diffi cult to be achieved. Keywords: Leader, College, Performance of Lecturer.
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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This goal of this research is to determine the differences adjustment of students of STAIN Kudus graduated from public school and Islamic school (Madrasah). The sampling technique in this study is purposive random sampling. They are 25 students of STAIN Kudus who graduated from Islamic school and 25 students of STAIN Kudus who graduated frompublic school. This research uses questionnaire of adjustment scale. For analysing data, I use program Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) for Windows version 11.0. The result of this research is the Equal variances assumed t at the signifi cance level = 0415 is 0680. It means that the probability 0.680 > 0.05. The price of table t (0.05, DF 48) = 0681. Thus t = 0415
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Schools/madrasah examination is often overlooked by the practitioner as the importance of education, especially in the last 5 years, ie since the establishment of a national exam. As we know that it is the fi nal assessment for all subjects in the group of religious and noble character, civic groups and personalities, aesthetics, and the physical, sports, and health. Final assessment is used as one of the requirements for determining the graduation of students from the educational unit. (Department of Education, 2008:24-25) Graduation criteria as stated in the Minister of Education No. 45/2010 of which states that graduation of students in national examinations is determined by the combination of the results of school examinations and the results of a national examination with 60% weighting of the national examination and 40% school/ madrasah examination. (Article 6) As for the subjects that are not tested in the national, graduation of students is determined by the combined value of the average value of the semester report cards 1,2,3,4 and 5 with the results of the schools/madrasah examination with a weighting of 60% fi nal examination and 40% of the average value of the semester report cards 1,2,3,4 and 5. It is a very signifi cant role in determining the graduation of students (Article 5). This study will reveal the quality of the exam tests at school/madrasah of aspects of the preparation procedure, the validity and reliability levels. In particular, this study will analyze three aspects are the subjects of Islamic Religious Education high school level. The research method used is a mixture of research methods (mixed method) qualitative-quantitative model of Sequential Explanatory Design as presented by John W. Creswell. (Creswell, 2010:209) Key Words: Validity, Reliability, Islamic Religious Subject, Examination
EDUKASIA Vol 9, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Edukasia
Publisher : EDUKASIA

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Being the English Teacher that very active – inovative is very nice because can make the English teaching – learning process as well as possible for the students, so they are far from boringness in the class room and the teacher can improve the English mastery as The Translator of Indonesia Dangdut Song to the English Dangdut Song. Administratively, the teacher can design the KTSP curriculum that wants to implement communicative language teaching as well as the Professional English Teacher, so the students have the language competent to communicate with the others. To achieve language skill competence, the students ought to have the language components competence; they are spelling, pronunciation, vocabulary and structure. Practically, to achieve speaking mastery like native speaker, the English teacher ought to guide students learn seriously the length, strong and weak form, the stressing, pitch control, intonation, and English stress-timed rhythm of speech. The English teacher ought to innovative in making teaching – learning process for these materials. Especially for strange students, learning English has many external and internal challenges and problem. In the teaching – learning process, the English teacher ought to have policy and strategy in facing the students that has many problems with the physical and psychological condition; both are very important factors that are affecting the success of the teaching – learning speaking English process. The fi rst step is the English teacher takes the students’ motivation and attitude out, and then takes the counselling policy and strategy in teaching - learning speaking English process to make the students have good mastery in speaking English; Especially, the teacher make the Teaching Model collaborate with sing the English Dangdut song to carry out their aptitude as a Dangdut Singer. Key Words: Speaking English, Singer Aptitude, the English Dangdut song, Singing strategy

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