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Mozaik Humaniora
Published by Universitas Airlangga
ISSN : 24428469     EISSN : 2442935X     DOI : -
Mozaik Humaniora is a journal that focuses on the scope of humanities and accepts articles on cultural studies, linguistic and literary studies, as well as philology and historical studies.
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Articles 171 Documents
Representasi Perempuan Tangguh Dalam Video Game Dreadout: Sebuah Kajian Adaptasi Nirmala Khairunnisa Budi
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mozaik.v20i2.21177


Perempuan selalu digambarkan memiliki kepribadian yang lemah, irasional, dan pasif, sedangkan laki-laki selalu digambarkan memiliki kepribadian yang kuat, rasional, dan aktif. Stereotip mengenai laki-laki dan perempuan dapat memengaruhi posisi seseorang dalam kehidupan sosialnya. Stereotip gender menjadi tema utama yang di angkat oleh Digital Happiness. Digital Happiness merilis dua media dengan ideologi yang berbeda, yaitu buku komik Dreadout dan video game Dreadout. Video game Dreadout diadaptasi dari buku komik Dreadout. Buku komik menggambarkan laki-laki sebagai tokoh utama yang tangguh, sedangkan video game menggambarkan perempuan sebagai tokoh utama yang tangguh. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji adaptasi video game Dreadout untuk mengetahui representasi perempuan tangguh yang berbeda dengan stereotip gender yang telah ada. Pembahasan pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menawarkan sebuah temuan bahwa perempuan dapat memiliki sisi maskulin, serta mengetahui ideologi yang ingin disampaikan oleh Digital Happiness kepada penonton.
Analisis Generation Gap dan Kafkaesque Modern dalam Film A Coffee in Berlin (Generation Gap and Modern Kafkaesque Analysis in A Coffee in Berlin Movie) Lisda Liyanti; Febri Dahara
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mozaik.v20i2.17821


              AbstrakSetelah Chlöe Swarbrick, seorang politikus asal New Zealand mengungkapkan frasa ‘OK Boomer’ pada pidatonya mengenai perubahan iklim, frasa tersebut marak digunakan di sosial media dalam menanggapi isu perbedaan opini dan pandangan antar generasi. Dalam memahami isu tersebut dibutuhkan pemahaman mengenai fenomena generation gap. Fenomena tersebut tercemin dalam film A Coffee in Berlin (2014) karya Jan-Ole Gerster yang menjadi korpus dalam penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan aspek pembentuk generation gap dalam film  serta kaitannya dengan unsur kafkaesque lalu menghubungkan keduanya dengan simbolisme kopi.  Fokus penelitian ini terletak pada interaksi the silent generation, baby boomer dan millennials dan dampaknya terhadap Niko Fischer, tokoh utama dalam film, sebagai milenial. Teori generasi oleh Karl Mannheim, metode kualitatif dengan cara tinjauan pustaka serta pendekatan semiotika digunakan untuk mencari makna dari percakapan dan adegan dalam film. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa fenomena generation gap dalam film mengandung dua relasi kuasa yang berbeda yaitu berupa kekecewaan dan harapan baru bagi milenial. Terdapat pula simbolisme kopi dalam film. Dalam konteks generation gap, kopi menyimbolkan harapan baru bagi generasi muda. Sedangkan dalam konteks kafkaesque kopi tersebut menyimbolkan ironi dan perasaan frustasi untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang diinginkan  Kata kunci: Generation Gap, A Coffee in Berlin, Kafkaesque Modern, Kopi            AbstractSince Chlöe Swarbrick, a politician from New Zealand stated the phrase ‘OK Boomer’ in her speech about the climate change, the phrase is now widely used in social media in response to the issue of differences of opinion and views between generations. To understand this issue, we need to understand the phenomenon of generation gap. This phenomenon is reflected in the film A Coffee in Berlin (2014) by Jan-Ole Gerster, which becomes a corpus of this research. This research aims to explain the aspects behind the generation gap phenomenon and its relation to kafkaesque elements with coffee as the media to symbolize both. This research will focus on the generation gap phenomenon between the silent generation, baby boomers, and millennials, as well as the impact felt by Niko Fischer, the main character in the film, as a millennial. Theory of Generations by Karl Mannheim, qualitative methods, literature review and semiotics approach are used to find the meaning from conversation and scences in the film. The results show that the generation gap phenomenon contains two different power relations in the form of dissapointment and new hope for millennials. The generation gap and kafkaesque situations are displayed through coffee symbolism in the film. In the context of the generation gap, coffee symbolizes new hope for younger generation. In the context of kafkaesque, it symbolizes irony and the frustation of obtaining something that is desired.  Keywords: Generation Gap, A Coffee in Berlin, Modern Kafkaesque, Coffee
Institutional Racism and Black Resistance as Portrayed through Images and Narratives in American Graphic Novels Titien Diah Soelistyarini; Nuril Rinahayu; Ridha Dinauri Nuswantari
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mozaik.v20i2.22901


For centuries, racial discrimination and injustice have resulted in the struggle of African Americans to resist racial inequality. Nevertheless, their struggle has never been easy since racism against African Americans has long been institutionalized. In other words, any kinds of white oppression that marginalized, discriminated, and alienated African Americans have embedded in formal institutions, such as legal, educational, as well as social and political institutions. Accordingly, this study dealt with institutional racism and black resistance in the United States as portrayed through images and narratives in two American graphic novels, Octavia E. Butler’s Kindred: A Graphic Novel Adaptation and John Lewis’ March: Book Three, which depicted different ways African Americans were oppressed by and resisted against institutionalized racism. This study applied African American criticism to reveal the racism and black resistance portrayed in both graphic novels based on Feagin’s and Better’s theories of systemic racism and institutional racism. As this study focused on graphic novels, the analysis combined both narrative and non-narrative elements in making meaning through cues provided in the graphic novels, including stressed words and facial expressions. This study reveals that the whites have successfully oppressed African Americans for so long due to the white racial frame and its embedded racist ideology that enforced segregation system. Furthermore, the findings suggest that only by empowering themselves, African Americans are able to resist institutionalized racism in order to gain their freedom and equality of rights.
Commodification of The Mangalahat Horbo Bius Ritual on The Samosir Island North Sumatra: A Controversial Show Mangihut Siregar
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mozaik.v20i2.18709


The mangalahat horbo bius ritual is a Batak tradition to offer the best sacrifice to God called Mulajadi na Bolon. This tradition is carried out since they still adhere to the parbaringin flow. The entry of Dutch colonialism into Tapanuli resulted in this tradition being a forbidden tradition. In 2008, the government of Samosir Regency raised this tradition as a show of its purpose as a tourist attraction. Since it was made into a show, there were pros and cons in the community. To explore this attitude research needs to be done. This study uses a qualitative method. The researcher chose the informant purposively followed by the snowball technique. Selected informants: government, religious leaders, and traditional leaders. Data analysis was carried out from the time the study began until the inductive analytic descriptive research results. Theories used as analysis: the theory of power/ knowledge discourse, postcolonial theory, commodification theory, and social practice theory. The theory is used eclectically. The results showed that this ritual performance was counterproductive in increasing the number of visits.
Perlawanan Strategis Perempuan terhadap Eksploitasi Laki-laki dalam Novel Claudine en Menage (1902) Karya Gabriele Sidonie Colette Yuniarti Sibuea; Wening Udasmoro; Hayatul Cholsy
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mozaik.v20i2.21953


Kehidupan perempuan yang dianggap bergantung kepada laki-laki membuat perempuan diperlakukan semena-mena dan tidak adil. Claudine en Menage (1902) adalah novel karya seorang pengarang Prancis, Colette. Novel ini menceritakan tentang seorang perempuan yang hidup sebagai istri yang mengalami eksploitasi berlapis karena ras, budaya, dan seksualitasnya yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang terdekatnya, yaitu ayah dan suaminya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi ideologi dari novel terkait dengan perlawanan perempuan terhadap eksploitasi laki-laki dan mengajak pembaca untuk membuka paradigma baru yang lebih luas mengenai perlawanan perempuan tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori perlawanan perempuan dari Hélène Cixous, yang berpendapat bahwa perempuan dengan keahlian dan kemampuannya menulis mampu keluar dari belenggu penindasan yang mereka alami. Teori interseksionalitas dari Kimberlé Crénshaw, yang menerangkan tentang diskriminasi ganda perempuan yang bersifat interseksional yang memuat aspek ras, budaya, agama, serta seksualitas juga dijadikan lensa pendukung di dalam tulisan ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis isi cerita dengan fokus pengumpulan data dan analisis data pada kemampuan perempuan keluar dari belenggu patriarki dan mampu menjadi perempuan independen dengan kemampuan yang mereka miliki.Women's lives are seen as dependent on men, and as such they are prone to abuse and unfair treatment. Claudine en Menage (1902) is a novel written by the French author Colette, which narrates a woman's experiences with racial, cultural, and sexual exploitation at the hands of her father and husband. This study seeks to explore the novel's ideology, as related to its depiction of women's resistance to male exploitation and its invitation to readers to explore broader paradigms about said resistance. This study employs Hélène Cixous' theory of struggle, which holds that women are able to penetrate the barriers of oppression through their writing skills and abilities, and Kimberlé Crénshaw's theory of intersectionality, which holds that sexual discrimination intersects with racial, cultural, religious, and sexuality discrimination. This study uses content analysis methode, with a particular focus on collecting and analyzing data that depict women's ability to shatter barriers of patriarchy and become independent through their own abilities.
Agrarian Culture and Javanese Attachment to Their Land: A Study of Local Wisdom Values in Javanese Proverbs Dwi Wulan Pujiriyani
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mozaik.v20i2.21448


Agrarian culture is closely related to the scope of the relationship between humans and their agricultural land. This study aims to analyze the values of Javanese attachment to their land. This research was conducted using qualitative methods through proverbial analysis. Proverb analysis was done through the method of classifying or grouping keywords from 134 proverbs. The results show that Javanese attachment to their land can be found in two main dimensions, namely land as a source of income or land economy and landrootedness. In Javanese culture, it turns out that proverbs which contain the obligation to protect the land are stronger than proverbs that contain the right to make decisions on land. This indicates that culturally, the value of protecting the land is very important for Javanese people. Sanctions from the universe and the creator are strongly implied for them who negligent to maintain their land properly.
Remove the Wounds in the City (Policy) for Lepers in Surabaya in the 19th Century Moordiati Moordiati
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mozaik.v20i2.18287


This article aims to discuss about the treatment of people with leprosy (leprosy) in Surabaya during the nineteenth century.  The maltreatment can not be ignored since their existence was never really desirable  in the city, let alone the many stigmas that had already been attached to them. It is not unusual if people had the desire to  "remove" them from the city.  But apparently this action also not an easy matter to bring about, especially amid the presence of a wide range of arguments and the final decision as to whether or not "deletion" ( forced exile) supported the removal of  those lepers that occurred during this period.Keywords Lepers - Surabaya - policy - deletion - forced exile. 
Compounding in the Name of Animal Found in Rote Language of the Dengka Dialect Efron Erwin Yohanis Loe
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mozaik.v20i2.12692


Abstract The title of this research is compounding in the name of animal found in Rote language of the Dengka Dialect. The purpose of this research are to discover and to describe how the compounding process in the name of animal found in Rote language of the Dengka Dialect and how the structure of compounding in the name of animal found in Rote language of the Dengka Dialect. The compounding process found in the name of animal are in fowl, unfowl, and the animal of under the water.  Rote language was categorized of the family of Centre Malay Polynesia and as the agglutination language. It is consist of eighteen variation dialects, namely: Termanu, Korbafo, Landu, Ringgou, Oepao, Bilba, Diu, Lelenuk, Bokai, Talae, Keka, Ba’a, Lelain, Dengka, Oenale, Dela, Tii dan Lole. One of dialects that will be analized its compounding process is Dengka dialect. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The approach theory used to analyse the data based on the perspective of Katamba and Muslich. The structure of compound word in the name of animal found in Rote language of the Dengka dialect consists of two and three lexemes that has the same categorized and does not the same categorized. The data are obtained by using observation and interlocution method. Meanwhile the collected data techniques by using the techniques are covert in observation and interlocution methods. The techniques are covert in observation method namely: tap conversation technique, observe in conversation technique, free observe in conversation technique, writing and recording technique. The techniques are covert in interlocution method namely: stimulus technique, direct interview technique, indirect interview technique, writing and recording technique. All data were gotten from the informant. The result of data analyzed show that the compound word found in the name of animal dominated of endocentric compound. The structure of compound word construct of two and three lexemes, namely: [N+N]→[N], [N+ADJ]→[N] and [N]+[N]+[N]→[N], The compound word in the Dengka dialect was categorized as strong and permanent compound. The compound words are dominated of compound noun types. The types of compound word that found are tatpurusa and karmadharaya compound.
Recounting Traumatic Events: Pragmatic and Multimodal Discourse Analysis in Audrie and Daisy (Pengisahan Kejadian Traumatis: Analisis Wacana Multimodal dan Pragmatik dalam Audrie dan Daisy) Natasya Abrinta Debora; Marti Fauziah Ariastuti
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mozaik.v20i2.17575


AbstrakFilm sebagai wacana sinematik dapat menjadi media untuk membahas hasil kerja sistem linguistik, fitur audio-visual, dan efek visual lainnya dengan menggunakan pendekatan pragmatik. Makalah ini bertujuan menganalisis wacana sinematik sebuah film dokumenter berjudul Audrie and Daisy, yang menggambarkan kronologi perundungan dan kekerasan seksual yang dialami oleh dua siswi sekolah menengah bernama Audrie dan Daisy, dengan menggunakan pendekatan pragmatik. Makalah ini menjelaskan bagaimana sistem linguistik yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan bahasa pada wawancara dan investigasi, sinematografi, dan mise-en-scene pada film berhubungan satu dengan yang lain sehingga menjadikan pesan dan isi cerita menjadi bermakna. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif untuk mendapatkan gambaran dan pemahaman mengenai unsur-unsur penting dalam film. Tujuan dari penelitian ini tidak hanya untuk menunjukkan fitur-fitur wacana sinematik tetapi juga untuk menjelaskan makna tersirat dari fitur-fitur tersebut dalam film dan menganalisis tata organisasi film. Dalam pendekatan pragmatik dan wacana sinematik, gagasan mengenai verbal (suara diegetik) dan non-verbal (suara non-diegetik) berkaitan dengan multimodalitas film yang menjadikan pesan menjadi bermakna. Selain itu, hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa film ini menggunakan pendekatan monochronicity untuk menyusun dokumen sinematografi.Kata kunci: Audrie and Daisy, analisis wacana multimodal, sistem linguistik, fitur audio visual, monochronocity Abstract A movie as a cinematic discourse can be a medium for examining the work of linguistic system, audio-visual features, and other visual effects by using the pragmatic approach. This paper aims to analyze the pragmatic and cinematic discourse in a documentary movie Audrie and Daisy, which portrays the chronology of bullying and sexual assault experienced by high school students, Audrie and Daisy. This paper describes how the linguistic systems which are related to the language used in the interview and investigation, the cinematography, and mise-en-scene of the movie can link to one another to make the message and the content of the story meaningful. This study employs a qualitative research method to gain insight and understanding of the significant elements of the movie. The purpose of this research is not only to point out the features of cinematic discourse but also to explain the meaning of the features in the movie and analyze the organization of this movie. Within the framework of pragmatic and cinematic discourse, the notion of verbal (diegetic sound) and non-verbal (non-diegetic sound) are connected to the multimodality of the movie to make a message purposeful. The documentary also utilizes the monochronicity approach to compose the cinematography document.Keywords: Audrie and Daisy, multimodal discourse analysis, linguistic system, audio-visual features, monochronicity
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mozaik.v20i2.18935


The use of first-person pronouns (I, we) in writing research articles was remaining problematic for both inexperienced and advanced authors. Nevertheless, some research suggested that the FPPs were increasingly used in writing research articles (RAs) to indicate the authorial identity. This research aimed to investigate types, functions, and correlation of the FPPs in tourism RAs by employing the diachronic corpus linguistics method. The data of this research were accessed and downloaded through five open access journals published by Elsevier. There were 80 selected tourism RAs from the year 2015 to 2020 that classified into five corpora. AntConc was software that was employed to retrieve the FPPs from the corpora. This research discovered the FPPs I and we were constructed as six types of authorial identity that range from the least to the strongest authoritative identity in the past five years. The constructed authorial identity had three main functions for the authors of tourism RAs, tourism as an academic discipline, and the readers of tourism RAs. The statistical calculation showed that the correlation was 0.87 that signified the use of the FPPs was increasing in the following year.  Keywords: authorial identity, diachronic corpus linguistics, the first-person pronouns, tourism research articles.