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Jurnal Tataloka
Published by Universitas Diponegoro
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Jurnal Tataloka is a peer reviewed journal publishing scientific articles, focusing mainly on research and studies in the field of urban and regional planning. TATALOKA Journal is published quarterly by Biro Penerbit Planologi (Planologi Publishing), Diponegoro University every February, May, August, and November.
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Model Spasial Level Dasar Bangunan Kota Tepian Air (Studi Kasus: Kota Makassar) Sudirman Nganro; Slamet Trisutomo; Roland Alexander Barkey; Mukti Ali; Nurjannah Nurdin
TATALOKA Vol 22, No 3 (2020): Volume 22 No. 3, August 2020
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/tataloka.22.3.418-427


Flooding is a threat to coastal cities such as Makassar City. To Avoid the threat of flooding, it is necessary to determine the ground level of the building. This study aims to develop a spatial model for determining the ground level of buildings for Makassar City based on climate change data and environmental geography. Prediction of sea level rise using MAGICC/SCENGEN application, GIS-based satellite image analysis, rainfall analysis using Thiessen polygon method, surface runoff coefficient value determined by Cook method, and design flood discharge analysis with HSU Nakayasu method. The spatial model of the ground level of Makassar City building for 2030 is a function of sea tides, sea level rise due to climate change, alluvial floods and inflow floods that can occur simultaneously. The model produces a spatial map with attributes of geographic coordinates (x,y,z).
Identifikasi Sektor Industri Pengolahan Unggulan Propinsi Jawa Timur (Analisis Input Output) Totok Junari; Ernan Rustiadi; Sri Mulatsih
TATALOKA Vol 22, No 3 (2020): Volume 22 No. 3, August 2020
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/tataloka.22.3.308-320


Sektor industri pengolahan menjadi penggerak utama perekonomian nasional, dan memiliki struktur keterkaitan yang kuat. Pemerintah Propinsi Jawa Timur memprioritaskan pengembangan industri yang mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi. Jawa Timur diharapkan akan menjadi pusat industri pengolahan sumber daya alam dan pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi sektor unggulan industri pengolahan untuk dikembangkan di Propinsi Jawa Timur dan mengidentifikasi keterkaitannya dengan sektor pertanian. Data penelitian ini menggunakan Tabel Input Output Propinsi Jawa Timur Tahun 2015. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis keterkaitan dengan menggunakan indek daya penyebaran (IDP) dan indek daya kepekaan (IDK) serta kontribusi sektor-sektor industri pengolahan dalam struktur ekonomi wilayah Jawa Timur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sektor industri makanan dan industri pengolahan tembakau adalah sektor industri unggulan Jawa Timur. Secara relatif permintaan akhir keduanya merangsang pertumbuhan produksi lebih besar dari rata-rata, dan dapat memenuhi permintaan akhir diatas kemampuan rata-rata. Kedua sektor tersebut juga berkontribusi besar dalam pembentukan output, nilai tambah dan penyerapan tenaga kerja. Sektor industri pengolahan Jawa Timur mempunyai keterkaitan ke belakang yang tinggi dengan sektor pertanian melalui pemanfaatan produk pertanian sebagai bahan baku industri. Total transaksi output sektor pertanian perikanan dan kelautan yang digunakan sektor industri pengolahan adalah Rp 180.01 Triliun, 72.79% diantaranya digunakan sektor industri makanan. Disisi lain kebutuhan industri makanan akan bahan baku impor juga masih tinggi (21.66% dari total kebutuhan bahan baku), untuk itu pemanfaatan sumberdaya lokal sebagai substitusi bahan impor harus ditingkatkan. Pengembangan keterkaitan antar sektor dan pemanfaatan komoditas lokal terus didorong untuk mengurangi ketergantungan bahan baku impor.
Tinjauan Ulang Potensi Sense of place dalam Pelestarian Kawasan Pusaka Perkotaan Christin Dameria; Roos Akbar; Petrus Natalivan Indradjati; Dewi Sawitri Tjokropandojo
TATALOKA Vol 22, No 3 (2020): Volume 22 No. 3, August 2020
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/tataloka.22.3.379-392


Urban heritage conservation planning seeks to produce place experience with historical characteristics to bring sense of place that is a relation between human and place. However heritage urban planning that focuses on the sense of place actually gets criticized for being stuck in place-making purposes only and ignores the human dimension. The study of the sense of place potential in the urban heritage conservation is indeed still limited even though this potential needs to be studied futher because urban heritage place have cultural significant values which should be conserved by involving human dimensions. This paper is a literature review that intends to explore others sense of place potential related to human dimensions that can be used to successfully urban heritage conservation. In urban heritage conservation, besides being beneficial for place-making, it was found that the sense of place also has the potential as guidance information in the urban heritage spatial planning, factors that influence the participation of local residents to be involved in urban heritage planning and factors related to heritage conserving behavior.
Identifikasi Perilaku Perjalanan Melalui Metode Critical Path Method (CPM) Lulu Mari Fitria; Mutiasari Kurnia Devi; Muhammad Sani Roychansyah; Yori Herwangi; Siti Nurjanah
TATALOKA Vol 22, No 3 (2020): Volume 22 No. 3, August 2020
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/tataloka.22.3.453-462


Mobilization in urban areas has increased every year along with the population growth and urban's development. Travel behaviors of the population in urban areas can be classified based on their travel characteristics. The identification of communities' travel behavior of Yogyakarta is based on the origin - destination and length of trip based on age characteristics. It will effects the travel patterns in the urban environment through spatial mapping. The method used in this research is critical path method. Critical Path Method (CPM) is used to determine the optimum path taken by the community based on its duration, which in this study CPM is used to determine the average travel of the community based on age groups when viewed from distance, length of trip and the number of daily trips. Based on the analysis, it shows that the average age of 15-22 years and 31-37 years have the highest travel time, which is about 9 hours and the average age of 23-30 years traveled the longest by 12.5 km. The average mobilization of travel behaviors in KPY is to the urbancenter of Yogyakarta. The KPY urban form does not have a compact form. 
Pengembangan Komoditas Pertanian Unggulan di Wilayah Perbatasan Bengkayang Mendukung Pengembangan Lumbung Pangan Joko Mulyono
TATALOKA Vol 22, No 3 (2020): Volume 22 No. 3, August 2020
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/tataloka.22.3.331-341


Agricultural productivity in the border region of Bengkayang Regency is low, on one side the area of agricultural land is quite extensive (89.23%) coupled with a population density of only 44 people/km2. The research objective was to determine the leading agricultural commodities in the border region of Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan Province to support the development of a national food barn. This study uses secondary data covering data on crops harvest area, horticulture crop production, plantation production, and livestock populations in 2011-2015 obtained from the Bengkayang Regency Central Statistics Agency (BPS), West Kalimantan. The data is analyzed by analysis of Location Quotient (LQ) and Shift Share Analysis (SSA). The results of the study showed that oil palm was the plantation’s leading commodities in the border region of Jagoi Babang Subdistrict and pepper in Siding SubDistrict. Cows, pigs, and ducks are the leading commodities of livestock in the border region of Jagoi Babang Subdistrict and ducks in Siding Subdistrict.
Tingkat Keberlanjutan Pemanfaatan Ruang Publik Multifungsi di Permukiman Kumuh Violla Caesandra; Hanny Wahidin Wiranegara; Sugihartoyo Sugihartoyo
TATALOKA Vol 22, No 3 (2020): Volume 22 No. 3, August 2020
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/tataloka.22.3.354-365


Due to the limitation of slum dweller’s residence, they use public spaces for their daily activities. One kind of them  is a park. Public space used for various kinds of activities by slum dwellers is called a multifunction public space. Utilization of multifunction public space can potentially lead to spatial use conflict which interfere with its functional sustainability. The aim of this research was to identify the level of sustainability of the utilization of a multifunction public space in the slum area. This research used a quantitative approach and a questionnaires survey method. Respondents were slum dwellers using the park. The total respondents was 96 by using the Lemeshow formula. The results showed that there were differences in the level of sustainability among three parks. The highest level of sustainable utilization is Pendongkelan, the medium level is Melati Indah, and the lowest level is Taman Anggrek. There were four aspects of sustainability which were measured. Diversity and harmony were two aspects determining sustainability. For sustainability of spatial utilization of the multifunction public space in the slum area need management to take care of the size of the park, the availability of park amenities, and its accessibility.
Fenomena Urbanisasi: Transformasi spasial di Kawasan Pinggiran Kabupaten Sidoarjo Siti Nuurlaily Rukmana; Moch Shofwan
TATALOKA Vol 22, No 3 (2020): Volume 22 No. 3, August 2020
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/tataloka.22.3.393-399


The phenomenon of urban transformation also occurs in Sidoarjo Regency which is located around the city of Surabaya. Its evidence is the expansion of built up  area in several districts like Krian district. The aims of this resech are analyzing the spatial transformation in term of land use change and evaluating the percentage of land use that it is accordance with spatial document policy. The analysis technique use Geogrphical Information System and Remote Sensing then proceed with descriptive evaluative. The result of this research can be seen that the transformation of built up area since 1995-2018 is 5,23% while those that are not accordance with spatial documen are 7,63%.
Memahami Pembangunan Ekonomi Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur Berbasis Energi Baru dan Terbarukan Adrianus Amheka
TATALOKA Vol 22, No 3 (2020): Volume 22 No. 3, August 2020
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/tataloka.22.3.428-436


The economy as an indicator of the development of the Province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) becomes important to understand its relationship with activity level of the industrial sector in supporting the economic wheel. This study objectives are to determine the current development optimization to project economic improvement in the province of NTT by utilizing the local potential of renewable energy (RE) in order to support the Indonesian National Energy Policy (INEP) through implementation of the Long-range Energy Alternative Planning (LEAP) system for the period 2015 to 2030 with existing industrial sub-sectors in the province with integrated of operating systems and energy systems assessments. The results show that the largest primary energy use is the food and beverage industry, while the largest secondary energy consumption is from the cement industry, due to government efforts to boost large-scale industries. The mix of electric energy sourced from RE showed a drastic increase up to 2030, which amounted to 19.05% compared to other types of energy while achieving the INEP target, namely the utilization of RE as much as possible and minimizing oil use, then optimizing gas use. Thus, the economy of NTT Province is currently still adequate to optimize the use and utilization of long-term RE.
Karakteristik Modal Sosial pada Kelompok Pengrajin Batik Kota Semarang Yoshe Rezky Adhitama Mywa Putri; Prihadi Nugroho
TATALOKA Vol 22, No 3 (2020): Volume 22 No. 3, August 2020
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/tataloka.22.3.321-330


Batik is one of many small and medium enterprises (SMEs) which is being developed in Semarang City. However, location becomes the weakness of the batik industry in Semarang City. The scattered location of batik craftpersons makes public did not concern to the existence of batik Semarang. Therefore, FEDEP (Forum Economic Development and Employement Promotion) of Semarang City has formed a Semarang’s Batik Craftperson Group since 2006. The existence of this group has triggered the social capital among the craftperson, so they can interact and cooperate to improve their business productivity. This study aims to explain how the characteristics of social capital on Batik Craftperson Group in Semarang City. The method used sequential mix method with data unit is 31 members of Semarang’s Batik Craftperson Group. Trust, norms, and networks have their own characteristics to improve the business through interactions and communications. These three components also play a role in group management to make strategies, allocations, cooperations, and group activities. The characteristics of social capital on Batik Craftperson Group is expected to prove that so many factors that can develop SMEs, not only location but also the social capital of its business actors.
Analisis Transportasi Siswa Menuju Sekolah dan Arahan Pengembangannya di Kota Bogor Egi Syahril Mulia Purnama; Santun R.P. Sitorus; Janthy T Hidayat
TATALOKA Vol 22, No 3 (2020): Volume 22 No. 3, August 2020
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/tataloka.22.3.342-353


School is one system activities that generates movement and will attract movement from settlements as student residence. The objectives of this research are, to analyze the attraction of school students, to analyze the factors that influence the selection of public transport modes towards schools, analyzing the selection of student public transport modes and to formulate the direction for effective plan for developing school transportation in Bogor City. The methods used are flow mapping method, binary logistic regression method, proximity analysis, and descriptive analysis. The results show that the attraction of elementary students is sufficiently appropriate because they followed the zoning regulation which can be seen from the majority of students come from designated zone, while the result of junior high school student’s attraction show relatively insufficient because the majority of the students come from outside the designated zones. The estimation results of factors that significantly influence the choice of modes of transportation are gender, school distance, travel time, costs, consideration of costs, consideration of walking, and consideration of time. Half of elementary school students use angkot by 51% and 49% others students used other modes towards school. Most junior high school students also use angkot by 73% and 27% others students used other modes. The direction of school transportation development is focused on implementing a zoning system that is maximally implemented so that the movement of students to school is more organized and deviding of school clusters so that the school bus service will run effectively.

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