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Pengaruh Penanganan Pascapanen Terhadap Mutu dan Keamanan Pangan Biji Kakao Munarso, S Joni; Miskiyah, Miskiyah; Thamrin, M
Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan Vol 11, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Hasil Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (629.686 KB) | DOI: 10.1111/jihp.v11i1.3404


Production of cocoa beans increasing significantly, but the quality of the seeds low and varied.The main problem is because of the cocoa farmers generally did not apply the recommended techniquefor cultivation and postharvest handling. The aims of this study was to observe the effect of GAP and GMPapplication to the quality and safety of cocoa beans produced by farmer groups. To achieve the aboveobjectives, a study has been conducted in Tinco, District Citta, Soppeng South Sulawesi Province. Thisactivity was done by involving farmer groups with different cultivation technology. The activity included: 1.Study to identify the performance of cocoa cultivation; 2. analysis of the effect of GAP and GMP application toquality and safety of cocoa beans produced by farmer groups. The results showed that the quality of cocoabeans produced by Bunga coklat farmer group better than Mattirodeceng farmer group; the application ofGAP and GMP increased the quality of cacao beans. Model application of GAP and GMP system at Bungacoklat farmer group can be used as a sample of cocoa farm production, quality and sustainability oriented.Keywords : postharvest handling, quality, food safety, cocoa
FORMULASI MINUMAN INSTAN COKELAT SEBAGAI MINUMAN IMUNOMODULATOR. (Formulation of Instant Chocolate Drinks as Immunomodulator Drinks) Kasim, Rosniati; Yunus, Muh Ruslan; Kalsum, Kalsum
Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan Vol 12, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan Volume 12 No. 1 Juni 2017
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Hasil Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (503.767 KB) | DOI: 10.1111/jihp.v12i1.2826


Instant chocolate drinks,  as  immunomodulator  drinks,  were  developed from the instant chocolate - ginger drink of Rosniati, as a functional drink (2011). Drinks were  formulated from  55 % sucrose, 30 %  cocoa  powder (processed from non – fermented and non roasted cocoa beans), and 15 % non – dairy creamer, in (w/w), as A formula, and the other from 55 % sucrose, 30 % cocoa  powder (processd from non – fermented and non – roasted cocoa beans), and 15 % instant soy powder, in (w/w), as B formula. Preparation of drinks also used co-crystallization technique. Of the two formulas, the B formula (combination of cocoa powder and instant soy powder), in the in-vivo tests, showed better in immunomodulation effects. Indeed, at a dose of 39 (mg/kg of mice weight), the B formula had non specific immune response with phagocytic index of 2.042 (strong), primary antibody titer of 1 : 384 and secondary antibody titer of 1 : 768, as humoral immune response, and IFN- γ of 1,436,360.14 (pmol) and IL-2 of 941.30 (pmol), as cellular immune response, all above the control drink values.Key words: instant chocolate drink, immunomodulator, non-fermented, non-roasted cocoa beans, instant soy powder .Abstrak. Minuman instan cokelat sebagai minuman imunomodulator, dikembangkan dari minuman cokelat-jahe instan dari Rosniati, sebagai minuman fungsional (2011). Minuman imunomodulator diformulasi dari bubuk kakao 30% (diolah dari biji kakao tanpa fermentasi dan tanpa sangrai), gula sukrosa 55%, dan non-dairy creamer 15% (b/b), sebagai formula A, dan dari bubuk kakao 30% (diolah dari biji kakao tanpa fermentasi dan tanpa sangrai, gula sukrosa 55%, dan bubuk kedelai instan15% (b/b), sebagai formula B. Penyiapan produk minuman ini juga menggunakan teknik ko- kristalisasi. Dari kedua formula minuman imunomodukator, formula B (kombinasi bubuk kakao dengan bubuk instan kedelai) memberikan efek imunomodulasi yang lebih tinggi. Bahkan pada pemberian dosis 39 (mg/kg berat mencit), secara in vivo, menghasilkan respon imun non spesifik dengan indeks fagositik 2,042 (kuat), titer antibodi primer 1:384 dan titer antibodi sekunder 1:768, sebagai respon imun humoral, dan IFN-γ sebesar.436.60,14 (pmol) dan IL-2 sebesar 941,30 (pmol), sebagai respon imun selular, yang semuanya berada diatas nilai kontrol.Kata kunci: minuman cokelat instan, imunomodulator, biji kakao tanpa fermentasi dan tanpa sangrai, bubuk kedelai instan.
PENGARUH FORMULASI DAN ASAL BIJI KAKAO FERMENTASI TERHADAP MUTU DAN CITARASA DARK CHOCOLATE. (Effect of Formulation and Fermented Cocoa Beans Origin to Dark chocolate’s Quality and Flavour) Ramlah, Sitti; Yumas, Medan
Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan Vol 12, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan Volume 12 No. 1 Juni 2017
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Hasil Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (378.375 KB) | DOI: 10.1111/jihp.v12i1.2806


Research on the effect of formulation and fermented cocoa beans origin to dark chocolate’s quality and flavour has been done. This research aims to know how is the effect of formulation and fermented coco beans origin to the quality and flavours of resulted dark chocolate. This research used 2 (two) treatment . First treatment was origin of coco beans used on the research (A), in which : South Sulawesi (A1), West Sulawesi (A2), Central Sulawesi (A3), second treatment was formula quality of dark chocolate to be produced (B), in which medium quality (B1) and high quality  formula (B2). Testing parameter used were water moisture, fat content, sucrose content, FFA, fatty acid, amino acid, polyphenol, flavour, TPC and melting point. Research  result  can  be  concluded  that formulation  and  origin  of  fermented  cocoa  beans affecting quality and flavourof resulted dark chocolate in tenns of melting point, amino acids content, fatty acids, polyphenol content, and flavour score. Dark chocolate produced Central Sulawesi both for medium quality and high quality had higher polyphenol content compare to those from both South and West Sulawesi.Keywords : Cocoa beans, fermentation, dark chocolate, medium quality, high quality, flavour.ABSTRAK Penelitian Pengaruh Formulasi Dan Asal Biji Kakao Fermentasi Terhadap Mutu Dan Citarasa Dark Chocolate telah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh formulasi da asal biji kakao fermentasi  terhadap mutu dan citarasa dark chocolate yang dihasilkan. Pada penelitian pembuatan Dark Chocolate menggunakan 2 (dua) perlakuan . Perlakuan pertama yaitu Asal Daerah (provinsi) biji kakao yang digunakan (A) yaitu ; Sulawesi Selatan (A1), Sulawesi Barat (A2), Sulawesi Tengah (A3), dan perlakuan ke dua adalah formula/kualitas Dark Chocolate yang akan di buat (B), yaitu Formula Kualitas sedang (B1), dan Formula Kualitas Tinggi (B2). Parameter uji yang digunakan adalah kadar air, kadar lemak, kadar gula, FFA, asam lemak, asam amino, polifenol, citarasa, ALT dan titik leleh. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa formulasi dan asal biji kakao fermentasi mempengaruhi mutu dan citarasa dark chocolate yang dihasilkan terutama dari segi  titik leleh, kadar asam amino, asam lemak, kadar polifenol dan nilai citarasa. Dark chocolate yang dihasilkan  dari kakao  asal  Sulawesi  tengah  baik    kualitas  sedang  maupun  kualitas  tinggi memiliki kandungan polifenol tertinggi dibanding dark chocolate dari Sulawesi Selatan dan Sulawesi Barat.Kata Kunci : Biji kakao, fermentasi, dark chocolate, kualitas sedang, kualitas tinggi, mutu, citarasa.
KARAKTERISTIK MUTU DAN EFEK PENAMBAHAN POLIFENOL PADA HAND BODY LOTION BERBASIS LEMAK KAKAO TERHADAP KULIT. (Characteristics of Quality and Effect of Polyphenol Addition to Cocoa Butter Based Hand Body Lotion to Skin) Ramlah, Sitti
Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan Vol 12, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan Volume 12 No. 2 Desember 2017
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Hasil Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (567.325 KB) | DOI: 10.1111/jihp.v12i2.3473


Research on Characteristics of Quality and Effects of Polyphenol  Addition to Cocoa Butter Based   Hand Body Lotion to Skin has been done. This research aims to identify characteristics of quality and effects of polyphenol addition to cocoa butter based hand body lotion to skin. Materials used in this research were cocoa butter, polyphenols from cocoa beans, olive oil, stearic acid, glycerin, and Novemer as emulsifier. Test parameter applied to this research were emulsion test/viscosity, organoleptic, moisture content, pH, heavy metal content, nipasol, nipagin, microbiology test (TPC, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans.), effect test (moisture, smoothness and anti UV B). Research result showed that hand body lotion from cocoa butter and cocoa beans polyphenols have quality characteristics as follow: moisture content 85.56 %; pH 5,57, Total Plate Count< 10 1Cfu/g, Staphylococcus aureus < 10 1Cfu/g, Pseudomonas aeruginosa< 10 1Cfu/g,Candida albicans < 10 1Cfu/g, viscosity 55 dpas; have lotion properties and were able to improve skin moisture, sebum and smoothness. In addition, this hand and body lotion were potentially protect skin damage which followed aging process due to UV B exposure and also maintain skin elasticity.Keywords : quality characteristic, effects, hand body lotion, cocoa butter, poliphenols, skinABSTRAK. Penelitian ”Karakteristik Mutu dan Efek Penambahan Polifenol pada  Hand Body Lotion Berbasis  Lemak Kakao Terhadap Kulit” telah dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik mutu dan efek penambahan polifenol pada hand body lotion dari lemak kakao terhadap kulit. Bahan baku yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah lemak kakao, polifenol dari biji kakao, minyak zaitun, asam stearat,gliserin, dengan pengemulsiNovemer. Parameter uji yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah: uji emulsi/viskositas, uji organoleptik, kadar air, pH, logam berat, kadar nipasol, kadar nipagin, uji mikrobiologi (ALT,Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida albicans.),uji efek (kelembaban, kehalusan dan anti UV B).Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa  hand body lotion dari lemak dan polifenol dari biji kakao mempunyai karakteristik mutu mengandung kadar air 85,56 %, pH 5,57, Angka Lempeng   Total < 10 1Cfu/g,  Staphylococcus aureus < 10 1Cfu/g, Pseudomonas aeruginosa< 10 1Cfu/g,   Candida albicans < 10 1Cfu/g, viskositas 55 dpas,memiliki  sifat lotion serta dapat memperbaiki kelembaban,  kadar minyak serta kehalusan kulit, juga memiliki potensi melindungi kerusakan kulit yang menyertai proses penuaan akibat paparan sinar UVB serta dapat mempertahankan elastisitas dari kulit. Kata kunci: karakteristik mutu, efek, hand body lotion, lemak kakao, polifenol, kulit
Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan Vol 11, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Hasil Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (255.622 KB) | DOI: 10.1111/jihp.v11i2.3412


The research objective is to assess physical and sensory quality of dried cocoa beans producedin Bulukumba, Soppeng, and East Luwu Regions. The research was conducted by taking samples ofcocoa directly from farmers of those three districts, as the cocoa producer regions in South SulawesiProvince. The physical quality of the samples was examined in accordance with SNI 2323-2008 and forsensory testing, the samples were sent to Puslitkoka, Jember for flavor and aroma. Data analysis wascarried out using descriptive statistical analysis. The result shows that the beans from those three regionsdo not meet the standard of SNI 2323-2008 for water content, slaty beans, level of foreign objects andinsects, while the level of free fatty acid ranges from 1.02 – 1.65%. Total fat content of cocoa beans fromBulukumba region, higher than the others, is 35.74% and the pH level for all samples are neutral (6.47 –6.78). The result of sensory test shows that cocoa beans from Bulukumba region have astringent flavor,those from Soppeng region have very niceflowery flavor, and those from East Luwu shows half-fermentedcocoa beans and chocolate medium.Keywords: cocoa beans, physical quality, aroma, flavor
Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan Vol 11, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Hasil Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (260.242 KB) | DOI: 10.1111/jihp.v11i2.3417


characteristics are determined by main components of the constituent materials, techniques, and pyrolysisconditions. This study aims to determine the characteristics of cocoa pod husk charcoal. The method usedto produce charcoal is carbonization (pyrolysis) process on various conditions. The observed parameterswere temperature and duration of pyrolysis process which is adjusted to obtain charcoal’s maximumquality. Determining parameters of charcoal’s characteristics is caloric value, fixed carbon, volatile, watercontent, and ash. The research shows that to obtain high quality charcoal, 4 – 5 kg cocoa pod husk isprocessed in 350oC during 2 hours. The charcoal’s quality and characteristics processed in 350oC gainoptimum caloric value 6,500 – 7,600 kcal/kg, total carbon 42.57 – 45.53%, volatile matter 30.14 – 32.98%,ash content 16.21 – 16.22%, and water content 6.25 – 8.44%.Keywords: charcoal, characteristics, cocoa pod husks, pyrolysis
Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan Vol 11, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Hasil Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (235.003 KB) | DOI: 10.1111/jihp.v11i1.3405


The study examined the reduction of COD level on latex waste using anaerobic reactor. CODlevel reduction is tested on several hydraulic retention times, i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8, and 11 days. On 2, 4, and 6days of retention time, the percentage of COD level reduction is declining however on 8 and 11 days, itis inclining. It is apt to microbe growth phase.Keywords: reactor, hidraulic retention time, COD
PEMBUATAN ARANG CANGKANG KELAPA SAWIT DENGAN PROSES TOREFAKSI. (Preparation of Palm Kernel Shell Charcoal Using Torrefaction Method) Nasution, Zainal Abidin; Limbong, Harry
Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan Vol 12, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan Volume 12 No. 1 Juni 2017
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Hasil Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (395.935 KB) | DOI: 10.1111/jihp.v12i1.2799


Palm kernel shells are biomass resulted from photosynthesis of chlorophyls, working as solar cells that absorb sunlight energy, then converting carbon dioxide with water into a material containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The material is in solid form and can be converted into coconut shell charcoal. In the implementation of this research, coconut shell charcoal is made by coconut shell torrefaction process. From the process of coconut shell  torrefaction,  the  average  auction  yield  is  38.20%  (the  last  temperature  of  the torrefaction process is 3480C, when the oil palm shells no longer smoke and the residence time is 105 minutes). Observation on the temperature and the residence time of coconut shell restriction on the smoke condition of the resulted palm oil charcoal shaping that occurs, as an indicator, it is known that the palm oil charcoal shaping process follows the typical graph of biomass stages with torrefaction process shown in Figure 1 as followed: heating stage, drying stage, post-drying stage, torrefaction stage and cooling stage.Keywords: palm kernel shells, torrefaction, palm kernel shells charcoalABSTRAK. Cangkang kelapa sawit merupakan biomassa yang terbentuk dari hasil fotosintetis butir-butir hijau daun, bekerja sebagai sel surya yang menyerap energi sinar matahari, kemudian mengkonversi karbon dioksida dengan air menjadi suatu material yang mengandung karbon, hidrogen dan oksigen. Material tersebut dalam bentuk padatan dan apabila dikonversi dapat menjadi arang cangkang kelapa sawit. Pada pelaksanaan penelitian ini, arang cangkang kelapa sawit dibuat dengan proses torefaksi cangkang kelapa sawit. Dari proses torefaksi cangkang kelapa sawit diperoleh rendemen pengarangan rata-rata adalah 38,20% (suhu terakhir   proses torefaksi adalah 3480C, pada saat cangkang kelapa sawit tidak lagi mengeluarkan asap dan waktu tinggal pengarangan adalah 105 menit). Dari hasil pengamatan temperatur dan waktu tinggal pengarangan cangkang kelapa sawit terhadap kondisi asap proses pengarangan cangkang sawit yang terjadi, sebagai indikator, diketahui bahwa proses pembentukan arang cangkang kelapa sawit mengikuti Grafik Tipikal Tahapan Pengarangan Biomassa Dengan Proses Torefaksi yang tertera pada Gambar 1, yaitu tahapan heating, tahapan drying, tahapan post drying, tahapan torrefaction dan tahapan cooling.Kata kunci: cangkang kelapa sawit, torefaksi, arang cangkang kelapa sawit, 
PEMANFAATAN LIMBAH KULIT ARI BIJI KAKAO (Theobroma cacao L) SEBAGAI SUMBER ANTIBAKTERI Streptococcus mutans. (Utilization of Cocoa Beans Epidermis Waste (Theobroma cacao L) as Antibacterial Streptococcus mutans). Yumas, Medan
Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan Vol 12, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan Volume 12 No. 2 Desember 2017
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Hasil Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (378.298 KB) | DOI: 10.1111/jihp.v12i2.2764


Epidermis of cocoa beans contain active compounds that are similar to the active compound in the cocoa pod husk. Epidermis of cocoa beans are suspected to contain active compounds such as  polyphenols, flavonoids, terpenoids/steroids, condensed or polymerized tannins such as catechins and anthocyanins. The bioactive compounds were known to have antibacterial properties on Streptococcus mutans types. The aim of this research were to produce natural active compounds from cocoa bean husk, which have antibacterial activity against Streptococcus mutans. Stages of the study consisted of powdering process of epidermis cocoa beans, extracting fat from epidermis cocoa beans powder, extracting of the antibacterial active compound, solvent evaporation of active compounds extracts from powdered cocoa beans husk, and testing of active compounds produced by Streptococcus mutans. Results showed that the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the cocoa bean husk extract againsts Streptococcus mutans on a half-day incubation period was 0.25% with an inhibitory diameter of 7.550 mm. While, a two- days incubation period was 0.25% with an inhibitory diameter of 9,900 mm and was bacteriostatic.Keywords: cocoa beans husk, maceration extraction, methanol, antibacterial, active components, Streptococcus mutans ABSTRAK. Kulit ari biji kakao mengandung senyawa aktif yang tidak berbeda jauh dengan kandungan senyawa aktif yang terdapat pada kulit buah kakao dan biji kakao itu sendiri. Kulit ari biji kakao diduga mengandung senyawa aktif polifenol, flavonoid, terpenoid/steroid, tanin terkondensasi atau terpolimerisasi seperti katekin dan antosianin. Senyawa-senyawa bioaktif tersebut diketahui memiliki sifat antibakteri jenis Streptococcus mutans.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah pemanfaatan kulit ari biji kakao sebagai sumber senyawa aktif yang memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terhadap bakteri Streptococcus mutans. Tahapan penelitian terdiri dari proses pembuatan bubuk kulit ari biji kakao, proses ekstraksi lemak dari bubuk kulit ari biji kakao, proses ekstraksi senyawa aktif antibakteri dari bubuk kulit ari biji kakao, proses penguapan pelarut ekstrak senyawa aktif dari bubuk kulit ari biji kakao, dan proses pengujian senyawa aktif yang dihasilkan terhadap Streptococcus mutans. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak limbah kulit ari biji kakao berpotensi sebagai senyawa aktif antibakteri terhadap Streptococcus mutans. Konsentrasi hambat minimum (KHM) ekstrak kulit ari biji kakao terhadap bakteri Streptococcus mutans pada masa inkubasi satu setengah hari adalah 0,25% dengan diameter hambatan sebesar 7,550 mm dan masa inkubasi dua hari adalah 0,25% dengan diameter hambatan sebesar  9,900 mm dan bersifat bakteriostatik.  Kata kunci : kulit ari biji kakao, ekstraksi maserasi, metanol, antibakteri, komponen aktif, Streptococcus mutans
PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN LEMAK KAKAO TERHADAP KESTABILAN, EFEK IRITASI, DAN SIFAT SENSORI SAMPO RAMBUT. (The Effect of Cocoa Butter Addition on Stability, Irritation Effect, and Sensory Properties of Hair Shampoo) Kasim, Rosniati; Sampebarra, Alfrida Lullung
Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan Vol 12, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Industri Hasil Perkebunan Volume 12 No. 2 Desember 2017
Publisher : Balai Besar Industri Hasil Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (589.976 KB) | DOI: 10.1111/jihp.v12i2.3457


The aim of this research was to study  the effect of cocoa butter  addition on stability, irritation effect, and sensory properties of hair shampoo. The hair shampoo formula referred to the Rosniati formula (2015) modified by the addition of cetyl alcohol, glycerin, novenmer, stearic acid and 2.5% SLS. The new formulas were made by adding respectively 0%, 1.0%, and 1.5% cocoa butter  into the formula. The results showed that the addition of 1.0% cocoa butter to the shampoo formula had the highest viscosity and sensory properties were better compared to the two other formulas, especially in terms of consistency, color, and foam. In general, the three formulas were stable, pH was standard, and there was no eye-irritation effect in the clinic test. However, they caused light irritation effect to the rabbit skin with the IIKP values of 0.361, 0.417, and 0.403 for formulas A, B, and C, respectively.Keywords: cocoa butter, hair shampoo, and shampoo formulaABSTRAK. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan lemak kakao terhadap kestabilan, efek  iritasi, dan sifat  sensori  sampo rambut.  Formula sampo  rambut mengacu ke formula Rosniati, (2015)  yang dimodifikasi dengan penambahan setil alkohol, gliserin, novenmer, asam stearate dan SLS 2.5 %. Tiga formula baru dibuat masing-masing menggunakan lemak kakao    0 %, 1.0 %, dan 1,5 % dalam formula. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan lemak kakao 1.0 % ke dalam formula sampo mempunyai nilai viskositas yang paling tinggi dan nilai sensori yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kedua formula lainnya, dalam hal konsistensi, warna dan busa. Secara keseluruhan semua sediaan formula sampo mempunyai sifat stabil, pH sesuai standar dan hasil uji klinis, menunjukkan bahwa tidak menimbulkan efek iritasi terhadap mata, tetapi menimbulkan iritasi ringan terhadap kulit kelinci dengan nilai IIKP berturut-turut  0.361, 0.417, dan 0.403 untuk formula A, B, dan C.Kata kunci : lemak kakao, sampo rambut, dan formula sampo

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