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Perempuan Dalam Teks Satsra Arab:Pespektif Sosiolinguistik Rusydi, Muhammad
An - Nisa` Vol 7 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstract: Language and culture can be described as two sides of a coin that are fused to one another. Social phenomenon of arab society that still tends to treat woman as second-class society after the men who occupy the position of first grade has been recorded in various  Arabic literary texts in their position as a product of science that should expands the mission  of social justice  in under-standing social phenomena, serve as a means of justify-cation for structured social hegemony conducted bye men over woman in the frame of gender inquality. Socio-linguistic perspective, at least, can give an objective picture of how the actual social background surrounding the writing and the interpretating of Arabic literary text so that the text can be liberated from the spectrum between objectivity and subjectivity.
Manajemen Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Responsif Gender Dalam Spektrum Kurikulum 2013 Said, Muis
An - Nisa` Vol 7 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstract: Regardless of haste implementation of 2013 curriculum which then reaps many complaints in society, especially from educators due to their lack of readiness for implementation, the concept of 2013 curriculum has its own characteristics which later become the advent-ages, one of which is this curriculum is a very gender-responsive curriculum. This fact, of course, is a great opportunity to provide a gender-responsive atsmosphere in the foreign language teaching in Indonesia, especially English teaching. For the reason, the function of learning management consisting of planning  (planning), organizing (organizing), giving the command (commanding), for coordinating (coordinating) and control (controlling) must be adjusted to the effort of a gender-responsive English class through 2013 curriculum spectrum.
Gender noun-based the Understanding of English Word Calss in the First Semester Student of Eglish Education Program at state Collage Of Islamic Studies Watampone Ali, Aschawir
An - Nisa` Vol 7 No 2 (2014)
Publisher : PSW

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Abstrak: Studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana tingkat pemahaman mahasiswa semester pertama dalam belajar kelas kata bahasa inggris khususnya kelas kata benda gender. Kebanyakan mahasiswa masih belum memahami kelas kata tersebut dibandingkan dengan kelas kata benda lainnya. Oleh karena itu , tujuan kajian kasus ini adalah untuk menemukan bagaimana pemahaman mahasiswa tentang kata benda gender, mengidentifikasi kata bevda gender dan mengisi teka-teki silang kata benda gender baik yang berada didalam table maupun didalam kotak dan membuat kalimat dari tiap kata benda gender tersebut. Penelitian ini didasari oleh pandangan ahli tata bahasa tentang kelas kata dalam bahasa inggris untuk para pelajar dalam menguasai dasa-dasar  bahasa inggris mulai dari sebuah kata, gabungan kata sampai terbentuk dalm sebuah kalimat. Adapun secara teori dalam kelas kata benda adalah masculine dan feminime noun serta common gender noun. Teori tersebut akan dijelaskan secara mendalam dan sekaligus memberikan test teka-teki silang terhadap mahasiswa untuk menguji sampai sejauh mana pemahaman mereka secara baik. Analisis penjelasan teori dan tes akan memberikan informasi nyata tentang adanya kesamaan atau perbedaan pemahaman tiap mahasiswa. Dari hasil crossword puzzle and sentences test menunjukkan bahwa adanya tingkat pemahaman terhadap kata benda yang bergender yang berbeda. Ada tiga orang yang tingkat pemahamannya sangat bagus, 11 mahasiswa yang tingkat pemahamannya bagus dan tiga orang yang tingkat pemahamannya rata-rata.Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pemahaman kata benda gender pada mahasiswa semester satu STAIN Watampone umumnya berkategori bagus. Dengan demikian, kata benda gender yang diajarkan adalah mudah dipahami dan diaplikasikan dalam bentuk kalimat bahasa inggris.  
An - Nisa` Vol 8 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : PSW

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One form of program services Directorate of Public Education is implementing a Gender Perspective Family Education program (PKBG) which is a program attempts to achieve justice and gender equality in the family. The program is based on the fact that as long as there is still a tendency that womens participation in various aspects of development are still relatively low compared with men. The main factors of this condition is still the stereotype (negative labeling) which is based on sex, where women are considered to have the space for a more limited compared with men, especially in communities that are economically poor. This condition is referred to as gender bias. The existence of this program is perceived community program participants can help their lives in various ways as material touches on life skill programs that enable women can increase life skills in a particular field ifferent 5 fields include; Democracy and Human Rights, Gender Equality and Justice, Life Skills / life skills (academic, personal, social, and vocational), Parenting, Seaweed Cultivation.
An - Nisa` Vol 8 No 2 (2015)
Publisher : PSW

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This paper examines the impact of womens involvement in Islamic education. The involvement of women in education stems from increased demand equality of rights between men and women through gender analysis and human rights. Later in todays reality there is a shift value of the role of women began to spread to the public sector. The involvement of women in the world of education puts women as the main actors of education that can determine the progress of development of a nation, while making a respectable woman and domiciled equivalent to men. This is possible because the female can become policy makers in education, both she as a housewife, as a teacher, as well as daiyah in society where he lives. With the involvement of women in the world of education has an impact on the birth of various professions for women such as ministers, director generals, teachers, professors, researchers, supervisors, principals, employees, and others both in his day and generation after generation.
An - Nisa` Vol 8 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : PSW

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Gender equity among men and women is a noble concept that must transformed into feminism Arabic literature critique that is expected to be an alternative media for the fight of the gender equity. In its implementation, the epistemology construction of feminism Arabic literature critique consisting of source, structure, method, and validity has not transformed the gender equity maximally. Consequently, epistemology reconstruction must be developed towards feminism Arabic literature critique in which the fight concept of gender equity consisted in its source, structure, method, and validity is reconstructed by accommodating all possibilities relating to the concept without leaving the existing ones
An - Nisa` Vol 8 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : PSW

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Arabic is characterized as a doreign language that highly focuses to the difference of male and female towards its grammatical rule. In its implementation, female aspect of the grammatical rule is called muannats in which its form can be identified in isim, fi’il, as well as harf. To maximize the implementation of muannats aspect in the grammatical rule of Arabic, multiple intelligence based of Arabic teaching can be a fruitful theory that may accommodate the students’ differences consisted in the multiple intelligence by applying various techniques assessing the students’ understanding towards female aspect of the grammatical rule.
An - Nisa` Vol 8 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : PSW

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One of the main factors that determine the quality of education in a country is a teacher. Master who are in the frontline in creating quality human resources. Teachers dealing directly with students in the classroom through the learning process. In the hands of gurulah will produce quality students, both academically, skills (skills), emotional maturity, and moral and spiritual. Thus, future generations will be produced that is ready to live with the challenges of his time. Therefore, a teacher who has the necessary qualifications, competence and dedication in performing his professional duties. SMA pesantren daughter al-Manawwarah Panyili is an institution of public education under the auspices of district education offices Bone, although public schools but have these schools implement a system of schools in fostering among hallmark boarding Among the main feature of boarding schools and also at this school is a mosque, boarding, yellow book, chaplain, and students. Schoolgirl concurrently to be students at this school. In shaping the character and professional teachers become principals perform various forms of coaching, either through verbal (advice), writing (letter or written rules such as the vision and mission of the school), and hand (example).
An - Nisa` Vol 8 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : PSW

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This paper aims to briefly review the basic principles of the policy model of female leadership in the world of work (employment). Which is quite interesting due to the differences in the characteristics studied gender injustice that their treatment will management policies against women in the workplace as well as the assumption that the leadership in the organization meant the gender perspective, that is to say in choosing a leader to be seen sex (gender). Because of the gender differences are men and women who have become the rule of God or nature and biological provisions that can not be changed anymore. So when this gender difference in occupying a position considered as nature, because it leads to masculine leadership. Therefore in this paper, the author will discuss the characteristics of gender in an effort that can be formulated into alternative solutions to the perception characteristic of gender in the form of literature literature on the subject of womens leadership in an organization that needs to be disseminated in the form of scientific writings on differentiation characteristics of gender in management womens leadership
An - Nisa` Vol 8 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : PSW

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Majelis Taklim is an educational institution that is growing and growing community of Islamic society itself whose interests for the benefit of mankind. The growth of informal gatherings among people demonstrated needs and desires of community members will be religious education. On the needs and desires of the broader human in an effort to solve the problems towards a happier life. Increasing demands of pilgrims and the role of non-formal education, raises the awareness and initiative of the scholars and the public as well as to repair, improve and develop the quality and capabilities, as well as the existence and the role and function of Islamic study groups really going well. In this regard the strategic role of women to be active in it and also be a means of empowerment for women themselves, especially in assessing and understanding the true religious teachings and can to implementation in family life, community and nation. Since women are educators first and foremost in the family that determines the success of their children as well as themselves and her husband