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Musawa : Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam
Musãwa Journal of Gender and Islamic Studies was first published in March 2002 by PSW (Pusat Studi Wanita) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta under contribution with the Royal Danish Embassy Jakarta. In 2008, published twice a year in collaboration with TAF (The Asia Foundation), namely January and July. Musãwa Journal is a study of gender and Islam especially on gender mainstreaming and child rights both in the study of texts in the Qur’an and Hadith, figures and thoughts, history and repertoire, classical and contemporary literature as well as socio-cultural studies. All concentrations are in the context of Indonesia and other countries in Southeast Asia within the framework of unified NKRI, based on Pancasila. Musãwa Journal has been published by PSW UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta since 2002. Initiated by lecturers, gender activists and Islamic studies scholars of PTKI ( Higher Education of Islamic Religion) Musãwa has regularly published academic works and researches on gender and Islam for almost two decades. Now, the Journal extends its studies with Children and Human Rights (HAM). All studies are still in the context of gender and its mainstreaming. Through the studies hopefully, the Musawa journal can be part of the implementation of gender mainstreaming in the context of Indonesian society.
Articles 338 Documents
Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Vol. 13 No. 2 (2014)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University & The Asia Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/musawa.2014.132.119-126


Perempuan telah lama berada dalam posisi yang selalu dirugikan. Bukan hanya akibat tindak kejahatan yang  kerap terjadi pada perempuan, tetapi juga karena diskriminasi sosial yang lama mengakar kuat. Bahkan, perempuan seringkali tidak dianggap sebagai manusia, tetapi dianggap sebagai barang dan jasa yang bisa diperjualbelikan. Seiring dengan itu, harus diakui bahwa kultur yang tercipta di tengah masyarakat memang menempatkan perempuan sebagai makhluk kelas dua. Artinya, perempuan dianggap sebelah mata, baik  dalam tatanan sosial, politik, pendidikan, maupun di tataran pemerintahan. Ironis sekali hal ini bisa terjadi di sebuah negara yang mengklaim sebagai negara demokrasi. Padahal, doktrin demokrasi adalah persamaan hak, keadilan, kesejahteraan, tanpa pandang bulu. Undang-Undang yang menaungi kepentingan serta memberi perlindungan kepada perempuan sebenarnya telah lama lahir. Tetapi, kultur di masyarakat tetap saja berlaku secara tidak adil dan selalu menempatkan perempuan berada dalam kasta yang paling bawah. Di sinilah diperlukan sebuah langkah serius dalam bentuk kulturalisasi nilai-nilai demokrasi dalam rangka menciptakan kultur ramah perempuan. Hal ini penting dilakukan karena sikap ramah perempuan tidak bisa hanya dipasrahkan kepada ketentuan undang-undang dan pemerintah, tetapi juga harus diperjuangan melalui proses budaya.
Membongkar Mitosmenstruai Taboo (Kajian Tafsir Tematik Pendekatan Hermeneutik) Mustaqim, Abdul
Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Vol. 5 No. 1 (2007)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University & The Asia Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/musawa.2007.51.21-40


The concept of menstruation has both theological and mythological meanings, and is usually perceived with negativity. Such construction is partly caused by the transmission of Isra'iliyyat ideas in the Qur'anic exegesis books without any criticism. There[ore it is necessary for Muslims to deconstruct the misogynist mythologies of menstruation (haid), and then re-mrerprez it using the theological perspective as stated in Qur'anic verses dealing with the issues. By applying a thematic-hermeneutical method and historical approach to analyze the concept of menstruation in the Qur'an, this present study concludes that it has more humanistic view to menstruating women than those offered by the Jewish and Christian traditions. Al-Qur'an requires Muslims to be moderate in giving treatment to menstruating women. There are at least three main issues of menstruation addressed in the Qur'an. Firstly, issue concerning with the ways Muslims must treat their women when they menstruate. Secondly, problems related to 'iddah (women's time to wait before entering a new marriage after divorce), and the last is the idea of the obligation for menstruating women to wear jilbab.
VEILING: Between Social Imaginary and the Politic of Multiculturalism In Indonesia and Malaysia Sunesti, Yuyun
Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Vol. 15 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University & The Asia Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/musawa.v15i2.1302


Hijab (veiling) becomes a social imagination of piety for many muslim women. In Many areas in Indonesia, veiling even becomes one of the points of obligation in local regulations. This article discusses the social imaginary about the hijab for muslim women in Indonesia and Malaysia which then transforms into a social obligation supported by the state. The fact that these two countries run the multicultural politics that is required for accommodating religious, racial, and cultural differences is a challenge when the efforts of homogenizing identity continue to be fought by certain groups.[Jilbab menjadi imajinasi sosial tentang kesalehan bagi banyak perempuan muslim. Di banyak daerah di indonesia, berjilbab bahkan menjadi salah satu kewajiban yang masuk dalam peraturan daerah. Artikel ini membahas tentang imajinasi sosial (social imaginary) tentang jilbab bagi perempuan muslim di Indonesia dan Malaysia yang selanjutnya bertransformasi menjadi kewajiban sosial (social obligation) yang didukung oleh negara. Fakta bahwa kedua negara ini menjalankan politik multikulturalisme yang dituntut untuk mengakomodasi perbedaan agama, ras, dan budaya menjadi tantangan tersendiri ketika upaya-upaya homogenisasi indentitas terus diperjuangkan oleh kelompok-kelompok tertentu.]
Trafficking Dalam Hadis dan Perkembangannya Dalam Konteks Kekinian Suryadilaga, Muhammad Alfatih
Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Vol. 4 No. 3 (2006)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University & The Asia Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/musawa.2006.43.311-335


Trafficking in women and children is a form of slavery. Legal laws highly respect human rights and clearly prohibit human trafficking. This trafficking, nevertheless, is mushrooming nowadays, and is like a chain that has no edge. Islam, which comes as a mercy for all, fully appreciates children's and women's rights. Historically, the coming of Islam has elevated the status of women. The Prophet Muhammad was a hero in combating woman trafficking, as it brought about sexual exploitation and prostitution. Trafficking places women as its object and, therefore, the modem society has to leave it. On top of that, the Qur'an and Hadith definitely ban it
Jilbab Sebagai Simbol Perjuangan Identitas (Studi atas Pemakaian Jilbab di Kalangan Waria D.I. Yogyakarta) Arif Nuh Safri
Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Vol. 18 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University & The Asia Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/musawa.2019.181.19-33


Waria (wanita pria) atau transgender adalah sebuah identitas gender lian di khalayak awam. Di samping dianggap sebagai sebuah keanehan, identitas ini pun dipersoalkan dan banyak diperdebatkan, hingga mendapat stigma negatif. Waria sendiri dituntut harus tetap eksis dan sanggup berjuang dalam kehidupan mereka. Hal ini disebabkan oleh pemahaman mereka sebagai waria bahwa, identitas mereka bukanlah sebuah kepura-puraan. Identitas mereka sebagai waria yang memiliki jiwa dan rasa perempuan, harus mendapatkan pengakuan dan perhatian yang sama dengan perempuan lainnya. Salah satu simbol yang melekat dengan perempuan yaitu jilbab, yang digunakan sebagai alat untuk membuktikan identitas mereka. Hal ini tentu sangat bertolak belakang dengan pandangan masayarakat awam atas mereka. Sehingga permasalahan ini sangat menarik dan pantas untuk diteliti. Penelitian ini akan menjawab apa makna jilbab dan alasan waria menggunakan jilbab? Serta bagaimana pengaruh penggunaan jilbab bagi pengakuan identitas mereka di kehidupan sosial? Permasalahan tersebut akan dijawab lewat wawancara, dan observasi. Kemudian data yang didapat akan dianalisis dengan metode kualitatif, deskriptif-analisis dan pendekatan fenomenologi. Asumsi peneliti, bahwa penggunaan jilbab sebagai simbol perjuangan memberikan pengaruh positif pada waria secara khusus, setidaknya lebih mudah dalam menggunakan faslilitas umum atau publik. Pada akhirnya penggunaan jilbab dengan berbagai tujuan dan maknanya merupakan realitas kehidupan sosial keagamaan yang akan selalu dan terus berkembang.[Transgender is another gender identity for common people. Apart from being considered as a weird, this identity was also questioned and  debated and sometimes it leads in a negative stigma. However, for them, being transgender is not about pretense or deception. People need to recognize and respect them as people with the women soul. One symbol attached to women is hijab. It is used as a tool to prove their identity as women. This problem is very interesting to study in order to find the meaning of the hijab the reasons to use the hijab? How does the influence of using the veil to their social recognition? These problems will be answered through interviews and observations. Then the data obtained will be analyzed by qualitative methods, descriptive analysis and phenomenological approaches. The assumptions of researcher is that the use veil is a symbol of struggle and gives a positive influence on trasgender in particular, at least it is easier for them to use public or public facilities. Hence, the use of the veil is not only about religious symbol, but has various purposes and meaning.]
Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Vol. 11 No. 2 (2012)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University & The Asia Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/musawa.2012.112.229-246


The Draft Law on Gender Equality is present in the community through a variety of responses. Response to the RUU-KKG more colored by a misunderstanding. While poisitif response against based on the fact that the RUU-KKG largely do not conflict with religious teachings in Islam. Among the positive response was given by Muhammadiyah as described in this article. The focus of this article is to study RUU-KKG readings on various laws and Tajdid Muhammadiyah the Legal Affairs Committee. Muhammadiyah insights about women's leadership alignments on gender equality. Alignments were seen in the decision, as well as the fatwa discourse proposes that provides an opportunity for women to show up as a leader in various levels in the public space. In fact, of the time of its emergence, the study of the Legal Affairs Committee of the law of women in politics and became a judge can be regarded as a pioneer in its field.
Gender Mainstreaming Dalam Kurikulum Mata Kuliah Agama Islam di PTN & PTS di Yogyakarta Suryadilaga, Muhammad Alfatih; Yusuf, M.; Rofiq, Ahmad
Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Vol. 6 No. 1 (2008)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University & The Asia Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/musawa.2008.61.117-136


Equality for women is a fundamental problem in education. There is, in fact, a gap between women and men. The Department of National Education of Indonesia, therefore, makes an effort to decrease the gap through what so-coll gender mainstreaming. This article is to investigate gender mainstreaming program in higher educational Institutions, particularly in Yogyakarta. To have an adequate picture of gender mainstreaming program, UGM and UNY are selected to represent the state higher educational Institutions, while UII and UPN are as the sample of the private ones. The subject matter of Islamic religion is elected due to its contents that still include gender bias. The reality indicates that the available curriculum of Islamic religion in both State Islamic Higher Education and Private Higher education is not inclusive gender yet, in terms of contents, illustrations or sentences used to explain the contents. The model of learning and teaching, more over, is also still not responsive gender, particularly because the teachers or lecturers who deliver the subject have no gender perspective or sensitivity, although they have deep understanding of Islamic spirit that promotes gender equality.
Ilmuan Wanita dan Diskursus Sains (Ilmu Pengetahuan) Suryadilaga, Muhammad Alfatih
Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Vol. 5 No. 3 (2007)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University & The Asia Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/musawa.2007.53.329-345


According to current research, the European commission reports that this year the number of women who receive a PhD (doctorate) reaches 40% or even more for "life sciences", but only 15% of European industrial researchers are women. Especially in Latin America 60% of technological doctors are women, and 59% are in Argentina. However, women aren't playing a significant role in scientific decisions. For example in 1998 at the National Science Foundation Board in the US, only 8 out of 24 of its members are women or 33.3%. Thereby the profile of women must actually still be supported in the context of progressing science that they deserve. Other than focusing on discussing the discourses of science by looking at the origins and the development that until now has produced the Islamic golden age, this article will also give in,depth informationon a few female scientists that has given the world a gift in its struggle to respond to science in the present day. This is not meant to dream of past glory but to sober-up the Moslem men and women to help each other in thinking of the importance of science and as soon as possible watch the development of science and technology right now!
Aborsi: Antara Norma dan Fakta Dalam Kehidupan Sosial Adekusuma, Juliadi
Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Vol. 2 No. 2 (2003)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University & The Asia Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/musawa.2003.22.177-185


In this article, Juliadi Adekusuma puts forward data on abortion from around the world and from Indonesia. This data shows us that not all abortions are done by women without partners, and in fact the majority of abortions in Indonesia involve married women. This article also points out that the number of unsafe abortions is very high, and 13% of these result in the death of the mother.
Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Vol. 10 No. 1 (2011)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University & The Asia Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/musawa.2011.101.33-70


Hadis i’tikaf perempuan riwayat al-Bukhari memiliki dua proses hukum.  Pertama, kebolehan i’tikaf, kedua, larangan i’tikaf karena terdapat illat hukum yang menyebabkan dilarangnya i’tikaf (keamanan [sic], riya, ujub). Lalu hadis yang kedua yang mengkomparasi hadis pertama kembali membolehkan i’tikaf setelah tidak ada illat hukumnya. Jadi dengan demikian hukum asal i’tikaf adalah boleh bagi perempuan (tidak ada diskriminasi). Hasil ini kemudian menjadi semacam indikasi bahwa sesungguhnya persoalan i’tikaf perempuan dan kajian-kajian hadis missogini tidak terletak pada soal kualitas kesahihan sanadnya, tetapi justru fokus pada soal bagaimana memaknai kembali (remeaning) soal tekstual dan kontekstualnya, oleh karena itu pada sesi inilah sebenarnya penajaman analisis dan pengkayaan pandangan musti dilakukan, meskipun kinerja kritik sanad selalu menjadi menu yang tidak bisa terlewatkan pada setiap kegiatan penelitian kualitas hadis.

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