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Indonesian Journal of Cancer
ISSN : 19783744     EISSN : 23556811     DOI : -
Core Subject : Health,
The Indonesian Journal of Cancer (official journal of the Dharmais Cancer Center Hospital) is a peer-reviewed, quarterly, open access journal. Submissions are reviewed under a broad scope of topics relevant to experimental and clinical cancer research. The journal publishes original research articles, case reports, systematic literature reviews, and letters to the editor under the following categories: Cancer prevention, diagnosis, surgery, systemic therapy, radiotherapy, paliative therapy, and molecular biology.
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Articles 448 Documents
Role of BATAN in Establishing Nuclear Oncology in Indonesia Hastowo, Hudi
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 3, No 5 (2009): Workshops 2009
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Penanganan Terkini Metastasis Kelenjar Getah Bening pada Karsinoma Sel Skuamus (KSS) Penis RAKHMAN, MOCHAMMAD REZA ARIEF; UMBAS, RAINY
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 8, No 1 (2014): Jan - Mar 2014
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Recently, the incidence of penile cancer were increased. Two tertier hospital in Jakarta reporting an escalation in the average penile cancer patients from 1,8 to 6,2 per year in the last 16 years (1988-2005). The incidence of regional lymph node metastases was affected by the tumour grading. Only 2 out of 47 cases (4%) in Tis or Ta, 5 out of 73 cases in pT1 (G1/G1-2) and 9 out of 24 cases (38%) in pT1 (G2). 59% inguinal metastase was discovered in pT2. 5 years survival rate was 95% in negative lymphatic nodes, 76% in positive lymphatic node and 0% when pelvic metastatic was found.This study provides information about recent treatments for lymph node metastase in penile squamus cell carcinoma (SCC). Treatment for regional lymph node metastase by NCCN guidelines depends on tumour grade, palpability, nodul size, mobility, unilateral or bilateral. The treatment itself can be surgical (ILND,PLND), radiotherapy and chemotherapy
Metoda-metoda untuk Mendeteksi Adanya Infeksi HPV Dwipoyono, Bambang
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 2, No 2 (2008): Apr - Jun 2008
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Usaha menurunkan insiden dan prevalenjuga kematian kanker serviks uteri adalah dengan menemukannya di populasi perempuan yang dikenal sebagai deteksi dini. Beberapa metoda menemukan sel-sel prekanker maupun kanker sudah dikenal sejak cukup lama, yang awalnya berbasis pada sitologik. Dengan majunya pengetahuan tentang perjalanan alamiah penyakit maupun makin berkembangnya teknologi biologi melekular maka ditemukannya teknik-teknik lain yang lebih baik secara sensitifitas maupun spesifitasnya. Setiap metoda mempunyai nilai diagnostiknya sendiri-sendiri, sehingga pemilihannya disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan yang diinginkan.Kata kunci: metoda, deteksi, HPV
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in Jakarta Reksodiputro, Harryanto; Irawan, Cosphiadi; Hardjolukito, Endang
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 5, No 3 (2011): Jul - Sep 2011
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Tujuan: Melihat karakteristik pasien Limfoma Non Hodgkin di Jakarta. Metode: studi retrospektif. Sampel adalah pasien Limfoma Non Hodgkin yang berobat di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo dan RSK “Dharmais” antara tahun 2004-2005.Hasil: Tujuh puluh delapan persen pasien memiliki usia kurang dari 60 tahun dengan gambaran mayoritas jenis kelamin laki-laki, stadium awal (60,8%) dan status performans yang baik (ECOG 0-1; 86,67%). Berdasarkan evaluasi terhadap paparan, didapati delapan puluh persen pasien tidak diketahui paparannya.Dari 153 pasien, 94 pasien diobati dengan kemoterapi regimen CHOP, namun hanya 51 pasien yang menyelesaikan minimal 6 siklus kemoterapi. Dilaporkan juga respon terhadap terapi adalah: remisi komplit (52,38%), remisi parsial (26,19%) dan respon minimal (14,2%).Pada kelompok pasien yang diobati dengan regimen kemoterapi CHOP, dilaporkan bahwa delapan puluh persen pasien berusia di bawah 60 tahun, memiliki stadium awal (stadium I-II; 74,47%) dan status performmans yang baik (ECOG I-II; 93,3%). Juga dilaporkan bahwa sembilan puluh persen pasien memiliki ? 1 keterlibatan ekstranodal dan kadar LDH normal (60%). Berdasarkan hasil patologi, dilaporkan lima puluh persen pasien memiliki gambaran patologi DLBCL (Diffuse Large B Cell L).Kesimpulan: Sebagian besar pasien Limfoma Non Hodgkin di Jakarta memiliki karakteristik klinis: usia di bawah 60 tahun dengan jenis kelamin laki-laki, stadium awal dan status performans yang baik. Pada kelompok pasien yang menjalani kemoterapi regimen CHOP juga dilaporkan karakteristik klinis yang sama. Lima puluh persen pasien yang menjalani kemoterapi regimen CHOP mencapai respon komplit setelah menjalani minimal 6 siklus kemoterapi.Katakunci: Limfoma Non Hodgkin, Performa studi, remisi
Breast Cancer Diagnostic Imaging in Dharmais Cancer Hospital -, KARDINAH
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 4, No 5 (2010): Workshops 2010
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Quality of Life Assessment in Palliative Stage Cancer Patients -, Maria; -, Witjaksono
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 1, No 2 (2007): Apr - Jun 2007
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Indicators of success in oncology traditionally include cure, survival, and tumor response. In advanced stage however, Quality of life (QOL) has become an important outcomes.2012 Despite the broad use of the term QOL, it is difficult precisely define.1012 It is multidimensional, dynamic and subjective concept.3510 The numerous questionnaire for QOL measurement lead to a challenge for its application.12 Most of QOL instrument include physical symptoms, functioning, psychological and social well-being.12 In advanced stage existential, meaning, fulfillment, purpose and grief become more prominent.1112 Besides the contain of the questionnaire, validity and reliability need to be considered in deciding which instrument will be applied.12This paper discusses the definition of QOL, the purpose of measuring QOL, various QOL instruments, the McGill Quality of Life Questionnaire as a measure suggested in clinical practice and the reasons for its application.Key words; Quality of Life, Palliative, Cancer Patients
Uji Validitas pada Program Skrining Payudara di RS Onkologi, Surabaya Redjeki, Sri; -, Anggraheny; Mardiyana, Lies
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 3, No 4 (2009): Oct - Dec 2009
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Strategi paling efektif dalam menanggulangi kanker payudara adalah pencegahan sekunder, yaitu upaya deteksi dini dan pengobatan segera. Penemuan mammografi adalah terobosan terbesar dalam sejarah penanganan kanker payudara. Pemeriksaan mammografi dapat menemukan kanker payudara sebelum timbul keluhan atau disebut dengan stadium praklinis.Sejak 1995, RS Onkologi melakukan kegiatan skrining payudara jenis opportunity screening atau lebih dikenal dengan istilah case finding. Di sini skrining mammografi dilakukan terhadap masyarakat yang datang tanpa keluhan dan atas kesadaran sendiri melakukan deteksi. Tulisan ini melaporkan kegiatan skrining payudara sejak Januari 2008 hingga Desember 2008. Dari 22.813 kasus yang datang di RSOS, 4.125 di antaranya adalah kasus baru. Kegiatan skrining tersebut menemukan 357 kasus kanker payudara dan hanya 8 kasus (0,9%) yang masih stadium 0 (tidak teraba). Dari 1.388 kasus skrining payudara, dilakukan 9 lokalisasi prosedur dan ditemukan 8 kasus kanker payudara T0 (0,57%). Kemudian dilakukan analisis ilmiah mengenai pengalaman menangani lesi payudara yang tak teraba di RSOS.Kata kunci: skrining payudara, lesi tak teraba, lokalisasi prosedur
Bone Marrow and Umbilical Cord Blood Tranplantation Marrow, Bone
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 3, No 5 (2009): Workshops 2009
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Korelasi Hypoxia Inducible Factor- 1A (HIF-1A) dan Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Dengan Hasil Operasi pada Kanker Ovarium Jenis Epitel RIVANY, RIZA
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 8, No 3 (2014): Jul - Sep 2014
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Hypoxia inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α) regulates gene involved inresponse to hypoxia and promotes angiogenesis. HIF-1α is atranscriptional factor to induce vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF). The objective of this study was to examine the correlation ofHIF-1α and VEGF expression with surgical outcome in epithelialovarian cancer, therefore could predict optimality of debulking inovarian cancer.Thirty patients with epithelial ovarian cancer who underwent primarysurgery were included in this study. Tumor tissues were obtainedfrom surgery and examined with q reverse transcriptase polymerasechain reaction (qRT-PCR) for HIF-1α and VEGF expression analysis.Evaluation of surgical outcome was based on volume of residualtumor. Correlation between HIF-1α and VEGF was analyzed by usingSpearman correlation test while the correlation between HIF-1α andVEGF and surgical outcome was analyzed by ANOVA.Results: The mean age of the study subjects was 47.53±10.41 years.Eleven patients (36.7%) were diagnosed with stage I ovarian cancer,9 patients (30%) with stage II, 8 patients (26.7%) stage III and 2patients (6.7%) with stage IV. Out of 30 patients, 22 patients (73.3%)successfully underwent optimal debulking and 8 patients (26.7%)with suboptimal debulking. There was a correlation between HIF-1αand VEGF expression (r=0.582) but no correlation between HIF-1αand VEGF expression with surgical outcome in patients withepithelial ovarian cancer.Conclusion: There was a significant correlation between HIF-1α andVEGF expression but no significant correlation between HIF-1α andVEGF expression with surgical outcomes.
Tata Laksana Ekstravasasi Karena Pemakaian Kemoterapi Rosdiana, Nelly
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 3, No 2 (2009): Apr - Jun 2009
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Ekstravasasi merupakan suatu keadaan yang bisa muncul pada pasien kanker yang mendapat kemoterapi, yang menimbulkan rasa sakit dan eritema, ulkus, serta kerusakan jaringan. Beberapa obat sitostatika dapat bersifat vesicant, iritan, dan nonvesicant. Tata laksana ditentukan dari stadium ekstravasasi, banyaknya cairan yang terpapar, dan ketersediaan antidotum yang spesifik.Kata kunci: ekstravasasi, kemoterapi, tata laksana.

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