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Indonesian Journal of Cancer
ISSN : 19783744     EISSN : 23556811     DOI : -
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The Indonesian Journal of Cancer (official journal of the Dharmais Cancer Center Hospital) is a peer-reviewed, quarterly, open access journal. Submissions are reviewed under a broad scope of topics relevant to experimental and clinical cancer research. The journal publishes original research articles, case reports, systematic literature reviews, and letters to the editor under the following categories: Cancer prevention, diagnosis, surgery, systemic therapy, radiotherapy, paliative therapy, and molecular biology.
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Articles 448 Documents
Pencegahan Kanker melalui Pengaturan Gizi dan Gaya Hidup Damayanthi, Evy
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 2, No 5 (2008): Workshop 2008
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Pencegahan Kanker melalui Pengaturan Gizi dan Gaya Hidupfull text :
Cancer Stem Cell: Target Baru Obat Antikanker HALIM, DANNY; DJUWANTONO, TONO; AHMAD, TRI HANGGONO
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 4, No 3 (2010): Jul - Sep 2010
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Relaps, resistance and metastasis has become prominent problems that oncologists and cancer patients have to dealt with. Various studies have been done previously concluded that there are a subpopulation of cancer cells, identified as cancer stem cell, most likely to be the cause of relaps, resistance and metastasis of cancer. Cancer stem cell is a subpopulation of cancer cells that possess tumorigenicity, hence it can initiate the growth of tumor. Cancer stem cell has been suspected to be originated from normal stem cells reside in mature tissues, or from progenitor cells that gone through some series of alterations on its characteristics, including mutagenic and non-mutagenic changes. As seen in normal stem cells, cancer stem cell is also oftenly found in its inactive state. Therefore, cancer stem cell is not affected when it treated with many chemotherapeutic agents that are targeting cancer cells that proliferate extensively. Eventually, this event leads to the incidence of cancer relaps on cancer patients who already had series of cancer therapy. Based on this knowledge, it can be concluded that the only absolute way to overcome the incidence of metastasis, resistance and relaps on cancer patients, is to targeting cancer stem cell. Therefore, optimization on protocols of cancer stem cell identification and isolation strived continously. Some molecular markers that are oftenly used as a standard on cancer stem cell isolation are CD34, CD44 and CD133. In line with that, isolation methods that are based on sphere formation and the absorption of coloring dye could also be done to obtain cancer stem cell population. This review article would like to explain the nature of cancer stem cell existence, the pathology underlies its formation, characteristics and identification techniques that are commonly used, and challenges that have to be faced by scientists and physicians in order to optimize the application of cancer stem cell theory for the progress of science and patients’ sake.
Cancer Epidemiology and Program Implementation in Low and Middle Income (LMI) Countries: A Lesson to Learn -, A Lesson; Thomas, David B
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 3, No 5 (2009): Workshops 2009
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Pengaruh Autoclave terhadap Properti Fisik dan Histopatologi Tulang: Sebuah Penelitian Dasar Rekonstruksi WIRATNAYA, I GEDE EKA; KAMAL, ACHMAD FAUZI; PATTIATA, RINO
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 8, No 1 (2014): Jan - Mar 2014
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Background: Autoclave autograft is a promising alternative procedure in surgical treatment of bone tumors. A minimum effective autoclaving time of 15 minutes at 134°C to devitalise tumour cells. This study aims to know the effect of autoclave to physical properties and histopathology of bone.Methods: We performed experimental study in 28 femoral bone of goat (Capra Aergagus circus) at age 1?2 year old. We divide into two groups with simple random sampling to be 14 autoclave and 14 control group. Autoclaving was performed to the bone at 134°C for 15 minute. We examined physical properties each 7 autoclave group to axial and bending force compared with physical properties of the control group. We also examined histopatology of the bone both groups. Independent t-test statistical analysis to evaluate the difference of axial and bending force between autoclave and control group.Results: There were significant difference between autoclave and control group in axial force (p = 0.000) and bending force (p = 0.03). Physical properties of autoclave bone decreased 58.58 % in axial force and 20.33% bending force to control group. Histopathology examination revealed that all osteocytes were death in autoclave group but without matrix changes.Conclusion: Autoclave at 134°C for 15 minute caused physical properties of bone decrease and statistically significant difference. It also made all osteocytes died but without matrix disturbance.
Bone Pain Palliative Therapy: The Role of Samarium (Sm)-153 in Bone Metastatic Tumor* Poedjomartono, Bagaswoto
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 3, No 2 (2009): Apr - Jun 2009
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Pengobatan kanker dengan radioisotop, baik untuk terapi maupun paliatif, sudah sering dilakukan. Hal ini sudah banyak digunakan di daerah-daerah dengan angka prevalensi kanker tinggi, misalnya penggunaan radioiodine (I-131) untuk kanker tiroid deferensiasi baik dan Strontium(Sr)-89 serta Samarium(Sm)-153 untuk mengontrol rasa nyeri pada tulang yang terkena metastasis keganasan kanker. Sm-153 EDTMP mempunyai efek yang baik untuk mengobati pasien dengan metastasis ke tulang. Hampir semua pasien merasakan adanya penurunan rasa nyeri tulang dalam 24 jam sampai 3 hari setelah pemberian Sm-153 EDTMP. Sangat sedikit efek samping yang dilaporkan, di antaranya adanya sakit kepala ringan yang muncul dalam 24 jam setelah suntikan intravena Sm-153 EDTMP. Makalah ini akan membahas dan mengevaluasi efek terapeutik dan paliatif dari Sm-153 EDTMP pada pasien dengan keganasan yang bermetastasis ke tulang.Kata kunci: metastasis tulang, nyeri tulang, Sm-153 EDTMP 
Pemahaman Perawat Mengenai Medication Errors di Bangsal Perawatan Kanker Anak RSUP Dr. Sardjito MULATSIH, SRI; DWIPRAHASTO, IWAN; -, SOETARYO
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 9, No 3 (2015): Jul - Sept 2015
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Advances in medical therapy including prosecuting perpetrators paramedics to carry out a good treatment standards because the risk of medication errors events are higher. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of understanding about ME paramedics in the department of child cancer ward Dr. Sardjito.Do pre- and post- design with a quasi-experimental methods. The sample was nurses who serve childhood cancer patients. Intervention in the form of socialization policies, handbooks and training ME. Evaluation of outcomes given the level of understanding of nurses using a questionnaire before and after intervention.Of the officers a number of 24 pre and 23 post-intervention found no difference statistically significant on all respondents between before and after the intervention in terms of gender, the last education, type of work, whether there is a work permit, work sites and the average period work. There is an increase in the number of nurses who received the intervention of 11 (46%) to 21 (91%). An understanding of ME increased significantly (P <0.05) after receivingintervention, however, the respondents still do not fully understand the source of ME. Understanding the paramedics about ME is quite good, especially after training and familiarization guidebook, unlessthe source ME needed more specific training methods to improve the understanding of ME. Kemajuan terapi menuntut para pelaku kesehatan, termasuk paramedis, untuk melaksanakan standar pengobatan yang baik karena risiko kejadian Medication Errors (ME) yang semakin tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman paramedis mengenai ME di bangsal perawatan kanker anak RSUP Dr. Sardjito. Dilakukan pre- dan post- design dengan metoda kuasi ekperimental. Sebagai sampel adalah perawat yang melakukan pelayanan pasien kanker anak. Intervensi yang dilakukan berupa sosialisasi kebijakan, buku panduan, serta pelatihan Medication Errors (ME). Evaluasi luaran dengan melihat tingkat pemahaman perawat menggunakan kuesioner sebelum dan setelah intervensi.Dari petugas 24 pre- dan 23 post-intervensi, tidak ditemukan perbedaan bermakna secara statistik pada seluruh responden antara sebelum dan sesudah intervensi dalam hal jenis kelamin, pendidikan terakhir, jenis pekerjaan, ada tidaknya surat ijin bekerja, lokasi kerja, serta rata-rata masa kerja. Terdapat peningkatan jumlah perawat yang mendapatkan intervensi dari 11 (46%) menjadi 21 (91%). Pemahaman tentang ME meningkat secara bermakna (P < 0,05) setelah mendapatkan intervensi. Namun demikian, responden masih belum sepenuhnya memahami mengenai sumber ME. Pemahaman paramedis mengenai ME cukup baik, terutama setelah dilakukan pelatihan dan sosialisasi buku pedoman, kecuali mengenai sumber ME. Diperlukan metoda pelatihan yang lebih spesifik untuk meningkatkan pemahaman ME, khususnya paramedis.
Pengamatan Pengobatan Kanker Leher Rahim dengan Kombinasi Radiasi dan Khemoterapi serta Radiasi Saja -, Dewi; Ranuhardi, Doddy; Tadjudin, Hilman; Dwipoyono, Bambang; -, Sumannadi; -, Nasdaldy; Djuita, Fielda
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 1, No 1 (2007): Jan - Mar 2007
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Several clinical trial reported that chemo radiation has significant and equivalent improvement in pelvic failure and overall survival for uterine cervical cancer copared with radiation alone. The best result is certainly achieved by careful attention to management, including the overall treatment time because prolongation overall treatment time will reduce survival. For that reasons lue have reviewed 52 patients ; 14 patients without chemotherapy, 14 patients with chemotherapy docetaxel, 14 patiens with chemotherapy cisplatin and 10 patiens with paclitaxel. 33 patient stage HB and 19 patient stage 1UB. All patients received external radiation in prone position with 50 Gy dose and brachytherapy 3 X 70 Gy at point A. All patients clinically complete respons except 2 patients partial respons from group radiation alone and docetaxel but the overall treatment times from groups cisplatine and paclitaxel longer than others.Key words; Radiation, Uterine Cervical Cancer, Sensitizer Chemotherapy.
Kombinasi Pemeriksaan Potong Beku dan Imprint Meningkatkan Akurasi Diagnosis Intraoperatif Karsinoma Payudara Mahendra Dewi, I Gusti Ayu Sri
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 3, No 4 (2009): Oct - Dec 2009
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Pemeriksaan potong beku intraoperatif memegang peranan penting dalam penatalaksanaan penderita, tetapi mempunyai beberapa keterbatasan dalam hal pengambilan sampel, teknik, serta pengalaman dan pengetahuan ahli patologi yang baik karena keputusan diagnostik harus dibuat dalam waktu yang singkat. Penelitian ini menilai akurasi kombinasi pemeriksaan potong beku dan imprint intraoperatif untuk diagnosis karsinoma payudara, dengan blok parafin sebagai baku emas. Kasus diperoleh dari penderita tumor payudara yang bahan biopsinya dikirim untuk pemeriksaan potong beku ke Bagian/SMF Patologi Anatomi FK UNUD/RSUP Sanglah, Denpasar, dari 1 Januari 2006 sampai 31 Desember 2008. Selama periode tersebut didapatkan 35 kasus, terdiri dari 23 kasus karsinoma dan 12 kasus nonkarsinoma. Akurasi dihitung untuk masing-masing pemeriksaan potong beku, imprint, dan kombinasi keduanya. Sensitivitas, spesifisitas, nilai prediksi positif, dan nilai prediksi negatif untuk potong beku berturut-turut adalah 91,3%; 91,7%; 95,5%; dan 84,6%. Sensitivitas, spesifisitas, nilai prediksi positif, dan nilai prediksi negatif untuk imprint berturut-turut adalah 86,9%; 91,7%; 95,2%; dan 78,6%. Sensitivitas, spesifisitas, nilai prediksi positif, dan nilai prediksi negatif untuk kombinasi keduanya berturut-turut adalah 95,7%; 100%; 100%; dan 92,3%. Pemeriksaan kombinasi potong beku dan imprint intraoperatif dapat meningkatkan akurasi diagnosis karsinoma payudara.Kata kunci: akurasi, potong beku, imprint, karsinoma payudara.
Enumeration of CD34+ Stem Cells using Flowcytometry Kosasih, Agus S.
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 3, No 5 (2009): Workshops 2009
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Metastasis Kelenjar Getah Bening Retrofaring pada Penderita Karsinoma Nasofaring dengan Pemeriksaan Computed Tomography di Rumah Sakit Kanker “Dharmais” SIHALOHO, FLORENSA; -, KARDINAH; KOMARI, BUDIANTO; SUZANNA, EVLINA; PRIHARTONO, JOEDO
Indonesian Journal of Cancer Vol 7, No 4 (2013): Oct - Dec 2013
Publisher : "Dharmais" Cancer Center Hospital

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data metastasis KGB retrofaring pada penderita KNF dengan pemeriksaan CT nasofaring di Rumah Sakit Kanker “Dharmais”.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik dari data sekunder CT nasofaring penderita Karsinoma Nasofaring (KNF) yang belum mendapatkan terapi radiasi dan kemoterapi. Penilaian metastasis Kelenjar Getah Bening (KGB) retrofaring dengan diameter aksial minimal ? 5 mm yang berada di level atlas dekat arteri karotis interna. Penilaian massa tumor menurut TNM AJCC edisi ke-7 tahun 2010. Dilakukan uji statistik untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan metastasis KGB retrofaring dengan massa tumor, tipe histopatologi, invasi lateral, dan massa tumor melewati midline.Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 85 penderita KNF dengan subjek terbanyak laki-laki, umur rerata 43,2 tahun, metastasis KGB retrofaring sebanyak 81 subjek, dan metastasis KGB servikal level II merupakan metastasis KGB terbanyak.Kesimpulannya, metastasis KGB retrofaring adalah metastasis KGB terbanyak kedua setelah KGB servikal level II. Kedua metastasis KGB ini merupakan drainase pertama metastasis KGB pada KNF.Kata Kunci: Metastasis KGB retrofaring, Karsinoma nasofaring, Pemeriksaan CT nasofaring.

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