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EKSPLORASI DAN KARAKTERISASI ENTOMOPATOGEN ASAL BERBAGAI INANG DAN LOKASI [Exploration and Characterization of Entomopathogenic from Various Host and Location] Priyatno, Tri Puji; Samudra, I Made; Manzila, Ifa; Susilowati, Dwi Ningsih; Suryadi, Yadi
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 15, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3631.714 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v15i1.2859


Microbial groups of entomopathogenic (fungi and bacteria) had been reported causing insect mortality. The aim of the study was to explore and characterized entomopathogenic from various host and locations. Fungal identification at genus and species level was caried out based on conidial morphology, hyphal growth, conidiophore and colony color; whilst for bacterial identification was based on standard Bergey’s manual for determinative bacteria. Sixteen entomopathogenic isolates that consisted of fungal and bacteria have been collected and preserved for further characterization. Of the 16 entomopathogen collected samples, five fungal genera was found i.e. Paecilomyces; Metarhizium, Beauveria, Hirsutella; and Cordyceps. Seven isolates belonging to six fungal isolates, and one bacterial isolate had been identified based upon ITS and 16S rDNA sequences, respectively. We confirmed that 6 fungal isolates belong to species of Paecilomyces reniformis, B. bassiana, M. anisopliae, M. anisopliae var acridum, Hirsutella thomsonii. One isolate of red pigmented bacteria Sm201102 have been identified was belonging to species Seratia marcescence. It was also obtained two fungal isolates from different host (spider and beetle) which confirmed by morphological character belong to Cordyceps sp.
KARAKTER RESPIRASI DAN MINERALISASI KARBON ORGANIK PADA SAMPEL TANAH DIKOLEKSI DARI PULAU BANGKA [Respiration and Organic Carbon Mineralization Character in Soil Samples Collected from Bangka Island] Rahmansyah, Maman; Suliasih, Suliasih
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 15, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3877.84 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v15i1.2855


The study was designed to explore soil biomass content and soil enzymatic activities that involved in carbon organic soil mineralization. Samples of soil were collected from two locations in Bangka Island. Bulk samples of top soil (TP) and excavated (TG)  were collected from garden soil in Pangkalpinang. Other soils were gathered from forest floor (TU), beneath pelawan (Tristaniopsis merguensis Griff.) trees which is endemic plant to North Bangka forest. Soil biological character was evaluated by measuring soil microbial population, respiration rate, and cellulase and amylase activities. Experiments were carried out in Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, on dried soil treatment (Control), soil moistened with 5 mL H2O in 100g soil (Gluc.0), and soil moistened with 5 mL 1% glucose solution (Gluc.1). Bacterial population obtained was higher than fungal population in all soil samples. Soil respiration activity in TU after treatment was 4.51±0.49; 5.26±0,79; and 8.28±1.41 ppm CO2/100g-soil/5-minutes, respectively. Meanwhile , respiration in TP  were 3.65 ± 2.12; 3.57 ± 1.18; and 7.94 ± 1.05 ppm CO2/100g-soil/5-minutes; and in the TG are 2.61 ± 0.70; 3.34 ± 0.94; and 5.46 ± 2.30 ppm CO2/100gsoil/5-minutes. Cellulase activity of all samples were not significantly different. Forest soil cellulase activity was significantly different compared to garden soil. Glucose induction was positively increased amylase activity compared to cellulase. Soil enzyme, soil respiration activities and microbial population of forest soil could be used as a reference to recover degraded land in Bangka Island.
RESPON BEBERAPA KULTIVAR PADI SAWAH PADA PENGAIRAN SISTEM GENANGAN DALAM PARIT [Response of Some Rice Cultivars under Soil Saturated Culture] Syamsuddin, Syamsuddin; Indradewa, D.
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 15, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3265.975 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v15i1.2860


Efficiency of water use in paddy rice irrigation system is necessary to increase cropping intensity. Development of rice cultivars that are responsive to adequate soil moisture with high yield and efficient use of water is required for tropical paddy fields. The research was conducted in Sleman district of Yogyakarta province, from April to August 2011. The study was conducted on some selected rice cultivars to be cultivated on soil saturated culture (SSC) system to asses the response of cultivars that can produce high grain yield. Experiment was using randomized block design (RBD) and environment factors as replications. Control treatment was rice field. Rice cultivars used are IR.64, Ciherang, Inpari-1, Inpari-2, Inpari-3, Inpari-4, Inpari-10, Inpari-6 Jete, Cigeulis, Ciliwung, Luk Ulo, Way Apo Buru, Widas, Bondoyudo, Silugonggo, Tukad Petanu, Batang Piaman, Cibogo, Dodokan, Sarinah, OM.5637, WS.63-22-1-1-3-3, Inpari-8, Situ, Bagendit, and Cimelati. The results showed that the cultivars Cimelati and Sarinah was a cultivar response to the SSC system compared to other cultivars. The Cimelati cultivar grain yield potential was 25.02 g/hill and Sarinah was 21.45 g/hill. The yield using SSC system was higher compared to rice fields system.
POTENSI Rhodococcus pyridinovorans GLB5 SEBAGAI BIOKATALIS DALAM KONVERSI SENYAWA METHIL SIANIDA DAN PHENIL SIANIDA [Potential of Rhodococcus pyridinovrans GLB5 as Biocatalistin Methyl and Phenyl Cyanide Conversion] Sulistinah, Nunik; Riffiani, Rini; Sunarko, Bambang
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 15, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3384.218 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v15i1.2856


Nitrile and amide bioconversion have received increasing attention due to their ability to provide a range of commercially important chemicals. The experiment was conducted to investigate the potential of bacterial isolate GLB5 to convert methyl cyanide and phenyl cyanide. The samples were collected from various industrial waste. Selection of isolates to utilize  these substrates as a sole source of energy, carbon and nitrogen was conducted on 96 whell microtitter plates, based on the growth ability using INT (Iodo nitrotetrazolium chloride) reagent. Based on the growth  pattern, it showed that the bacterial isolate GLB5 grew well and it was capable of utilizing  methyl and phenyl cyanide compound as the sole source of carbon and nitrogen.  The isolate GLB5 was isolated from industrial waste of Batik factory in Cirebon, and  identified as Rhodococcus pyridinovorans. Bioconversion of methyl cyanide using whole cells of R. pyridinovorans GLB5 showed that ethanamide (C2H5NO) and ethanoic acid (C2H4O2) were detected. Formation of ethanamide and ethanoic acid as the product of bioconversion, indicated that the nitrile hydratase and amidase enzymes  involved in the bioconversion process. Phenyl carboxamide (C7H7NO) as the product of phenyl cyanide bioconversion was also detected,  although  in  low  concentration. In this study, R. pyridinovorans GLB5 was capable of completely converting 300 mM methyl cyanide to ±  140 mM ethanoic acid in relatively short times (<60 minutes).
LETHAL DISSOLVED OXYGEN AND BLOOD PROPERTIES OF GREY MULLETS Mugil cephalus IN SEAWATER AND FRESHWATER [Oksigen Terlarut Letal dan Gambaran Darah Ikan Belanak Mugil cephalus di Air Laut dan Tawar] Prakoso, Vitas Atmadi; Kim, Ki Tae; Min, Byung Hwa; Gustiano, Rudhy; Chang, Young Jin
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 15, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v15i1.2861


Ikan belanak Mugil cephalus adalah salah satu spesies ikan euryhaline dan merupakan ikan ekonomis penting yang terdistribusi secara luas di dunia. Namun, penelitian tentang pengaruh faktor lingkungan terhadap metabolisme ikan ini masih kurang banyak diteliti meskipun hal tersebut penting untuk mengoptimalkan budidaya. Karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari tingkat oksigen terlarut (DO) letal dan gambaran darah ikan belanak pada kondisi pemeliharaan dengan salinitas berbeda. Dua kelompok penelitian dilakukan untuk mengukur kadar DO letal dan gambaran darah ikan belanak pada kondisi pemeliharaan di air laut (LOS) dan air tawar (LOF). Pengamatan dilakukan menggunakan closed rectangular chamber dan sampel darah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi ikan belanak menjadi tidak stabil pada kondisi oksigen terlarut di bawah 2 mg/L (1.3 mg/L pada LOS, 1.6 mg/L pada LOF). Dalam kondisi oksigen terlarut menjadi 1 mg/L, aktivitas ikan menurun dan mengalami kematian pada konsentrasi 0.3 mg/L. Kedua kelompok penelitian yang diamati tidak berbeda nyata (P>0.05). Parameter darah seperti Ht, Hb, osmolalitas, kortisol, dan glukosa dalam percobaan LOS memiliki nilai yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan LOF. Percobaan menunjukkan bahwa indikator respon stress pada ikan belanak semakin meningkat dengan menurunnya kandungan oksigen dalam air. Kadar kortisol berada pada nilai 90.7 ng/ml di LOS dan 56.4 ng/ml di LOF, sedangkan kadar glukosa berada pada nilai 169.0 ng/ml di LOS dan 71.5 ng/ml di LOF. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kadar oksigen terlarut bagi ikan belanak dianjurkan tidak berada di bawah 2 mg/L pada kondisi pemeliharaan di air laut maupun air tawar untuk menghindari kematian pada ikan.
THE EFFECT OF CULTURE MEDIA AND ACTIVATED CHARCOAL ON ASYMBIOTIC SEED GERMINATION AND SEEDLING DEVELOPMENT OF A THREATENED ORCHID Dendrobium taurulinum J.J. Smith IN VITRO [Pengaruh Media Kultur dan Arang Aktif pada Perkecambahan Biji dan Perkembangan Seedling Anggrek Langka Dendrobium taurulinum J. J. Smith in vitro] Nurfadilah, Siti
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 15, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3580.768 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v15i1.2857


Seed germination and seedling development are an initial and crucial stage in the plant growth and development. Many factors influence seed and seedling development. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of different culture media (KC, VW, and MS) and the concentration of activated charcoal (0 g/l and 2 g/l) on asymbiotic seed germination and seedling development of a threatened  orchid, Dendrobium taurulinum. Results showed that germination occurred regardless of culture media type, however the percentage of seed germination was higher on media with 2 g/l activated charcoal (> 90 %) than on media without activated charcoal (0 g/l). After 12 weeks asymbiotic seed culture, seeds sown on media with 2 g/l activated charcoal grew and developed more rapidly to leaf-bearing protocorms (seedlings) compared to media without activated charcoal.The highest occurrence of advanced seedlings (stage 4, 89.77%) was  observed on MS medium with 2 g/l activated charcoal.
EFEKTIVITAS KOMBINASI VAKSIN BAKTERI POLIVALEN DENGAN VAKSIN ANTI GROUPER SLEEPY DISEASE IRIDOVIRUS (GSDIV) PADA IKAN KERAPU MACAN (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) [The Effectiveness of Polyvalent Bacterial Vaccine combined with Anti Grouper Sleepy Disease Iridovirus (GSDIV)Vaccine in Tiger Grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus)] Zafran, Zafran
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 15, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v15i1.2862


One problem in mariculture is mortality caused by diseases. An experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of polyvalent bacterial vaccine combined with anti GSDIV vaccine was conducted in the Institute for Mariculture Research and Development, Gondol, Bali. Polyvalent bacterial vaccine was combined of three inactivated pathogens, i.e. Vibrio harveyi, V. alginolyticus, and Photobacterium leioghnathi. Polyvalent bacterial vaccine administered through bathing method whereas GSDIV vaccine given through intra-peritoneal injection on tiger grouper. The fish was reared for three months in concrete tanks equipped with filter and aeration systems. The fish were fed with dry pellet twice a day. The results showed that titer antibody and survival rate of vaccinated fish were higher than unvaccinated one. The highest titer antibody was obtained on fish vaccinated with GSDIV vaccine (128) followed by fish vaccinated with polyvalent bacterial vaccine (32-64) and combination of polyvalent bacterial vaccine with GSDIV vaccine (32-64), respectively. Relative Percentage Survival (RPS) of vaccinated fish following challenge with live bacteria and virus were ranged from 65-84%. It is suggested that vaccines effective to enhance immune protection of tiger grouper fish against bacterial and viral infections.
TEKNOLOGI PENURUNAN KADAR Fe AIR SAWAH PASANG SURUT MELALUI PENGGUNAAN BIOFILTER PURUN TIKUS (Eleocharis dulcis) [Fe Levels Decline Technology of Water Tidal Rice Field by Using Purun Tikus (Eleocharis Dulcis) Biofilter ] Indrayati, Linda; Susilawati, Ani
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 15, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3298.088 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v15i1.2852


Water management in acid sulfate soil can increase the productivity of land and crops, but the element of poison leaching into drainage channels gives negative impact on the environment. One approach to improve water quality is to filter or absorb the poison element. Purun tikus (Eleocharis dulcis) can act as a biofilter to improve water quality. The purpose of this study is to get biofilter technology (purun tikus) to reduce the levels of Fe, SO4 and increase the pH of the water. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse of Indonesian Swampland Agriculture Research Institute, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan. Treatment was arranged in a factorial randomized block design with three replications.The first factor was the density of the biofilter ,consisted of: 1) 25%, 2) 50%, and 3) 100%, The second factor was the length of contact of water with biofilter that consisted of: 1). 12 hours, 2) 24 hours, and 3) 36 hours. The results showed that the density of purun tikus 50% in greenhouse experiments can decreased the concentration of Fe at 76.5%.
MAKNA NILAI PENTING BUDAYA KEANEKARAGAMAN HAYATI TUMBUHAN BAGI MASYARAKAT DI TAMAN NASIONAL KERINCI SEBLAT DI KABUPATEN KERINCI, PROPINSI JAMBI [The Importance of Cultural Significance Index of Plants Diversity For The Communities Within The Kerinci Seblat National Park, Kerinci Regency, Province of Jambi] Helida, Asvic; Zuhud, Ervizal A.M.; Hardjanto, Hardjanto; Purwanto, Y.; Hikmat, Agus
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 15, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3374.798 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v15i1.2853


Index of Cultural Significance biodiversity plants in ethnobotanical study was an important step for seeking a strategy for subsisten activity. This study was aimed to identify utilised plants that have the highest value at Kerinci community. The current study was conducted in three villages within the Kerinci Regency, Jambi Province, which located close to the Kerinci Seblat National Park: Baru Lempur, Lama Tamiai, and Ulu Jemih for 8 months (October 2013 to May 2014). Data was obtained by implementing  participation-observation method through interviews. Estimation of cultural significance for every plant species observed using the Index for Cultural Significance (ICS). Results indicated that the people of Kerinci possessed good knowledge on the biodiversity of their surrounding. Two hundred and thirty four species of useful plants we recorded with ICS value ranging from 3 to 59. Rice (Oryza sativa; Poaceae) and Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii; Lauraceae) had highest ICS value, whereas ‘inggu’ (Ruta angustifolia; Rutaceae) and ‘bunching onion’ (Allium fistulosum, Amaryllidaceae ) have the lowest ICS value.
STUDI PERTUMBUHAN ANAKAN POHON PADA PETAK PERMANEN DI HUTAN DATARAN RENDAH TAMAN NASIONAL GUNUNG GEDE PANGRANGO [Study of seedling growth at permanent plots in lowland forest of Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park] Sundari, Siti
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 15, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3363.496 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v15i1.2858


Study of seedling growth was conducted at permanent plot in lowland forest of Gunung Gede Pangrango. The aim of this research was to determine the relationship between growth parameters such as number of seedling leaves, diameter, the depth of soil organic material and tree height of each seedling at the permanent subplot 5 x 5 m.The results showed that basal area, diameter, and the depth of soil organic material did not significantly affect on the number of seedling leaves, whereas basal area and the depth of soil organic material significantly affected on seedling diameter at each permanent subplot 5 x 5 m. For the trees height at the permanent subplot, it did not significantly affected on the number of seedling leaves, diameter, basal area and the depth of soil organic material. Diameter seedling and the depth of soil organic material were suspected as the main factors for the growth parameters of seedling growth in this area.

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