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DISTRIBUSI BARU DAN STRUKTUR POPULASI Rafflesia zollingeriana Koord. DI TAMAN NASIONAL MERU BETIRI, JAWA TIMUR Lestari, Dewi; Hikmat, Agus; Zuhud, Ervizal AM
Buletin Kebun Raya Vol 17, No 2 (2014): Buletin Kebun Raya Vol. 17 (2) July 2014
Publisher : Center for Plant Conservation Bogor Botanic Garden, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

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Studi ini dilakukan pada bulan Juni–Juli 2012 untuk mengetahui sebaran terbaru Rafflesia zollingeriana dan struktur populasinya di Taman Nasional Meru Betiri. R. zollingeriana yang ditemukan sebanyak 19 populasi yang terdiri atas 26 koloni dan 152 individu. Populasi R. zollingeriana dominan ditemukan di lereng bukit, jauh dari pantai. Beberapa populasi berada di dekat pemukiman (kantong) dan di zona hutan dekat zona rehabilitasi. Dari 19 populasi yang telah diamati, sembilan merupakan distribusi baru yang belum pernah didokumentasikan dan satu di antaranya berada di luar kawasan TNMB. Populasi tersebut terdiri atas bunga mekar (7,89%), kuncup hidup (63,16%) dan kuncup mati (28,95%). Kuncup hidup dengan diameter 0,1–5 cm mendominasi populasi (50%), sedangkan kuncup yang siap mekar (diameter lebih dari 15 cm) hanya 0,42%. Tingkat keberhasilan kuncup untuk mekar diperkirakan rendah, sehingga keberlanjutan populasi R. zollingeriana terancam dan perlu dilestarikan, baik secara in situ maupun ex situ. Saran konservasi, baik secara in situ maupun ex situ disampaikan dalam makalah ini.
The Ethnography of Kerinci Helida, Asvic; EAM, Zuhud; Hardjanto, Hardjanto; Purwanto, Purwanto; Hikmat, Agus
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v7i2.4837


Traditional Land Practice and Forest Conservation: Case Study of The Manggarai Tribe in Ruteng Mountains, Indonesia Iswandono, Elisa -; Zuhud, Ervizal A.M.; Hikmat, Agus; Kosmaryandi, Nandi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v8i2.4945


Conservation of mountain forests in the tropics will be successful if the interests of local communities to be considered in the management. Indigenous system of forest management for the sustainable use is  the most appropriate for better understand to the environmental conditions. This study aimed to analyze the traditional land management by Manggarai communities and integrate them into forest conservation. This research is a qualitative ethnographic approach. Qualitative data in 2014 obtained through observation, interviews, data from relevant agencies and related literature. The results showed that the Manggarai community has been practicing traditional land management and sustainable use zoning system. Indigenous land use practice is done by considering the sustainability and preventing land degradation.
Respon Ukuran Kelompok terhadap Efek Tepi dan Kepadatan Populasi Surili (Presbytis comata) pada Hutan Dataran Rendah dan Perbukitan di Kabupaten Kuningan Supartono, Toto; Prasetyo, Lilik Budi; Hikmat, Agus; Kartono, Agus Priyono
ZOO INDONESIA Vol 25, No 2 (2016): Desember 2016
Publisher : Masyarakat Zoologi Indonesia

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Ekosistem hutan dataran rendah memiliki peranan penting bagi konservasi keanekaragaman hayati. Fragmentasi yang menyebabkan terpecah-pecahnya hutan alam dan memicu terjadinya efek tepi telah menjadi kendala dalam pelestarian populasi. Memahami pengaruh habitat tepi terhadap ukuran kelompok surili (Presbytis comata) dan tersedianya data kepadatan populasi sangat penting dalam konservasi populasi. Ukuran kelompok dapat menjadi indikator kualitas habi-tat. Akan tetapi, respon kelompok terhadap tepi hutan belum banyak diketahui dan informasi kepadatan populasi surili pada ekosistem hutan dataran rendah juga masih terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis ukuran kelompok surili (Presbytis comata), pengaruh tepi hutan terhadap ukuran kelompok, dan kepadatan populasi surili. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada tutupan hutan yang mencakup hutan alam, hutan tanaman, dan kebun campuran, dengan total panjang jalur 59 km di kelompok hutan Gunung Subang, Kabupaten Kuningan. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa ukuran ke-lompok surili bervariasi dari 2 sampai 22 dengan rata-rata 8,52 individu. Rata-rata ukuran kelompok surili tidak berubah sejalan dengan bertambahnya jarak dari tepi hutan. Kepadatan populasi surili pada interval kepercayaan 95% berkisar 44,39 – 82,36 dengan rata 60,47 ind/km2. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi pertimbangan dalam penyusunan strategi konservasi populasi surili pada ekosistem hutan dataran rendah yang merupakan kumpulan dari sisa hutan alam, hutan tanaman, dan kebun campuran.
Keanekaragaman dan Pola Sebaran Spesies Tumbuhan Asing Invasif di Cagar Alam Pulau Sempu, Jawa Timur Abywijaya, Ilham Kurnia; Hikmat, Agus; Widyatmoko, Didik
JURNAL BIOLOGI INDONESIA Vol 10, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Biologi Indonesia
Publisher : Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jbi.v10i2.2103


The presence of invasive alien plant species has been known to cause various negative impacts on ecosystems in theinvaded conservation area. This research aims to identify diversity and distribution pattern of invasive alien plantsspecies in Sempu Island Nature Reserve, and to determine the most influential environmental factors to theirdispersion. The methods used were the combination of quantitative vegetation analysis and rapid assessmenttechnique followed by the principal component analysis. As many as 10 invasive alien plants species (belonging to 7families) have been identified within this conservation area, e.g., Pistia stratoites, Ageratum mexicanum, Vernoniacinerea, Cyperus rotundus, Passiflora foetida, Centotheca lappacea, Eleusine indica, Imperata cylindrica, Hedyotiscorymbosa, and Lantana camara. All invasive alien plant species found in the sampling plots had a clumpeddistribution pattern. The most influential environmental factors to the invasive alien plants dispersion were landslope and distance from shoreline.Keywords: distribution pattern, environmental factors, invasive alien plants, Sempu Island Nature Reserve
Komunitas Floristik dan Suksesi Vegetasi Setelah Erupsi 2010 di Gunung Merapi Jawa Tengah Afrianto, Whisnu Febry; Hikmat, Agus; Widyatmoko, Didik
Publisher : Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1304.649 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/jbi.v12i2.2895


ABSTRACTSuccession dynamics (as a complex interaction and relationship between environment and species) is a crucial ecological process for managing and restoring habitats and ecosystems. This research was conducted at several locations based on the damage levels occurred due to the 2010 eruption of Mount Merapi: heavily damaged site was chosen at the Cangkringan Resort (consisting of both open and covered areas) and the Kemalang Resort, medium damage site was located at the Dukun Resort, and minor damage/relatively intact site was situated at the Selo Resort. A total of 135 plant species belonging to 64 families were recorded from all locations during the study. The Mount Merapi eruption occurred in 2010 had significantly impacted on the floristic community structure and condition. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was used to analyze the relationships between environmental variables and the existing plant species conditions. The results indicated that different abiotic environment conditions (variables) significantly influenced species compositions and conditions. The covered area (?= 0:49; p= 0.002; F= 10:35) and the elevation factor (?= 0:32; p= 0.002; F= 7:08) provided the highest impact on vegetation conditions. Meanwhile, the relationships and correlations between edaphic factors and floristic community conditions varied from site to site.Key words: Abiotic environment, floristic community, succession, Mount Merapi, restoration
Konservasi Ex Situ Mangifera casturi Kosterm. Berbasis Masyarakat: Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir, Provinsi Riau Fakhrozi, Irzal; Hikmat, Agus; Widyatmoko, Didik
Publisher : Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (230.162 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/jbi.v9i1.155


Mangifera casturi Kosterm. (Anacardiaceae) merupakan spesies yang dinyatakan punah di alam liar. Spesies ini endemikdi pulau Kalimantan. Saat ini, Mangifera casturi telah dibudidayakan di luar sebaran alaminya, terutama diKabupaten Indragiri Hilir Provinsi Riau, Sumatera. Penelitian dilakukan di dua kecamatan di Kabupaten IndragiriHilir, yaitu Kecamatan Gaung Anak Serka (GAS) dan Kecamatan Gaung. Sebanyak 1.315 individu M. casturiditemukan dalam penelitian yang dilakukan. Keberhasilan konservasi ex situ M. casturi di daerah ini didukung olehsetidaknya tiga stimulus: alami, manfaat, dan stimulus religius. Namun faktor internal dan eksternal milik masyarakatsetempat juga mempengaruhi secara signifikan. Di Kecamatan GAS, konservasi ex situ M. casturi terutamadidukung oleh stimulus manfaat sementara di Kecamatan Gaung upaya konservasi ex situ didukung oleh stimulusreligius. Analisa komponen utama dilakukan untuk menentukan kemungkinan hubungan antara konservasi ex situM. casturi dan variabel pendukung dalam masyarakat. Di Kecamatan GAS, yang upaya konservasi ex situ M. casturisecara signifikan didukung oleh ukuran populasi, panen dan pemasaran serta kegiatan pra tanam. Di KecamatanGaung, konservasi ex situ dari M. casturi tidak hanya didukung oleh ukuran populasi, panen dan kegiatan pasar, tetapijuga oleh kegiatan pra tanam, status dan luas lahan.Kata Kunci: Indragiri Hilir, Konservasi ex situ, Mangifera casturi, Punah di alam liar
Populasi dan Kesesuaian Habitat Langkap (Arenga obtusifolia Mart.) di Cagar Alam Leuweung Sancang, Jawa Barat Usmadi, Didi; Hikmat, Agus; Witono, Joko Ridho; Prasetyo, Lilik Budi
Publisher : Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1307.549 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/jbi.v11i2.2194


ABSTRACTThe growth and regeneration of langkap in natural habitat is very fast and has invasive tendencies. The aim of study was to analyze the population and population structure of langkap in Leuweung Sancang Nature Reserve, and build spatial models of habitat suitability langkap in Leuweung Sancang Nature Reserve. Data were collected using a sampling method with a number of plots along the transect line. Langkap has become the dominant species in Leuweung Sancang Nature Reserve on saplings and pole with population structure shows an normally structure population. Analysis of spatial modelling on habitat suitability of langkap through binary logistic regression with independent variables in the form of the Forest Canopy Density (FCD), slope, distance from the river and Normalized Difference Moisture Index (NDMI) has been able to predict habitat suitability of langkap in Leuweung Sancang Nature Reserve, i.e. 61,10% of the Leuweung Sancang Nature Reserve suitable as habitat langkap and 38,90% of the Leuweung Sancang Nature Reserve is not suitable as habitat langkap. Keywords: Langkap, Arenga obtusifolia, habitat suitability, spatial modeling, Leuweung Sancang Nature Reserve. 
MAKNA NILAI PENTING BUDAYA KEANEKARAGAMAN HAYATI TUMBUHAN BAGI MASYARAKAT DI TAMAN NASIONAL KERINCI SEBLAT DI KABUPATEN KERINCI, PROPINSI JAMBI [The Importance of Cultural Significance Index of Plants Diversity For The Communities Within The Kerinci Seblat National Park, Kerinci Regency, Province of Jambi] Helida, Asvic; Zuhud, Ervizal A.M.; Hardjanto, Hardjanto; Purwanto, Y.; Hikmat, Agus
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 15, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3374.798 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/beritabiologi.v15i1.2853


Index of Cultural Significance biodiversity plants in ethnobotanical study was an important step for seeking a strategy for subsisten activity. This study was aimed to identify utilised plants that have the highest value at Kerinci community. The current study was conducted in three villages within the Kerinci Regency, Jambi Province, which located close to the Kerinci Seblat National Park: Baru Lempur, Lama Tamiai, and Ulu Jemih for 8 months (October 2013 to May 2014). Data was obtained by implementing  participation-observation method through interviews. Estimation of cultural significance for every plant species observed using the Index for Cultural Significance (ICS). Results indicated that the people of Kerinci possessed good knowledge on the biodiversity of their surrounding. Two hundred and thirty four species of useful plants we recorded with ICS value ranging from 3 to 59. Rice (Oryza sativa; Poaceae) and Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii; Lauraceae) had highest ICS value, whereas ‘inggu’ (Ruta angustifolia; Rutaceae) and ‘bunching onion’ (Allium fistulosum, Amaryllidaceae ) have the lowest ICS value.
The Ethnography of Kerinci Helida, Asvic; EAM, Zuhud; Hardjanto, Hardjanto; Purwanto, Purwanto; Hikmat, Agus
KOMUNITAS: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture Vol 7, No 2 (2015): Komunitas, September 2015
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v7i2.4837


Co-Authors . Siswoyo A. M. Zuhud Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri ABDUL HARIS MUSTARI Abywijaya, Ilham Kurnia Abywijaya, Ilham Kurnia Afrianto, Whisnu Febry Afrianto, Whisnu Febry Agung Widya Agus Priyono Kartono Agus Priyono Kartono Agus Priyono Kartono Agustina Roswita Atok Albert Farma Amelia Dwi Susanti Amri Muhammad Saadudin Andayani Oerta G Anggit Haryoso Ardika Eri Triana Arief Prasetyo Arya A. Metananda Arya Arismaya Metananda Arya Arismaya Metananda Asvic Helida Asvic Helida Asvic Helida, Asvic Beti Septiana Darsono Burhanuddin Masyud Cece Somantri Cecep Kusmana Cory Wulan Defri Yoza Desta S. Pravista Devi Aldian Pratama Dewi Lestari Dewi Lestari Didi Usmadi, Didi DIDIK WIDYATMOKO Ditha Silva Mutiawati Dudung Darusman E.K.S Harini Muntasib Edhi Sandra Elisa - Iswandono, Elisa - Elisa Iswandono Elisa Iswandono Eri Irwanta Ervizal A. M. Zuhud Ervizal A. M. Zuhud Ervizal A. M. Zuhud Ervizal A.M Zuhud Ervizal A.M Zuhud Ervizal A.M. Zuhud Ervizal AM Zuhud Ervizal AM Zuhud Ervizal Amir Muhammad Zuhud Ervizal Amir Muhammad Zuhud Ervizal Amir Muhammad Zuhud Ervizal AMZU Ferdynan Dapadeda Ghiyats Fawwaz Fadhlullah Hardjanto - Hardjanto Hardjanto Hariadi Kartodihardjo Harnios Aerief Has, Dini Hardiani Husein Mukmin Irzal Fakhrozi, Irzal Istomo . Jarwadi B. Hernowo Jhon Marthali Simamora Joko Ridho Witono Kartodihardjo, Hariadi Lilik Budi Prasetyo Lisdayanti Lisdayanti M. Adlan Ali Machmud Thohari Marwa Prinado Mayanda Mega Maysarah . Meine van Noordwijk Merlian Zikri Muhammad Adlan Ali Munawar Fuadi Nandi Koesmayandi Nandi Kosmaryandi Nani Rahayu Nina Hernindiah Nira Febriyanti Niskan Walid Masruri Nurheni Wijayanto Nurkhotimah . Nurul Qomar Oktovianus Oktovianus Purwanto Purwanto Rachmad Hermawan Radios Simanjuntak Rani Assyifa Resti Suwartini Revina Dwi Utami Rina Wulan Sari Rinekso Soekmadi Rita Kartika Sari Rizky Febriana Lubis Rudi Hermawan Rudi Hermawan Sambas Basuni Siti Masitoh Kartikawati SM Kartikawati Soekisman Tjitrosoedirjo Sopian Hidayat Sri Soepraptini Mansjoer Subekti Rahayu Supartono, Toto Titiek Setyawati Titiek Setyowati Viny Volcherina Darlis Viyata Pratiwi Risky Y. Purwanto Y. Purwanto YANTO SANTOSA Yoga Dwi Syahputra Yohanes Purwanto Yoko Untoro Yulianto Yulizar . Zuhud EAM, Zuhud