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Kajian Ekspor Impor dan Variabel Makro Ekonomi terhadap Pergerakan Harga Saham Pertanian Irianto Irianto; Baiq Kisnawati; Istiarto Istiarto; Zulkarnaen Zulkarnaen
Valid: Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 18 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi AMM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53512/valid.v18i2.188


This study aims to examine the effect of exports, imports and macroeconomic variables on the movement of the stock price index of the agricultural sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sampling technique used was a saturated sample. The research data were secondary data for the 2000-2019 observation period. Data were analyzed using Multiple Linear Regression with SPSS application. Hypothesis testing was carried out by t-test for partial testing and testing the coefficient of determination. The results showed that partially the export variable had a positive and insignificant effect, imports had a positive and insignificant effect, the rupiah exchange rate had an insignificant negative effect, inflation had a non-significant positive effect, and bank interest rates had an insignificant negative effect on the stock price index of the agricultural sector. The ability of the independent variable is only able to explain 50.60% of the stock price of the agricultural sector, the remaining 49.40% is influenced by other variables outside the model. This means that the variables studied in this study are not sufficient to explain the dependent variable, so that potential investors are strongly encouraged to consider other variables before making investment decisions
Reaksi Pasar Terhadap Divestasi Saham PT. Freeport Indonesia Ke PT. Inalum Alpian Adi Herawan; Irianto Irianto; Baiq Kisnawati
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Islam Al-Azhar

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The capital market is one of the economic instruments for buying and selling securities in the form of shares and bonds. There are two parties in the capital market, those who need funds and those who have excess funds. There are several events that can affect abnormal return and trading volume activity, one of them is the announcement of the divestment of a company's shares. There is an economic event that is very attention-grabbing in 2018, namely the divestment of PTFI shares to PT Inalum. This event is considered as one of the information for investors who want to invest. This study aims to determine the differences in the average abnormal return and the differences in the average trading volume activity that occurr in the period before and after the announcement of the divestment of shares. This research is an event study research. The population and sample used in this study were members of the holding companies of Mining, namely ANTAM, TINS ​​and PTBA. Data analysis used is paired t test analysis. The test results obtained that there is no significant difference in the average abnormal return and average trading volume activity before and after the divestment event.
Pengaruh Harga, Promosi dan Kepercayaan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Online (Studi Kasus Pada Konsumen Lazada) surliana surliana; Zulkarnaen Zulkarnaen; Irianto Irianto; Baiq Kisnawati
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Islam Al-Azhar

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This research is aimed determining the effect of price, promotion, and trust on online purchasing decisions at Lazada site. This research is an associative study. Population used in this is all students of STIE AMM Mataram who had been shopping online at Lazada. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, in order to obtain a total sample of 40 people. Data analysis technique used is multiple regressions. The result of this research shows that: price effect and insignifican on online purchasing decisions, evidenced from t value obtained less than t table that is 0,262< 1,688. Promotion has a positive and significant effect on online purchasing decisions, evidenced from t value obtained greater than t table that is 2,674> 1,688. Trust has a positive and significant effect on online purchasing decisions, evidenced from t value obtained greater than t table that is 3,176>1,688. Price, promotion, and trust simultaneously has a positive and significan effect on online purchasing decisions,evidenced from t value obtained is 15,924.
PERBANDINGAN HARGA SAHAM SEBELUM DAN SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 (Studi Pada Saham LQ 45 di Bursa Efek Indonesia) irianto Irianto; Baiq Kisnawati; Istiarto Istiarto
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Islam Al-Azhar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (317.292 KB) | DOI: 10.47885/kompetitif.v7i1.345


This study aims to determine the difference in LQ45 stock prices before and during the Covid-19 pandemic on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This type of research is comparative research. The population is 45 companies classified as LQ45 on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Determination of the sample by purposive sampling, selected as many as 39 companies that are classified as LQ45. The data used is quantitative data sourced from publications on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data analysis technique used the Two-Mean Difference Test. The results showed that there was no significant difference in the price of LQ45 before the pandemic and during the Covid-19 pandemic Keywords: stock price, LQ45 stock, Covid-19 pandemic
PENGARUH CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TERHADAP MANAJEMEN LABA (Studi Pada Perusahaan Food and Baverages Yang Terdaftar di BEI Pipit Rabiatun; Irianto Irianto; Indah Ariffianti; Baiq Kisnawati
JURNAL KOMPETITIF : MEDIA INFORMASI EKONOMI PEMBANGUNAN, MANAJEMEN DAN AKUNTANSI Vol 6 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Kompetitif:Media Informasi Ekonomi Pembangunan, Manajemen dan Akuntansi
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Islam Al-Azhar

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This study is aimed to examine the effect of corporate governance mechanisms, such as, independent board of. commissioner composition, board of commisioner size, audit committee, institutional ownership, and managerial ownership toward profit management. This research used 5 of food company and Baverages that was listed in Indonesia stock Exchange since 2014-2018. The sample of this research are selected by purposive sampling method. Analysis method of this research used multiple regression. Earnings management measured by using discretionary accrual. The result of this study showed that the result of regression as follow: = 7,365 + 0,631 XI + 0,553 X2 + 0,583 X3 + 0,674 X4 + 0,768 X5 + e. However the result of variable: (1) Composition of independent commissioner council has the effect of significant at profit management. It was proved by t value is higher than t table that was 4,291 > 2,085. (2) Standard of commissioner council has the effect of significant at profit management, it was proved by the result of t value is higher than t table that was 3,148 > 2,085. (3) the committee of audit has the effect of significant at profit management. It was proved by t value is higher than t value 3,569 > 2.085. (4) The ownership of constitutional has the effect of significant at profit management. It was proved by t value is higher than t table that was 4,422 > 2,085. (5) The ownership of managerial at profit management. It was proved by t value is higher than t table 5,618 > 2,085. (6) Composition of independent commissioner council, standard of commissioner council, the committee of audit, the ownership of constitutional, the ownership of managerial have the effect of significant at profit management. The result of calculation showed that f value that is 22,861, while f table 2,74 (22,861 > 2,74). It means that f value is higher than f table. The result of calculation of Composition of independent commissioner council, standard of commissioner council, the committee of audit, the ownership of constitutional, and the ownership of managerial showed that the value coofesien was 0,730 (73%) and the balance 0,270 (27%) it is described by other variable was not include in this research.
Nusantara Hasana Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Nusantara Hasana Journal, July 2022
Publisher : Nusantara Hasana Berdikari

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This study aims to determine the development of exports and imports in increasing gross regional domestic product (GRDP) in the province of West Nusa Tenggara from 2016 to 2020. This research is classified as a descriptive study consisting of three independent or independent variables, namely export, import and product variables. gross regional domestic. Index number analysis is used to see how the development of exports and imports in increasing GRDP. The results showed that for five years, the index for exports averaged 38.62 per year, meaning that the export value decreased by 61.38% per year. The average import index figure is 116.69% per year, meaning that the import value has increased by 16.69% per year. Although the value of imports has increased, net exports are still positive because the value of exports is higher than the value of imports. The net export index figure shows a figure of 29.39% per year, meaning that there is a decline in net exports by 70.61% per year. The GRDP index figure shows an average of 110.26% per year, meaning that GRDP has increased by an average of 10.26% per year. An increase in exports will directly increase GRDP, but on the other hand, an increase in GRDP does not necessarily increase the value of exports. This study shows that the export value has decreased quite high but the GRDP continues to increase because there are other sectors that experience development/increase from year to year.
Profesionalisme Auditor terhadap Kualitas Audit pada Inspektorat Kabupaten Lombok Timur Rusli Amrul; Baiq Kisnawati
Kompeten: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): September 2022
Publisher : PT Seval Literindo Kreasi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (256.741 KB) | DOI: 10.57141/kompeten.v1i2.14


This study aims to examine the professional auditor by examining the effect of competence, independence and accountability on audit quality. This research was conducted at the Inspectorate of East Lombok Regency. The population in this study were auditor functional officers and P2UPD functional officers who were involved in inspection and supervision activities at the East Lombok Regency Inspectorate. Data were obtained by distributing 51 questionnaires to respondents who were at the Inspectorate of East Lombok Regency, 50 questionnaires were returned and could be used. Data using a partial test (t test). This test aims to find out individually (partial) the independent variable has an effect on the dependent variable. The results showed that competence, independence, and accountability had a positive effect on audit quality at the East Lombok Regency Inspectorate. The results of this study illustrate that the increase in professional competence, independence and accountability of auditors affects the quality of the resulting audit.
PENINGKATAN KAPASITAS PRODUKSI KELOMPOK USAHA KERIPIK SINGKONG INAQ SUMARTIN Ertin Helmida; Baiq Kisnawati; Khaerul Hadi; Satriawan Satriawan; Muhammad Wahyullah; Hengki Samudra
KOMMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2, No 2 (2021): KOMMAS: JURNAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT
Publisher : KOMMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

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Semakin sempitnya lahan pertanian di Lingkungan Reyan, Kelurahan Gerung Selatan  menyebabkan pendapatan petani, buruh tani yang merupakan penduduk asli semakin berkurang. Kondisi ini membuat  Inaq Sumartin berinisiatif ikut berpartisipasi dalam memberikan kontribusi untuk menambah pendapatan rumah tangga dengan membentuk “Kelompok Usaha Keripik Singkong”. Dalam menjalankan usahanya mereka menghadapi berbagai hambatan antara lain: produksi terbatas, tidak memiliki identitas, kemasan sederhana, peralatan terbatas dan masih sederhana. Kelompok usaha ini menjadi perhatian dalam pengabdian ini. Metode pelaksanaan yang dilakukan adalah dengan pengadaan dan penyerahan alat, penyuluhan  dan pelatihan dengan teknik ceramah, diskusi, demonstrasi,  serta observasi. Hasil pelaksanaan program adalah: 1) Mitra memiliki peralatan yang cukup memadai sehingga terjadi peningkatan kualitas dan efisiensi produksi; 2) Peningkatan pemahaman mitra tentang fungsi label/merek untuk sebuah produk serta mitra memiliki merek/label dengan desain yang menarik dan informatif.; 3) Peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra dalam melakukan pengemasan yang baik  sehingga produk tahan lama dan lebih higienis; 4) Proses produksi terjamin kontinyuitasnya karena terdapat bahan bakar cadangan (kompor gas) jika  ketersediaan kayu bakar terbatas atau kualitasnya tidak baik; 5) Setiap kemasan ukuran beratnya akurat; 6) semua anggota memiliki keahlian memotong/mengiris/merajang singkong
Valid Jurnal Pengabdian Vol 1 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Lembaga Pengembangan, Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi AMM

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Desa Pemenang Timur adalah desa yang berlokasi di kecamatan Pemenang, kabupaten Lombok Utara. Desa ini merupakan sebuah desa yang banyak memiliki daerah tujuanpariwisata karena posisinya berhadapan langsung dengan obyek wisata Gili Air, Gili Meno dan Gili Trawangan dan memilikilahanpertanian yang cukup luas. Dusun Muara Putat memiliki potensi pengembangan UMKM Beriuk Maju yang sangat menjanjikan yaitu olahan ikantuna menjadi produk abon ikan tuna.Produk abon ikan tuna ini merupakan produk yang pernah dijadikan sebagai produk UMKM yang pernah menjadi sumber penghasilan mereka tetapi sejak adanya kejadian gempa di Pemenang tahun 2018 yang mengakibatkan produksi abon ikan tuna ini berkurang dan juga sejak munculnya pandemic virus covid-19 yang menyebabkan produksi abon ikan ini berhenti secara total. Untuk memotivasi dan mengembangkan kembali produk abon ikan tuna yang pernah mereka produksi agar dapat di produksi kembali dengan memberikan sebuah inovasi yang lebih menarik dari produk sebelumnya baik dari segi pengemasan, varian rasa, dan juga pemberian logo. Setelah dilakukan motivasi dan pendampingan pada UMKM Beriuk Maju, berhasil diproduksi kembali abon ikan tuna denganberbagai varian rasa dan dengan pengemasan yang baru.Pemasaran abon ikan tuna selain dipasarkan disekitar kecamatan Pemenang, dipasarkan juga melalui medsos, dan berhasil memperoleh keuntungan yang cukup untuk pengembangan UMKM di masa mendatang dan mampu bersaing dengan produk abon ikan yang lainnya
MOTIVASI WIRAUSAHA DAN PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT MELALUI BUDIDAYA JAMUR BONGGOL JAGUNG Muhammad Wahyullah; Erviva Fariantin; Surahman Hidayat; Irianto Irianto; Baiq Kisnawati
Valid Jurnal Pengabdian Vol 1 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Lembaga Pengembangan, Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi AMM

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Dusun teluk kombal merupakan salah satu dusun yang memiliki jumlah KK terbesar diantara dusun yang lain di desa pemenang barat lombok utara yang mulai bangkit dari peristiwa gempa bumi, pada tanggal 5 Agustus 2018 yang berdampak pada seluruh sekmen kehidupan, belum lagi ditambah dengan Covid-19 yang masuk di Indonesia tahun 2020 yang berdampak pada seluruh dunia secara otomatis berpengaruh pada kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat teluk kombal. Untuk itu perlu motivasi agar masyarakat dan UMKM dapat termotivasi untuk membukka lapangan usaha atau setidaknya dapat memenuhi kebutuhan makanan cukup dari halaman sendiri. Budidaya jamur bonggol jagung merupakan salah satu alternatif yang dapat ditekuni oleh masyarakat dusun teluk kombal, dikarenakan media tanam berupa bonggol jagung sangat tersedia. Jamur bonggol jagung ini mempunyai prospek yang bagus untuk dikembangkan dalam sekala rumahan maupun berkelompok karena memiliki nilai ekonomis yang tinggi kandungan gizi yang tinggi, dan memiliki beberapa manfaat/fungsi antara lain sebagai sumber nutrisi, vitamin, mineral, melancarkan sistem pencernaan makanan, sumber prostein, dan lain-lain. Dikarenakan produk jamur bonggol jagung belum dikenal secara luas perlu dibuatkan kemasan atau desain produk menjadi lebih menarik, dan memasarkan produk jamur bonggol jagung dan produk UMKM melalui media sosial seperti Instagram, WA dan TikTok