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Kucecwara Chic, Ragam Fungsi Untuk Malang Dalam Batikku Siswiyani Syarafina, Nanda; Nurhadi, Nurhadi; Riska, Yuliana; Cynthia, Persijn Ayura; Dyah, Ratnasari Siwi
Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Kewirausahaan PKM-K 2014
Publisher : Ditlitabmas, Ditjen DIKTI, Kemdikbud RI

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Batik Unfortunate yet widely known both nationally and internationally. Batik Malangan able to penetrate world markets, in particular the intended market share are the young people and the general public. The idea was to create a bag that can be personalised way it functions with a touch of Malangan batik motifs with the name "Kucecwara Chic". The methods used in marketing this product is by using a feasibility study of this aspect of the market, technical aspects, aspects of management, financial aspects and environmental aspects. Later these aspects will be the guidelines to continue this effort to more worthy and more profit. Expected by creating products with the name Kucecwara Chic, this product can be used for fashion and religious but also keep bringing the unfortunate culture, the usefulness of this Chic is Kucecwara products enhance the value to the product so that it becomes a multifunctional product can be converted into a bag, holster, belt, mini, prayer mats and scarves, headdresses as a media preservation and introduction to batik malang in the national and international scene and can deceive the human resource community are concerned. Keywords : Kucecwara Chic, Batik
PEDULI: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 3 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

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The purpose of PPUPIK is to establish a business unit called the Center of Business and Management (CoBM) which provides training services and work practices in Human Resources Management and Marketing Management in accordance with the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI) and the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) in order to improve the competence of students, tertiary education graduates and industrial employees in accordance with the competency requirements required by the world of work. The method used in this PPUPIK is through training and work practices in work laboratories that are designed the same as activities that occur in the real workplace according to BNSP standards through training and work practices in the field of Human Resources and Marketing skills at the level of competence needed by the world of work. Lecturers who have been certified in their fields and good collaboration with practitioners are expected to make this program closer to university graduates with the world of work. Expected outputs from PPUPIK are scientific articles published in ISSN journals, articles in print media, activity videos and training modules and design training models developed by the CoBM team. Increased collaboration and collaboration between universities and the industry and other universities are also expected from this program
Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Vol 2, No 1 (2018): JAIM-Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Kadiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30737/jaim.v2i1.239


Mayoritas penduduk Desa Selorejo adalah sebagai petani tanaman jeruk. Tanaman jeruk di Desa Selorejomendominasi 80% dari luas tanah yang ada di Desa Selorejo yang mencapai luas 332,276 ha. Salah satutujuan Program IbDM yaitu Menjadikan desa Selorejo menjadi Desa Wisata Petik Jeruk KabupatenMalang melalui pemanfaatan potensi lokal yaitu tanaman jeruk. Sebagai andalan berkembangnyaekonomi masyarakat, tanaman jeruk diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat DesaSelorejo dan masyarakat Malang pada umumnya. Sayangnya hal ini belum didukung dengan kesiapanyang matang baik dari sektor sarana prasarana maupun sumber daya manusianya. Program PPDM tahunpertama berusaha untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang ada di Desa Selorejo melalui program-programkegiatan.Metode pelaksanaan Program PPDM tahun-1 yaitu a) Pelatihan pelayanan prima, pelatihan marketing,pelatihan pembukuan sederhana kepada kelompok: GAPOKTAN, PKK, Karang Taruna/Pengelola wisata;b) Pembuatan Master Plan Lokasi Wisata Jeruk; c) Membuat Kios Jeruk dan Produk Unggulan Desa; d)Pembuatan Website desa wisata; e) Pembuatan saluran air di gubug Petik Jeruk; dan g) Pembuatan kiosuntuk UKM.Hasil kegiatan program PPDM tahun ke-1 yaitu a) Meningkatnya Kesadaran warga terhadap LayananPrima, peningkatan jiwa Kewirausahaan dan pemahaman tentang Akuntansi sederhana bagiGAPOKTAN, PKK, Pengelola wisata/Karang Taruna; b) Terbentuknya Gazebo untuk tempat pemasaranProduk Unggulan Desa; d) Terbentuknya Master plan; e) Adanya Website; f) Adanya saluran air di gubugPetik Jeruk; dan g) Adanya gubug Petik Jeruk.Seiring dengan berkembangnya Desa Selorejo menjadi Desa Wisata petik jeruk, masih dibutuhkanpengembangan terus menerus dalam peningkatan sarana dan prasarana pendukung. Untuk itu diperlukanprogram keberlanjutan dari PPDM tahun ke dua dan ketiga untuk menunjang keberhasilan Desa Wisata.Pada tahun kedua Program Kegiatan PPDM yaitu mensuport program Desa Wisata Jeruk Selorejo yangmembentuk BUMDES, dan membangun kantor wisata sekaligus kantor BUMDES. Selain itu, akandibangun rumah singgah(home stay), tempat spot selfie, pelatihan manajemen hotel sederhana danpelatihan bahasa Inggris.Pemerintah Desa Selorejo berkomitmen mengembangkan ekonomi masyarakat melalui potensi yang adadi desa.Pada tahun ketiga Program Kegiatan PPDM akan menjadikan Desa Selorejo Sebagai Desa Agro Wisata.
PEMBERDAYAAN SANTRI UPAYA OPTIMALISASI RUANG TERBUKA HIJAU DAN PENATAAN LANDSCAPE DI PONPES EL-YASMIN Bunyamin, Bunyamin; Munfariqoh, Siti; Muslichah, Muslichah; Sonhaji, Sonhaji; Syadeli, Moh.; Kusnanto, Anang Amir; Sunarto, Sunarto; Prajoga, Uke; Sugiono, Djoko; Ratnasari, Siwi Dyah; Andiani, Lidia
Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat November 2021
Publisher : Universitas Kadiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30737/jaim.v5i1.1964


The increasingly narrow land in urban areas makes people have to take advantage of the existing land. The concept of urban farming provides a solution by creating green open land in the midst of dense urban buildings. Empowerment of students is a positive effort to realize the goal of Islamic boarding schools to equip students with religious knowledge and general knowledge.The objectives of this activity are: 1) To increase the knowledge and skills of the students in farming on limited land. 2) Provide knowledge about urban farming that can foster an entrepreneurial spirit in the students. 3) Creating a new source of income for the cottage at least from the results of urban farming that can be consumed by the residents of the Islamic boarding school so that they can save on shopping expenses. 4) Empowering productive economic activities in Islamic boarding schools.The implementation method is carried out through training for students, coaches and teachers at Ponpes El Yasmin Banjararum, Singosari, Malang. The result of this activity is to increase the knowledge of the students to learn to live independently, foster an entrepreneurial spirit and fulfill the needs of vegetables independently.
Analisis penerapan bisnis model canvas (studi pada UKM di kota malang) Siwi Dyah Ratnasari; Sunarto Sunarto
Jurnal Ekonika : Jurnal Ekonomi Universitas Kadiri Vol 6, No 2 (2021): September 2021
Publisher : Universitas Kadiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30737/ekonika.v6i2.1536


One of the ways that companies can compete and develop is by creating new, different strategies. The business model acts as a model that describes how a company moves to make a profit. The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is considered effective because it explains thoroughly both in terms of marketing, human resources, finance, to the value or product offered. This study aims to analyze and formulate the development of the Canvas business model in Lapar Pool UKM. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Data collection methods using interview techniques. The results show that there is a picture of 9 elements in the current business model canvas and the formulation of a business model development in the form of a picture of 9 elements of the new business model canvas. The new business model canvas is expected to cover weaknesses in the previous business model so as to minimize risks or threats to the company, which consists of: 1) Customer Segments, 2) Value Propositions, 3) Channels, 4) Customer Relationships, 5) Revenue Streams, 6) Key Resources, 7) Key Activities, 8) Key Partnerships, 9) Cost Structures.The research implication is that the Business Model Canvas is formed from 9 elements that are interrelated with each other, therefore it is important to understand every aspect covers business functions, activities and operations in order to create adjustments for business progress
Pengaruh online recruitment dan persepsi pencari kerja terhadap niat melamar pekerjaan (studi pada mahasiswa semester akhir di kota malang Dr. Rina Rahmawati, SE. MM.; Dr. Siwi Dyah Ratnasari, SE. MM.
Jurnal Ekonika : Jurnal Ekonomi Universitas Kadiri Vol 6, No 2 (2021): September 2021
Publisher : Universitas Kadiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30737/ekonika.v6i2.1500


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Pengaruh narsisme dan job stressor terhadap workplace deviance dan kinerja karyawan (studi pada karyawan bank panin cabang malang) Dr. Siwi Dyah Ratnasari, SE. MM.; Dr. Rina Rahmawati, SE. MM.
Jurnal Ekonika : Jurnal Ekonomi Universitas Kadiri Vol 6, No 1 (2021): APRIL 2021
Publisher : Universitas Kadiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30737/ekonika.v6i1.1499


The purpose of this study is to determine: 1). The significant effect of narcissism on employee performance, 2). The significant effect of on Workplace Deviance, 3). The significant effect of Job Stressor on Workplace Deviance, 4). Significant influence of Job Stressor on Employee Performance, 5. Significant influence of Workplace Deviance on Employee Performance.The research approach used in this research is quantitative. This type of research is explanatory with the method of collecting data through surveys using a questionnaire. The study population was 52 employees of Bank Panin Branch Malang. The research sample is the same as the total population (saturated sample) The data is analyzed using Path Analysis.The results showed that: 1) Narcissism has a significant effect on employee performance, 2). Narcissism has a significant negative effect on Workplace Deviance, 3). Stres Kerja has a significant negative effect on Workplace Deviance, 4). Stres Kerja has a significant positive effect on Employee Performance, 5). Workplace Deviance has a significant negative effect on Employee Performance.The implication of this research is that the employee's narcissism can improve individual performance. Meanwhile, an increase in Job Stressor within a certain limit has an impact on increasing Employee Performance and decreasing Workplace Deviance
IbM Pemanfaatan Pengolahan Limbah Biogas untuk Pupuk Organik Yupono Bagyo; Siwi Dyah Ratnasari; Bambang Bambang
Jurnal ABM Mengabdi Vol 1 (2014): Desember
Publisher : STIE Malangkucecwara

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Utilization of biogas from waste management results cattle dung as organic fertilizer can be used as supporting agriculture and plantation success. Lack of knowledge society / farmers who still think that organic fertilizers can not meet the nutrition of plants and have a slower response to the biogas plant causing waste thrown away, when in fact the direct waste biogas can be used directly for organic fertilizer and organic fertilizer has a lot there advantages over other inorganic fertilizers. Hamlet Community Jambuwer Balesari Village, District ngajum Malang Regency is approximately 32.5 km from the city of Malang, live in the highlands, mostly to sustain life of farm workers and some livestock. The approach used in this IbM program are: To provide education about the advantages of organic fertilizers compared with artificial fertilizers as well as provide training to the utilization of biogas waste into organic fertilizer. IbM program that has been done, resulting in: Increasedknowledgeandawarenessof farmers/growersandcoralyouthaboutthe benefits ofbiogaswasteintoorganicfertilizerandits advantagescompared toartificialfertilizers. FarmersandKarang Tarunaable to processresidual wasteandanimal wastebiogasnonbiogasintoorganicfertilizerready to sell Trainingandmentoringof wasteutilization ofbiogasto remove the assumptionthatoneof theranchers/farmersthatlessorganicfertilizersimproveagricultural / plantation Theresultingyardsthatas a pilot areaof productive landby utilizing wastevegetablecropsbiogas. Increasethe incomeof farmers/growersofvegetables.
Pengolahan Ketela Pohon dengan Teknologi Mesin Potong dan Disk Mill Upaya Peningkatan Produksi Tepung Casava Siwi Dyah Ratnasari; Yupono Bagyo
Jurnal ABM Mengabdi Vol 2 (2015): Desember
Publisher : STIE Malangkucecwara

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Dukuh Umbul Rejo, Desa Balesari Kec. Ngajum, Kab. Malang merupakan desa penghasil ketela pohon selain sumber-sumber pertanian yang lain. Saat ini permintaan pasar tepung ketela pohon (cassava) baik permintaan domestik maupun kebutuhan ekspormasih cukup banyak sehingga pemanfaatan dan pengolahan produk ini lebih lanjut masih sangat diperlukan. Diolahnya potensi lokalketela pohon menjadi tepung cassava menjadikan produk bernilai tinggi dan lebih tahan lama.Tujuan IbM ini adalah memanfaatkan potensi lokal ketela pohon untuk diolah menjadi produk yang bernilai tinggi menjadi tepung cassava. Diolahnya ketela pohon menjadi tepung cassava dapat meningkatkan pendapatan petani ketela pohon dan peningkatan produksi tepung cassava.Luaran yang dihasilkan dari program IbM ini adalah: pengolahan ketela pohon menjadi tepung kasava dengan menggunakan teknologi Mesin Potong dan Disk Mill serta pendampingan proses pemasaran tepung cassava ke pasar domestik.
SINERGI PERGURUAN TINGGI, PERANGKAT DESA DAN LEMBAGA SOSIAL UNTUK MEWUJUDKAN DESA WISATA PETIK JERUK SELOREJO yupono bagyo; amir kusnanto; tachjuddin tachjuddin; sugeng hariadi; siwi dyah ratnasari; dwi daenasty decasari
Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Vol 1, No 1 (2017): Volume 1 No 1 November 2017
Publisher : Universitas Kadiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30737/jaim.v1i1.91


The majority of Selorejo villagers are farmers of citrus crops. Selorejo orange product is famous and has 12 kinds of oranges. Regent of Malang, Mr. H. Rendra Krisna expects Selorejo village to be a pilot village of citrus picking tour in Malang regency.The problems of Selorejo Village, Malang, are: a) people are still not ready to receive tourist visit from both domestic and foreign; b) Spatial village is not yet tidy including layout of bus parking and tour vehicle; c) The need to centralize the sale of citrus and other processed citrus products; d) Assisting the empowerment of villagers with more rooms for tourists; and e) lack of promotion.Solutions are offered 1-year IbDM Program that is a) Entrepreneurship Training, GAPOKTAN, PKK, Karang Taruna / Tour manager; b) Map of Citrus Tourist Sites; c) Making citrus kiosks and village superior products; d) Clean the sewer from plastic waste; e) Website Creation; f) Making of drainage in citrus hut; and g) Making of citrus hut.The method of implementation in achieving the specific objectives of the IbDM Program is in accordance with the needs of the villagers of Selorejo, the Implementing Team conducts training to GAPOKTA, PKK, Tour Manager / Karang Taruna, including entrepreneurship training, marketing, accounting. In addition, the team implements the implementation of science and technology in the form of website creation, and improvement of tourism infrastructure facilities.Achievements of 1st year IbDM program activities are: a) Prime Service Training, Entrepreneurship and Accounting for GAPOKTAN, PKK, Tour Manager / Karang Taruna; b) Map of Citrus Tourist Sites; c) Create a Gazebo for the marketing of the Village's Featured Products; d) Website Creation; e) Making drains in citrus huts; and f) Making of citrus hut. So 100% of 1 year IbDM program has been implemented.