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Designing an Android-Based Bisindo Dictionary Application Using the Boyer Moore Method Agung Kharisma Hidayah; Ujang Juhardi; Rozali Toyib; Nur Ade Wijaya
Jurnal Komputer, Informasi dan Teknologi (JKOMITEK) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Penerbit ADM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53697/jkomitek.v2i2.970


This research presents the study of application design of Bisindo dictionary with Android-based by using Boyer Moore algorithm. In this reseach, researcher developed it by using Boyer Moore algorithm. This reseach uses the UCD method, which conducts interview toward users of reseach sites, as well as tests on applications or sign language dictionaries, it is BISINDO. From the result of reseach that has been carried out, the Bisindo dictionary (sign language dictionary) can help the learning system for students, teachers, and general people. As the needs feasibility of Indonesia sign language dictionary obtained average scored with excellent information.
Comparison of the Use of Blender and Sketchup Applications in 3d Animation (Case Study: PT Rico Putra Selatan Fitri Adinda; Agung Kharisma Hidayah; Dandi Sunardi; Muntahanah Muntahanah
Jurnal Komputer, Informasi dan Teknologi (JKOMITEK) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Penerbit ADM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53697/jkomitek.v2i2.1011


This study discusses the comparative analysis of the use of Blender and Sketchup Applications in 3D Animation (Case Study: PT Rico Putra Selatan), the comparison analyzed is the process of how long the rendering process takes using the Blender and Sketchup applications and how the quality of the visuals/images produced by Blender and Sketchup applications. However, this requires intensive resources and strong hardware to run, then the 3D animated video created will be used as a medium for promotion.Comparative analysis of Blender and Sketchup will result in testing the rendering speed, and image quality of the results of making 3D animated videos. The results of this study are able to state that Blender outperforms Sketchup in the comparison of rendering speed, and the image quality of this 3D animation video that Blender is superior to Sketchup.
Analisis Perbandingan Teknik Rendering Menggunakan Adobe Media Encoder Dan Software Adobe Premiere Ali Sutan Pane; Agung kharisma Hidayah
Jurnal Media Infotama Vol 18 No 2 (2022): Oktober
Publisher : UNIVED Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37676/jmi.v18i2.2686


Abstract This study discusses the comparative analysis of rendering techniques using adobe media encoder and adobe premiere pro software with the aim of knowing the results of the rendering time of adobe media encoder cc 2018 and adobe premiere pro cc 2018 on cinematic video rendering and also knowing the level of video feasibility produced by adobe media encoder cc 2018 and adobe premiere pro cc 2018 on cinematic videos. In the research of Comparative Analysis of Rendering Techniques Using Adobe Media Encoder and Adobe Premiere Software, the author uses research and development research methods. Then for the methodology for the cinematic video "Palak Siring Kemumu Waterfall Tourism Object in Argamakmur" using the Luther-Sutopo Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) methodology, a comparative analysis of rendering techniques using adobe media encoder and adobe premiere pro software will result in testing. Rendering speed, the size of the rendered file and the video quality of the rendering. The results of this study are able to state that the rendering speed using adobe premiere pro is faster than using adobe media encoder. Keywords: Adobe media endoder, Adobe premiere pro, Rendering
Jurnal Media Infotama Vol 18 No 2 (2022): Oktober
Publisher : UNIVED Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37676/jmi.v18i2.2890


ABSTRACT : Pregnancy process becomes the center of special for families who are waiting for the presence of a loved child. Therefore, pregnant women often checj with the obstetrician to determine the development of fetus in the womb. The problem occurs mother who for prenatal check-ups are only given the fetus underweight. Determining the start of pregnancy and gestational age is important to be able to know within the progress of pregnancy. One of the ways to determine gestational age by knowing the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP). With the naegele method, tjis calculation can also be used to calculate the estimated day of birth. As an easy way to estimate the weight of the fetus is to measure the height of the uterine fundus (TFU). Therefore, based on the problems above, an android-based pregnancy calendar and calculation application of gestational age were made by using the Naegele algorithm. The pregnancy calendar and calculation application of gestational age are designed to make it easier for pregnant women to find out the estimated day or birth. The gestational age and normal fetal weight according to gestational age on an android smartphone. Keywords: Naegele, HPHT, estimated birth, gestational age, fetal weight.
Integrasi library Json Retrofit Dengan Framework Codeigniter Pada Aplikasi UMKM UD Rahma Wahid Hidayat; Yovi Apridiansyah; Harry Witriyono; Agung Kharisma Hidayah
Jurnal Media Infotama Vol 18 No 2 (2022): Oktober
Publisher : UNIVED Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37676/jmi.v18i2.2923


MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) are businesses established by individuals / individuals / business entities that meet the criteria, MSMEs usually have limited capital, because capital only comes from business owners or a small group of people who invest capital for these MSMEs. Code Igniter is one of the widely used frameworks, where the main purpose is to minimize the code when creating a website. The advantages of Code Igniter include being open source, being able to run in all PHP versions, the program only requires few resources so that the program runs lightly and quickly, using the Model View Controller (MVC) so that it makes it easier for programmers when a website change occurs, has complete documentation, ranging from installation steps to code or functions / classes in website creation. From the results of this study, it has succeeded in integrating the JSON retrofit library in applications built for ordering products in android applications with the CI framework also successfully used to create its web-based backend application with beta test results in terms of appearance and user convenience of 72%.
Visualisasi SD N 47 Kota Bengkulu Berbasis 3D Dengan Menggunakan Teknik Chrome Key Dan Sketchup Ade Saputra; Dandi Sunardi; Ardi Wijaya; Agung Kharismah Hidayah
Jurnal Media Infotama Vol 19 No 1 (2023): April
Publisher : UNIVED Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37676/jmi.v19i1.3684


Profile video is an electronic medium to convey information that is very effective in introducing a school. Through this visual media, all information can be easily digested by all circles of society. State Elementary School 47 Bengkulu City, Mem needs promotional media to the community to increase the admission of new students. Based on this, then to do the promotion, a profile video of Sekolah Dasar Negeri 47 bengkulu city was made. In making this video, Sketchup software and enscape are used to make it easier to create profile videos. The purpose of the research is to make a 3D animated video as a promotional medium at Sekolah Dasar Negeri 47 Bengkulu City. Research methods through multimedia system development models using Luther Sutopo's Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC). The research was carried out as a promotional medium through 3D animated videos using the sketchup application. The respondent's due diligence test received a response of 87.5%, which means that the video profile that was made is liked by the general public.
Implementation Of The Codeigniter 3 Framework For The Payment Of "Cafe Tik Tok" Employees Web-Based Bengkulu Sastya H. Wibowo; Harry Witriyono; Agung Kharisma Hidayah; Regi Saputra
Jurnal Komputer, Informasi dan Teknologi (JKOMITEK) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Penerbit ADM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53697/jkomitek.v3i1.1174


Cafe Tik tok is a franchise engaged in the restaurant sector. In this tick tok cafe, in processing employee salaries, they still use manual calculations and use the Ms.Excel program. This can cause errors in calculating employee salaries and the process of printing employee payslips that takes a long time. In solving this problem, the authors designed an employee payroll information system. In this design, the author uses the PHP programming language, with the database format using MySQL. The result of this design is to produce an application program that will be used to process web-based employee salaries at the tiktok cafe and it is hoped that the company will find it easy to input data and compile payroll reports to be fast and more efficient.
Application Of 3-Dimensional Modeling In Android-Based Adventure Game Applications Ari Satrio Wibowo; Agung Kharisma Hidayah; Yuza Reswan; Dandi Sunardi
Jurnal Komputer, Informasi dan Teknologi (JKOMITEK) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Penerbit ADM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53697/jkomitek.v3i1.1187


Role Playing Game (RPG) is a game that has complex story elements and acting that makes a person feel like a character in the game. One of the RPG editing engines is RPG Maker MV, where a 2D RPG can be a standalone program that can be played directly without the help of this program or other programs. Quests are assigned to players by non-player characters (NPCs) that the player cannot control and interact with them through dialogue. In the game mode each player can collect things into an inventory which contains the things needed to solve certain tasks during gameplay. In addition, game objects that represent learning objects have been assigned locations which can be NPCs or other objects. In addition, game objects that represent learning objects have been assigned locations which can be NPCs or other objects. Can apply 3-dimensional modeling to role-playing game applications by placing objects on characters that can walk up, down, left and right. NPC objects can be applied to weapon objects, namely axes, if gold points are collected then the NPC object will appear. It is hoped that this implementation can be a reference not only for 3-dimensional modeling in complex role-playing game applications but also for all circles as the development of Android and IOS-based RPG games.
Used Motorcycle Purchase Decision Support System Using Simple Additive Weighting (Saw) Algorithm Tari Juita Sapitri; Agung Kharisma Hidayah; Yuza Reswan; Ujang Juhardi
Jurnal Komputer, Informasi dan Teknologi (JKOMITEK) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Penerbit ADM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53697/jkomitek.v3i1.1209


Motorcycle vehicles are one of the means of transportation that are needed by the community because motorbikes can provide good mobility in congested areas. The author will make a system analysis for the selection of used motorcycles in the Zakiyah Motor showroom based on a Decision Support System using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method. This application is made using the PHP Programming Language and MySQL Database. The results of this study are that the decision support system for buying used motorcycles using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) algorithm can facilitate the admin or the Zakiyah Motor Bengkulu party in determining the decision to buy used motorcycles for consumers.
Implementasi Kombinasi Enkripsi Base64 Dengan Hashing Sha-1 Dan Md5 Pada Aplikasi Perpustakaan Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu Andilala Andilala; Agung Kharisma Hidayah; AR. Walad Mahfuzy; M. Oki
Jurnal Teknologi Sistem Informasi dan Sistem Komputer TGD Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): J-SISKO TECH EDISI JULI
Publisher : STMIK Triguna Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53513/jsk.v6i2.8546


One of the aspects of information security that can be done for a system is by adding security to a system, if using Base64 with static Sha-1 and Md5 hashing there is little possibility of data theft by hackers because they have been given layered security, to apply base64 with hashing-1, a cryptographic science mechanism is needed in it. Lately, many universities in the library unit section have placed web-based applications on the internet as a medium for displaying information systems that are very cheap, many activities can be carried out by users on these presentation media, such as accepting registration for new library members, ordering books, presentation of scientific journals, presentation of student final assignments (thesis, theses and dissertations) and others. Data security that still uses the usual method often causes several problems, such as being exposed to attacks and break-ins by hackers which can result in leaks and loss of existing data. This problem arises because there is no security system for library applications, the purpose of this research is to implement security for the library system by implementing a combination of Base64 encryption with sha-1 and MD5 hashing so that important data contained in the library unit is safe from leaks. After implementing the collaborative use of Base64 with sha-1 and MD5 hashing, the results of hacking a simple Python script to test a brute force attack for testing password storage security using a combination of Base64 encryption and SHA-1 and MD5 hashing on library applications with after results testing a brute force attack on the Visual Studio Code (VSC) application, the results obtained are "Passwords do not match", this result indicates that the collaboration of several algorithms was successful.