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PERUBAHAN KEMAMPUAN KOMUNIKASI VERBAL PASIEN STROKE ISKEMIK DENGAN DISARTRIA PASCA LSVT LOUD DI RSI JEMURSARI SURABAYA: The Increasing Of Verbal Communication Ability of Stroke Ischemic Patient With Dysarthria Post LSVT Loud Retno Ayu Yuliastuti; Handayani Handayani; Yanis Kartini
Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan (Scientific Journal of Nursing) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2018): JIKep | September 2018
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Pemkab Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (311.309 KB) | DOI: 10.33023/jikep.v4i2.183


Disartria adalah ketidaksempurnaan pengucapan artikulasi sehingga terjadi kerusakan komunikasi verbal. LSVT Loud adalah suatu latihan bicara yang efektif digunakan untuk pasien disartria. LSVT Loud meningkatkan suara dan ucapan pada individu dengan cara mengobati patologi fisik yang mendasarinya terkait dengan gangguan suara.Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi verbal pasien stroke iskemik dengan disartria di Rumah Sakit Islam Jemursari Surabaya. Desain penelitian ini Pre experimental, dengan populasi seluruh pasien stroke iskemik dengan disartria di Rumah Sakit Islam Jemursari Surabaya. Besar sampel 34 orang yang diambil dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Data dianalisis dengan uji pairet t-test ?< 0,05. Hasil penelitian didapatkan hampir seluruh responden (76,5 %) kemampuan komunikasi verbal pre LSVT Loud jelas dengan nilai minimum 46 dan nilai maksimum 78. Kemampuan komunikasi verbal post LSVT Loud sebagian besar responden (64,7 %) sangat jelas, nilai minimum 62 dan nilai maksimum 88 dengan perubahan skor 4 hingga 38. Berdasarkan analisis paired t-test p = 0,000 < ? 0,05 sehingga H0 ditolak maka ada peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi verbal padapasien stroke iskemik dengan disartria di RumahSakit Islam Jemursari Surabaya pasca pemberian LSVT Loud. Simpulan peneliti adalah ada perubahan kemampuan komunikasi verbal pasien stroke iskemik dengan disartria di Rumah Sakit Jemursari Surabaya pasca pemberian Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) Loud, sehingga disarankan agar rumah sakit menginformasikan kepada rehab medik terutama speech therapy tentang manfaat peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi verbal dengan LSVT. Bagi peneliti berikutnya agar menggunakan kelompok kontrol pemberian terapi bicara yang biasa digunakan di rumah sakit sebagai pembanding keefektifitasan metode ini, selain itu saran bagi keluarga agar mendukung program terapi bicara pasien di rumah. Kata kunci: Stroke Iskemik, Disartria, Komunikasi Verbal, LSVT Loud
HUBUNGAN ANTARA SELF EFFICACY DENGAN KESEJAHTERAAN PSIKOLOGIS CAREGIVER DALAM MERAWAT LANSIA SKIZOFRENIA DI RSJ Dr. RADJIMAN WEDIODININGRAT LAWANG MALANG: The Relationship of Self Efficacy with the Caregiver’s Psychological Well Being Who Taking Care for Elderly Schizophrenia at Psychiatric Hospital Dr. Radjiman Wediodiningrat Lawang Malang Roudlotul Jannah; Joni Haryanto; Yanis Kartini
Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan (Scientific Journal of Nursing) Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): JIKep | Maret 2020
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Pemkab Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (286.272 KB) | DOI: 10.33023/jikep.v6i1.330


Background: The increasing number of elderly with schizophrenia in the world is growing rapidly. Abaout one from seven schizophrenic clients is older than 65 years old. Elderly with schizophrenia caused more complete problems related to diseases and aging process. The burden felt by the caregiver during caring for the patient will have an impact on the psychological well-being of the caregiver, indirectly will result in the low quality life of caregiver and the low quality of care provided to the patient. Objective: to determine the relationship between self efficacy and the psychological well-being of caregivers who taking care for elderly schizophrenia. Method: this study is a quantitative study with a cross sectional design. Samples were 88 respondets, taken by systematic random sampling according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data were analysis using correlation and chi square with a significance level of 95%. Results: result of the study showed that the majority of caregivers aged 26-45 years (adults) were 58 respondents (65.9%), female as many as 53 respondents (60.2%), had senior high school education levels as many as 37 respondents (42%) , income status less than Rp. 1,851,083 as many as 53 respondents (60.2%), relationship with patients was children as many as 52 respondents (59.1%). Conclusion: Self efficacy is very important for caregivers, with good efficacy will affect the readiness of caregivers to solved difficult situations that are stressful and stressful during treatment so that psychological well-being remains good even though the complexity of problems is faced while providing care for elderly schizophrenia. Keywords : self efficacy, caregiver, skizofrenia, elderly, psychological well being
KONDISI STRES DAN STRATEGI KOPING KELUARGA DALAM MENINGKATKAN KEPATUHAN PEMBATASAN CAIRAN KLIEN YANG MENJALANI PROGRAM HEMODIALISIS: Stress and family Coping Strategy in Improving Adherence of Fluid Restrictions on Client Undergoing Hemodialysis Program Nurul Hidayah; Yanis Kartini; Joni Haryanto
Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan (Scientific Journal of Nursing) Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): JIKep | Maret 2020
Publisher : LPPM STIKES Pemkab Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (226.885 KB) | DOI: 10.33023/jikep.v6i1.357


Pendahuluan: Pembatasan cairan menjadi masalah utama klien PGK dengan hemodialisis. Kepatuhan terhadap pembatasan cairan dapat ditingkatkan melalui dukungan keluarga, ahli (perawat/ dokter), dan motivasi lingkungan. Dukungan sosial berpengaruh terhadap kepatuhan klien dalam pembatasan cairan. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan meningkatkan kepatuhan pembatasan cairan klien hemodialisis. Metode: Jenis penelitian obsevasional study dengan desain cross-sectional. Sampel 110 klien hemodialisis dan keluarganya pada Juni 2019 di unit hemodialisa RSUD Kabupaten Jombang. Variabel independen adalah faktor keluarga: pengetahuan; pendapatan; lingkungan; struktur; fungsi dan tugas kesehatan; stress dan strategi koping keluarga. Variabel dependen adalah kepatuhan pembatasan cairan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan Chi Square. Hasil: Stres dan strategi koping keluarga berhubungan terhadap kepatuhan pembatasan cairan klien PGK yang menjalani program hemodialisis dengan nilai p value (p=0.003 dan p= 0.000). Diskusi: efektivitas manajemen stres dan strategi koping keluarga akan mempengaruhi energi dan respons adaptif keluarga dalam menjalankan setiap peran dan fungsi dalam keluarga, semakin baik strategi koping keluarga, semakin baik kemampuan keluarga untuk menurunkan stres akan meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan mengontrol kesehatan mereka.
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol 6 No 1 (2013): Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan (Journal of Health Science)
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1092.039 KB) | DOI: 10.33086/jhs.v6i1.24


There are many factors which affect the academic achievement: internal and external factors. The internal factors include the physical and psychological factors (interest, intelligence, motivation, attention, readiness, and maturity). In academic year of 2011/2012, STIKes Yarsis has added one test, the psychological test, to determine the candidates to pass the student’s admission test. So far, the data haven’t been managed as the important information for the educational management. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to find out the bivariate and multivariate correlation between intelligence and motivation toward the student’s academic achievement. The design of study was analytic-cross sectional. The population involved the students of Program of Study of S-1 in the academic year 2011/2012. 106 respondents were chosen as the samples by using simple random sampling technique. The independent variable was the level of intelligence and motivation, whereas the dependent variable was the academic achievement. The data collection was done by using secondary data, which were then analyzed by using simple and multiple linear regression tests. The result of study in bivariate correlation analysis showed that there was a correlation between intelligence and motivation toward the student’s academic achievement. The independent variable playing a role in predicting the GPA (grade-point average) was motivation (p = 0.028). The value of R-Squared was 0.045 which meant that 4.5% of the academic achievement was affected by motivation, whereas the rest of them were affected by other factors. Moreover, the result of analysis described that GPA = 3.097 + 0.060 * motivation. In conclusion, in bivariate correlation analysis, intelligence and learning motivation had a correlation with academic achievement. In multivariate correlation analysis, intelligence didn’t have any correlation with academic achievement, whereas motivation had correlation with academic achievement. Furthermore, academic achievement had a relationship with motivation (4.5%), and the rest of them had a correlation with other factors, such as campus environment, learning media, curriculum, lecturers, social support, etc
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol 12 No 02 (2019): Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan (Journal of Health Science)
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (389.462 KB) | DOI: 10.33086/jhs.v12i02.887


ABSTRACT Background: Competency issues and the lack of implementation of an orientation program with the preceptorship method are problems and require solutions / solutions. New nurses need the right information and well-structured learning to improve basic skills in implementing appropriate nursing care standards. The purpose of the study explained the influence of the preceptorship method to the achievement of new nurse competencies. Method: The design of this study used quasy-experiment by conducting the pre-test and post-test stages in the treatment and control groups. The design of the analysis variable was obtained by twenty new nurses from different units in RSIS Jemursari and RSI Surabaya using total sampling. The independent variable is the preceptorship method and the dependent variable is the achievement of new nurse competencies. The research instrument uses a checklist of competencies for new nurses based on basic competencies according to SKKNI. Data analysis using Paired Sample t Test and Independent Sample t Test with α = 0.05. Results: achievement of the competency of new nurses before and after intervention in the treatment group obtained Paired Sample t Test value = 0,000 <0,05 and the control group obtained the value of Paired Sample t Test = 0,000 <0,05 means that there is a significant influence before and after it is done the method of preceptorship towards achieving the competence of new nurses. Before the intervention in the treatment group and the control group, the Independent Sample t Test = 0.139 <0.05 means that there is no difference between the treatment group and the control group, whereas after intervention in the treatment and control groups obtained Independent Sample t Test = 0,000 <0.05 means that there is a difference between the treatment group and the control group after the preceptorship method is done. Discussion: The preceptorship method is a determinant variable that influences the achievement of new nurse competencies. Suggestions for hospitals to improve the quality of HR (preceptor) and the competence of new nurses, it is necessary to provide training in CE / preceptor. Keywords: Preceptorship, achievement of competence, new nurses.
Hubungan Kebiasaan Mengkonsumsi Kopi dengan Tekanan Darah Pada Dewasa Muda Difran Nobel Bistara; Yanis Kartini
Jurnal Kesehatan Vokasional Vol 3, No 1 (2018): Mei
Publisher : Sekolah Vokasi Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jkesvo.34079


Latar Belakang: Indonesia merupakan salah satu produsen kopi terbesar di dunia, tetapi memiliki nilai konsumsi kopi per kapita yang masih relatif rendah yaitu sekitar 70.000 ton/tahun atau 0,5 kg/orang/tahun. Kopi sering dikaitkan dengan sejumlah faktor risiko penyakit jantung koroner, termasuk meningkatkan tekanan darah dan kadar kolesterol darah karena kopi mempunyai kandungan kalium, polifenol, dan kafein. Kafein memiliki sifat meningkatkan tekanan darah, sedangkan kalium dan Polifenol memiliki sifat menurunkan tekanan darah.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara kebiasaan mengkonsumsi kopi dengan tekanan darah pada dewasa muda.Metode: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kolerasional dengan desain penelitian cross sectional. Variabel independennya adalah kebiasaan mengkonsumsi kopi dan variabel dependennya adalah tekanan darah. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di Demak Jaya kelurahan Tembok Dukuh kecamatan Bubutan, Surabaya pada bulan Agustus-September 2017. Besar sampel sejumlah 40 responden yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Data yang diperoleh dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan lembar kuesioner dan observasi. Klaifikasi skala pengumpulan data ordinal dengan uji statistik yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah korelasi Spearman Rank.Hasil: Hasil uji statistik Spearman Rho p=0.465 (α=0.05), menunjukkan bahwa H1 ditolak, sehingga dapat disimpulkan tidak ada hubungan kebiasaan mengkonsumsi kopi dengan tekanan darah pada dewasa muda di Demak Jaya kelurahan Tembok Dukuh kecamatan Bubutan, surabaya.Kesimpulan: Peningkatan tekanan darah juga dapat disebabkan oleh faktor lain seperti stasus ekonomi, kegemukan, psikososial (stres), merokok, aktivitas fisik, konsumsi alkohol berlebih dan konsumsi garam.
Nurse and Health: Jurnal Keperawatan Vol 8 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Service of Health Polytechnic of Kerta Cendekia, Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (308.642 KB) | DOI: 10.36720/nhjk.v8i2.119


Background: Epidemiological transitions cause changes in disease trends from transmitted diseases to non-communicable diseases. One disease that continues to increase in prevalence and have a high-risk complication, namely hypertension. This disease has key risk factor namely lifestyle. The role of lifestyle on the incidence of hypertension is very close, especially in the community city. Surabaya has the highest prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia but has a prevalence and the role of lifestyle to the coastal and mountainous regions has not been studied so has not it is known whether hypertension is only concentrated in urban areas or also has an impact for coastal and mountainous regions.Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine relationship between the Healthy Lifestyle Index score to the occurrence of hypertension in mountainous, coastal, and urban communities.Method: This study was a cross sectional observational study. The samples in this study were 30 people in the coastal community, 30 people in the mountain community and 30 people in the urban community. All of respondents visiting the Supporting Public Health Center of Gili Ketapang, Supporting Public Health Center of Wonotoro, and Public Health Center of Kebonsari. Lifestyle assessment use the Tube version of Healthy Lifestyle Index (HLI) (2015) which consists of domains quality of the diet, physical activity, smoking behavior, and BMI. Data analysis uses statistical tests chi square test to determine the relationship HLI scores with the incidence of hypertension.Result: The relationship of HLI scores with the incidence of hypertension in mountainous communities, hypertension caused by smoking, while hypertension in coastal communities is caused because of eating patterns and lack of activity, hypertension in urban communities is caused due to unhealthy eating patterns, smoking, lack of activity and obesity.Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between the Healthy Lifestyle Index score with the incidence of hypertension in mountainous, coastal and urban areas. Key words: Lifestyle, Hypertension, Mountains, Urban, Coastal.
PEMBERDAYAAN KADER LANSIA SEHAT DENGAN ERGO CARE HEEL RAISE EXERCISE PADA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 Imamatul Faizah; Yanis Kartini; Ratna Yunita Sari; Riska Rohmawati; Siti Nur Hasina; Rita Vivera Pane
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Volume 3 Nomor 2 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/cdj.v3i2.4751


Masa pandemi COVID-19 menyebabkan kegiatan Posyandu lansia berhenti sementara sehingga lansia hanya berdiam diri di rumah tanpa melakukan aktivitas tambahan. Selama ini, kegiatan Posyandu hanya meliputi timbang berat badan dan pemberian obat oleh Dokter, belum adanya edukasi mengenai Latihan fisik pada lansia karena ketidaktahuan Kader. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan peran Kader dalam menjaga kesehatan lansia. Pelaksanaan kegiatan meliputi pelatihan Kader tentang cara menjaga Kesehatan lansia melalui ceramah, diskusi, simulasi penggunaan tensimeter dan simulasi Latihan ergo care heel raise exercise dengan sasaran Kader lansia yang berjumlah 20 orang. Luaran yang dihasilkan dalam kegiatan ini adalah pemberdayaan Kader tentang menjaga Kesehatan lansia di masa pandemi COVID-19 dengan cara Latihan ergo care heel raise exercise. Hasil yang didapatkan yaitu pemahaman Kader mengalami peningkatan dari nilai rata-rata 45% menjadi 91% tentang latihan fisik yang dapat dilakukan dilakukan lansia pada masa pandemi. Dengan meningkatnya pengetahuan atau pemahaman seseorang terhadap status Kesehatan maka akan semakin baik pula cara pandang terhadap sehat dan sakit. Ergo care heel raise exercise merupakan tehnik gerakan otot dan pernafasan yang melatih kekuatan tulang, keseimbangan dan mendorong jantung bekerja secara optimal. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat memberikan manfaat peningkatan pemahaman Kader dan peningkatan partisipasi Kader dalam memberikan Latihan fisik pada lansia. Kegiatan ini jika dilakukan secara konsisten maka akan memenuhi kesejahteraan lanjut usia.
STROKE SELF-MANAGEMENT PROGRAM SEBAGAI UPAYA PENINGKATAN KUALITAS HIDUP MASYARAKAT Imamatul Faizah; Yanis Kartini; Ratna Yunita Sari; Riska Rohmawati; Nurlisa Naila Aulia
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Volume 4 Nomor 3 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/cdj.v4i3.17707


Pengelolaan manajemen diri pasien post stroke sangat dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan keyakinan, motivasi dan kemampuan pasien dalam melakukan diet, pengobatan dan rehabilitasi berdasarkan pengaturan pola hidup yang sehat. Pengabdian Masyarakat ini diharapkan kualitas hidup pada masyarakat dapat meningkat melalui stroke self-management program. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah dengan memberikan penyuluhan kesehatan dan memberikan penyuluhan stroke self-management program, beserta pelatihan stroke self-management program. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan selama satu bulan dan diikuti oleh 38 penderita hipertensi sebagai faktor resiko stroke. rata-rata kualitas hidup sebelum diberikan stroke self-management program 22.60 dan setelah diberikan stroke self-management program 24.40. Terdapat peningkatan rata-rata 1.80. Stroke self-management program efektif dalam menjaga kualitas hidup masyarakat.