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Journal : Kartala Visual Studies

PURWARUPA PAPAN PERMAINAN BERTEMA GLOBAL PANDEMIC SEBAGAI UPAYA EDUKASI BENCANA KESEHATAN MENGGUNAKAN SIMULASI AUGMENTED REALITY Nugrahardi Ramadhani, S.Sn., MT; Rabendra Yudistira Alamin, ST., M.Ds; Didit Prasetyo, ST., MT; Nauvan Noordyanto, S.Sn., M.Sn; Putri Dwitasari, ST., M.Ds; Ridho Rahman Hariadi, S.Kom., M.Sc
Kartala Visual Studies Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Universitas Budi Luhur

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The Covid 19 virus outbreak has spread to 65 countries in the world, including Indonesia. The local government has made various efforts, which includes public socializations about the pandemic. In this regard, an effective educational media is needed to convey information to the public not only to convey messages, but also to build awareness to form behaviors. The popular example of media that grows rapidly are board games and digital games. This study focuses more about board games, considering the several aspects of health disaster mitigation content that require motoric activities which hardly accommodated by digital platforms. The board game believed to be one of the most effective methods of both education and fun today, involves interactive in both playing and learning. The immersive impression of Augmented Reality technology helps in conducting educative simulations to the occurring outbreak in society. The research team and the Health Service as partners are expected in providing knowledge regarding the Corona Virus, thus dealing with the outbreak in an effective and fun way through a Global Pandemic prototype board game themed, using the Covid-19 Virus outbreak in the community as the study case.