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Adaptive Contents Distribution Based on Traffic Congestion on Digital Signage System Alifudin, Ridhwan; Rakhmatsyah, Andrian; Yasirandi, Rahmat
Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics, and Control Vol 4, No 3, August 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (266.289 KB) | DOI: 10.22219/kinetik.v4i3.810


Current technological developments have been very rapid. One of them is the many choices of technology and media to deliver information to the public. Digital Signage is one of the most popular information delivery systems today, displays on digital or electronic media, and it can convey new details. The information usually showed in the form of advertising content in the format of images or videos. Ad content displayed is static, meaning that the ad content will be display in the order specified. This system usually placed next to a broad road. A place that is considered to have a broad audience and requires a significant amount of money to display ad content. However, this causes ad content owners who do not have enough costs not to be able to show the ad content in a particular place. Therefore, this research makes the content management system adaptive to road congestion situations which represented as audience quantities so that the costs can be adjusted. Data is obtained from the Google Maps API and analyzed the traffic congestion by conducting experiments. The compatibility between density and content after testing the results in 100% accuracy.
Hopscotch Game to Support Stimulus in Children’s Gross Motor Skill using IoT Jati, Riyan Kuncoro; Suwastika, Novian Anggis; Yasirandi, Rahmat
Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics, and Control Vol. 5, No. 4, November 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/kinetik.v5i4.1090


Every movement that has connection to stability and coordination between each body part were accounted as the gross motor skill system. If gross motor skill development were interrupted especially for 3-5 years old, their activities would be negatively affected. Foot-based games such as jumping and stepping can be used to train a child's motor balance. One example of a famous traditional game is hopscotch. Hopscotch is a game that demand high flexibility of foot movement a coordination skills thus proved scientifically can train children gross motor skill system. Various types of hopscotch games have the potential to improve children's dynamic balance. But in traditional hopscotch games it is difficult to see how the mechanism of improving children's dynamic balance is established. The development of a child's dynamic balance cannot be constantly tracked by teachers or parents. Therefore, we design and create hopscotch with an automated system that can overcome these limitations with digital records, data stored safely, system requirements easily duplicated, and more accurate. In the Hopscotch game, there are features, namely levels 1–3, and memory test, where the memory test serves to train children's memory. The hopscotch game using Footstep based capacitive sensor and LED feedback, the improved gameplay used for training and measuring child’s gross motor skill system by their time completion and true/false footstep ratio. As the result the IoT based Hopscotch game with randomized lane are successfully mimic hopscotch gameplay with its added gameplay feature, the player subject performance has increased adaptability performance through each level the capacitive sensor-based footprint system has shown 100% accuracy, the system fully response to the footstep with average 456 milliseconds reading time per step, the system interface can fully control the gameplay level and can show players performance.
IoT architecture that supports the stimulation of gross motor development in children aged 5-6 years using drop box game Wajdi, Halim; Suwastika, Novian Anggis; Yasirandi, Rahmat
Register: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Sistem Informasi Vol 6, No 2 (2020): July
Publisher : Information Systems - Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26594/register.v6i2.1958


Gross motor development in children influences the development of self-confidence and the concept of self-formation as they mature. Many people assume that gross motor development is often ruled out compared to other aspects of child development because the perception of gross motor development will automatically increase with age, when in fact the gross motor development must continue to be stimulated so that it develops perfectly. The activity used in this research is the game of putting balls into a hole by moving the game box (Drop Box). This research aims to build a device that has been designed and assess the ability/performance of the system based on the parameters of functionality, the accuracy of values , and reading speed. In this research, the Drop Box game implements Internet of Things (IoT) to support recording activities and processing data obtained from recording children's activities. In this research also proposed a suitable IoT architecture and has been applied in the development of the Drop Box game device. We carry out functional system testing and system performance testing based on accuracy parameters and speed-reading parameters. The test results show that the functionality of the system runs with an average of 100%. For system performance, the result is 86.59% for 20 ms as the optimal delay in testing accuracy and 79 ms for reading speed.
Perancangan Arsitektur Sistem Digital Signage secara Terpusat pada Negara Berkembang Rahmat Yasirandi; Andrian Rakhmatsyah; Ridhwan Alifudin
Techno.Com Vol 18, No 2 (2019): Mei 2019
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.182 KB) | DOI: 10.33633/tc.v18i2.2304


Banyak hal yang mendukung para stakeholder di Negara maju lebih beralih ke sistem digital signage untuk urusan signage, salah satu yang paling berperan adalah efisiensi. Efisiensi manajemen konten dan pendistribusian konten adalah salah satu yang utama yang dimunculkan. Dengan penyesuaian kebutuhan dan sumber daya, Negara berkembang juga dapat mengimplementasikan dan merasakan dampak manfaat dari sistem ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan rancangan arsitektur sistem digital signage secara terpusat yang tepat untuk Negara berkembang. Dengan harapan bahwa sistem yang dikembangkan memiliki kemampuan layanan dan memiliki tujuan yang tetap sesuai dari sistem digital signage itu sendiri. Terbukti dengan hasil evaluasi terhadap sistem yang dibangun dapat membuktikan hipotesa H0 dan hipotesa H1. Menyatakan bahwa sistem yang dibangun tetap memiliki kemampuan skalabilitas dan performasi yang baik, dengan dapat dilihatnya hasil RTT di setiap DS Client bernilai 0,09 detik ketika jumlah DS Client mencapai 20 unit. Begitu juga pada hasil throughput di setiap DS client bernilai 5.9 Mbps ketika jumlah DS Client mencapai 20 unit. Dimana dengan nilai 5.9 Mbps tersebut, telah memenuhi kebutuhan minimum bandwith untuk memberikan layanan distribusi konten berupa video hingga 1080p.
Jurnal Pilar Nusa Mandiri Vol 17 No 2 (2021): Publishing Period for September 2021
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Nusa Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33480/pilar.v17i2.2282


PT. Jui Shin Indonesia as the research population is a company engaged in the ceramics, granite, and cement industry. The existence of important assets owned by the company can not be denied the threat that will occur in these important assets. The importance of a company's assets, then the company must maintain the security of assets with various efforts. The security that must be maintained in this study is the security of information related to accessing control of important assets of the company. The purpose of this research is to analyze and design policy documents and SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) access control related to information security. This is done to minimize the risk that occurs in important assets of the company. The method used in this study is the OCTAVE method as a method of identification against risks that will occur in important assets of the company and the FMEA method as a method of risk analysis against the risk that has been identified through the OCTAVE method. The final result of this study is the creation of policy documents and access control SOPs related to information security which refers to the ISO/IEC 27002:2013 framework that focuses on clause 9. Access Control. Based on the results of the study, the researchers received proposals for policy document-making and SOPs as much as, namely, 17 for policy document-making and 18 for the creation of SOP documents.
Analysis and Implementation of Microservice Architecture Related to Patient Drug Schedule Based on FHIR Standard Ariq Musyaffa Ramadhani; Andrian Rakhmatsyah; Rahmat Yasirandi
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika Vol 7, No 2 (2021): August
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/jiteki.v7i2.21169


In several previous studies, smart devices have been developed to help improve a patient's medication adherence but have problems, namely data management that is not centralized and not integrated, so that mitigation is quite vulnerable. In this study, a platform was built that can manage data centrally and apply the FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) health data standard. The main components used to implement the FHIR standard are resources and REST APIs. The resource is a data model that defines the structure and data elements that are exchanged. This data exchange is carried out on top of the REST API using the HTTP protocol. Platform testing uses positive/negative testing and stress testing methods to be able to see the performance of the platform. The test results show that the platform prototype can provide a response that is in accordance with the request given and has a very tolerant error value of 0% with a latency value of 3 to 22 seconds with a total of 100 to 130 users.
Bag Toss Game based on Internet of Education Things (IoET) for the Development of Fine Motor Stimulation in Children 5-6 Years Old Seiba Shonia; Novian Anggis Suwastika; Rahmat Yasirandi
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 8 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v8i2.516


The development of a child's motor skills starts when a child is 0 months old to 6 years old. In general, the development of motor skills divided into fine motor development and gross motor development. Fine motor development is a development that involves small muscles to follow certain movements. An example of a game activity to help stimulate small muscle development is the Bag Toss game. This game helps stimulate fine motor development by increasing eye coordination with the hand. In addition to the types of activities that boost fine motor development, it also requires the ability to monitor, record, and process the results of children's activities to assess and analyze the status of a child's fine motor development. In this study, we developed the Bag Toss game system that connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) platform. Bag Toss game has linked with a sensor that will record children's play activities. The results of recording data will be sent to the IoT platform to be processed and presented through the internet network. The implementation of IoT for educational purposes is known as the Internet of Educational Things (IoET). The system built will be tested in terms of functionality, reading accuracy and child assessment. The functionality of the system works 100% according to predetermined component functions, as well as for 100% successful reading accuracy for the scenario of throwing distances of 1 meter and 1.5 meters. In addition, the average delay time for every hole is 0.62 seconds. The delay value can still be tolerated and does not interfere with the game when the child assessment is conducted. The child assessment involved 4 children, the results obtained that 3 children are in the Well Development (BSH) stage and 1 child in Very Well Development (BSB) stage.
Multi-Factor Authentication Using a Smart Card and Fingerprint (Case Study: Parking Gate) Isa Mulia Insan; Parman Sukarno; Rahmat Yasirandi
Indonesia Journal on Computing (Indo-JC) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2019): September, 2019
Publisher : School of Computing, Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34818/INDOJC.2019.4.2.309


Security is one of the considerations in the development of smart parking. In Indonesia, the most common authentication factor is using a smart card as an authentication factor at the gate. Using a smart card as an authentication factor has loopholes that can be misused. Accordingly, authentication system needs an additional factor (more than one). Authentication that uses more than one factor is also called Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). However, the MFA applied to smart parking can still be misused. The cause of the MFA can be misused because the MFA cannot ensure the user's smart card. Therefore, we apply the MFA at the gate in smart parking using a two-factor authentication system on this research. These two factors are the smart card and biometric data (fingerprint). This authentication system can prove the hypothesis that if the smart card lost, the smart card cannot be used by other than the owner (H0) and the smart card whose data has been rewritten or cloned cannot be a threat to the system (H1). Proofing of this hypothesis is bypassing several attack scenarios. Thus, the security of the proposed parking gate system can be guaranteed.
Sistem Peringatan Dini Gempa Bumi Multi Node Sensor Berbasis Fuzzy Dan Komunikasi IoT Muhammad Aditya Tisnadinata; Novian Anggis Suwastika; Rahmat Yasirandi
Indonesia Journal on Computing (Indo-JC) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2019): September, 2019
Publisher : School of Computing, Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34818/INDOJC.2019.4.2.311


Deteksi gempa bumi dapat diukur dengan menghitung percepatan gerakan atau getaran secarahorizontal dan vertikal, adanya Gelombang P (Primer) dan Gelombang S (Sekunder) menjadiindikasi akan terjadinya gempa bumi. Salah satu faktor yang dapat digunakan dalam mende-teksi dan menghitung kekuatan gempa bumi adalah dengan menghitung percepatan getaranyang terjadi secara horizontal dalam Gelombang P. Dengan memanfaatkan hal itu dapatdiketahui besaran gempa yang terjadi dan dapat memberikan peringatan secepat mungkinpada masyarakat. TeknologiInternet of Thingsmemungkinkan sistem untuk dapat membacadata dengan secara otomatis dan terus menerus tanpa perlu banyak melibatkan manusia.Dalam melakukan klasifikasi gempa bumi sistem ini menggunakan algoritmaFuzzy Logicyang memiliki karakteristik dapat mengolah informasi dengan cepat dengan kompleksitasrendah sehingga sistem dapat memberikan peringatan secepat mungkin. Dalam validasi datasistem menggunakan beberapa tingkat validasi yang terdiri dari server perangkat dan serverutama. Hasil daripada penelitian ini dalam 1000 kali percobaan, sistem dapat melakukanproses validasi dan klasifikasi dengan rata-rata kecepatan yang dihasilkan adalah 10 - 15detik untuk satu kali pengolahan data dengan tingkat akurasi hasil akhir pada skala SIGBMKG dengan rata-rata 81.8%.
Deteksi Lokasi Pencemaran Air Sungai Citarum berbasis IoT menggunakan Fuzzy Inference System Annisa Gustien Widowati; Novian Anggis Suwastika; Rahmat Yasirandi
Indonesia Journal on Computing (Indo-JC) Vol. 4 No. 3 (2019): December, 2019
Publisher : School of Computing, Telkom University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34818/INDOJC.2019.4.3.315


Citarum merupakan sumber dari denyut nadi perekonomian Indonesia sebesar 20% total produksi industri Indonesia dan sumber dari 60% produksi tekstil nasional. Kegiatan produksi tersebut menimbulkan permasalahan lingkungan akibat pembuangan limbah rumah tangga dan industri yang tidak menggunakan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) secara optimal. Salah satu kendala dalam mengatasi pencemaran air sungai Citarum adalah menentukan lokasi dengan tingkat pencemaran tertinggi. Untuk mendeteksi lokasi pencemaran diperlukan pemantauan air sungai Citarum dengan pengambilan data terus-menerus secara realtime dan pengklasifikasian tingkat pencemaran dibutuhkan. Solusi dari permasalahan pendeteksian lokasi pencemaran dapat dibangun dengan memanfaatkan teknologi Internet of Things (IoT) sebagai solusi pembacaan data secara terus-menerus dan realtime. Kebutuhan klasifikasi didalam sistem diterapkan dengan metode fuzzy inference system tipe Mamdani dengan sifat dasar aturan yang dapat ditafsirkan, intuitif dan banyak digunakan khususnya untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan yang dengan tingkat akurasi yang tinggi. Hasil yang didapatkan dari pengujian berdasarkan skenario pengujian tingkat akurasi klasifikasi sistem yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan akurasi sebesar 92% dengan nilai toleransi error pada sistem sebesar 4% serta toleransi akurasi pembacaan data oleh perangkat keras sistem yang dibangun menunjukkan pH 3.94%, TDS 4.92% dan suhu 1.84% dari deteksi di lima lokasi sungai Citarum di Bandung Selatan.