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Evaluation of the Impact of Using Technology in Physical Education Learning at Serambi Mekkah University Suardi
International Journal Education and Computer Studies (IJECS) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): JULY 2023
Publisher : Lembaga KITA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35870/ijecs.v3i2.1861


This research aims to evaluate the impact of using technology in Physical Education learning in the Serambi Mekkah University environment. To integrate technology in the Physical Education curriculum, this research identifies its potential impact on student participation, achievement of learning outcomes, and improvement of physical well-being. The research method involved a literature review to detail the theoretical foundation, a needs analysis to understand the status of the Physical Education program at the university, and the implementation of technology-based interventions in learning. This research makes a significant contribution to the understanding of the effectiveness of applying technology to improve Physical Education learning, especially in the context of Serambi Mekkah University. Data collected through surveys, interviews and observations will be analyzed comprehensively to evaluate the effectiveness of the technology integration. It is hoped that the results of this research can provide valuable insight for the development of better learning policies and practices in supporting physical education, health, and recreation in higher education environments. Through an in-depth understanding of the impact of using technology in Physical Education learning, it is hoped that this research can provide concrete and effective recommendations for improving the quality of physical education at Serambi Mekkah University. As a higher education institution, the implementation of technology in the learning process can be the key to stimulating student engagement, increasing understanding of Physical Education concepts, and strengthening aspects of physical well-being. Therefore, it is hoped that the findings from this research will pave the way towards the development of innovative learning policies and strategies at university level, as well as stimulate further discussion about the role of technology in physical education.
The Role of the Millennial Generation as Candidates for Legislative Members in 2024 Election Nur, Hasruddin; Jalal; Amir, Arfenti; Suardi; Kasim, Hasanudin
International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): February 2024
Publisher : CV. Inara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51601/ijersc.v5i1.763


The millennial generation has great potential to serve as legislative candidates in the 2024 election. They bring new perspectives, innovative thinking, and technological skills that can make a positive contribution to the legislative process. This research aimed to analyze and describe the role of the millennial generation as legislative candidates in the 2024 election. This research used descriptive qualitative techniques, which required a literature review that involved searching for relevant reading material in books or articles. This research shows that there was a challenge for the millennial generation in facing the 2024 election, namely that there is a negative stigma, sometimes they are said to tend to be lazy, anti-social, and even seen as not understanding politics and not caring about national conditions, although this is not entirely true. Motives and encouragement of the Millennial Generation to Become Candidates for Legislative Membership in 2024 are due to the hope that this generation can bring more adaptive, inclusive, and progressive changes to the policy-making process, such as the call to be involved in the political process, feel better represented, and hope for change. The potential for the millennial generation becomes legislative members in the 2024 election, because they have creativity and innovation, progressive thinking, and acceptance of the millennial generation in society in the 2024 election.
Perilaku Phubbing di Kalangan Mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar firdaus, Tizar; Suardi; Kaharuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59024/jis.v1i2.313


ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas tentang perilaku phubbing dikalangan mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Phubbing merupakan istilah yang muncul dan digunakan untuk menggambarkan suatu penampakan dari perilaku individu yang mengabaikan lingkungan sosialnya,. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apa yang menjadi faktor penyebab terjadinya perilaku phubbing di kalangan mahasiswa. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik yang digunakan dalam menentukan informan adalah snowball sampling. Jumlah informan sebanyak 6 orang mahasiswa Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data kualitatif diuraikan dalam tiga tahapan, yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Teknik validasi data menggunakan triagulasi waktu. Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa Faktor penyebab terjadinya perilaku phubbing dikalangan mahasiswa Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar adalah keberagaman fiture aplikasi smartphone, terlalu asik chatingan, dan terlalu asik dengan game.
Application of Tensile Testing on Ulin Wood And Bungur Wood as Main Materials for 20 GT Traditional Fishing Vessel Hull Arifuddin, Andi Mursid Nugraha; Alamsyah; Burliyanto, Decky; Suardi
International Journal of Metacentre Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : Naval Architecture Departement, Hasanuddin University

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Fishing boats in North Penajam Paser are made by combining 2 types of wood in the hull. This combination of wood types is carried out to save the material procurement budget. Bungur wood is the alternative choice for shipyards for hull material combined with Ulin wood. For this reason, this paper shows the differences in the tensile strength performance of these 2 types of traditional wooden ship hull materials. The experimental method of destructive testing of the type of Tensile test was applied in this study. Where the experimental results show that the tensile strength of the crepe is 22% lower than the tensile strength of ulin wood. Meanwhile, in terms of stiffness, crepe wood is superior to ulin wood, where the difference reaches 22.22%. Bungur wood still has the potential to be used for wooden ships with an LoA (length over all) value of <15 meters or for ships that have a lower hydrostatic load than that which can be accepted by Bungur wood.
Efektivitas Comic Book: BW (Brisk Walking) Terhadap Social Support dan Perubahan Kontrol Gula Darah (Gula Darah Puasa) Pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 Zainuddin; Ernawati; Meylandri Arsad, Sitti Fatimah; Suardi; Aswadi; Syahrir, Sukfitrianty
Publisher : Program Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat UIN Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/algizzai.v4i2.47637


Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia due to impaired insulin secretion, or both, so it requires direct intervention with educational media. The effectiveness of Comic Books in encouraging T2DM patients to (Brisk walking) has a positive impact on blood sugar control. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of Comic Book: BW (Brisk Walking) and Social Support on Changes in GDP Control (Fasting Blood Sugar) in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Takalar Regency. This research method is quasi-experimental using a two group pre-test and post-test design approach with a purposive sampling method of 30 respondents in the intervention group and 30 respondents in the control group. Data collection in this study used a questionnaire, and data analysis used the T-Test. The results of this research show that there is significant effectiveness between Social Support and GDP in giving Comic Books: (Brisk Walking). The conclusion of this research results is a reference and evidence-based practice for health services to increase insight in improving care for T2DM patients through comic book media.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4 (2023): PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT - SNPPM2023
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Jakarta

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Abstract Exploitation in any form always leads to harmful consequences or, at the very least, does not provide significant benefits. This includes exploitation of children. This service provides an explanation to parents and children about the various forms, internal and external factors, and mechanisms of child exploitation, particularly in the aspects of sexual and economic exploitation. Furthermore, it addresses exploitation carried out by parents against their own children. The results of this service show that parents and children have responded positively to the information regarding the forms, internal and external factors, and mechanisms of parental exploitation of children, as provided by the outreach team to the community. The information shared during this outreach covers various forms of child exploitation, including sexual exploitation of children, commercial exploitation of children, criminal exploitation of children, and economic exploitation of children. The socialization materials also address the internal and external factors that lead parents to exploit their children. Internal factors include parental fear, a child's willingness to help their parents, awareness, and the desire to meet personal needs, as well as the ease of finding work. External factors include social environments, parental motivations and coercion, lack of parental concern, and low socioeconomic status. The socialization materials cover the mechanisms of child exploitation, including physical and psychological violence, threats, rewards, and freedom of association. These are considered crucial for parents and children to understand to prevent parents from becoming perpetrators of child exploitation and children from becoming victims of their parents while trying to support their families, such as by selling fried snacks. Abstrak Eksploitasi dalam bentuk apapun selalu akan berujung pada hal – hal yang merugikan atau setidaknya tidak memberikan manfaat yang besar termasuk eksploitasi terhadap anak, pengabdian ini memberikan penjelasan kepada orang tua dan anak terkait dengan bentuk-bentuk, factor internal dan eksternal serta mekanisme eksploitasi anak dalam aspek eksploitasi seksual dan ekonomi, selain itu eksploitasi dilakukan oleh orang tua terhadap anaknya. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan terkait dengan bentuk-bentuk, factor internal dan eksternal dan mekanisme eksploitasi orang tua terhadap anak mendapatkan respon positif dari orang tua dan anak yang mendapatkan sosialisasi dari tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Materi sosialisasi yang diberikan mencakup bentuk-bentuk eksploitasi terhadap anak yang terdiri dari eksploitasi seksualitas anak, ekspolitasi komersial anak, eksploitasi kriminalitas anak, eksploitasi ekonomi anak. Materi sosialisasi terkait factor internal dan eksternal orang tua melakukan eksploitasi terhadap anak mencakup ketakutan orang tua, kemauan anak membantu orang tua, kesadaran dan keinginan memenuhi kebutuhan pribadi dan pekerjaan yang mudah sebagai factor internal, sedangkan factor ekternalnya adalah lingkungan pergaulan, motivasi dan paksaan orang tua, kurangnya kepedulian orang tua dan rendahnya status sosial ekonomi orng tau. Materi sosialisasi mekanisme eksploitasi terhadap anak mencakup kekerasan fisik dan psikis, ancaman, pemberian hadiah dan kebebasan bergaul. Dianggap oleh orang tua dan anak merupakan hal yang sangat penting diketahui agar setiap orang tua tidak menjadi pelaku eksploitasi terhadap anak dan anak tidak menjadi korban dari orang tua dalam mecari nafkah menjadi penjual gorengan.
Peranan Ammatoa Dalam Pemberian Sanksi Tindak Pidana Pelaku Pengrusakan Hutan Di Suku Adat Kajang Ammatoa Khairun Nisa; Kaharuddin; suardi
LAWYER: Jurnal Hukum Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): LAWYER: Jurnal Hukum, Maret 2024

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Penelitian ini membahas tentang peranan Ammatoa dalam pemberian sanksi tindak pidana pelaku pengrusakan hutan di suku adat Kajang Ammatoa. Karena masih ada pelaku yang masih melakukan pelanggaran pengrusakan hutan seperti menebang kayu, mengambil udang, membakar lebah dan mengambil rotan padahal sudah ada sanksi-sanksi hukum adat yang akan di berikan serta ritual-ritual ekstrim yang dapat dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan Ammatoa sebagai kepala suku beserta pemangku adatnya dalam menyelesaikan kasus pengrusakan hutan. Penelitian ini berlokasi di Desa Tanah Towa, Kecamatan Kajang, Kabupaten Bulukumba. Jenis penelitian ini adalah oenelirian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan secara interaktif, melalui proses reduksi data, penyajian data dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan bahwa Ammatoa sebagai kepala suku memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan-permasalah yang terjadi tidak hanya itu peranan pemangku adat juga sangat membantu dalam proses pengambilan keputusan yang dilakukan melalui musyawarah sehingga pelaku pengrusakan hutan dapat dikenakan sanksi sesuai dengan pelanggaran yang mereka lakukan.
The effectiveness of Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) Website-Based on Diet Behavior in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients During the Covid-19 Pandemic In Takalar Regency Suardi; Wirda; Dina Oktaviana; Ernawati; Zainuddin; Dewiyanti
International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) Vol. 5 No. 6 (2022): International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS)
Publisher : Alta Dharma Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35654/ijnhs.v5i6.647


Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is an established risk factor for several causes of death, including ischemic heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, infectious diseases, and some cancers. WHO predicts an increase in the number of people with diabetes in Indonesia from 8.4 million in 2000 to around 21.3 million in 2030. This report shows an increase in the number of people with diabetes by 2-3 times in 2035. The strategy that can be used is education website-based diabetes self-management. Objective: to determine the effectiveness of website-based Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) on Diet Behavior in Type 2 DM Patients during the covid-19 pandemic in Takalar Regency. Methods: This study used an experimental design with a one group pre and posttest design approach. The sampling technique is non-probability sampling with a purposive sampling approach. The research instruments were questionnaires and observation sheets. Data analysis with statistical Paired t test with a value of significance degree p 0.05. If the probability is smaller than p 0.05, then Ho is rejected, and Ha is accepted. Results: this study obtained the results of pre-intervention with post-intervention is 17.10, meaning that there is an increase in dietary behavior after the intervention where p value = 0.000 < = 0.05. Conclusion: There is an influence of website-based Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) on Diet Behavior in Type 2 DM Patients during the covid-19 pandemic in Takalar Regency. Recommendation: It is hoped that DM sufferers can apply this educational media. as well as further researchers so that the number of samples is enlarged and the variables that have not been studied in this study and the intervention are sharpened Keywords: Diabetes mellitus; Diet
Teknik Penerapan Metode Umpan Balik Dalam Proses Pembelajaran Suardi
Jurnal Bina Ilmu Cendekia Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Bina Ilmu Cendekia
Publisher : MAN Insan Cendekia Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46838/jbic.v2i2.117


INTERAKSI dalam proses pemebelajaran guru hendaknya menyampaikan atau mengalihkan pesan atau pengetahuan yang diyakini berguna bagi siswa dikemudian hari untuk dipelajari dan dipahami. Selain itu, dalam proses pemebelajaran, guru juga menyampaikan dengan cara efektif yang dapat dilakukan siswa untuk dapat memahami atau mempelajari materi yang disampaikan, serta memberikan umpan balik mengenai perkembangan proses pembelajaran yang dijalani siswa, dan diharapkan agar siswa dapat menyampaikan informasi kepada guru bahwa materi yang disampaikan guru, belum dapat difahami atau dimengerti, sehingga dapat dilakukan pengulangan proses belajar. Keberhasilan proses pembelajaran tidak terlepas dari cara pendidik mengajar dan peserta didik belajar, sebab baik tidaknya proses pembelajaran dapat dilihat dan dirasakan oleh pendidik dan peserta didik sendiri. Proses belajar mengajar dikatakan berhasil apabila ada perubahan pada diri peserta didik, menyangkut pengetahuan sikap dan keterampilan, dan juga didalam proses pembelajaran peserta didik harus menunjukan kegairahan belajar yang tinggi, semangat kerja yang besar dan percaya pada diri sendiri. Sebagai orang yang menginginkan keberhasilan dalam mengajar, guru selalu mempertahankan agar umpan balik selalu berlangsung dalam diri anak. Umpan balik itu tidak hanya dalam bentuk fisik tetapi juga dalam bentuk mental yang selalu berproses untuk menyerap bahan pelajaran yang diberikan guru. Untuk mendapatkan umpan balik dari anak didik diperlukan beberapa teknik yang sesuai dan tepat dengan diri anak didik sebagai makhluk individual maupun kelompok dalam proses pembelajaran.
MaPan : Jurnal Matematika dan Pembelajaran Vol 11 No 2 (2023): DECEMBER
Publisher : Department of Mathematics Education Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/mapan.2023v11n2a3


This research is a type of research and development that aims to determine the validity of e-module teaching materials in applied mathematics courses for students. This research includes referring to the 4D development model which consists of several phases, namely the stages of defining, designing, developing, and disseminating. The product developed is in the form of e-module teaching materials in applied mathematics courses. The test subjects in this study were graphic engineering students at the State Polytechnic of Creative Media Makassar. The instrument used in this study was a validation sheet consisting of two validators from design experts and materials experts. Based on the results of the research that has been done, an analysis of the validation results: (1) graphic validity, namely 4.7 is in the very valid category; (2) language validity, which is 4.9, is in the very valid category; (3) construct validity is 4.9 is in the very valid category; and (4) e-module presentation that is 4.7, is in the very valid category so that the average value of all aspects is 4.8 which is in the very valid category. So that it can mean that the e-module teaching materials in applied mathematics courses that have been developed are declared valid to be used as teaching materials in the learning process.